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The bi-monthly meeting of the above ! body was held yesterday afternoon. ' Present—Crs Bennetts (chairman), i Rose, Macdonald, McLennan, Herbert, , Sim, Mclnerney, Cotton, and Simpßon. Correspondence. From F. J. DeSilva, Dumbarton, asking pcrmision to take a few loads of gravel from Donaldson's pit at Black Jack's Creek.—Pcrmision granted. From J. Dr Gray, secretary Recruiting Board, thanking the Council for return of schedule of names with remarks on certain cases.—Received-. From Lands and Survey Office, Dunedin, re closed road in Blocks I. and 111, Beaumont, pointing out that a portion of the road at present in use is not on the original reservation and as it had ' been partly fenced, graded, and money otherwise spent on it, it is considored ,'advisablc to retain the road as now | used in its present position. The Department wished to know if the Council had any objection to tho old road, as shown on tracing, being closed.—Received. F-om Land Office, Dunedin, asking if the Council had any objection to the closing of roadline on eastern side of sections i and 6,. Blk. 111., Tcviot district, which was very steep, and never likely to be used for road purposes, being closed.—Chairman, member and engineer to inquire and report. ' From secretary Otago and Southland Aeroplane Fund, Dunedin, forwarding subscription list on behalf of this object, and. asking that it be brought under the notice of members. —Received. From Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, forwarding particulars and price list in regard to the supply of trees from State 'nursorics. —Received, tho Department to be "thanked for tho information furnished. From E. Hart, Whenuakoa, asking if tho Council could see its way to erect sheep bridge as previously promised, over Tuapeka River.—The work to be immediately proceded with provided Sir Hart will give an undertaking that he will be responsible for cost less £8 contribution by County. From Henry McLay, Whenuakoa, drawing attention to the unsatisfactory condition of the bridge between his place and Mr Murray's. As he wanted to get traction over to his property in August he asked that it be immediately strengthened.—Being attended to.

From the secretary Anti-German League, Hawke's Bay, forwarding extract of extract from the Naturalised Subjects' Franchise Bill now before Parliament, and asking the Council's influence to secure the passing of the Bill during the Present session.—Received.

From N. P. Kloogh, Cromwell, complaining that the Comity surfacemen in grading road at Millers Flat had filled in water race crossing road.—lt was resolved to inform Mr Kloogh that if he wished the race kept open .across the road he miTst provide a bridge covering. From J{. Marshall, Lawrence, explaining why he had not finished contract No. 87'J and asking for payment of that portion he had completed.—Left in hands of the Chairman, member of riding, and engineer, with power to act. From W. and J. Cameron, Waitahuna, asking the Council to take steps towards clearing the scrub and snowgrass obstructing the road Hue leading through Scott's Settlement 1., in order to make suitable for traffic.—After the matter had been explained by Cr. Rose, it was resolved that tho engineer inspect road and report to next meet-

from Gerald W. Ryan, • Waitahuna, asking for the putting in of a culvert on the crossing to sections 37, Blk. X., and offering to cart the pipes.—To be attended to by the engineer. From W McKenzie, Dumbarton, applying for permission to erect a telephone line from Post Office to his residence. —Granted.

From Helen May, secretary Lawrence branch St. John's Ambulance Asociation, asking for a grant (in one sum or monthly contributions) from the County's special fund on behalf of the wounded soldiers.—lt was resolved to donate £lO.

From Robert Murray, secretary Havelock Mining Reserve Trustees, applying for pormission to erect two gates on road leading from the west sido of the township down tho river towards Messrs Cranes', Oudaille's and Cowan's properties.—Granted. From £>. Fletcher, solicitor, Lawrence, on behalf of Mrs David Walker, of Millers Flat, reminding the Council that it had not yet had tho obstruction erected by Mr Ferguson opposite her land, removed, and stating that unless tho matter is immediately attended to proceedings would bo commenced, —Cr. Mac Donald handed in a letter signed by 18 settlers in the vicinity to the effect that the statement that there was obstruction of the road in question by Mr Fletcher was incorrect, and it was resolved to minute tho letter from Mr Fletcher as " received."

From Henry McLny and James Murray, Tuapeka Flat, drawing attention to the impassable stato of the road to their properties.—Engineer to report on a proposed deviation of the road at next moeting. From Clerk Patea County Council, forwarding tho following resolution pasßod by that Council: —'' That this Council strongly condomns the present system of including in reinforcement drafts men of enemy parentage on cither paternal or maternal sides, and further urges that no distinction or exemption be made from this principle of absolute disability on the part of men of enemy parentage as above stated to serve in our roinforceruont drafts or in any capacity in our defence system. —Received.

From Under-secrotary Department of Internal Affairs, forwarding extract from Gazette containing list of registering authorities under the Motor Regulations Act, 1908.—Received. From Hon. James Allen, in reply to Council's letter re Dunedin City Council's exemption, from rate, Waipori Biding, stating that he had been advised by the Hon. Mr Eussell that the desired amendment was made in 1915.—Eecoived.

From the Valuation Department,' Wellington, re rates on Bellamy Settlement 1 and 2, stating that the matter had been referred to the Land 'for Settlement Department;— Received.,

' From Wm. McDonald, "Spylaw," Heriot, claiming £5 for surface damage to Ms property through carting from quarry on his ground. The road to the quarry through his land was about 30 chains long and in places his land was cut up to width of two chains.—Member for riding and engineer to look into tho matter and report at next meeting. From Clerk Clutha County Council in reply to Council's letter re increased Of Tuapeka Mouth puntman's wages to £2 5s per week, stating that hia Council could not agree to the paymont of more than £2 per week (the amount paid to their puntmen at Clydevale and Port Molynoux) and house allowance of 12s per month, provided tho puntnian did not occupy house belonging to Council.—On motion of Crß. Mclnerney aiul McLennan, it was resolved to allow tho puntman 6s per week for house rent and debit Clutha County with the . half of this amount. From William McDonald, poundkeeper, Tapanui and Crookston Ridings, reporting that from May 29 to June 25 (inclusive), ho had impounded three head of cattle and one horse, and that the roads in tlioße ridings were at present free from wandering stock.—Deceived. From Thos. Tracby, teamster, Island Block, applying for an increase of wages on the ground that ho had to keep two homos going and practically .to work seven days a week. —On tho motion of Crs Bennetts and Mac Donald an increase of 10s per week was granted.

General. Crs. Simpson and Rose were authorised to sign and seal the rate book. The annual rate of Id in the £ was struck. It was resolved on the motion of Crs. Sim and McLennan to transfer Contract No. ST.". (\V. Rowe) to Peter Russell. The engineer was instructed to have Wight man's road, Waitahnna Gully, attended to. Cr. Mac Donald drew attention to the need for some improvement to the approaches at Kerr's bridge, and also for some protective fencing on the road near Ridd's and the engineer was authorised to have these matters attended to.

On the motion of Crs. Rose and Mclnerney the appointment of R. McKay as ranger for Waitahnna, Gabriels, Browns, and Waipori Ridings was cancelled and Win. Cavanagh appointed in his stead.

Accounts amounting to £2,392 lis were passed for payment. Or Simpson asked for the expenditure of £2O in gravelling in his riding and agreed to leave the matter in the Chairman's hands.

The engineer was instructed to take action against any person found driving a vehicle of any description after dark without lights.

On the motion of Crs. Rose and McInerney, the engineer was instructed to make application for authority to spend all Government grants. Tho engineer was instructed to write the owner of Glasgow Park and neighboring properties instructing them to top trees shading tho road, also to Mr R. Westcott, Moa Flat, on the same subject.

Bird Poison. The engineer mentioned that the question of procuring their annual supply of bird poison had been overlooked at last meeting and that he had prcured a supply of 30 bushels for distribution. He stated that owing to the increased cost he had reduced the quantity considerably and pointed out that care would have to be exercised in regard to its allotment to the different ridings. The engineer's action was approved and he was authorised to procure a bag of prosphoriscd oats for experimental purposes, members to report as to its effectiveness.

Traction Engine Traffic. Cr. Bennetts drew attention to the damage that was being done to the main roads through traction engine owners undertaking heavy haulage in the winter months and the use of grippers, and after a lengthy discussion as to the best means of minimising this damage, without penalising tho farmers who might require chaffeuting dono, it was resolved on the motion of Crs. Bennetts and'Mclnerney that the engineer be instructed to put tho heavy traffic by-law into force.

Bungtown Creek Bridge. The engineer stated that in the erection of this bridge it would be necessary to put in concrete abutments, and

he read a letter from Mr H. Xolson, Balclutha, offering to sell to the County a 40ft truss which would be suitable for this bridge for the sum of £3O. If the material was sound and in good condition ho thought they should accept the offer as it would enable them to make a bridge available for ordinary traffic instead of motor traffic only at a very low cost.—On the motion of Crs Cotton and Rose the engineer was authorised to inspect the truss under offer and authorised to purchase it if he considered it advisable. The Balance-sheet.

Tho Chairman iu moving the adoption of tho banalce-sheet for the year ending 31st March, referred to the alteration that had been mado in the system of keping tho County accounts—alterations which eoriously affected tho riding funds, and entailed a great deal of additional work on their cleric whom he complimentod upon tho very satisfactory manner in which he had carried out his work. Though they wero not in a strong financial position ho considered their expenditure during tho past year had been of a judicious nature and •that tho results so far as improvements in their roads wore concerned very satisfactory, and in this connection he thought their engineer was entitled to. a word of praise. The innovation introduced in Tcviot and Benger Hidings by using their own team was proving very successful, and he felt confident that tho other ridings would eventually sco tho wisdom of combining for the employment of a team of their own. Cr. Mclnerney seconded the motion and mentioned that he had recently been-through two noighb.oufing counties and considered the roa'ds in Tuapeka compared more than favourably with thoso in the counties he had travelled through. Crs Mac Donald, Eose, and Simpson also spoke in commondation of the condition of their roads and the judicius nature of thoir expenditure and. ad-

■ ministration of County- affairs generally. The motion was then put and carried. ENGINEER'S REPORT. General. Owing to the continued spell of good weather the roads as a whole throughout the County, with the exception of parts of the road betwen Beaumont and Island Block, are very good. Tho volume of traffic on tho main road as carried on by motor lorries will nocesitate tho Council taking into consideration the advisability of having the road between Beaumont and Island Block gravelled with tho river gravel. With this object in view I would suggest to the Council tho advisability of securing a crushing plant. I feel satisfied if we had a cruching plant we could prepare material for the road for motor! lo.ry traffic superior to Logans Point motal. !

Cartago of Logans Point metal to Evans Pinch.—Tho lorry owners havo not come up to the mark re carting of this metal. Tho total amount carted is approximately only 83 tons. Thirty tons was dumped from trucks into railway yard and we have had to remove it and take it out on to road line. This is all extra expense. 1 beg to draw the Council's attention to the new method of allocating the revenue to the various ridings. It has been the custom that each riding received its rates, Goldfields revenue, all licenses, etc.; now by the now method, all goldfields revenue, all licenses, etc., are credited to General Account and so utilised for the upkeep of Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, salaries, and upkeep of bridges oer v3oft spen. Under this heading and by referring to tho tho balance-sheet it will be seen that £1.300 is credited to the General Account. The ridings that have in days gone by depended upon this source of revenue to carry on works are struck very heavily. Report as per Works Register.

In accordance with instructions from Chairman, I inspected tho road along river fronting Mr Hugh Howat's property. If a culvert were put across road line contiguous to the bridge the road would then be fit for light traffic without any further expense. Rongahero Puntman.—Mr James Buchanan has been appointed to the position.

Pohition of Clutha River.—l wrote to the District Health Officer and he haa replied that the matter will be looked into a.s early as possible. Featherstone Bridge.—This work is being pushed on very expeditiously expect to have it finished by meeting of Council.

Report on Contracts. Contract No. 858, Crookston (Cr ,w----ford).—Rubbling road in the vicinity of Shanks Bridge.—No progress. No. 864,—Rubbling road Edievale to Horiot Waiting for men to be at leisure to load metal.

No. 870, 6.V.—Formation Craig Hill, near Connor'».—No progress since last report.

No. 877, G.V.: Browns Riding (Browne Bros.) Gravelling road Cockleshell.—Contract completed. The contractors deserve credit for the expeditious manner in which they have carried out the work.

Xo. 878 (Crookflton Riding).—Bubbling portions of road Matheson'B corner to Hcriot (McErlain).—Contract completed ; have made a very good job. Xo. 870, G.V. ; Beaumont (Marshall). —Gravelling road Beaumont to Maud Block.—Owing to the weather breaking and the short days it was deemed advisable to stop the work as the road was cutting up badly between the gravel pit and the contract. Xo. 875, G.V., (Rowe).—Road formation Tapanui - Dalvey - Rankleburn road. —Xo progress. Xo. 882, G.V., Browns (Chas. Anderson).—Road formation reserve road.— Contractor has mado a start with the work.

Xo. 883, J G.V.,Tapanui Riding (D. Crawford.—Harris road.—This contract has been completed, and put through in a very expeditious manner. Expenditure on Words. Teviot— Day labour £64. carting and grading £27 16s, goods £6 16s, miscellaneous £22 ss—total £l2O. Benger.—Day labour £153, carting and grading £49 4a, goodß £4 19b, miscellaneous, £59 lis 2d—total £276 14s 2d. Tapanui.—Day labour £55 10s, carting and grading £l6 0s 6d, goods 7s, blacksmith £5 8s Oil, contracts £33 10s—total £llO lis. Beaumont.—Day labour £S7 4s, carting and grading £9 ISs, contracts £2O Us 3d—total £ll7 13s 3d. Browns—Day labour £63, carting and grading £1 4s, goods £3 17s, blacksmith £9 2s 3d, miscellaneous 3s, contracts £BB—total £165 «s 3d. G'rookslon— Day labour £lOl 19s, carting and grading £23 14a 3d, material, etc., £lO6 lis 2d, blacksmith £lO 12s 2d, miscellaneous £32, contracts £236 ss—total £sll Is 7d. Waitahuna.—Day labour £54, carting and grading £2l 10s, material, etc., £l9 as Bd, blacksmith £1 18s sd—total £96 14s Id. Gabriels.—Day labour, £2B 14s, carting and grading £lO 16s, goods £2 12s 6d—total £42 2s 6d. Waipori.—Day labour £SB 12s, carting and grading £52 10s, material, etc., £5 2s 10d—total £ll6 4s lOd. Expenditure on Government Votes. Tapanui Riding, £33 10s; Beaumont, £2O lis 3d ; Browns, £ll6 15s. General Acount Expenditure. Clutha County (Tuapeka Mouth Punt) £7 14s 7d. Beaumont Riding (punt) £6 15s 8d ; carting and grading, £1 lis 9d—total £8 7s sd. Browns Riding—Day labour, £2 15s ; carting and grading, 5s lOd ; punts, £l4 10s 2d ; blacksmith, £3 4s—total £2l. Gabriels Riding—Day labour £2 15s. I was resolved on the motion of Crs. Bennetts and Herbert that the engineer be authorised to obtain estimates for the purchase of a stone crushing plant. In regard to the haulage of metal to Evans Pinch by the motor lorry owners, Cr. Bennetts 'explained that the lorry owners would fulfil their promise to cart the metal when tho road conditions were favourable.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 6377, 15 July 1916, Page 3

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TUAPEKA COUNTY COUNCIL. Tuapeka Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 6377, 15 July 1916, Page 3

TUAPEKA COUNTY COUNCIL. Tuapeka Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 6377, 15 July 1916, Page 3


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