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The rainfall in Lawrence for the month of September, as gauged by Dr NewelJ, WM A* 0 1 D • Twelve persons died from otncer and 19 from consumption in the four centres of the the colony last month. The vital statistics for G»briela district for September were as follows :— Marriages. 3; bir.hs, 8 ; deaths, 4. The Mftß.l meetiog of the Lawrence Cricket Club takes pl-ce in ibe Town Hall at 8 o clock to-nigbt. Members and intending members are requested to tie present, Since the coming into operation on the Ist June, 1899, of the Divorce Mat % 1898, 81 decrees for dissolution of marriage nave been granted in Wellington, The Maasey-Htrris Branch of the Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Ltd., beg to notify that they have appointed Mr T. H. Clark, of Boss Place, agent for their famous wbeels-in Lawrence and surrounding districts, where samples of their new and second-hand cyoles are on show. Inspection is cordially invited. — Advt. The Olutha Hack Bncing Clnb is flourish* ing. Last yea* they commenced with a debit o£ £12. largely increased the stakes, spent • good deal of money on their coarse. » o d finitbed ap practically clear. It vras decided to further increase the stakes at their meeting tbis season (February $sh) by £7 to £64, and reduce the weights a stone til round. For preserving eggs for winter use, the "Premier " Esrg Preservative will be found the most reliable and effective on the market. It is a wonderfal compound and is matchless in its effect. Eggs put in fresh will, after 12 months, come ouc as fresh as the day on which they were immersed. There ii no meosiog whh grease, and no old-fashioned turning. Half-a-gallon preserves 20 dozen : eight gallons, 400 dozen. Once used, always nsed. To be had only from T. Arthur. Boat? ' Place, Lawrence.— Advt.

ANOTHER burglary is reported from Dunedin, the premises of Thomas Good, hairdresser and tobacconist, being entered early on Friday morning and tobaooo and cigarettes to the value of. £6 removed.

Seventeen Raeaiaoa afthetr Government's expense, are visiting England to inspeot the agricultural produce import arrangements, hoping to supplant Danish and German middlemen. A Manila cable states that a superior Filipino force attacked a company of American infantry on the island of Salnar while breakfasting, killing 48, wounding 11, and capturing stores and ammunition. Only 24 Amerioans escaped. Tjhs Shamrock was beaten in the first test Mftft with the Columbia forth* America Cap by a few seconds. The loser throughout the rice was brilliantly handled. The second of the five test races was to have been sailed yesterday over a triangular course. Influenza caused 18 deaths in August in the four chief oitiesof theoolony, as compared wite only five during July. There were eight deaths at Cbristcharch, seven at Dunedin, two at Wellington, and one at Auckland. It is understood that the N.Z. Farmers' Union and the Producers' Union, which was started in opposition, have decided to join bands, the former hariog amended its programme by resolving to eschew party politics. The goods traffio on tbe New Zealand Government railways for the first twenty weeks of the financial year shows that 1,445,837 tons were transported, an increase of 127,743 tons over the corresponding period I«st year. During the neriod from Ist April to 17th August 2,493 952 passengers were carried on the New Zealand Government railways, showing an increase of 497,788 compared with the number carried during tbe corresponding period of last year. The Southern Pacific R»il«r»y Company of the United States, whose as9tem extends from New Orleans to San SVaneisoo, announce that it is about to introduce oil fuel engines throughout its lines and reject entirely tbe use of coal. The department returns show that 2185 persons (including 705 from Sonth Africa) arrived in the colony' during July, as against 897 in July 1900, and 1271 went away, as •gainst 9SS in July, 1900. AT a meeting at Patea it was decided to form a co-operative poultry oompany, with a nominal capital of £1,000 iv £1 shares, It was stated that the total coat oC plant and building capable of handling 7,000 birds per annum would be less than £700. THB election for East Lanarkshire, Ensland, resulted as under : Sir William H. Rattigan (Unionist), 5673 ; Mr Cecil Harmsworth, of tbe " Daily Mail " (Liberal). 4769 ; Mr Smillio (Ltbor and pro-Boer), 2900, Sir W. H. Battigan was defeated by the Liberal candidate in 1900, when be polled 5567 votes. AT tbe London wool sales the Takaka clip (realised 6§J, and the Taradale clip 16£1. Merinos were unchanged. Crossbreds were ■lightly in buyers' favor. The whead markets are qaiet, bnt steady. South Australian and Victorian cargoes, September and October shipments, sold at 28a 9d, and « Victorian steamer parcel afloat sold at 26s 3d. The official estimate of the French crop is 37£ million quarters. .

THE cost of each of the road-making machines imported by the Government waa about £75. The Southland County Council has five similar machines in use, and la thoroughly satisfied with the way in which they do their work. Tbe County Engineer states that the first machine that was placed nnder his care saved tbe whole of its cost on the first job, 3£ miles' length of road.

ATELEGfiAMhas been received from Glsborne stating khab fcbe scow Whakapai capaijsed between East Island and tbe mainland on Sunday morning, Tbe crew clung to her for two bonrs when they were washed off and, four of them, inclnding Captain Bonnor, wewr drowned, only one of tbe men getting aahore safely. Captain Bonnor, who hud been previously in th the service of tbe Union Co., had §aly been married fi,ve months.

Ma W. T. STEAP, on being interviewed with reference to the debate in the New Zealand Parliament, said that he was certain that the Bey. Mr Fitcheifc, who controls tbe "Be view of Reviews " in Australasia, was Ineipfcble of expressing &ny opinion about Mr Seddon in reknrn for £260. I! New Zealand shared the cost of bringing out a special supplement, it was intended to benefit the colony, not to glorify Mr Seddon.

A London newspaper correspondent having suggested that disease, especially cancer, Is due to the consumption of frozen meat, and that tbe diseases were being induced in the animals owing to their being overdriven and excessively branded, Mr H. O. Oopeland (Agent-general for New South Wales), Mr Sinclair (tbe trade expert for Victoria, and Mr Cameron took up tbe end gels on behalf of the colonies and lenvuttated the nntine statements and threw ridicule on them.

DpRING tbe journey to Auburn Prison, CjtolgOEZ, who is undir sentence of death for tbe murder of President M'Kinley, said be regretted the crimn and pitied tbe widow. Hundreds of persons congregated outside the gaol, and made a ruab for the murderer, witb the intention to lynch him. The guards, with difficulty protecting their charge, drew their revolvers and blows were exchanged. Czolgoez was hustled into the prison, and collapsed on the floor of the prison, shrieking in •bject terror.

Thb two boys who walked from Invereargill to Dunedin to see tbe Duke and Duchess of York, and were " lionised " in the > Otago capital, and presented to the Royal patty, appeared at the Xuverwfcill fouw VqucC ou WeduttdaY, abtrrocl vita, stealing % boat. It is alleged that ttiey took the oraf t from its moorings in the estuary, and pulled down to Clifton, where they set it adrift. The boys^were remanded.

Cecil Bhodes is returning to England, a physical wreck. He will consult tbe most Eminent specialists of London and the Continent, but it is predicted nothing can rescue bim from the clutches of general paralysis, of which he is eaid to be tbe victim. The change is especially noticeable in bis bent figure, his drooping lip, and his lack-lustre ayes — eyes whioh once shot magnetic fire and were his chief aid in securing power in tbe Dark Continent. The steamer on which he ii returning is fitted ont for his special comfort.

The claim Smyth v. Fulton, which is tbe first case in tbe Arbitration Court under tbe Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act, came before Mr Justice Cooper and the Maestors at Auckland on Monday. In this tbe father and sister of William Smyth, a laborer who was killed in a landslip at Nibotapu while working for Hugh Fulton, contractor for the waterworks for tbe City Council, claimed £400 from Fulton's widow. Counsel announced that the claim had been settled by payment of £205 to claimants by the N.Z. Accident Insurance Co., which bad carried Fulton's risk on the contract.

Aw item of news of considerable interest to Mais colony generally, and to producers especially, is contained in a recent Tasmantan paper. It runs thus :— " West Devonport. The following telegram was despatched to the Bight Hon. Edward Barton, Melbourne : * The Chamber of Commerce and Merchants' .Association of Devonport humbly pr»y th&t the JTederftl Governmpnt will consider the Interests of Northern Tasmania by checking the ruinous competition at times caused by the importation of New Zetland produce into the Commonwealth. ' "

TH£ salary of Mr Ghomley, who is about to retire from the position of Commissioner of police in Victoria, is £900 per annum, and he has also free quarters. The salaries of the Commissioners' of Police in four of tbe other colonies are as follow : — New South *W»le8, £920, with allowances; Queensland, £800 ; South Australia, £700. witb an allowance of £12 for Uniform ; Tasmania, £500, with £50 for quarters. If tbe Police Vote puses the House of Representatives the ■alary of Mr Tunbridge, Commissioner of Police in New Zealand, after four years' oervlee will be £600.

A ORBAT price was recently paid for a freehold property in Cornhill, London. |Tbe property in question oonsists of a substantial building of five floors and a basement, tbe land having a frontage of 17ft by a depth of 44ft, »nd an area of 752 superficial feet, for these premises there was the keenest pompetitiop, as they appealed alike to investors seeking an outlet for capital, and to public companies requiring commanding offices in this central place of business. Tbe propetty V" eventually sold at £40,800, which feat tbe rate of £&f per superficial foot, or £2,400 per foot* frontage, and equal to £2,350,000 per acre. This is believed to be •bout tbe record price obtained for property in the city of London,

A MAX named Joseph Wbinin was admitted to the Aookland Hospital ft few days ago. trout JtiverJbsad. where he had been «tuokeclby a buifaog. Oa being examined w&Qimteu by J>r Aaan>», of the hospital sb»st both his ears were found to be banging by in ere sbreds, his feet feet were lacerated ■od torn open, the nose was bitten through, pc was severely lacerated about the right eye, £he scalp was torn and lacerated, and flaps of the scalp torn away. Whanin bad several wonnda on tbe back of the nepk, and lacerated wounds on the hips and lower extremities. JJe' states that he was being worried by the dog for a quarter of an Soar before help pime and he was rescued from tbe ferocious brute. Dr Adams thinks that tbe man, notr withstanding his frightful wounds, has a fair eb»nce of recovery, bat be will be • long time JnJheboipUal,

At tbe London wool sales, merinos (good) are firm and faulty slightly easier. The sales included :— R S.T. 4Jd, Milton 6Jd, Kawarau l±a, Koorino 9£d, Paka Is 6£d. To date 1143,647 bales have been cafcalogned »a<3 [ 139,705 bo\&.

Cheap excursion fares to Dunedin are advertised to be issued from tbe 7th to tbe 12th instant available for return op to Saturday night, 19th instant. On Labor day, 9th instant, sports will be held in Danedin, and tbe Dunedin Spring races will be beld on the 9th and 12lb. Alterations in the railway time-table for tbe latter dates are also advertised.

Ms R. T. Black, rabbit exporter, informed the "Daily Times" tbat be bas receWed from the Ltwrenco district some strange assortments of rabbits. With greab ingenuity, the oarcases of several rabbits which had been torn or damaged have been pitohed up by means of other skins. One rabbit was found from which tbe bind legs had been torn, apparently by a' oat or doer, tnd the deficiency made (rood by carefully stitching on two legs cab from another skin. In other instances patches had been put on the carcase in the fame way, Mr BUck states that he has known oases where stones bad been plaoed inside a rabbit to bring it op to tbe required weigh f, bat tbio is tbe first instance of promiscuous p»tob<ag tbat ' has come under bis notice, It ia difficult to - understand how it can pay«to sew legs on to a rabbit whiob is worth at the outside from 2&d to 3d. There is a deoided tendency just now (says tbe " Sydney Mail ") to raise the price of common " necessaries of life." Tbe bakers have fixed a " minimum " price for bread in response to the improved conditions of their employe*!, and consequently increased cost of tbeir operations, and now tbe master butchers are proposing a " minimum " price for meat. Ia this ease it is not man bnt tbe elements tbat have created tbe need, for the drought first thinned oat tbe herds, and now thak bounteous rains h»ra broughb back the productiveness of tho soil tho growers wanfc tbeir stock for breeding purposes. As things go batchers' meat in Sydney is reaching English retail prices, and tbe " wild rabbit man is driving a great trade in tbe poorer quarters and the suburbs in consequence. A pedigree Shorthorn bull, one of six i asported by the Government, was landed from the s.B. Upolu at Lyttelton on Friday morning, and is to be sent to the Leeston district. The animal, wbieh is rising three years old, ia patriotically named Imperial Yeoman, sad is of cae best strain of milking Shortboms in England. Two other bulls of equally good breeding, Plato, rising three years, and Captain Middleton, twenty months, are on board tbe steamer, and destined for tbe Otago district, Mr J. P. Boss, of tbe Stock Department, is travelling in charge of the animals, the other three bulls have been retained in the North Island. The whole six were brought out from Home by tbe s.s. Matatua in May last, and bave since been undergoing quarantine on Somes Island, Wellington. They have been released in admirable condition. THE following is Ihe Order Paper for the Conference of the New Zealand Farmers' Union, which commenced its sittings at Milton yestereay :— Tuesday, Ist October : Meet at 9 a.m., general introduction and perusal of various reports from other conferences. 10 30 a.m., elect chairman to conduct proceedings till executives <tre duly appointed. Discuss Union ruleß, objects, platform, and make suggestions for colonial rules, &c, &c. Elect Fiuance Committee, also committee to draft resolutions, &c. Evening sitting, 7*30 p.m., committee meets to prepare report and balance-sheet.— Wednesday, 2nd October : Meet at 9 a.m. Finish discussion of rales, Reports of centres. Transaction o£ any new business broughb forward, maA election ol separate execativea for Otago and Southland. Decide provincial centre for each province, election of provincial secretaries. General discussion. Evening sitting : General meetMag open to all members of Union, Mr John Loveday, of the Bulli Mountain*, N.S.W., who suffered for 4 years with aeaSe gravel, writes to the "lUiwara Mercury" that le was completely curod of bis complaint by the internal use of SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT. He also states he bas found the Extract (Sander and Sons') a cure for rheumatism, and remarks that in publishing these faots he bas no other object ia view thaa a pare desire to beaefii suffering humanity. Dr W. Oaborne, Cottageville, Ky., writes :-i? I use SANDER * SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT as a spray for nasal catarrh, low fever, asthma, &c, with great success. I fiod this preparation superior to all others." Dr A. Bruegmao, Hartwell. Nebr., says :— " I have OBed SANDER & SONS' EUCALXTTI EXTRACT in pneumonia and incipient phthisis, and have met witb most bappy results. I bave practised over 34 years and I candidly say this — SANDERS' EXTRACT is one of tbe grand; est preparations I ever chanced to meet." Dr StttW, Ontbtie, Ok., writes !— « I have used various preparations of Eno*lptn9, bub I eet better results from SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT than from any of tbe others/ These and similar testimonials prove indisputably tbe superiority of SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT over any other, and we sugoest to tbe public to take care to get it— SANDER $ SONS'.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4896, 2 October 1901, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4896, 2 October 1901, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4896, 2 October 1901, Page 2