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The exact oost of the construction of the battleship Dreadnought was £1,797,497.

A cablegram from London announces the death of Pillsbury, the famous chess player. v

The friends of Mrs H. H. S. Ryder, of Langdale, will regret to bear that she is seriously ill.

Mr Thos. Dunoan will represent the Wairarapa Caledonian Society ht the funeral of the late Premier in Wellington.

The new War Office in London contains 600 rooms and 1% miles of corridors. Its bricks number 26,500,000, besides 26,000 tons of Portland stone.

A telegram from New Plymouth states that at a meeting of St. Mary's Church parishioners last night, it was resolved to make additions to the Church, estimated to oost £3,000.

The outward San Franoisoo mail service, which Has been suspended since tbe destruction® of San Franoio9o, will be resumed with the next out-going mail, which will olose at. Masteiton, at 4.45 p.m. on July 4th. The supplementary mail will close at 5.30 a.m. on July sth.

Tbe Mayor of Masterfcon telegraphed to tbe Premier yesterday, asking that tbe Post Office officials at Masteiton he given an opportunity of attending tbe memorial services to-morrow. The Hon. HallJones has replied that arrangments have been made in this.direction.

The Hot Lakes Ohroniole alleges that in consequence of too many calls being made upon it by soapy emetics, the Wairoa geyser is being played out The reason for the Chronicle's statement s that.twentyfive minutes' elapsed the other day from the time the soap was applied till the geyser erupted.

According to the Western Star a party of Chinamen, who have been working at Waterloo Open, Orepuki, recently dismantled a lone tail race, which had been boarded up aDd tbe timber In which had beoome rotten. As a result of their work they netted £4OO worth of gold.

At tbe New Plymouth Supreme Court, yesterday, before Judge Edwards, James Ogilvie, 17 years of age, was charged with tbe theft of letters containing money, while employed in the Post Office at Hawera. He pleaded guilty. Probation was refused. Prisoner 'was sentenced to 12 months' hard labour.—Association.

The programme of the public memorial services, to be held in the Showgrounds to-morrow, includes the three following hymns, "When Our Heads are Bowed," "Days and Moments," and "Abide With Me." Short addresses will be delivered by the various ministers of religion, and Dead March in Saul" and other musio suitable to the occasion will be rendered.

As a fat food (says the Lancet), dripping has no rival, and it is well-known how satisfactory growing obildren thrive on it. The drip-, ing pan might, we think, be turned to good acoount jasfc now by helping to defeat tbe wiles of tbe adulterator of butter, and in this way it woiild bo perfectly easy for tfte householder to insure for his family an honestly obtained, a correctly described, and very nourishing fat food. MERIT REWARDED BY COURT OF JUSTICE. The acknowledged good qualities and svcoess of SANDER & SONS' EUCA LYPTI EXTRACT have brought out many imitations, and one case was just tried in the Supreme Court of Victoria, before bis Honour Chief Justice Sir J. Madden, K.C.M.G., eto. His Honour, when giving udement, .said with regard to the GENUINE SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT, that whenever an article is commended to the public by reason of its good quality, etc., it _is not permissable to imitate any of its features. He restrained the imitators perpetually from doing so, and ordered them to pay all costs. We publish this to afford the public an opportunity of protecting themselvesand of securing what is proved beyond all doubt by skilled "Witnesses at tbe Supreme Court of Victoria and by many authorities during the last 30 years to be a preparation of genuine merit, viz., THE GENUINE SANDER & SONS' PURE VOLATILE EUCALYPTI EXTRACr.

Daughter: "Is this not a nice picture that Cousin Clara has sent me; whore shall I get it framed ?" m . Mother (with experience): " Take to that shop in Gillespie'* Buildings, where Robt. J. Lyttle will do it promptly and well." Daughter : "Oh yes, mother! I heard it was a good place to get mirrors, too,"

The nett overdraft of tbe Maetertoa Borough Council, at tbe present date, amounts to £1,615 is 3d, and tbe rates outstanding amount to £466 14s.

The tender of Mr B. Rigg (£246 7s 61) for the erection of a aixr roomed oottage at the abafcfcol was accepted by tbe Masterton Borough Works Committee last evening.

A cablegram from "Sydney states, that the Federal Government has given the necessary permission for the breaking of the seals on the jars containing Dr Danysz's microbes for exterminating rabbits.

Tbe Ontario Silver Plating Company at the Niagara Falls has been fined 600 dollars at the Welland County Sessions on a charge of fraudulently stamping its oatlery with the word "Sheffield." —Cablegram.

The funeral of the late Mr G. H. Welch, took place yesterday afternoon. The cortege was a large and representative one. The pall-bearers were: MeEsrs W. Piatt, J. Wiokeos, jnr.,, T. Flaws, and B. Iveson. The Rev. a. M. Johnson conduoted the services at the graveside.

A gruesome disoovery has been made in tbe bed of the Opibi River, near .Temuka, where a human hand, thought to have belonged to a middle-aged female, has just been found. There is not the slightest due as to the identity, bat the police are making enquiries. The usual meeting of St. Patrick's Club was held last evening. Mr B. J. Dolan, the President, artlole on International Law by. the late Lord Charles Russell. Messrs J. B. Fieldbouse (Yorkshire stories) and H. J. Robertson recitation) also contributed to the programme for the evening. A cablegram from Morocco states that the Moroccan Government is systematically temporising at Fez, ■ the object being to avoid giving the I Saltan's adhesion to the decisions of the Algeoiras Conference, hoping thereby to exhaust Europe's energy i in Moroooan affairs. ' The fortnightly meeting of the !StonehhengeLodge was held in the Foresters' Hall last evening, Bro. A. 0. Levien, A.D., presiding, A motion "that a letter of condolence and sympathy be forwarded to Mrs Seddon and family in their bereavement," was carried in silence. The Lodge then adjourned. The financial position of tbe Masterton Borough CounoH, at the present date, io as follows: General Account, dr., £3,385 4s 8d; Gas Account, or., £1,314 16b; Library Account, dr., £135 4s 2d; „ Waterworks Account, or., £267 7s 9d; Deposit Account, or., £117; Interest Account, drainage, or., £76 7s lid; Interest Acdoant, Bannister Street, cr., £129 12s lid; Loan Acoount, drainage, or., £lls 15s lOd; Loan Acoount, abattoir, cr., £442 Is Id. The feported discovery of radiumcarrying ore at the Wallaroo and Moona Coper Mine, South Australia, has further hardened share values. A private letter received in Sydney from a shareholder reads:—"l hope this find is not too good to be lasting. As radium is worth about £280,000 per ounce, .a very little of it would go a long way in making dividends. There la now no doubt chat radium exists in oar neighbourhood. The problem of eoonc-, miofil extraction/awaits solution." A telegram from Auckland states that the Norwegian barque Agda arrived at Doubtless Bay on Saturday last. It is reported; that the: second mate had died, and that Captain Inversen and the crew were in a very low state of health; Dootor Forbes and a Customs officer boarded the vessel, and found the oaptain , and orew in a scorbutus condition. Dootor Frengley and the Health Officer are endeavouring , to have the vessel brought to Auckland, so that the sufferers can he treated properly. The vessel is 81 days out from .Parrabyba, South America, and is bound for Tonga. Whatever Australia may do, NewZealand intends to get her produce grading certificates officially recognised in Great Britain. While in Melbourne the late Premier of New Zealand, Mr Seddon, made the following interesting statement on the : spbjeot:—"l am in communication with the Imperial authorities in respect to legislation on the subjects of certifioates, protecting the grading of dairy produce for shipment. The Imperial Government has appointed a committee to take evidence on these certifiontes. We are suggesting that the certificates of our officers should be accepted, and that the same should apply to New Zealand flax and other produots, so a 9 to ensure purchases being made on given certificates and. to prevent frauds being perpetrated to the detriment of the colonial producer!" MR WOLLAND'S TESTIMONY. Mr W. Wolland, butcher, Tory Street, Wellington, is another who bears testimony to the marvellous powers of Rheumo in curing rheumatism. He writesl suffered severely from rheumatism until I tried your Rheumo. Since then I have recommended it to many, with very good results." Rheumo, if given a fair trial will cure you of rheumatism, gout, soiatica, lumbago, and kindred diseaes. It neutralises and drives out the nrio acid, which is tbe real cause of the disease. Sold everywhere, 2s 6d and 4s 6d a bottle.—Advt, A Modern Remedy. Dr. Sheldon's New Discovery for Coughs, Colds and Consumption gets to the root of, the trouble and effects a permanent cure. For sale by H. E. Eton, Masterton, J. Baillie, Carterton, and Manriceville Co op erative Store Co., Ltd., Maurioeville West. —Advt. Inflammatory Rheumatism. Anyone who has ever experienced the excruciating and almost unbearable pains inoident to Inflammatory Rheumatism will be pleased to know that prompt relief may be had by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first application gives relief, or you can have your money took. For sale by T. G. Mason, Masterton.— Advt. No Hotjsbhou> Should ever be without a bottle of Dr. ShelJ don's Magnetic Liniment; a reliable remedy for cots, bruises, aches, pains, rheumatism, lumbatjo, etc. For sale by H. E. Eton,. Masterton, J. Baillie, - Carterton, and Mauriceviile Co-operative Store Co., Ltd., Manriceville West.—Advt. Science has achieved a triumph in Dr. Sheldon's NeW Discovery for coughs, colds, and consumption. Absolutely guaranteed. For sale by. H. E.Eton, Masterton, and J 1 Baillie, Carterton, and Mauriceviile CoV operative Store Co., Mauriceviile West.—

1 There will be no children's singing practice in the Presbyterian Sunday School tomorrow evening. In the Y.M.C.A. Rooms, this evening, the Rev. J. N. Buttle will deliver an address on the life of the iate Mr Seddon. It was decided at a meeting of those interested in the musical ser. vices, to oe rendered on Thursday in -connection with the memorial ser■vice, that those taking part, both choir members and oitizens, bring a ■copy of the hymn book of the Church they represent, to the practice, to be held to-nicht in the "Town Hall at 8 o'clock. The hope was expressed that all those who ■could would attend the practice. At a meeting of the Canterbury Rugby Union, last, night, says a "Christcburch telegram, the following dates for the Northern tour of the Canterbury representative football team were decided on:-—Wan-.ganni, August Bth: Auckland, August 11th; Wairarapa, August 15th; Wellington, August 19th. It -was also decided that the Otago and Southland matohes should be played on August 25th and September Ist respectively, and tho North and South Island match on September «th.

Mr J. A. Kinsella, Dairy Commissioner, in his remarks on butter at the Winter Show, at Palmerston North, yesterday, said that*as regards tho beeping quality of the export olasses which had been stored, those exhibits which showed a fairly" high per centage of salt, ■seemed to be the soundest in flavour. This seemed to indicate that when batter i 9 held over for long periods In store the addition of a little more •salt than usual is benefloial. —Association.

Owing to the faot that many of the official beads of friendly and other societies will be absent in Wellington to-morrow, it m«y not be possible for such societies to ,be •properly' represented at the memorial services in Maßterton. The general Committee requests that ail •citizens of Maaterton will take part an the procession and memorial services. The prooession will start from the Borough Counoil Chambers at 12.30 p.m. If the weather issnitable the route will be along Hall and Queen Streets to the Showgrounds. If the weather ia unsuitable for outdoor eervioe the procession will pass along Hall to the Town Hall.

Messrs Morris and Son have for -sale a purebred Tamworth boar.

A reward is offered for the recovery of 6 motor lamp, lost between Masterton and Eketahuna.

Special train arrangements ia connection with the funerdl of the late Premier are advertised by the New Zealand Railway Department.

•Mr W. H. Oruickshanb, land ttgent, advertises particulars of several tow«i and country properties which have been placed in bis hands lor sale.

- Particulars of Dr. Yonkerman's latest discovery in medioal science and headed "Consumption Can be Cured," forms the subject of an ladvertsumenb on page two of this iißsne.' ■ ■ ■ , ■ •

At the' Walrarapa auction mart, sperry Street, at 3 o'clock, on Saturday, Mr R. E. Howell, will sell the publican's booth in connection with the Wairarapa Coursing Club's meeting, on July 4th, sth and 6th

In a new advertisement appearing In thia issue Mr T. G. Mason directs attention to a number of special lines In hot water bottles, quinine and steel wine, St. Thomas' Hospital liniment, soaps, etc.

The famous Welsbach lamp which ■gives a 60-candle power light at a coat of leas than a farthing per hour must be acknowledged the premier .oil lamp of the day. The Company, whose Wellington address appears elsewhere, requires agents throughout the district.

An extensive ■sale of crockery is being held at Mr A. J. Giddings' atore at the present time. Every article is re-marked from the original to" the sale price, and the redaction all round ia decidedly substantial. Mr Giddings invites otißtomers to call and] inspect the bargains for themselves. All soholars above Standard 11. attending the Masterton Distrlot High School are reqneated to meet at the Main School, to-moirow, at 12 ' o'clock, to take part in the prooesaion and memorial service to be held in Masterton. Mr C. 0. Aitken, bookseller, Queen Street, has just received a number of post-cards, showing a reproduction of a photo taken at the recent opening of the . High School. The gathering was the occasion of the " late Mr Seddon's last visit to Masterton, and he is depioted in the act of delivering bis address. Mr Aitken has only a limited number of the e cards, which are already selling rapidly. Messrs Levin and Co, Ltd., local agents for the Sbaw, Savill and , Albion Co., Ltd., are advised that the "Waiwera" sailing from WelIngton, on July 7th, for Bristol and Liverpool, will also call at Glasgow, and passengers and cargo may be booked to that port.

ColiDS THAT HANO ON So frequently settle on the lungs, _ and re suit in pneumonia or consumption. Do not lake chances of a cold wearing away, or experiment with unknown preparations that will only half cure it, and leave you with a serious throat or lung trouble* At the first sign of a cold, commence taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, for it cures coughs and colds quickly by removing the cause of the complaint, and prevents pneumonia or consumption. For sale by T. G. Mason, Mastertooi Have You a Weak Throat If so, you cannot be 100 careful. You -cannot begin treatment too early. Eaoh cold makes you more liable to another, and the last is always harder to cure. Try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy just once, and yon-will find it pleasant to take, and most soothing and healing. For sale by T. G. Mason, Masterton. —Advt. Friend, when a cold invadesthe nose, And damp the daily hanky grows, When raoking cougbs distract the breast, And rob yon of your nightly r»st, And shooting pains in ohest and joint To pulmonary troubles point— What can once more good health ensure, Why, simply Wools' Great Peppermint Cure.

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Age, Volume XXIX, Issue 8162, 20 June 1906, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Wairarapa Age, Volume XXIX, Issue 8162, 20 June 1906, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Wairarapa Age, Volume XXIX, Issue 8162, 20 June 1906, Page 4


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