£ The Wairarapa Age will not be published either to-morrow (Good Friday) or on Easter Monday. A meeting of the Managers of the Masterton Technical School will be held thi3 e.vening. Mr MoLaohlan, M.H.R., was entertained at a social by his political supporters, at Ashburton, last night. —Association. A poll was taken at Wanganui, yesterday, on the proposal to raise a loan for £30,000 for a steam tram servioe for the town. The proposal was oarried by 581 votes tp 332 Association. Mr A. Sydney Watson, travelling representative of the New Zealand Times, is at present on a visit to Masterton, in oonneotion with compiling a special edition of the Mail for this town. A telegram from Ashburton, last evening, stated that a poll on the proposal to raise a loan of £l,Uoofor the purpose of erecting a grandstand and pavilion in the Domain was taken, yesteday. The 'proposal was oarried by a majority of 49.
The report of the Commissioner (Mr W. P. James, S.M.), before whom an inquiry was held in September last, on the adjustment of accounts between the Masterton Borough and County Councils, was forwarded to the meeting of the Masterton Borough Counoil last evening by the Hon. Jas. McGowan, Aoting Colonel Secretary. After dealing with the evidence, in exfen--80, the Commissioner found that as many of the values were speculative and a little uncertain, and the matters in dispute, as found by him, were so trifling in amount, he would recommend that no property outside the boundary of either body be vested in the other, and no payment be made by either the County Council or the Borough Counoil, and that each party pay its own costs of the inquiry. The Town Clerk stated that the report had not been confirmed by the Governor-in-Counoil, and until that time it oould not be given effeot to. The Counoil deoided to refer the report baok to the Governor-in-Counoil for confirmation.
DB. SHELDON'S NEW DISCOVERY Is the most .wonderful remedy ever discovered for the cure of Coughs, Colds and Consumption. It will cure you when all others have failed. For sale by H. E. Eton, Masterton, J. Bailie, Carterton- — Advt.
The Royal Agiicultural Show, at Sydney, opened yesterday. There are 5,116 entries—a record. A Sydney cablegram states that the State Governor, Sir Harry Rawson, opened the new wing of the Sydney Hospital on Tuesday. A cablegram from Hobart, yesterday, stated that a casf* of suspected smallpox is being treated in the hospital. ... % A scheme is on the eta of completion for unification of the prln-^. cipal brewing companies in Melbourne. The capital of the new proprietary will be a million. At the Eketahuna Church, yesterday, Mr Nelson Ranger, of Peilding, was married to iV3iss"J Annie Calton, eldest daughter of Mr T. F. Oalton, of Newman.
The London Standard warmly welcomes the proposals made by Mr Deakin at the Premier's Conference, and strongly supports the further idea of an Australian exhibition iu London next year.—Cablegram.
A London cablegram states that Mr Wbitelaw-Reid, the Amerioan Ambassador in London, will present Captain Scott, oommander of the Discovery, in the recent Antarctic expedition, with the gold medal of the Amerioan Geographical Society.
A Hobart cablegram announces the death of Sir Adyl Douglas, at the age of 91. Deceased emigrated to Tasmania in 1838, and was admitted to the local Bar. He became Premier of Tasmania in 1884, and two years later went to London as Agent-General of the colony.
The revaluation of the city of Wellington fias almost been completed, but the figures, whiob will, of course, show a great increase, compared with those for 1903, when the last valuation was made, will not be available for publication for some weeks.
By the last European mail the Secretary of tbeMasterton Technical School received an intimation from Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons to !tbe> effect that Doris Millar and Henry MoHattie, of Masterton, had passed the elementary examination in Pitman's shorthand. The certificates hatfe since oome to hand.
The Meikle Commission sat In Chambers, at Wellington, yesterday morning, when the Commissioners (Mr Justice Edwards and Mr Justice ' Cooper) discussed with counsel (Mr A. R. Atkinson' and Dr Findlay) the fixing of times and places for taking evidence. There will be another sitt>> ing of the Commission, to-day, when further information will be given to the Commissioners, and definite fixtures will probably be made.
• Mrs Louisa Cresa, who came to New Zealand,, and settled in Wellington nearly 60. y/ars ago, died at the residence-:0f..-tier, daughter, Mra Mansan. of WoodsiHe, on Tuesday night. Deotased was.well-known in. the Wairarapa. Mr J. Cresa, of Masterton, is a son of deceased. The deoeased was utricken with paralysis on hearing of the sudden death of her son, Charles, which occurred some months ago, and bad been in feeble health since that time.
At the ; Masterton Magistrate's;, Court, yesterday,: before Messrs Tbos. Duncan and J. 11. Pauling, J's.P., Joseph Workman was fined £2 and costs for having driven a horse which was lame. For having driven a vehicle without a light, Harry Gray was fined 5s and costs 7s, and for riding a bicycle without a light, Bert Sewell and Andrew Niool were each fined 5s and 7s ooats. James Pringle, who did not appear, was fined 10s and costs on a similar charge.
Six prisoners, who have pleaded guilty to indiotable offences charged against them in the lower court, will oome up for sentence at the Wellington Supreme Oourt, this morning, before his Honour, the Chief Justice. The prisoners are—Joseph Griffiths, .consniraoy; Peter Garter, assault and robbery; Franpis Roy Burke, Thomas Carmody, and Miohael Oafferey, theft; Herman Zoeller, theft. The last-named offence was committed at Wellington, but all five of the other charges are remitted from Napier.
A reward is offered for the return of ia gold curbed chain bangle, which has been lost.
The offices of the solicitors practising in Masterton will be closed for the Easter holidays from this evening till Monday, 23rd instant.
Dr Van Slyke, specialist in diseases of the eye, ear, and throat, will pay bis next professional visit to Masterton on Wednesday, May 9th.
Mr Stott, agent for Messrs Dimock and (Jo., notifies that the next date for reoeiving fat pigs at MauriceviJle will be Tuesday, April 24th.
Mr W. H. Cruiokshank advertises particulars of several farm properties which have been placed in his hands for sale. The properties vary in area from 250 up to 3,000 aores, and are highly improved, offering a good return for investment.
In a-new advertisement elsewhere in this issue, Messrs Hendry and Buxton, drapers, Queen Street, notify* that they are paying special attention to orders for the famous Kaiapoi cashmere coats and skirts. Tne firm supply measurement charts free to country clients on application. SORE LUNGS. When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coughing, is the time when the germs of pneumonia, pleurisy, and consumption find lodgment and multiply. Dr. Sheldon's New Discovery for Coughs, Colds and Consumption stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. Dr. Sheldon's New Discovery is a safe and never-failing remedy. Small dose. Pleasant to take, Every bottle guaranteed. For sale by H. E. Eton, Masterton, J. Bailie, Carterton.— Advt. BABY COUGH MUST NEVER LINGER. Nothing is more distressing than to see a helpless little infant suffering with a cough, and to be fearful of using a remedy which may contain some harmful ingredient. The makers of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy positively guarantee that their preparation does not contain opium in any form, or any other harmful substance. Mothers may confidently give this remedy to their little ones. It gives prompt relief, and is perfectly safe. It always cures, and cures quickly. For sale by T. G. Mason, Masterton— advt.
Included among the deer-stalkers at the Lower Valley, says the Wairarapa Standard, are two lords, one knight and a millionaire.
Of the fifty tailoreeses recently "locked-out" at DuLedin thirty-one have now found employment and only nine remain on the Union paysheet.
At the Dunedin Supreme Court recently on the motion of Mr Sim Mr J. L.'Conlan, late of Masterton, was admitted by Judge Cooper as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of JS'ew Zealand.
The total number of buildiug permits issued ia the four centres of the colony during the past year was 1,724, and nearly onebalf of these —752 were issued in Wellington.
Ninety Southland teaohers have joined the Teacher's Superannuation Fund, and as applications can be received until June 30th, the number will probably be inoreased.
The growth of the prohibition ■order system is shown by the fact that the Aucklaud Police Court officials issued 104 orders within {be last two weeks.
The Caledonian Quoits Club (Wavganui) will probably visit Masterton during tho Easter holidays, and pllay a match with the Opaki Quoits Club.
A telegram from Dunedin, last evening, stated that a man named Patrick Haugh, 09 years of age and single, was killed at Catlins by a tree falling on him.
A start was made ou Monday week to take the Maori ceusus. As many of the Native villages are in remote parts of the colony, it ij not likely that the wort can he completed under some weeks' time.
Mr Hugh Munro, who has occupied the position of rabbit agent in the Alfredton, Sooth Wairarapa and Tauera districts, during the past four years, has been appointed an inspector of stock, and will leave this district shortly.
At the meeting of the Mastertou Borough Council, last evening, on the motion of Cr Ewington, the Engineer was instructed to proceed with the work of layioedown a cab-stand in Queen Street opposite the Club Hotel.
Ihe report submitted by the Manager of the Gasworks to the Maaterton Borough Council, last evening, showed that during the year,-ended March 31st there had been 14,008,800 cubic feet of gas manufactured. The receipts fcr the year amounted to £5,996 lis Bd.
The river at Castlecliff, says a Wanganui paper, was swarming with fish on Saturday. Two fishermen netted 91 kawhia and ovei 300 heiring, the herring net being down for only a few minutes. A peculiar feature about the fishing was that though moie than a score of lines were out not a fish was hooked.
In consequence of the cancellation of the camp at Woodv.'lle, the Masterton Rifles have been instruot«dto attach themselves to Colonel Collins' force at Greytown, and will thus work as part of the Ist Wellington Battalion. They will leave Masterton by the 8.45 p.m. train t K is evening and return by the 5.45 p.m. train on Monday. Those men who are willing to go to Greytown are requested to let Captain Charters know as early as possible this morning.
The monthly meeting of the Trustees of the North Wairarapa Benevolent Society was held, yesterday afternoon. There were present— Messrs R. T. Bolmes (in the ohair), E. Feist, W. Morris, and Mrs Nioholls. The Chairman reported that the furniture required for the Renall-Solway Home had been purchased. A letter was received from Messrs Ganith and Logan forwarding a donation of £6 6s towards the funds of the new Home. It was decided to assist a widow residing at Kopuaranga to the extent? of 12s per weeb. The pay-sheet, amounting to £4B la 3d, was passed for payment.
Or Elliott's notice of motion, "Tbat the Engineer be instructed not to undertake any architect's work or other work for private persons or firms within the Borough of Masterton so long as he is acting as Building Inspector and Borough Surveyor," was before the Borough Oounoil meeting last evening. In moving the motion, Or Elliott stated that his principal reason for doing so was the dual position in which the Engineer was placed. In answer to a question from the Mayor, the Town Clerk stated that there was no restrotion in the schedule as to the Engineer's duties. Councillors agreed that Mr Dobson should devote the whole of his time to the work of the Boroagb, and the motion was carried unanimously on the voices.
In accordance with his notice of motion, the Mayor (Mr J. A. Renall) moved at the meeting of the Borough Council last evening— "That the publio convenience erected in Ferry Street, at the corner of Chapel Street, be removed to a site opposite the Council Chambers, where the street is one chain wide and there is already sufficient light from the street lamp there." A petition, signed by forty-two prominent business men and citizens of Perry, Cole and Chapel Streets, was presented, requesting the Council to remove the publio convenience to another site. The Engineer stated that the coat of shifting the structure would be £lO, The Mayor's motion was carried on his casting vote, the voting being as follows: —Ayes: Crs Pauling, Elliott, Temple, Feist and the Mayor. Noes: Crs Hoar, Eton, Ewington, MoEwen, and Morris. RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS. Many sufferers from rheumatism have been surprised and delighted at the prompt relief obtained by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. In advising you to use Chamberlains Pain Balm for Rheumatism, we know it will give you perfect satisfaction, as the first application will relieve the pain, and its continued use for a short time will effect a cure. For sale by T. G. Mason, Masterton. —Advt. Business Men of Masterton, you see the Name everywhere "R. J. LYTTLE, Signwriter and Decorator. 1 ' His addiess is Gillespie's Buildings, Queen Street.—Advt. For Bronchial Coughs and Golds, Woods ■ Great Peppermint Cure, 1/6 and 2/6 per bottle.
The onion crop this season in Canterbury ia very good in both weight nnd quality, and large supplies are being offered.
A small consignment of apples has been sent from Western Australia by the Fredrich der Gross to test the Continental market.
A dwelling-house. owned by W. Wbitten and oocupied by A. D. Macfarlane, at Hokitika, was completely gntted by fire on Monday evening.
A fourmomed house at Scarborouzh, on a seotion owned by Messrs Abraham and Williams, was destroyed by lire on Mohday night.
The practice has been established by the Leeds stipendiary of indue ing parents to cut off for six weeks the pocket-money of boys caught riding on the steps of train-oars.
The southland News understands that the new valuation lists for the town of Invercargill will show that the aggregate of unimproved land values has increased nearly 40 per cent, oomp&red with the total tor 1902, which was £43,979.
The Club Hotel, Pahiatua, had a a narrow escape from being burnt down early on Tuesday morning. The outbreak occurred in the billiard-room, to which the fire was confined. Tne loss is partially covered by insurance.
A telegram from Wellington last evening stated that in the Appeal Court argument was concluded in the case of Plimmor v. Plimmer. Dr. Findlay appealed on behalf of respondent to uphold the judgment of the Supreme Court. The Court of Appeal adjourned at 3 p.m. till 10.30 a.m. to-day.
The suppliers to the various creameries of the Masterton Cooperative Dairy Company, Ltd., will hold a picnic at Sol way to morrow. Mr J. A. Kenall informed a reporter of the Age that parties desiring to make use of any portion of the grounds for picnio purposes may do so. Hot water can be obtained on the grounds.
"The overloading of horses in Wellington and in Auokland is simply disgraceful," said Mr Seed at a recent meeting of the Wellington Society fox the Prevention of Cruelty to .nimals. Mr Seed pointed out that it was not always the drivers who were to blame. The men received instructions from their employers which, he alleged, practically compelled them to overload.
Mr C H. Smith, who recently left Mauriceville to take up his residence at Miki Miki, was, last evening, visited by a "surprise party," consisting of a large number of Masterton and Mauriceville residents. A very enjoyable evening was spent, parlour games of various descriptions and singing being indulged in. The p«»rty broke up shortly after midnight with three oheers for Sir and Mrs Smith, and the singing of"Auld Lang Syne."
Very grave dissatisfaction is expressed by the Wairarapa members at the Welliugton Distriot Law Society's administration. There are twenty-four members in the Wairarapa, who contribute £96 per year,. but they have no voioe in the management, and are unable even to get law reports supplied. Wanganui, with 48 practising solicitors, is represented by only one member on the board of management, the rest of the members of the board all belonging to Wellington. The Masterton members of the Society expect that the matter will be settled at the coming session of the Wellington Law Council.
The monthly meeting of the Masterton Masonic Lodge was held last evening, when the following offloers were eleoed:—W.M., Bro. A. Nicol; S.W.. Bro. P. J. Hunn; J.W., Bro. A. E. Winzenberg; S.D., Bro. D. A. Morton; J.D., Bro. A. B. Charters; Treasurer. Bro. T. Wagg; Secretary, Bru. R. J. Young; Chaplain, Rev. A. M. Johnson; Stewards, Bros. J. Yates and K. Mcintosh; Tyler, Bro. W. T. Robins. At the olose of the business of the meeting, W.M. Bro. G. Hyde, on bethalf of the brethren of the Lodge, presented P.O. Chaplain W. Bro. D. J. Murray with a handsome gold watch, suitably inscribed, and, also, a purse of sovereigns. Bro. Hyde referred to Bro. Murray's qualities as a Mason and a man, and stated tbat his excellent services as Secretary of the Lodge for the past four years had helped in a great measure to bring the Lodge to its present state of efficiency. Bro. Murray, in 'feelingly acknowledging the presentation, stated that though the work in the Lodge bad been hard, it bad given him great pleasure. Refreshments were provided by the officers of the Lodge, and the health of the departing Brother wa3 enthusiastically drunk.
MERIT REWARDED BY COURT OF JUSTICE. The acknowledged good qualities and success of SANDER & SONS' EUCA LYPTI EXTRACT have brought out many imitations, and one case was just tried in the Supreme Court of Victoria, before bis Honour Chief Justice Sir J. Madden, K.C.M.G., etc. His Honour, when giving udoment, said with regard to the GENUINE SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT, that whenever an article is commended to the public by reason of its good quality, etc., it is not pfermissable to imitate any of its features. He restrained the imitators perpetually from doing so, and oroerod th«m to pay all costs. We publish thisto afford the public an opportunity of protecting themselves and of securing what is proved beyond all doubt bv skilled witnesses at tbe Supreme Court of Victoria and by many authorities during the last 30 years to be a preparation of genuine merit, viz., THE GENUINE SANDER A SONS' PURE VOLATILE EUCALYPTI EXTRACT. Snail hacking cough my rest destroy, And all my pleasure here alloy? Are pains that cut me like a knife To make a misery of life ? Shall Bronchial troubles wear me out? No-—never, all are put to rout By best of medicines, simple, pure, W. E. Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, What would any room be without a nice up-to-date wall paper? R. J. Lyttle has a selection of Wall Papers that will open your eyes and your pockets, too! Call at tbe shop, Gillespie's Buildings.—Advt. Perhaps you wish to send a parcel to another town either in New Zealand or across the sea. If so, you will find it best to forward it through J. J. Curtis and Co.. Ltd., Forwarding, Shipping, and Customhouse Agents, Customhouse Quay, Wellington. Not. only will it be the cheapest way, but you will be saved time and trouble— Advt. i
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Wairarapa Age, Volume XXVIX, Issue 8118, 12 April 1906, Page 4
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3,267LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXVIX, Issue 8118, 12 April 1906, Page 4
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