The outward San Francisco mail will close at Masterton, to-day, at 4.45 o'olook. A supplementary mail will oloseat 5.30 a.m. tomorrow. "All the assets I have are an invalided wifa and a young family," wrote an uofinanoial debtor to the Taranaki Hospital Board reoently.
The nett overdraft of the Masterton Borough Oounoil at the present date is £2,287 14s 7d. The rates outstanding amount to £442 9s 2d.
The Labour Department has called upon the Gisborne Oounoil to register their stonecrusber as a factory. The Council are reluotant to do so.
Mails for the Commonwealth of Australia, Ceylon, India, China, Japan, Straits Settlements, also South Africa, Continent of Europe and United Kingdom, per Victoria, will close at Masterton, on Saturday, July 28th, at 5,30 a.m.
The Borough Poundkeeper reported to the meeting of the Masterton Borough Oounoil, last evening, that for the month ended July 15th, there were ten impoundings from the borough and two from the county. The amount received in fees was 19s Bd.
The Publia Works Department has received two tenders, both frcm New Zealand firms, for the construction of a tunnel on the Midland railway under Arthur's Pass. Three or four tenders are also expeoted from large English Arms.
Through a fire which took place at Bulls, on July stb, the Wellington Farmers' Union Mutual Insurance Company sustained its first loss sinoe formation. The claim, amounting to £75, was promptly settled on receipt of proof of loss.
A Maori went into a shop at Hastings, last week, to cash a cheque for £3, and he received a £SO nute in the change by mistake. He immediately left for another town, where he changed the large note, and converted portion of it to his own use. He was afterwards arrested.
In toe s < claims, £1,536 ss, 'by Mr James Stevens, owner, and £1,562 by tbe estate of the late Mr Ohas. Tully, against the Carterton Corporation, for the resumption of 41 acres for the septio tank site, judgment was given at Carterton, on Monday, by the Assessment Court (Sir Robert stout presiding) for £656 in favour of Mr Stevens, and £927 in favour of Mr Tully's estate.
One hears of the theft of curious articles at times, saysfc Christohuroh paper; there are instances on record where false teeth have been stolen from a dressing-tablo, and lumps of sugar from a bird's cage. Another quaint instance of alleged larceny was discovered by the polioe the other night, when a man was arrested on a charge of stealing five pounds of sausage skins".
The late Mr Jaoobsen, one of the pioneers of Nelson, claimed to be the pioneer of the eight hours system in the colony, and that his claim was recognised is shown by the fact that he, not long ago, was asked uy one of the labour organisations in Melbourne to forward his photograph, in order that it might be hung along with the photograph of other prominent leaders of labour affairs.
A disastrous fire broke out at Eongotea ou Monday night iu the premises of Sutton, an ironmonger, resulting in the destruction of four shops and two dwollingß. There was no water supply, but a "bucket brigade," aided by wet blaakets, prevented tho further spread of the fire. Sutton estimates his loss at £7OO above the insurance, viz., £285 on the building and £5lO on the stock. Glovei's building, which waß destroyed, was insured for £IOO.
The financial position of the Masterton Borough Council at the present date is as follows:—General Auoount, dr, £3,972 17s lOd; Gas Account, or, £1,226 12s; Library Acoount, dr, £164 4s 8d; Waterworks Account, or, £263 13s 4d; Deposit Account, or, £166 10s; Interest Account, drainage, or, £7B 3s Id; Interest Account, Bannister Street, or, £l3O 4s; Abattoir Account, or, £ls 14a 6d; drainage, or, £ll4 34s 4d; Loan Account, abattoir, or, £477 8s 6d.
Cough while you can, For you can't when you will, If you take this advice You'll never get ill. Woods' Great Peppermint Cure All coughing will kill, So run off your cough, And run up no bill.
It has been reported to the Mastorton Police that a person has been* endeavouring to "pass off" spurious, half sovereigns on several trades* people in Mastertoa.
A resident of Vivian Street, Manaia». complains that a dead animal inr the vicinity of his residence., isolating a considerable nuisance and expresses hope that the nroper authorities will speedily attend tothe matter.
The annual meeting of the members of the Masterton Raoiniz Club Trill be held in the Foresters' Hall afo 2.30 o'clock to day. JNo voting-papers will be issued to members before themeeting. A resolution to this effeot was passed at the last annual meeting.
Fifteen applications have been received tor the position of custodian to the Masterton Racing Club. The applications will be considered by the incoming Stewards after the annual meeting of the club this afternoon.
Seventeen applications for the position of Borough Sanitary Inspector were received at the meeting of tbe Masterton Borough Council last evening. • After consideration the? Oounoil reduced the number of the> applicants to three. It was then decided to have a personal interview with these three applicants.
Although to-day is Arbor Day, tbe occasion will not be commemorated in Masterton until tomorrow, when at 2 p.m. trees will be planted in the front grounds, of the Masterton District High School by the Chairman of the School Committee (Mr R. Brown), the Chairman of the Trust Lands Trust (Mr C. E. Daniell), and the Headmaster of the High Sohool (Mr W. H. Jackson).
Interviewed at Oainaru, the Minister for Lands said as soon as Sir J. U. Ward arrived in Wellington the Premier would resign and Sir Joseph woald nave an absolutely free band in the selection of his oolleagues. As to the talk of his own translation to the Upper House in the event of his being not included in the Cabinet after this month, Mr Duncan said that no attention should be paid to suoh gossip. Ab long as his health continued good and the electors wanted bis services he would not desert his constituency.
The weekly meeting of St. Matthew's Club was held last evening. The Rev. A. M. Johnson occupied the chair, and there were eleven members present. Mr W. A. Veitoh gave a very interesting and instructive kutu'e on "Steam Engines and Railways." He compared the railway system of America with that of New Zealand. He introduced a number of humorous incidents into his lecture, and described the working of the Westinghouse brake. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the lecturer.
Cr Temple mentioned at the meeting of the Masterton Boroagh Council last evening, that his attention had been drawn to the fact that a resident living near the Euripuni railway station had been notified by the Sanitary Inspeotor to dispose of his pigs. This, be considered, was "stretching" the by-law, as the person in question derived half of his income from the pigs. His house was a good distance from any other. The Mayor agreed that "it was ridiculous," and thought the by-law should be smendpd. The matter was referred to the By-law Committee for consideration.
The ordinary meeting of the Fire Police was held last evening. Captain Dixon presided. ' The Trust Lands Trust wrote notifying the Corps that the Trustees had granted the Corps the sum of £5. The annual return, as required by the U.F.8.A., was read and adopted. The record of the musters for the year showed that Seoretary Lewis headed the list with the possible (53) attendanoes and Captain Dixon second with 47 attendanoes. The resignation of Mr L. H. Lewis as station keeper was received and accepted with regret. Constable A. Clapp was elected to fill the vaoanoy. A letter was received from the Hon. Hall-Jones, acknowledging the Corps' expression of sympathy in connection with the death of the late Premier. Mr Q. Groombridae was elected a working member of the Corps. A. Morris was eleoted to the position of messenger to the Corps.
At the juketahuna S.M. Court,, yesterday, writes our correspondent, before Mr W. P. James, S.M., A, Manguaon, lioenaee of the Club Hotel, Elketahuna, was charged with having exposed liquor for sale onSunday, Jane 24th, and F. D. Pelling and A. H. Vile were oharced with being on the premises on that date without lawful excuse. Sergeant Millar prosecuted, and Mr 0. A. Pownall appeared for the defence. The evidence showed that Messrs Pelling and Vile went into the hotel to meet Mr Cooper and also to get a nomination paper from MrManguson, who is a member of the Eketahuna School Committee, of which Mr ; Pelling is chairman. Mr Vile is a * candidate for a seat on the Wellington Education Board. They found Mr Mauguson in the bar, and while discussing the question, Mr Vile, "in an absent-minded manner," placed two shillings down on the counter, whereupon Constable Gr&y came on the scene. After hearing the evidence, Mr James fined Pelling and Vile 10s each and costs 7s, and Manguson 20s and costs 7s. Mr James stated that it was evidently only a technical breach of the Act, and he would not order the license to be endorsed.
Not Inherited Only a small percentage of the millions that have consumption inherited it. Innearly every instance it was a neglected cough or cold that developed weak lungs; and Consumption followed. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy istaken right at the beginning, it checks the cough, soothes and. heals the lungs, and assists Nature to hrow off the disease. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy always cures. For sale by T. G. Mason, Masterton.
First Business Man : " I see that Mr Up-to-date has just had that old-fashioned shop Iront of his taken out and plate glass, put in." Second Ditto: "Yes! He got Bobt. J Lyttle to do it, and is perfectly satisfied with the job." First Ditto: " I think I will get an estimate from him for mine too,"
For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, 1/6 and 2/6 per bottle
"Children go to work when five years old in England—at least that's what the 'old bounders' say," remarked a Councillor, amid laughter, at the meeting of the Masterton Borough Council last evening.
At a meeting of Wellington citizens, last evening, presided over by the Mayor, a committee was appointed to arrange for the reception of Sir Joseph Ward on his return to Wellington.—Association.
Une of the applicants for the position vt Sanitary Inspector, at the meeting of the Masterton Borough Council, last evening, stated that he was an expert iu working a certain sheep-sbeaiing machine. This evoked considerable mirth from Councillors and caused the Mayor to remark: "1 don't wonder; Borne of the Councillors want shearing."
The Otago League has written to the Premier complaining of the improper distribution of co-oporative ■workers eugaged on railway extension works throughout thr coluny, as shown by the report of the department for May. The chief complaint is the number employed on the West Coast of the South Island (1,517) as compared with the number in Otago and Southland (507). The League asks for a more equitable distribution.
A new development in the dredging industry in the Gore district has taken place. The Waikaiu syndicate, after surface-prospecting, has secured options over a very large area of agricultural land on the Waimea Plains, in the vicinity of Riversdale. Jt was not previously suspected that there was any payable auriferous giound within mauy miles of tbe distriot referred to. If the final tests by boring confirm the expectations of the syndioate, it ia understood that several dredges will be placed in commission to work the now field.
Mr T. Y. Seddon, M.H.R., was entertained by hia Ladies' Committee, at afternoon tea, at Hokitika, on Monday. There was a very large attendance of the public, including country representatives. Mr Joseph Mand«l, presided, ani during the afternoon the ladies presented the new member with a gold sovereign-case as a souvenir of the occasion. Mr Seddon made a Ip* happy speech in reply, and hearty cheers were given for the member, Mrs Seddon and family. Mr Seddon will remain another fortnight or so on the Coast, and he purposes visiting South VVestland before returning to Wellington.
Tihe manager of the Taieri and Peninsular Company, telegraphs the Dunedin correspondent of Christchurch Truth, states that if proper and adequate facilities were afforded for shipping butter to Africa, the company could, with the greatest ease, plaoe anything from 500 to 1,000 tons of butter in that oountry per year. Of late, the company's average export to Africa has ranged from 75 to 80 tons a riiontb, but last month fell off to 55. This month only 20 tons are being sent. At the present time there is no prospect of theoompany being in a position to b ship another pound of butter to Afrioa until September or October next. The Home market has been responsible for a large clearing out of butter supplies from all over New Zealand, and a number of factories in the oulony have already placed the whole of their output. The half-yearly meeting of the Maeterton Branch of the Hibernian Society was held, last evening, in St. Patrick's School-room. Bra. P. J. O'Leary, president, occupied the obair, and there was a fair attendance of members. Correspondence was received from the Secretaries of the Wellington and Westport Branches forwarding contributions on behalf of members, and from the District Board in reference to the half-yearly meeting of the Distriot. It was decided to ask the Board to appoint a delegate to represent the Branuh. Tne election of officers for the ensuing half-year resulted:— President, Bro. E. O'Sullivan; VicePresident, Bro. H. O'Leary; Secretary, Bro. S. O'Regan; Treasurer, Bro. A. Stempa, junr.; Warden, Bro. V. Bockmann; Guardian, Bro. J. Stempa; Sick Visitors, Bros. P. Fieder and P. Price; Trustee, Bro. A. Stempa. The newly-appointed officers were installed into their various offices by the retiring President. The balance-sheet for the quarter, showing a substantial increase in the Sick Fund, was read and adopted. The retiring officers were accorded a hearty vote of thanks.
Points in favour of the Britishbuilt Ohallen pianos form the subject of a new advertisement by the Wellington Piano Company. Messrs MoLeod and Young are the local agentts.
A dairy farm 'of 102 aores, near Pahiatua Railway Station, whioh returned £6OO tu the owner lust year, from 48 cows, is elsewhere advertised for sale. The price is £26 per acre, and toll particulars can be obtained from Mr Jas. Brown, Carterton.
Mr W. B. Chenaells advertises for eale a first-class dairy and fruit farm. This is said to be one of the best riroperties of its class in the market now, and offers an opportunity of securing an exceptionally good place, which will give a handsome return for the outlay.
MERIT REWARDED BY COURT OF JUSTICE. The acknowledged good qualities and success of SANDER & SONS' EUCA LYPTI EXTRACT have brought out many nutations, and one case,was just tried in he Supreme Court of Viotoria, before bis Honour Chief Justice Sir J. Madden K.C.M.G., etc. His Honour, when giving udament, said with regard to the GENUINE SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT, that whenever an article is commended to the public by reason of its good quality, etc., it is not permissable to imitate any of its features. He restrained the imitators perpetually from doing so, and ordered them to pay all costs. We publish this to afford the public an opportunity of protecting themselves' and of securing what is proved beyond all doubt by skilled witnesses at the Supreme Court of Victoria and by many authorities during the last 30 years to be a preparation of genuine merit, viz., THE GENUINE SANDER & SONS' PURE VOLATILE EUCALYPTI EXTRACT No matter where you purpose travelling—either in New Zealand or to other coun tries—you will find that the cheapest and best way to ensure prompt delivery of your luggage is to give it into the charge of J. J. Curtis and Co., Ltd., Forwarding, Shipping and Customhouse Agents, Customhouse Quay, Wellington. Write for further par ticulars.—Advt.
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Wairarapa Age, Volume XXIX, Issue 8189, 25 July 1906, Page 4
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