The Anglioan; gift auction, at Carterton, last week, resulted in a profit of 4233, . '.. ~i : ■'.., ; ;,', -\ '.)■■■■- Heavy raiaa- have fallen at Norfolk ! Island, where lately a water famine prevailed.
A London cablegram, yeaterdaj&if stated that the engineers JbawPJjjf stopped the moving mountain at Gougnay. The British Bouse of Commons has voted $5,667 as payment of the Samoan arbitration claims under King Oscar's award. A cablegram, yesterday, stated that the widow of Hugh Lewis Taylor, formerly manager of a bank in Victoria, died intestate in 1904. There are no known relations, and the estate, valued at £51,084, will revert to the Crown. At a meeting of the Nc-lioense League, held last evening, in the Y.M.C.A. Rooms, Mesprs J. O. Cooper, C. E. Daniell and John Cross, were nominated for the Mas--terton Licensing Committee. other nominations, have yet ttf be\/ v made. There was one case of bankruptcy recorded in the Wairarapa District during the month of February, as against two for the corresponding month of last year. For the period of the year ended February 28th there were three cases, and two ia the corresponding period of 1904. The Masterton Municipal Brass Band will render a programme of music outside the old Salvation Army Barracks, in Dixon Street, at 7.30 o'clock to-night, on the occasion of the exhibition ot work ia connection with tne Technical School b«ing held in that building. At the residence of the bride's parents, on Wednesday afternoon, the marriage of Jane Eliza Spaokman, eldesi daughter of Mr A, H. - Spaokman, of. Masterton, and Mrv. Thomas William Dew, of Opaki, celebrated. The ceremony wan performed by Major Twyford, of the Wellington Branch of the Salvation Army. The quarterly meeting of the Masterton Lioensing Committee was held yesterday morning. '-Therewere present—Messrs W.P. James, S.M. (in the chair), E. MeEwen, and J. Hessoy. Transfer of the license of the Bail way Hotel. Eketahuna, was granted from Thomas Arthur Sowmau to Alfred Carter, and of the Alfredton Hotel from W. .J. Paulin to Henry Johnson. The Masterton Branch of the St. John's -A umbqlance Brigade iB in reoeiptof the certificates for the officers of the Branch, from Major Barclay, Commissionar-ih Chief for New Zealand of St. John's Ambulance Brigade. These will be presented to the honorary surgeons, Drs. W. S. Ross and A. Hosking, and , Superintendent Wilton. The . y certificates will be framed, and the "A* Mayor is to be asked to make the " presentations on the' occasion of theHospital Floral fete. These are the first certificates that have been received in the WairaraDa. The March number of the "Red Funnel" magazine is to hand from Messrs Gordon and Gotcb, and is, as usual, a publication of absorbing interest. The "Red Funnel" seems to time. The reoent number is, we think, the best that, has yet been produoed. A vividly, written article,, "At the Old Age >-y Pension, Court," which ia well illus- * trated, is contributed by the wellknown New Zealand, writer, Mrs Martha Myers. Some of the illustrations are by ''Bio," of Auokland Observer fame. Speaking at Wanganui recently, Mr J. W. Palmer (President of the Licensed Victuallers' .Association) observed that the difficulties hotelkeepers had to contend with "are so numerous that I scarcely know where to begin with them. One ia , in regard to prohibited persona, -m There are at the present time some <|; 63 orders current, out of which I know about 10 persons, That being so, how is it possible for me to recognise the remainder unless 1 am assisted by some means. The law oan, and should,. come to my assistance, and fill this breach by making it compulsory for the person prohibited to. wear some kind of a distinguishable badge in a prominent place." The Waltham Orphanage Commission has furnished its report. The gist of it is that the allegation that the management of the institution is defective has been substantially proved, the weak spot throughout being the apparent inability of the majority of the members of the Board to grasp and deal with the fact that the matron is in every way unsuited for her position. Doubtless many members of the Board were influenced in their views on the real merits of the question by feelings of respect and. regard for «' Mrs Carpenter (the matron), and by •■"' 1 a strong desire to avoid doing any- : thing to injure her or prejudice her , future prospects. After a lengthy review of the position, the report goes on to suggest the adoption of the boarding-out system instead of a controlled institution. The forthcoming Exhibition is drawing the eyes of the world to New Zealand. It is stimulating interest in more than the oolony's prosperous present, Her romantio and classic past will assuredly exercise an irresistible fasoination upon the minds of the visitors to the colony; and it was a happy tnought that prompted the printing of the late Mr W. T. L. Travers' stirring account of the life and times of that warrior ohieftain and diplomatist Te Rauparaha.. The introductory chapters show remarkable insight into the habits and oustoms of the Maoris, and the way in which inter- i **, course with Europeans modified the \ old raoial instinots. Rauparaha's childhood and early manhood, the migration to Kawhia, the occupation of Kapiti and neighbourng territory, and the struggle against the Ngaitabu are depicted with accurate touch and wonderful rionness of colouring. The last - mentioned phase of Rauparaha's long oareer is , developed at length in the Rev. J. W. Stack's "Sacking of Kaiapohia," which is reprinted in the same volume; a copy of which is to hand frum Messrs Whitoombo and Tombs, Wellington. It is excellently printed and reflects the greatest credit upon the publishers. OLD FOLK'S FOLLY. It is. a folly for old folks to allow the bowel debility of age to master them, as it naturally makes them age faster each day. By using Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets, safe and pleasant relief can always be had. There ib no gripping. For Sale by T, G. Mason, Masterton.—Advt.
The Wellington Eduoatinn sßoard*has voted a sum of £ll4 10a for im proving the sanitary coaditlon of the Carterton School. The Nfiiaon Evening Mail reports that the supply of unskilled labour in Nelson is unequal to the present demand, and adds that the present is the busiest time enjoyed by unskilled laboureis for tho past two or three years. Owing to a child having been . poisoned by laudanum contained in a patent medicine, the Provincial Government of Victoria (8.C.) has appointed a Commission to introduce legislation protecting the public from poisons contained in patent medioine,*. At the Pahiatua Presbyterian Church, on Wednesday evening, on the occasion of the iuduotion of the iKev. Mr Woolass, the Rev. R. Wood, of Masterton, was presented by Mr - G. B. Clarke, on behalf of the congregation of the church, with a handsome travelling bag. Mr Chamberlain has sent the following letter, which may be regarded as an epitome of his policy, to the Dail-» Express:—"My policy is defensive, but not protective. My aim is to restore equality of conditions for our own work people. Treat foreigners as they treat us. Treat ourfriendsh little better than our •opponents." The Wellington Education Board has accepted the following tenders for work at sohools, and teaohers' residences in the Wairarapa:—tf?eatherston, W. Benton and Son; Gladstone, E. and H* Cook; Fernridge, F. T. Harding; Taueru, F. T. Harding; Dreyer's Rook, F. T. Harding; . Martin borough, W. Benton and Son; Wangaehu, F. T. Harding; Mangamaire, J. Godfrey. An effort is to be made to have the Pahiatua distriot represented at the New Zealand International Exhibition at Ohristohuroh. The Pahiatua Chamber of Commerce has appointed a sub-ooramlttee to act in tbe matter, and the Dairy Companies in tbe district, the Borough Council and County Cuuucil are < to be asked to appoint sub-commit-tees. The Auckland Herald says:—Since our young men are quietly turning to arms, and without profession, making considerable sacrifice to fit themselves as soldiers for possible trouble, ifc U tbehvdue that in every way the whole Department should be reformed and re-modelled, so that if they should beoalled upon to defend 1 their bountry,no li'£W'may be needlessly and ignbr'antlyythrown way. During ■ his speech at Ngapara (Oamaru) the Premier deolared that "the statesmen of the past did not look sufficiently forward to the time when there would be a large population in New Zealand. '" if they had done so the State would not have had to buy back, these large estates, i and tbe people would then have gone on to the land under better conditions than could be got to-day." Speaking at the Mastej'toh Presbyterian Ohurob, last evening, the Rev. Robert Wood mentioned an incident which oacurred on Sunday evening. Just at the olose of tbe service Wong Way JCee, a local Chinaman, came to the foot of the pulpit and presented him with two beautifully bound volumes—TennyBon's and Whittier's poems, respectively. Mr Wood, last evening, expressed his deepest gratitude for the gifts. There was only a fair number of people present at the Town Hall, last evening, when Czerny, styled "the Prince of Jfrestidigitateuri?," played a return season of one night. Czerny showed himself to be a clever artiste, and his legerdemain and illusions met with hearty applause from the audience. A number of capital bioscope pictures were shown. Altogether the programme presented was an excellent one, and was much appreciated by those pre- ■ gent. The Ohristcburoh Press, in an article condemning the duty on imported fruit, says—We trust that in bringing about that "free breakfast" table of which, *we have beard a good deal of late, Mr Seddon will not overlook fruit, which ought to find a place on every breakfast table. A remission of that nature would be much more acceptable, and infinitely more beneficial to the community than the promised reduction of the duty on tobacco. A verdict of accidentally drowned while bathing was returned at the inquest regarding the death of the • two girls, Vernon and Daloie Currie, who were drowned at Waimaie, Gisborne, and the jury added an expression of sympathy with the parents. The evidence showed that some children had been bathing at a place that was quite safe and very largely used in the summer, but the , younger girl had gradually go t , above the usual place, and into a deep spot. Tbe elder sister made a splendid struggle to save her, and got Duloie on her back. They got within a few yards of tie bank, and help was soon to band, but too late. The Masterton Chess and Draughts Club opened on Wednesday evening, at the Y.M.C.A. Rooms, with a very representative gathering Of local enthusiasts, notwithstanding the unavoidable absence of many country members. There were some very interesting and exciting contests. Chess was especially well patronised, eight boards being devoted to this fascinating game. *The Club have a large number of members, and its prospects are extremely promising. Anyone interested is cordially invited to the Club's next practice on Monday evening. The \ Chess and Draughts Club is open to all who wish to join, membership of the Y.M.C.A. not being necessary. Matches are to be arranged with > Carterton, Qreytown, Maurioeville and Wellington Clubs. The Club nights are on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 7 p.m. to 12 p.m. FOR A lAMB BAOK. When yon have pains in the small of the baok, dampen a piece of thiok flannel slightly with Chamberlain's Pain Balm, 1 fthdbindit orer the seat of pain, and quick relief will follow. Tho back should . be bathed with Pain Balm, and the flannel ' dampened with' it morning and evening. Bub the back vigorously at each application. For sale by T. G. Mason, Chemist, Masterton.—Abvt.
Tho question of forming a Volunteer Corps in Carterton is being discussed. The work in connection with the laying of the mains for the Carterton drainage system was completed on ■ Tuesday. About 15,000 acres of the Stoneyhurst (Canterbury) Estate are being/ surveyed for cutting up into farms of 400 acres and over. It is announced in the curreut number of the "Probibitioust" that that paper has been leased to the Rev. Leonard M. Isitt for a term of years. For the positions of headmasters of the Carterton, Fernridge, aud Kaiwaiwai Schools, the Wellington Education Board have received 40, 44, and 53 applications, respectively. The Taieri Advocate states that the "trade" will put 'forward a strong tioket for the next Local Op tion poll, and that a plank of this platform will be the, abolition of eleven o'clock licenses. Tbe Weßt Coast Times loams on credible authority that the amount paid, away by the two canning faotories in Hokitika for whitebait last season was £2,G00, hud by the factories at Westport £3,000. The Health Department at Dunedin seized twelve rolls of bacon, some of which wero in very bad condition. They wero shown to a Magistrate and condemned. Proceedings,may possibly follow. At a sale of pastoral mn leases at Inveroargill, on Tuesday, prices showed a substantial advanco. One jumped from £52 a year, paid by the late' tenant, to £l2l per annum. Another inoreased from £152 to £220, and a third from £25 to £Bl a year. Several speakers at tbe School Committeas' Conference at Dunedin, spoke against compulsory retirement at sixty-five, which they considered means grievous hardship to some teaohers, and serious loss to the service. Tbe latest London quotations for New Zealand frozen meat are as follow: /Canterbury mutton, 4}£d; Napier, Wellington, and North Island, 4d; lamb, first quality beef, hindquarters, 3>£d; fores, ' A cablegram, yesterday, stated that the Gladstone - Maohine Gun match was hanging fire. Gladsonie's backers are willing to come to terms for £SOO aside, provided the Futurity Stakes are accepted. At the Grey town Rifles parade, on Tuesday night, a general order was read expressing the pleasure of the General Officer Commanding, at having received from the Officer Commanding the .Distriot a satisfactory report on the work of the company, and hoping that the company would continue to improve. The Railway League, at ,Auokiand has discussed the best means of getting the Auckland-Gisborne an d Stratford-Ongarue lines pushed on. It has been agreed to communicate with the Hon. Carroll, and ask his advice. Several members of the House of Representatives have promised their hearty assistance during the next session. At the annual meeting of tbe Hibernian Society of New Zealand, at Auckland, yesterday, all the branches were represented. The report showed a steady increase in membership and that £5,450 from the General Fund has been invested in good 'city freehold security. Mr P. Nerheny was elected President, and Mr W. Kane secretary. Already enquiries are numerous for dairy farms for next season. The extra demand is no doubt due to tbe fanoy prices that have been ruling for the past few seasons for butter fat, and there is every rea»on to expect quite as good next season. Enquirers in the Wairarapa distriot will find an interesting list of dairy farms for sale published by Messrs Read 3roß, of Wanganui, and judging by tbe descriptions and prices they should elicit plenty of enquiries. « Mr W. 11. Oruiokshank advertises particulars of several properties, which have been placed in his hands for Bale. , Mr Jas. Whittaker, grocer and provision merchant, Queen Street, has removed to the new brick building next to Mr O. E. Daniell. ! Messrs Wainohu Te Huku and Tuitokairangi Wainohu give notice that trespassers on their properties, at Haroto, (run No. 54, Rewa), blook 14, Rewa, and Te Maipi, No. 6, will be prosecuted. Mr J. Stott, agent for Messrs W. Dimock > and Co., Ltd., notifies that the next. day for receiving fat pigs, at Mauriaevjille Railway Station, will be on Tuesday, Maroh 13th. 1 At the "Corner Shop," Queen Street, of which Mr W. Cragg is proprietor, there is a decidedly attractive display of all kinds of tobaocomst's requisites at present. "Weloome Nugget" tobacco, called after the famous nugget of that name, is most effectively advertised by the representation of a large nugget, which is on view in the window. Owing to inoreased business in tbe hairdressing department of late, Mr Cragg has been compelled to secure the services of another first-class hairdresser. Now that three chairs are installed customers can rely on reoeiving prompt aud efficient attention. FACTS ESTABLISHED AT COURT. In an action, the cause of which was flagrant misuse of our firm name and other gross misrepresentation by an imitating company, which was tried before his Honor, Ch'ef Justice J. Madden, K.C.M.G., L.L.D., in the Supreme Court, at Melbourne, the prosecution showod:— 1. That Sander and Sons' Pure Volatile Eucalypti Extract contains all medical constituents of -the eucalypti, in a highly refined and pure form. 2. That it is muoh more powerfully healing (antiseptic) than ordinary eucalyptus preparations. 8. That it does not depress the heart like ordinary euoalyptus preparations. 4. That it contains' no harmful ingredients, and 5. That it is highly commended by many authorities for the last 30 years as a safe, reliable and effective remedy. Some imitators have tried to deceive the publio by simulating our get-up; others have relied on the "justas good" game. Therefore take care and. obtain the GENUINE SANDER AND SONS' EUCALYPTI 'EXTRACT. '././''
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Wairarapa Age, Volume XXVIII, Issue 7977, 2 March 1906, Page 4
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2,867LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXVIII, Issue 7977, 2 March 1906, Page 4
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