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SPECIALLY AUTBORISED WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR NEW ZEALA.S D I Messes P. HAYMAN AND CO., .^ ' Dunedio, Chriatchurcb, Wellington, and Auckland The above carry a complete Stock of H. E. KUGELMANN & CO.'S Standard Herbal Magnetic Remedies, \Vhich may be obtained from all Chemists andfStorekeepers nil over the Globe, LOCAL AGENTS— Messrs F. OnnAii/LB, J. Harhop, and G. O. Tatxob, Lawrence; Messrs W. AoM> aDd A. Gakjikn, Waitahuna ; Mesßrs F. W. KNIGHT AMD Co., IWaipori ; Mr Henderson, Beanmonfc ; Me^rs Maokat Bbos , Kox-l burgh ;Mr Brazil, Ettr sck ; and Mr Kemp, Bald Hill Flat. rpHESE UNRIVALLED HERBAL MEDICINES are universally acknowledged to be tb i- beat in the world. They aresqnite different to al others known, being absolutely ansu pasb In their nniversal excellence. They are absolutely specific for those complaints for which they are specially prepared, and are tree from poisons and all mineral drugs, and are quiM pleasant to taVr c THE BALSAM 01? PARADISE FOR ALL LUNGr AND THROAT DISEASES, pnch as Bronchitis, Aathma Wheeziocr, Coughs, Colds, Fog Fever. Sore Throat, Bleeding from the Luorb Tightness on the Chest, Inflammation of Lungs, Coltapse of the Afr Cells, Induration of Lungs CoDsestioD of Lunge, etc., etc. It is the only medicine known to mankind that will completely cure ConsumpMno in its early stages. It Is composed of choice fruits, flower seeds, eump balsams and herbs, xt renovates and fattens the weakest constitution, alike of young or nM ' Wfl Rold OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES daring fche first fire years that we IntroSeen thill marvelling and elegant remedy, and that, too WITHOUT ANY ADVERTISING WHATEVER. It is exceedingly pleasant to taßte, and causes |an mmediate;improvement»\ all who t*ke it. Sold in bottles »t 2s 6d, 49, 6*, and lOs.^' 1" THE BOOM OF THE COMING CENTURY," fl E Ktjgleman'B Electric Essence.— An external remedy for all pains or aches. Nothing like this has ever beeu known, and nothing else will ever equal it. If you have a rheumatism or gouty pain that yon do nr.t>re about, obtain a bottle of this Electric Essence and It will make you happy. Use it for sprained backs, knee jointa, all swellings, dropsy, backache, sciatica, neuralgia, weak spines, lumbago, contractions, lameness, cramps, quinsy, mumps, Hinhtheria crouD and for all pains and aches. Never be without it for snake bite, and all bite* oMnseota or stints, and far burns, cuts, and scalds. Sold in bottles only, price 3s 6d and 7s. H. E. KUGELMANN'S EYE OINTMENT & ANODYNE EMOLIENT. This is undoubtedly tbe finest Pharmaceutical product of the century. An immediate cure for chilblains and frost-bites. Nothing hitherto known can compare with this Ointment for its marvellous excellence, elegance of combination, and superior effectiveness. It will cure all eye XLe as Sun Blight, Sandy Bliphc, Watery Blight, Matter or Humory Blight Inflammation of "Eves 'and Lids Chronic Opthalmia, and all and Every Eye Disease ; and as well it is the best and nicest thing possible for Flybite, Mosquito Bites or Stings of Scorpions, Centipedes, Spiders, etc.'ana tor Sore Throats, Coughs, Mumps, Quinsy, etc. It is simply splendid. All weak and nervous perßons should use it to rub well in down the spine and on the Stomach. We guarantee that all who use this once will never be without it. Read Dflßoriptive Handbook for further notice. This ointment usually cares blight in a few hours, also whitlows and boils and painful breasts in two or three hours. Sold only in jars at 2* 6d and 5s each. H. E. KUGKELMANN'S HERBAL MAGNETIC OINTMENT liiiß unrivalled Herbal product is undoubtedly the best ointment ever elaborated for curing old sores, bad legs, ulcers, fistules, piles, bleeding piles, eruptions of the skin, broken chilblains, cuta, woundß, etc.. etc., etc. In jars at Is, Is 9d. 2e 6d, and 5s each. H E Kueelmannss Children s Vital Essence.— For all the ailments of Infancy ani.'ehild. »od. ' A'real children's friend. See our Handbpok. Price, 2s 6d and 5s per bottle, THE HERBAL MAGNETIC TONIC LIVER AND STOMACH. RESTORED xor an Hver complaints, biliousness, jaundice, congested iver, enlarged Aw r and spleen, laneour drowsiness, pains between the shoulders chronic indigestion and all stomach complaints, heartburiXXcy, sour stomach, vomiting of food, loss of appe te, sick headache, nervonsnew nervous debnity, prostration, and the convalescing stages of all acute diseases \ead our Descriptive Handbook for all information relating to this splendidlmediolne, Sold in bottles at 5s and 10s each. ITHE NATURAL ELECTRIC BLOOD PURIFIER. I This medicine has no equal for all blood akin diseases, perfectly free from mercury, arsenic, ! and all mSeral druss, and does not contain any sarsapanlla or yellow dock. Never fails to cure a ™Tfnr™ nl 'scrofula scurvy, eczema, itch, ulcers, abscesses, sore legs and breasts, cancer, ;S^S^*^^«7 J»°-»J »°-» w > tiDg aDd I Ti l sa! ll t oriein in the blood. It will work wonders .in every case without ?xoeption.-See Handbook. Prices, 4s 6d, 6s 6d^and 12s 6d each bottle. x r hUfi FLUID HERBAL LIFE. * HERBAL MAGNETIC LIV±J4 J?liiL». Vh aaß , PiU« arfl nnrivalled. and superior to all others for all liver troubles, biliousness, Theaei *•«■•«« n-Lrir?itlonn -L r ir?itlon wind, and heartburn. They are composed solely of the vital I S2ffoT£s^SSa" f d^i e » glass bottles atls,l«9d,and3.Jach. These p / ■ jl. , \ • iinnao as they are a sure cure for numberless ills. shouidbekeptm "•^g-^gfj^gjrjsps VITAL ESSENCE. This is aliauid food medicine, prepared and adapted exclusively for permanently removing *i, a film-nhf LnTAhBUM of infants and children in every country and climate. It gives life, tbe ailments and peases or. in ian M &nd S fl vtou?° a nd pluSpoeis oHheweak, diseased, or sickly child. Being pleasant to take! it is readily taken by all. Sold n two sizes only, price 2s 6d and 5a each, with our guarantee attache. *^*$^«^sfa 0 ASTHMA CURE. tm.. h«rhal compound is undoubtedly the best inhalant in all Asthmatical comnl iP ' °h mTffiTSn B reathin?. as Dry Aathma, Humid Asthma, Spasmotic Asthma, Nervous tt a :lr?nS, B wtS, TighLss on the Chest, Catarrh, Hay Fever, Cold, in the Md^J6d j | i gdig :ICJ g?EEZING /ru;» ;o; o « mna t n« B f nl little Remedy of very uniform and positive character. It Has been H. E. KUGELMANN AND CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS. Manufactu^rsoE^tric ndProP^^^^ a™*, i?a, Offln« W Warehouse : 172 and 174 Willianvstreet, Melbourne, Viotorfa. A "p£Sn W -°°--^Ig^^bmgut at " Mount Paradise," Gembrood, Gippsland.

FIMiXB FILLS «• Invaluable ; no irrejjularitt «>. or obttraotione can retitt them. 3c M and 5e v bo*, •tertand Proayrojal Pills. 3§ 6d tx*. lafeani , reliable. Bon|Mn'i, 4i 6d box. Hot*. Bither ien< Poit Free on noeipt of prioe la •temp* or port' note. AddMM-HnL. HawWni, 84 George tcreei Danediß. HQBH3S At a general family a -orient, prepared wilhoul mercury, and are invaluable to all l who luflcr from Biliout and Liver Complaint*, Indigestion. Kidii*> DUeates, Wind, Spatmt. f»lnt between Ui> Shouldert, Palpitation of the Heart. Impure Blooc. Skin Bruptioni, Htrvoutnett, Headache, conttipstion, GiddlMM. 18. is 3d a bottle of 30 sugar roatro DiuV-one pUI to » dote. Sold by*U ohemnUanc !toreke»pe«T Wbotetale Agentt i Kempihorne Fromr.udOo. H.8.-Sent *«•* *"» ™ £ff N N U c of It A» In •utmpt. Addrew-O. W. HAWKl^fc. 94 Gtofft itreel;, Dunedin. CERTICURA OINTMENT Ouret Ghiibklni, Irritating Bruptions, Sor* <■■ Cracked filpplet, Bad Leg*. BunniDg Sorei, Cure Burnt. BrnliM, Boilt, BaahM, Inflammation of t.i. ByM.Ao. In«to»e«oveMd poU.laMeaxA. S-'j by kit ohemtaU and •tontaMMfc Wholea»le agent Kempthom«.ProKMr,»ndOo. HA-IkMt Free on recrfpTof to U In ttampe. w HAWKIVS, N aetrge ttre«t, Dunedin. CmMm* ■•^■■■■wtoliiii ligyMwlT ««r« N.rroo. DeMlitj r, Vreiaatai* OmHim. Semina WeakniM, IndlMntlou and laeeiM>. N 8.-un-month'* treatment mb» Pa«* fNe o& /eceipf of s In itoBH. or aoatal aota. Addrei.-O. y I a^aa « &9tS* 9B I mmS LvBHHS m *"" - ~ !J 38 j» WtfS^S aW^ wD r1"r 1 " — ■ >VkM a^a^B^B^B^aW HIHHiM "- '* 1 I J _ — — . . mm ak^* fin

The -unircrsal poiusbriry of Aycr's Pnir V'rot 's tl.e most co-.'.v'.nclns iroof of iiS \uiue as a $bbS!!(g lul i»u ndiii ■\Vhp;i flip l;nir becomes thin, fnded, or prcmnturpl^ ;-r:iy.tV;s v'''V : ' rill ' 011 rcstorrs nil It.? former col or. fulness.;' ml tcxM're. lilanrl.cod. r.rd ('pMfrhtfully r-erfitrcd. Aycr's lliiir Vipor prevfi-ts Knitir.i-si. l--prjis 11 c l.c.i«: free from djindniff , nnd cures unsightly iind tri'tiWeson-.e luimor* of flic scilp. l.n'Mcs rtcsirojis of liavii j; nn Hbtuuintice of soft. FiM:y tresses, iind prenfpmpji wlio wish to iirf.sprve their youthful ."VlieaTiiree to an ixdvnrtrort ape, ■would tlo 'well to furnish their toilets -with Ayer's Hair Vigor, PREVARED BY Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, H'ass., U. S. A. ' Sold by Drußgists nnd Perfumers. BABBON GARDNER (late of Suffolk street. Fall Mall, London, England). Spedalitt n Diteatee of Qenito-Crinary Orsant and Servoui Syßtem. Consult him on Kervow Debility, Phytical Exhaustion, tbe Indiscretions of Tooth, Seminal Losses. Spermatorrtaflta. Skin, Venereal, and Allied Oiaorder.. Barron Gardner has fluade these diseases \ lifelong study, and he has hadttae very great ractioal advantage of a very large Private Practice, ■^tending orer a period of 30 yean. Oonraltatlon : :» a.m. to 9 p m — The GABDNBB BGLBCTIC MRDIOAL IKSTITU>K (a few doort above the Palace Bleating Kink). Moray place, Dunedia. flmy ONE trial convinces the greatest loeptio tbat the Parity Cigarette] it the beat, in the murkft. PTJRiafY 01QA1 illi 8 o\ip§ other in the market

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 1812, 15 July 1891, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Tuapeka Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 1812, 15 July 1891, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Tuapeka Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 1812, 15 July 1891, Page 4


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