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The Kbedivah of Egypt has given birth lo a son. The Duke and Duobess of York have arrived at Quebec, Canada. Sir J. P. Abbott, ex-Speaker of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly is dead. Musqrove's Opera Company opened in Dunedin in "II Trovatore " on Monday night to a crowded house.

Mr Herbbet Stone, the British Colonial Office expert, bas reported adversely on American gumwood for street-paving. Sm Rkdvebs Bdllbb, on Ist October, becomes a General on the Staff of the British Conamander-in-Cbief, and commands the i\n»t Am/ Verpoi Wobks by Scott, Dickens, Thackeray, E. P. Roe, Lvfcton, Dumas, A. J. E. Wilson, Rbodft Broughton, Mra Henry Wood, Bret HartP, Ethel Turner, Guy Boothby, Rider Haggard* George Elliot, and every other modern writer, are given away witb tho turnout Book Gift Tea. i

THE South Wales (English) collieries are arranging a pooling system similar to that i in operation in the Westphalian mines. t King Edward has knighted Mr Gorchen, a brother of the ex-First Lord of the Admi- < ralty, who is British Minister at Copenhagen, j The programme of the Spring meeting of ' the Gore Racing Glob haa been issued. The total prize money amounts to £500, there ' being eight events for each day. I The Czar of Russia sailed from Kiel with- ' oat paying bis expected visit to Djntzig. Germans are delighted at the cordiality of i tbc Basso-German naval f«BllTlfiiea a J LORD HOpKTOUN, whose health for a con- J siderable time has been indifferent, is visiting Queensland, and he has been already greatly benefited. ! Walter Losing, on the charge of embrzz- i ling £337 17s 61 from Mr Howison, was sea- ] teooed in the Supreme Court, Dunedin, on | Monday, to 12 months' imprisonment with bard labor. A North Island paper is informed lhat ; a large pa is being,erected at ;Aolea for the " residence of the Maori King Mahnta. It , will be elaborately finished with Maori car* < vings. James Mokgan, of Lyttelton, waa brought < down from Kaipara to Auckland on Monday ; , with both legs broken, the res«lt of an accident on the schooner Hnia. He is doing well, considering bis seriotW iQJQnej, SIB J.. E. GOBST, addressing the British Association, declared that it would prove an inestimable advantage if Great^Britain were to adopt a scientific conception of national education, similar to that already in force in the colonies, Europe, and America. The volunteer officers of the Otago district intend making a presentation to Lieut.-Col. Webb on the 28th inst., prior to his departure to take up command of the Canterbury distriofc. Col. Robin succeeds Lieut.-col. Webb in command of the Otago district. ON Thursday laafc, before Mr J. C. Arbuckle, J.P., Choir Swanwick, of Wetheratones, waa charged, on the information of the Borough ranger, with allowing a horse to wander in Ross Place, Lawrence. After bearing evidence the case was dismissed. The s.s. Eric, which was obartered by the Peary Club to go in search of the Arctic explorer Peary, found Peary at Etah in excellent health (says a New York cable). The explorer sounded the northern limit of the Greenland Archipelago, reaching 83 degrees 50 minutes. He makes a further advance in the spring. Owing to the tick restrictions against Queensland cattle and the late drought the supply of fat cattle in Sydney is very limited. Monday's market was the highest for 15 years, showing a rise of £1 per head ainoe Thursday's sale. Bullocks sold np to £16 10s. A farther advance is expected. Beef is proportionately advancing. HOW to get a beantiful library for nothing —use the famous Book Gift Tea and select your books from catalogue of 500 books that are given away free. The London " Times " Copenhagen correspondent is authorised to state that the Duke of Orleans apologised and begged the late Queen Victoria's pardon for encouraging a French artist who, it will be remembered, vilely caricatured her, Tbe Qaeeo'o answer* which is conceived in tbe most generous spirit,- was one forgiving the Duke both in her own name and that of her family. The 50-mile test cycle race (Christchurch to Leeston and back) to select » representative for New Zealand in the Warnambool to Melbourne road race was run on Saturday, and won by A. Ralston, of Inveroargill, with T. Clarkson, 20yds away, second. Nine started. A heavy wind was blowing from all points of the compass. The firm of Pearks, Gunston, and Tee, grocers, was fined JESIS ss, including costs, at the Wandsworth Police Court (England), for adding an undue percentage of moisture in churning colonial butter with pure milk. The label explaining the blend was held to be misleading to those unacquainted with the constituents of butter. At tbe Invercargill police Court on Wednesday, before Mr S. E, McCarthy. S.M., Micbael Fiynn, on remand from Otautau, pleaded guilty to having disturbed a religiOns gerVICQ at OtfcuUtl on Sunday evening. — The Magistrate expressed regret that be could not send accused to gaol, and inflioted the maximum penalty, £5, costs £1 12s 4d. At the clearing sale of . Mr W. C. Ladbrook's dairy herd, Charlton, near Gore, last Friday, 19 cows averaged the splendid figure of £7 15j 9£d per head. This (says tbe " Wyndham Farmer ") is easily the top price secured in Southland — or, md« ed, in the colony— for some years, and testifies unmistakably to Mr JL>ad brook's skill and care as a breeder. At tbe Glenham clearing sale 270 cows (in calf) realised a shade under £5 per head, and 30 2 year-old heifers sold in one lot brought 60s each. We'll sing God bless the Prince of Wales, Protect him from the storms and gales ; And may bis health for ever hold Free from either cough or cold, But Princes too, despite restraints, Are subject to all chest complaints. For which the remedy tried and sure, Is W. E. Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. THE Beaumont Hotel has again changed hands. Mr E, Gruntou wbo took possession sorao months ago foand that his physical strength was not equal to the demands made upon it by such a business and consequently disposed of bis interest to Mr H. Hunt who was recently acting as manager for Messrs Gourley and Co., storekeepers, Beaumont. SinOE the beginning of the Boer war there has been an evident disposition to color everything khaki, and this is apparent in Oamaru as in other places. A traveller says it is noticeable in tbe color of tbe paint witb which the houses in the South Island are painted. Starling with a light khaki in Christchurob it gradually deepens in shade as one comes down tbe line, until *t lover* oargill it almost approaches tbe color of a brick. The aesthetic, which threatened to take tbe place of other shades, has now been supplanted by the varying shades of khaki. An important operation claimed to be tbe first of the kind carried out in New Zealand was performed in Masterlon on Tuesday by Mr Brand, the Government Vetinarian, upon a racehorse belonging to Alexander Reside. The horse was known as a bad " roarer." Mr Brand bad a silver tube made to order in Christchnrch, and on Tuesday be opened tbe borao's iieok, severed the wind-pipe, and inserted the tube. Tbe whole operation took less than a quarter of an hour from the time the horse was thrown. The London urchin is fairly smart, writes a member of the Australian cricket team ' Outside tbe Crystal Palace ground we saw an immature All English Eleven practising with the usual kit — a battered bat, an indiarubber ball, and a kerosene tin wicket. They recognised us as Australians, and invited us to b»ve a band. One of tbe team tried it, j when the bit broke off in bis band at tbe first stroke, and they looked so disconsolate I that we subscribed 5s to bny another bat. The incident waa mentioned after lunob, when one of the team who had not been present said, " Why, I broke tbe same bat yesterday morning, but they let me off for a half-a-crown." "Ah," said tbe caretaker smilingly, " them boys have struck a gold < mine in that bat. They took Ranji down j for 5a over it the day before yesterday." j There is at present an old woman, aged 76, liviog at a South London Infirmary, suffering from a severe internal disease. Recently aho waa advised to undergo a surgical operation, and shortly before being pat nnder tbe influence of the aesthetic she asked, " How are they getting on at Kennington Oral ? " Upon being informed that Surrey had beaten the South Africans she exclaimed, " Bravo, boys ! they have beaten them both ways." The operation was successfully performed, and almost immediately after recovering consciousness she said to the doctor, " How is the match getting on ? " He told her that one of tbe Surrey team had made 247 runs. At this the old woman seemed quite elated and asked who it was that had made the heavy score. Upon being told that it was Abel she exclaimed, " Good little 'Bpbby,' he is bet'er than Grace." The old woman, wbo is progressing very favourably, has stood for many years outside Kennington Oval as a vendor of matches, and knows nearly the whole of the county cricketers by sight. STATUTORY DECLARATION— I, P., Ironbark, Sindhnrst, in the Colony of Victoria, do solemnly and sincerely declare that on the 25th Jane, 1877, my son Alfred, six years of age, was accidently hurt with an axe on the knee. lat once took all pains to secure medical attendance. However in spite of all efforts, on tbe 27th August, 1877, tbe opinion wa& given by Dr Macgillivray that en amputation of the injured limb had become imperative, in order to save life. At this juncture I called upon Messrs SANDER & SONS, piocuring some of their PURE VOLATILE EUCALYPTI EXTRACT, and by the application of iho same I had the satisfaction of seeing my son within a fortnight out of all danger, and to-day he is recovered. I may just add that it was when tbe crisis had been reached that SANDER'S EXTRACT waa first applied. And I make this solemn declaration, etc.. JsV%rik K»b<>. Declared at Sundtoargr, in the Colony of Victoria, Australia, this 17th October, 1877,, before me Morilz Coho, J.P. To guard tbe high reputation our manufacture bas attained all over the globe, we state that eire has to be exercised to obtain the genuine article (Sacder and Sons) as the most appalling consequents have resulted from tbe application of •purious produott— SANDEß & SONS. -

The " Olutba Leader " has just installed in iti office a ftfcnoline type setting miehlne, an improvement oo the Linotype. The Conciliation Boird will deal with tbt Ofcago grocers' •assistants dispute to-day. All the local storekeeper! have been sited to appear. The American steel strike has been settled. The Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers have relinquished their claim to control a number of mills. GEO. ELLIOT'S fine story, " Adam Bed*," is given away with 61ba Book Gift Tea. Aak you £IXB tf for catalogue of 600 good hooks that are given free witb famous Book Gift Tea. The Hon. R. Scotland thinks that the worker in New Zealand would learn » good lesson if he packed np his traps and went to the United States, where be would find that he would have to work a full day instead of a half-day, as bere. The expedition nnder Col. Morland, re* cently despatched to the Sokoto region ot Northern Nigeria, has expelled tbe Emir Yol», after infliaMog heavy losses, and in* stalled the Emir's brother. Tbe British casualties were 41. FOB Sunday trading, Margaret M'AUster, of tbe Gladstone Hotel, was fined £1. and her license was endorsed, at lovercargiir on Saturday. Tbe liquors were supplied by a servant in the absence of defendant, who stated that the gave insernetfon* not to serr« anyone. Among tbe names of those who have ptseed the Trinity College musical examinations we notice the following from this district :— Mtsa V. Patrick (Wattahuna), 92 marks, senior piss (Alias Yorston) : Miss M. Stsnhouse (Lawrence), 75 marks, intermediate past (Braemar House School); Miss It. Bota Waitahnna), 92 marks, junior pin (Miss M'lntosh). Wade's Teething Powdebs for babtea are soothing, reduce fever, and prevent blotches. Price, Ib, The Kaiser, replying to an addreta presented by the Burgomaster of Dantxif, referred to the highly important meeting with '• his friend the Czar." He said that it bad keen most; satisfactory on both sides, and bad unshskably strengthened bis conviction that peace would be preserved among the nation* for a long time toSoome. The festive char* aotpr of tbe Cztr's visit to Dunkirk and Compiegne has been abandoned oat of sympathy with the death of President M'Kinley. The "Southern Standard's •' Pomabaka Downs correspondent writes :— •• Oar sobool teacher has been transferred to tbe Waikoi* koi School. Tbe local sobool is at present closed. Mr Benttie'a removal means a record low attendance on the roll— namely, three pupils. The Government is not going to allow tbe school to be closed so long aa there i« one child attending, despite the opposite efforts of the Education Board. 11 Tub doe spring weather we bave been ex* periencing for tbe past few weeks underwent a sudden change on Sunday, when it turned cold and wintry. Monday morning was wet and very cold, snow falling at mid-day and continued for a couple of hours. Tbe snow did not lie loner, bub tbe weather still remains squally. Last night a heavy rain fell, accompanied by a piero'Qg Wind. Ruin hai beeD niacb desired by farmers and most of the sluioiDg cUims, while several townspeople bave been carrying water for some time. A South African exchange says tbere la one feature, smal], but cheering in the new* from country districts. Everywhere dane* ing, which has been practically suspended for two years, is being taken np again. There ftre not many years for a girl betwoen putting her hair up and settling dowu into staid womanhood ; and it has been hard for the South African war generation of debutantes to lose two of these years. Still, if all war hardships were no worao than that Wade's Worm: Figs are moat effective and not unpleasant ; children thrive after taking them. Prica, Is. A keturn "of tbe loss of life at sea for tbe year 1900 " has been Issued as a Parliamentary Paper. A table show* tbe lives lost by wreck, drowning or other accident in British merchant ships registered in the Uuited Kingdom, and from this it appear* that tbe number of masters and setmen employed was 224,545. Of this number 1044 lost their lives by drowning or wreck add 105 by other accident*, making a total for the two classes of 1149. This represents a proportion of one in 215 lives lost by drown* ing or wreck and one in 195 by drowning and other accident. ©Referring to the question of the site tor 9 the capital of the Australian Commonwealth b the Sydney " Telegraph " says that Mr Bar* - ton, the Premier, has had placed before him » all the information at the disposal of the > State Government on the snbjeot. In addir tion to .the tbree specially recommended site* b of Cauoblas, Bombala. and Yaw, particulars have also been furnished with reference to ( Albury, Wagga, and Tumut, and the Federal Premier has been informed that the nocesaury land will be available where re* quired. The premier purposes making a lour to inspeot tbe various sites. The device of tbe Ulster Yaobt Glob. which Shamrock 11. flies on its flag, is a bloody hand. The tradition by which it I takes its place there is a weird one. Two L Irish cbieftßios " sailed with sails " on the [ sea in a contest for the crown. Whoever , first, touched tbe shore, be should be king, , ONeill, seemg -his competitor jnst ahead. , took tbe rule literally, and cutting off hi* , band, flung it on land, thus be conquered and thus he ruled. Sir Thomas Liptoo takes tbe legend to heart in th« trne spirit of it. which > be reads as a lesson that the competition should be a keen one, demanding every sao1 rificn and straining every nerve. ' , Three settlers of Berwick— J. SbeuneOf , H. L. Johnston, *bd D. M'Pbcrvoo wertJ , charged at the Milton S.M. Court on Mon- , day with failing to take tbe necessary steps . to destroy tbe rabbits on their properties. i Shenuan was fined £3 and £1 10 a cost*, John* , ston £7 and £1 18 a costs, and M'PbersOn £5 , and £2 costs. One of the witnesses declared that he bad poisoned the whole of tb* ground (252 aoras, by the way) for bis employer (Mr | Shenoan), and on a recent examination saw 1 only eight rabbits. Mr Cruiokshank, S.M., ' pointed out that "it was no use saying be > bad destroyed the rabbits, and that tbe pro* • perty was dear of them. He might bring 20 witnesses to uphold his contention, bnt if, in 1 iho opinion of the inspector, sufficient step* ' had not been taken tint settled the ana*.* ■ turn," J Be Careful.- You won't drink poisonous wine kuowngly— why, therefore, drink poi* onouB tea ? Avoid China tea, wbioh is now > adulterated out of all resemblance ; also avoid blends," for tbe average is vile tea disguised ' with a little good. Tbe uniform pure tea, ' most reliable and most satisfying, is grown in ' Ceylon, and tbe name it has is as fsmon* a* ' i bat island itseIf— NIRVANA. We are inI r Ormod that Nirvkna Tea is packed under Brtcisb supervision, Bud guaranteed pare and 1 delicious by a responsible company. It is 1 packed in lead in pounds and balf-ponnds, and tbe local agent, Mr F. Ondaille, Law- > rence, will be pleased to supply the require* ' njents of those disposed to purchase a tho- ' roughly pure and reliable Ceylon tea.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4892, 18 September 1901, Page 2

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Tuapeka Times. AND GOLOFIELDS REPORTER AND ADVERTISER. "MEASURES NOT MEN." LAWRENCE: WEDNESDAY, 18th SEPT., 1901. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4892, 18 September 1901, Page 2

Tuapeka Times. AND GOLOFIELDS REPORTER AND ADVERTISER. "MEASURES NOT MEN." LAWRENCE: WEDNESDAY, 18th SEPT., 1901. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4892, 18 September 1901, Page 2


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