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King Eeward visited tbe King of Sweden at Helsinborg. It is reported in London that King Edward will be crowned Emperor of Hindustan at Delhi next year. Ths German Emperor bas conferred the decoration of the Grand Cross of tbe Red Eagle on Prince Chan. DURING the past five years the excess of Chinese arrival* over departqrei |Q Ail tuQ | Australian Stutea is 1,307, At the S.M. Court yesterday before Mr Cruicksbank one new pension at £12 and seven renewals at £18 were granted and one adjourned. r HOW to get a beautiful library for nothing —use the famous Book Gift Tea and select your books from catalogue of 500 books that are given away free. Sergeant Bowman arrived in Liwrenoe from t)lyde on Monday, and at occe entered on bis duties as officer in charge of the diatriot. Notice is given that tbe water-supply of tbe whole of tbe town of Law* enoe will be turned off to-morrow, for the repairs of tbe watermains. ' IT'S football that works up the muscle, And gives a man plenty of dash, It's kick, it's scrnm, and it's bustle, And a general looking for lasb. in the good Qid bunt fgr tbe Joatber, If a cold you should bave to endure, You will soon pull yourself altogether. With Woods' tfreat Peppermint Care,

Two masked men entered the battery boats of tbe Beehive gold mine at Bulmamevaal, Vioioria, und, having scoured the watchman, stole a quantity of gold. THE township of Winton was almost entirely swrpb away by a fire that broke out there at an early hour on Monday morning* The damages are estimated »t £10,000. ~~ GBO. ELLIOT'S fine story, " Adam Bode, 1 * is given away with 6lba Book Gift Tea. Ask yon grocer for catalogue of 500 good book* that are given free with famous Book Gift Tea. Owing to the failure of the brake of a pe> toleum train, at Buobareat the latter escaped from control and telescoped an exDresa train at Palota, in Roamania, killing 32 out of 38 passengers. A solicitor in the Carterton Court deliv- | ered a homily on perjury tbe other day. He g»ve it as his opinion that twelve persons oul of every 20 who gave evidence did 86 purely as a matter of business. Pbince Chuto baa announced tbe despatch of commissions to America and tbe Pacific Coaat to solicit subscriptions from Chines* towards the indemnity. Foreign MinUtera deprecate the project. lir connection with tbe impending rottrt* ment of Mr Chomley, Chief OommisSiODer Of" Victorian Police, the name of Commissioner Tunbridge, of New Zealand, ia mentioned, amongst others, for the vacancy. .. Mb W. R. Millab, photographer, notifiai . that from Ootober Ist to December 31at he ia . prepared to undertake pbotographio work on ' ■peoialiy reasonable terms. He ia alao prepared to undertake all olatra of pioturcframing, A bush worker named Carlo Morandl, • native of Switzerland, aged 65, was found > dead in bia but near Inveroargill with hii head and arm in tbe fire. The arm was burned to tbe bone. It is assumed that he had fainted and fallen. Our Waitabuna correspondent writes:— l Owing to tbe prevalence of sickness amongst the school children and to aiokness in the head teacher (Mr Patrick's) family the Wai* tahuna School Committee decided to oioso tbe aohool for the present week. To-morrow night, a performance will OO given in the Town Hall by Ferry, tbe Human Frog, supported by » company of well-known artiata. Ferry's performance is spoken of M marvellous, and he has been very wjbll patronised on bis tour of the colony. At the Christobaroh Horse Parade on Sat* urday mnoh dissatisfaction was expressed at Lupin, Luapim, and Malaoui, the threa blood horses imported from England by the Government. They are considered too small, and quite unsuitable to get remounts. News from Fiji states that the oase of Berkeley v. Sir G. O'Brien, late Governor of Fiji, for alleged slander, was dismissed, the Chief Justice holding that tbe words complained of were used in conversation with the Acting-Chief Justice, and privileged. 1 AN exploring and surveying expedition* With nine montba' equipment, which propose* ' to traverse the Szeohaan and Yunnan Provinces, and possibly Thibet, left Peking ; under Major C. C. Manifold, staff surgeon, with a body of Indian Gburkas as an escort. The Parisians are bitterly disappointed at . the Czar not visiting Paris. The Ossr sent ; 100,000 francs for diatribution amongst the poor of the city, and promised to visit them later. He alao divided 50,000 francs between ' the poor of Dunkirk, Rbeims, and Com* * > peigne. At the Wesleyan Church on Sunday morn* > ing last, the Rev. J. G. W. Ellis preaohed an * "In Memorium " service in connection with . the death of President M'Kinley. Tbe aer- ■ 4 vice was a very impressive one and WM listened to with marked attention by a nnmeroua congregation. ; The Wellington " Post " says :— Farmer* win be glad to learn ctut tuoimbigaitj in fibs ■ Workero Compensation for ACOldeDlB Aot if - to be removed by making dear the Legists* i fcure'a intention to exempt agricultural . laborers from its operation. In this way , vague riaks will be removed and much litiga* tiou prevented. I At tbe London wool sales obiefly oross* breda are catalogued. Prioes are unchanged. Continental buyers eagerly competed for " merinos at the late extreme rates. Good I scoured is in strong demand. Tbe amount f catalogued to date is 54,689 bales; sold. - 1 53.964 bales. The Moeraki clip realised s*d« b and the Ellonlie 7|d. Yet another good story is told of tbe war. , It appears that two Imperial Yeomanry were preparing for rest, when one said in a sleepy ' tone to the other, " Jaok, why did you voluut teer for this confounded busiueaa 1 " ** Why?" b replied the other, " because I have no wife or 3 kiddies to oare a brass farthing about me ; a beaides, I like war." " Well," rejoined the t first speaker, " that is oertainly curious ; for ' I came out because I have a wife, and I like 0 peace." • The Australian Alliance Assurance Com* > pany notify by advertisement in another c column that they have appointed Mr J. T. El Black, of this town, as their agent for tbo . Lawrence district. The company, which hai 0 been ably represented in Duoedin for the past 30 years by the firm of Barr, Leary, and Co., bas just found it necessary, owing to " the growth of business, to open an office . under the control of a branch manager. Be Carbful.— You won't drink poisonous . wine knowngly— why, therefore, drink poisonous tea ? Avoid China tea, which is now adulterated out of all reaemblanoe ; also avoid x blends," for the average is vile tea disguised 1 with a little good. Tbe uniform pure tea. - moat reliable and most satisfying, is grown in j Ceylon, and tbe name it bas is as famous aa I that island itaeIf— NIRVANA. We are in* formed that Nirvana Tea is paoked under British supervision, and guaranteed pure and f deiicioua by a responsible company. It ii packed in lead in pounds and balC-pOUadt, 3 and the local agent, Mr F. Oodaille, Law* . renoe, will be pleased to supply the require- . ments of those disposed to purchase a thoroughly pure and reliable Ceylon tea. The Venezuelan and Colombian Liberal q forces were badly defeated by the Oolom* s bian Government troops at Rio Haoha. Tbe Venezuelan general was amongst the captared. Tbe French cruisers prevented a oou- - fliot between the Venezuelan and Colombian l gunboat-. "Le Temps " explains that the 3 French cruiser, in the absence of a notifioa* 3 tion of war, merely protected a French chartered steamer landing Colombian Govern* ment troops.

The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York have arrived et Ottawa. Lord Minto, Sir Wilfred Laarier. and members of the " Miniut.y officially welcomed them. The French colonists vied with the English, in according them an enthusiastic reception. The Dake unveiled a statue of Qaeeo Victoria on Parliament Hill. He presented the war medals to returned officers and men, and also a Victoria Cross, and then crossed the river and visited Hull. It is well known (says the " Post") that many medical practitioners and others have a very decided objection, for sanitary reasons, to 14 kissing- ths book "as a form of taking the oatb. Dr Maaon, chief health officer for the colony, shares this objection, and before giving evidence at the Nantical Court he preferred to be sworn in the Scotch fashion— making an affirmation with the right hand uplifted. The danger of infection by kisv » book which baa been repeatedly QfOd fot the same purpose ie far greater tbaU tOO DM* jority of people realise, and this praotioal protest by the obief health officer is worthy of more than passing note. The recent list of divorce cases beard be* fore Mr Justice Simpson at Sydney this tern was the beavieat on record, bringing the total tried before him up to 3,922. His Honor remarked that he was glad to notice that in the Federal Bill proposed to be introduced there was an inteotion to remedy the most dangerous and objectionable provision in the present law by which a person who obtained an order for restitution of conjugal righti could, in the event of the order being disobeyed, obtain a divorce upon the ground of desertion, although only two or three months might elapse. That provision was a most dangerous one, and one which ought to be remedied, for these orders were rarely obeyed, and there oonld be no attachment when they were disobeyed. Mr John Loveday, of the Bulli Mountains. N.S.W., who Buffered for 4 years with aenie gravel, write* to tuo "Xiiiwani Mercury" (bit be w»a completely oared of bis complaint by the internal ase of SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT. He also state* he bas found the Extract (Sander and Sons') a cure for rhenmatism, and remarks that in publishing theae fasts be has no other object in view than a pare desire to benefit suffering humanity. Dr W. Oaborne, Cottageville. Kv., writea :-" I nse SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT as a spray for i nasal catarrh, low fever, aathma, &c, with great success. I find this preparation superior to all others." Dr A. Bruegman, Hartwell. Nebr., says :—•• I have need SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT Jn pneumonia and incipient phthisis, and have met with moat happy remits. I have prac »8/d«?» 8 /d«?? p M yearß • nd J ondidly say this— SANDERS' EXTRACT is one of the grand. est preparations I ever chanced to meet.*' Dr Stahl, Guthrie, Ok., writea .•—" I have used various preparations of Eucalptnt, but I get better results from SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT than from any of the others.-' These and similar testimonial* WOVO indUPßfcfcWy the superiority of SAW- ' DEE & SONS' EUCALYPTI BXTBAOT over any other, and we augoeat to tbe poolta trtake oare to get it-SANDER ft SONS',

11 Thi Enquired Qraolf," the bett reference book on ewy-day subject! i« given aw«y with 101 b Book Gift Te«. Thb •djQitnoent in connection with the recent fire it Hordern and Sons', Sydney, of tbe insurance claims, which ■pproxtnuted £300,000, distributed over 33 offioes, is completed. It took Mr Samuel Hordern 10 hours signing the claims, he hs,ving to write bis name 1700 times. Excepting Whiteley's London fire, Hordern '• is a record single fire aa fat as the inauranoe demand is concerned. Ik connection with the thousandth anniversary of the death of King Alfred the Great, Lord Bosebery, in unveiling a statue at Wineh««ter, daroribed King Jk.ltr«d. aa an ideal finflhliinaß, • ptirtect 9o»e»"»l£», abd a p)on««r ot EnglaadV grectaecv. He graoefullj mentioned the ancestry of Americans, who, aoross the oenturies, in a moment of stress and sorrow, irresistibly join hands with as. Lord Brassey and a number of other promin*nt men identified with tbe colonies attended tbe millenary. General Brxtgibb on Saturday led selected regiments of tbe Army at Bheims psst tbe Cfcsr, th« Cctrioa, and President lioabet. At • iaaobeon mher ifao review President £iaab«t declared that <b« «Hiaaa« l/e6ire«a the two nations bad powerfully contributed to European peace. Tbe Cstr replied, stating that be was deeply moved by tbe tonobIng oordiality of the demonstration and tbe ties onitinjf tbe nations being reaffirmed by snob manifestations of sympathy. Russia much loved and appreciated tbe French nation:' Tbe alliance was most pacific and a precious element of »ppessement for the whole of hnmanlty. Tbe Gear started for &l«l to tbe ammoon, aud rowlYea ovations all the way to tbe frontier, where tbe Ccar telegraphed to Fresidet Lonbet bis warmest thanks. THB WRECQbd torpedo destroyer Cobra bad only been transferred to tbe British Admiralty on Tuesday. Tbe King has forwarded a message expressing tbe deepest heartfelt sympathy with the relatives of tbe drowned. Tbe evidence taken at tbe inqaset abowed that the Cobra was going dead alow.. Big teas were running in about 10 fathom* of w%ter, wbea m shook wma telt. ' The Cobra broke her back, baekled, and i settled down amidships. There was no time to*properly launch tbe boats. The dingey waa awnng overboard with the canvas covering intact, and was only reaohed by swimming, 12 of the snrvivors ripping tbe oovering ] oft The Cobra's stem and stern met to- '\ getber in tbe air as she sank. The stern i part alone was seen to founder. , Wade's Tbbthing Powders for babies I are soothing, reduce fever, and prevent blotches. Price, la. . A SKQUKL to tbe rocket explosion at Inter* < oargill on tbe occasion of the return of tbe < fourth and fifth contingents came before tbe , Invereargill Borough Coanoil at its last ; meeting, when formal intimation was re- ! oeived from Charles Sneyd, Ellen Sneyd, and ; John Drake of their intentions to bring act- ' ions. against the council for damages for < bodily injuries. The solicitors who are act- • ing for Mr and Mrs Sneyd wrote to the conn- ] oil stating that there has been, some talk of ] raising subscriptions on their behalf, in ] which case they will not proceed with tbe ; action. They also stated that Mr Sneyd - has been ao badly injured that he will have • to e«aa£c bid <roaap*6faa ia life «ad taka to i TOsaetbiog repairing tittle nmooalac esort- ; ion and strain, Tbe letters were held : over. ; A striking change is imminent in the type < of ocean-going sailing ships (says the " Daily < Chroniole"). The stately vessels bave been ; almost elbowed from tbe seas by fussy steam- J ships, bat have held their own in a limited ; number of trades, as, for instance, the bring- - tag of wheat from tbe Pacific ports of tbe ' United States. Their picturesque rigging is ' likely to b« doomed by the march of ntility. i All the new sailing vessels nnder oonstrnotion £ in the United States are fore-and-aft rigged, c without spars. Six-masted schooners, over s 300 ft long, which can cross tbe Atlantio with s 5000 tons of cargo, and can be handled by a j crew of. fourteen men, have already been „ launched ; and the keel of a gigantio .seven- „ master has been laid. Tbey cost something less to construct them than a square-rigged ship, but the real economy is in the running ° expenses. 3 A YOUNG man named Win. M 'Donald was drowned in tbe vioinity of Ihe Victoria wharf Danedin, on Sunday morning. Deceased was apparently- going ont yachting in theyaobt Vixen, ; and w*a engaged in loosing the moorIngs, when ha fell overboard. His nib, P. c Manning, was below at tbe time, and heard the chain running overboard and a cry for help, bat wife apparently unable to render any assistance,. A party at once proceeded to drag for tbe body, which was reoovered about half an hour after the aooidenfc. It was found that M 'Donald's legs had become entangled in tbe obain, and this, and the yaobting costume he wore, which included a pair of heavy boots, no doubt prevented any possibility of bis coming to tbe surface. The body on being recovered was conveyed to tbe Wharf Hotel. M'Donald was about 20 years of age, a jeweller by occupation, aad resided with his father in Duncan street. A GENTLEMAN recently from Melbourne givea some interesting infornmation as to street formation. Some of the thoroughfares, be says, are paved with bluestone, but the noise was tbe objection. It is dearer than wood blocking, and in one case lately of work going into thousands of pounds, tbe tender lor stone was found to be hundreds of pounds over tbe estimates. Tbe oontraot was carried oat by putting on wooden blocking in tbe oentre of the street, and stone on either side, so as to bring the work within the estimate. So far as he can judge, the life of tbe blocks (red gam) was about seven years. Tbey were before being plaoed down, dipped in boiling tar. Gangs of men were continually going along pulling up aeotions, some of tbe blocks wearing down, in easea to 2in in thickness. All the crossings were made with metal cubes* While in Sydney be noticed that tbe wooden blooks warped and expanded. A"'Gk>6*> OotTGs Meuiciice fob Oho.]>ken

' I have no hesitancy in recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,' says F. P. Moran, a well-known and popular baker, of Petersburg, Va. 'We have given it to our ohildren when troubled with bad cough*, also whooping cough, and it has always given perfect satisfaction. It waa recommended to me by a druggist as the best cough medicine for ohildren ai it contained no opium or other harmfnl drug.' For sale by R. S. Poison, chemist, Lawrence. Price Is 6d, big size 3s.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4894, 25 September 1901, Page 2

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LOCAL AMD GENERAL NEWS. Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4894, 25 September 1901, Page 2

LOCAL AMD GENERAL NEWS. Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4894, 25 September 1901, Page 2


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