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SPECIALLY AUTBORIBED WHOLESALE AGENTS FOB NBW ZEALAND: Messb^ P. HATMAK AND CO., Dnnedin, ChrfiVchurch, Wellington, and Auckland' The above* carry a complete Stock of tt- E. KUGELMANN & CO.'S Standard Herbal Magnetic Remedies, Which may be obtained from all Chemists andOStorekeepero all over the Globe, LOCAL AGENTS— Messrs F. OoDAitLB, J. Habrop, and . 6. O. TatloS, Lairrenee j Messrs W. Auld and A. Garden, Wattahuna; Messrs F. W. KMIOBT AND Co., Waipori ; Mr Hehdehson, Beaumont j.Mewrs MaokaT. BROS > Box* burgh ; Mr Brazil, Ettriok ; and Mr Ekhp, Bald Hill Flat. rpBESE UNRIVALLED HERBAL MEDICINES are universally 'acknowledged to'be tn c X best in' tne world. They are qnite different to al others known, being absolutely ansor i path in their nniveri&l excellence. They are absolutely specific for those, oomplaiati tat > -which tbey vtt, »peDS»Uy ptepwefi, and »tfe ftee itom poiionß and »U mSne»l drngi, and are owto pleasant to take, THE BALSAM OF PABADISE FOB ALL LTOGr AND THBOAT DISEASES. auchas Bronchitis, Asthma Wheezing, Coughs, Colds, Fofc Fev^r, Sore Throat, BJeedlDi; froinjihe Ludrs, Tightness on the Chest, Inflammation of Lungs, CQllapse of the Celta, Induratiprj of Lungs, Congestion of Lungs, eta, etc. It is the .only medicine known to mankind that will completely cure^CoosumpMnn in Us early stages. . It is composed of choice fruits, flower seeds, sums, balsams, and herbs. It renovates and fattens the weakest constitution, alike of young or old. We sold OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES during the first; fiveyears that we introduced this marvellous and elegant remedy, and that, too, WITHOUT ANT ADVERTISING WHATEVER. It is exceedingly pleasant to taite, and causes an^mmediate improvement in all who t*ke it. Sold in bottle* »t 2s 6d, 4s, 6s, and 10e. « THE BOOM OF THE COMING CENTtTBY," fl. E. Kugleman's Electric Essence.— An external remedy for all paina or aches. Nothing likeithis has ever been known, and nothing else will ever equal it. If you have a rheumatism or Konty pain that yon do not care about, obtain » bottle of this Electric Essence and it will make you happy. Uae it for sprained backs, knee joints, all swellings, dropsy, back aebe, sciatica, ' nenralgia, weak spines, lumbago, contractions, lameness, cramps, quinsy, mumps, diphtheria, croup, and for all pains and aches. Never be without it for snake bite, and all bites of insects or stioga, and for burns, outs, and scalds. Sold io bottles only,' price 3s 6d and 7*> H. E. KUGrELMANN'S EYE OINTMENT & ANODYNE EMOLIENT. This is undoubtedly the finest Pharmaceutical product of the century. An immediate oure for chilblains and frost-bites. Nothing hitherto known can compare with this Ointment foe its marvellous excellence, elegance of combination, and superior effectiveness. It will cure all eye diseases, as Sun Blight, Sandy Blighc, Watery Blight, Matter or Humory Blight, Inflammation of Eyes and Lids, Chronic Opthalmia, and all aud Every Eye Disease ; and as well it is the best and nicest thiog possible for |Fly-bite, Mosquito Bites or Stings of Scorpions, Centipedes, Spiders, etc.-and for Sore Throats, Coughs, Mumps, Quinsy, etc It is simply splendid. All weak and nervous persons should use it to rub well in down the spine and on the Stomach. We guarantee that all who use this once will never be without it. , „ .... Read Descriptive Handbook for further notice. This ointment usually cures blight in a few hours, also whitlows and boils and painful breasts in two ot three hours. Sold only in jars at 2s 6d and 5s each. H. E. KUGELMANN'S HERBAL MAGNETIC OINTMENT. Ibis unrivalled Herbal product is undoubtedly the best ointment ever elaborated for curiDg old sores, bad lege, ulcers, fiatules, piles, bleeding piles, eruptions of the skin, broken c hJlbl.lD 0 , cut-, wou«a», elc. etc., elc. Ib j»w at U, Is oo\ 2s 6a, *»a &» *e4h. fl B. Kugelmann s Children s Vital Essence.— For all the ailments of infancy and child* hood. A real children's friend. See our Handbpok. Price, 2s 6d and 5s per bottle. THE HERBAL MAGNETIC TONIC LIVER AND STOMACH RESTOBER jsor au liver complaints, biliousness, jaundice, congested iver, enlarged lifer and spleen, langour, drowsiness, pains between the shoulders, chronic indigestion and all stomach complaints, heartburn, flatulency, sour Btomach, vomitiog of food, loss of appetite, sick headache, nervons* oess, nervous debility, prostration, and the convalescing stages of aU acute diseases. Head our Descriptive Handbook for all information relating to this splendidtmedioine. Sold in bottles at 5s and 10b each. THE NATURAL ELECTRIC BLOOD PURIFIER. This medicine has no equal for all blood skin diseases, perfectly free from mercury, arsenic, and all mineral drugs, and does not contain any sarsaparilla or yellow dock. Nere'r fails to cure the worst forms of scrofula, scurvy, eczema, itch, ulcers, abscesses, sore "gsand breasts, cancer, lupuß, physical debility, decay of bones, wasting »od witberinir, and »U diseases bavin? their origin in the blood. It will work wonders ia every case wHhflu- ««sepHdtt.— See Handbook. Prices, 4a 6d, 6s 6d, and 12s 6d each bottle. xx v hjs FLUID HERBAL LIFE. This is the soul of plants, and absolute specific for chronic neuralgia, faceaehe, toothache, tin rlolomnx swollen face, gumboil, and earache. It can be completely relied upon to cure sw^T^iasSißSSEvia- ssa"- 11 "- 1 " 111 * properties of herbs, are coated and tasteless. In glass bottles, at Is, Is M, and 84 each. These U*. k .P. » •"^ofSbSore vn&rJHn&fc This is a liquid food medicine, prepared and adapted exclusively for permanently ttfpovfag the ailments and diseases of infantß and children in every country and climate. It gives life, energy, flesh, booe and muscle to the frail and wasted «f»nt, »nd w.ll restore tho health, — *" """""^iTMjNEIIC ASTHMA OTB&- , Thlt nnri».Ued h«b«l <-omporad i. ondoubtedlr the be.t inhatont in »U 4>thm»«ul com. plaint. >Dd Difßonlt Brerthine, •» D.y AMhn», Homid AMhmt Spumoge Ajthro. Ner»<«> KmiJ Bronchitis, Wh«ezing, Tinhtoe.. on th. Obo.l, Catttrh, B.JT Feter, Gold, inlth. ***-*ygfiJTftSaaHJ SNEBZING 1-OTDBK TM« Un. mn«t nseful little Remedy of very uniform and positive character. It has been Nasal Polyrus, ana au oDssruotions in the Nose or Nasal Passages. Sold at 2s, fit. H. B. KUGELMANN AND GO* SOLE PROPRIETORS. Manufacturers of Electric ta nd Proprietary^edicioesj .Distillers of EssrttW Olli and Mcdi inal ,i, innn . , ~tp etc.. 4th Avenue, Wew York City, U.S.A. .. Anstrallat Head oSao'd Warehouse : 172 and 174 WiUiam^eet, Melbourne, Victoria. Plantations and reducing establishment at " Mount Paradise," fiembrood, Gippeland. FMA.LB PILLS are invaluable; no irrsfulartt!*" L J* Jg^t^ \^ f orobstraotionseanrsfisttbem. 3s«dandsi. I j^H^^Hß \sv box. Steeland Pennyroyal Pills. 3s6dbox,sate»n. 1 JS^^ l^^^HsTtt «^B £ reliable. Bontean's. 4sMbox. Vote. Bithsr sen> 1 Post FrMon reosiptof prioa ia st*mpi or po v' JSmS^tW note. Jiddress-MieL. Hawkins, MOeorge sue«t JliMslKiil* Dnnedin. . , H^^H^^^^Bilh^ L^Ubb^SBBHU SS -^^HBSVBBB^BfIu Bflflv 2 -^/^^EBn^KmL* ***. < — - IV^Sb^b^b^b^bßißblb^b^blbW See /»»srllfi(lllT^K U^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^^B^B^ g &SeBSSS3Bm£&&&* I ATEB'S HAIB VIGOB is unrivaled for I the restoration of faded and gra> hair to its iaaai i aaaaaa^| a^^l' I original color and freshness, and for keepinr I ■99 B V9f3Tli^BaT|iaißillaK3 I the ICalp clean and nealth T- The most popular ■ MSiflllNllifl iallf ißfaflsßiHKV I * nd ele^* nt toilet preparation in the world, all ■»^ l lk^^^ f l'l4l|^i^AMM^^^ |^i| I Who use it, pronounce it, also, the best hairbßsbßbbßlbßbb»bb^b^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb»^ j gro^ej. When the capillary glands become enla. . «.«m«i fuallv > mricnt. Bcepared without feehled by disease, age, or negleQt, this dressing mewuS^S a^vataibU^o 'JFK%lS& Trom I »»I»rts renewed Hfe to tne scalp, oo that the i Eu7^Llret^platoli?lii«ifestlOD. Kid¥ej I nair again assumes its original m .^^^Hh.H^.iuTpu7Bi^ ' Fullness and Beauty. ntll.-Sn. nIB lia dose, fold by all ehMsista and bate a silken pliancy and a delicate and lasting Kor^KMDersr Wholesale Agenta t Ksmpthorne fragrance. Gentlemen use it to prevent, baldProsMr and 00. B JI.-SeaT Peek fres on rsoeipt ness, to restore faded and gray biii to its former of lsM In suunpt. Address-O. If. HAWKINS. color and abundance, and to relieve the scalp ot 94 Geurie itnet, Dnnedin. troublesome humors and dandruff. A proof ot APHVIAIIBA. AimrUCIIT tne *uperiority of this preparation over all CERTIwURA UmTmtH I others of the kind is the constantly-increasing Onre. Chilblains, Irritating Brnptions. Sore o- flemand for It in aU civilized countries. AVer's Hair Vieor ByM,*o. InstoMeovaceA|Wta.laeVleaen. Sole rwj vi ■ ■**!■ HgVI by aU otMsmMs and itoiefceepers. WheUssls agents , IPSxrAXXD bt hj^tt\^J*£S&£'v DT. J. C. AVER ft CO., Lowell, Mast., U. S. X HAWKIBB. M Qearge stteet, Domedtn. BoW by D rag'gfrt 9 ani riediclhe Vendors. T AWBENCEIRAILWArTIMB TABLE Oil llmi Mamaßlg^lßß^ijMliltalyenw J^ " Vervow IHMllg. fti«rtsw_gfeeT B»mina= ±1 Weakness, liidlsoreMons and toiniK jTH.-pne . a»m. p.m. ?, -3 Lawrence ... 6.3 2.6 c iBiiBB. S^ 3 Forsyth ... * *2 HOH O t| PW bbbM 7 Waitahnn ... 7 0 3.2 «ofo till Rll *:l\ 9 Johnston ... * » • *e S * IMI LsßflkS H « U Bound Hill ... • * 'l|P-l C^9 <ir. 14 Manuka Creek ... 7.40 4.3 f"£z 'KM M Z| 17 Mount Suart } 4.1 la ON IAI b|lß3 «!« l 9 Olenore ... * « IISbmISI is^9SHl^' 22 Olarksville ... 8.9 4.'32 f& 8 r BIH BBfliYlS fcSI 24 Milton j g.17 4.40 Jfjo StMl RMb Z^ Down Train*, 1 2 B. pO hbVbbS ll^'l* —= > \" ' ' ' ■■"■' ' ' '«•'•' • . rJPff= if^llfll ißßßflfllii ¥t r From- ,■ a.m. p.m g|S Stsßflflfll sfsSaS <o*~0 *~ HUton... «m 10.35 7:0 U«&il °sBS9 tSJ^W^ 2 OJarksville „, 10.43 7,8 ialS 1H!1 ill I- 5 Olenort ,H, H * . * SMi hrXM W*Zm *•-;- Mount Stua «, 11.5 7.3 B-g,o> mim GH u t iq Manuka -. 11.16 7.4 ItfiC bHbsl nn 5" 13 BcnndHi ... • « FsfS* BbBBbI MMi c l 9 Waitanan ... t1.66 &20 I "18888 l ""i"" * Foriy>h ... • , N SBjBSfBBBBB)glBBBBBBfljBBBBMkl l IMMVtaB<Op '

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1733, 25 October 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1733, 25 October 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1733, 25 October 1890, Page 4


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