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1 The Ta'smanian correspondent of the " Melbourne Age" writes that' from Ayoca comes a report of the death from Asiatic eholeru of the most malignant description: It, 'is .said the second case 'that has occurred ; within ' a , very ■ short titire. "The resident jnedical .man. there is of opinion that -the cause is attributable •. to aomo local impurity, which shoula ay once, be sought out and removedi' : ' ,' .. A self-acting sofa, jus.t large enough for 1 two, has beeh invented. ; If properly, wound up it'will begin* to ring a warning bell .just ' before p ten .o'clock.* At oneminute after! ten • itj [ slits' apart, ' , and, while one^haif, of it' parries.; tha v daughter r of'upstairs, .the (otlier.half kicks, her young "man ou'i; of doors.. -They.^ill be t 's6ld s it 'a'hlgh' 'figure, but people musJj. h'ave't'hem;.' '-' 1 { <ll< ' " l! ■ ; ' "''' f ' j " : Dnqu)ilified' ■" success ! ! has attended* the- efforts made to ' destroy the rabbitsin the "infested, par-is ''of the western district of' Victoria... A- plough, .furrow ten miles long was made along the front 1 age of Gibson's station from Curdie*s,lnlet'to Gellibrand's Kiver, and laid. with phosphorised oata.' ' Mr- Gibson ' reports' that not a dozen rabbits have been left; alive bet ween' .'Port 1 Campbell- 'and Gellibrand's. . ■ '-.'••[' The German -Admiralty hnsj -according to the English n^vai papers, rbeen, "carefully taking nptes, 'and^willj incorpoi-ate-all the latest improvements.' made at th^, expense/ of others — notably- the British^ natibri-^-iri the tl)iftyft6rp'edb-bo'ats shortly ' to be addedHo her' Vfl'eefe'ol ( such' jboats. England, .in July'lastjjhad' only ninete'en--torpedo-boats, ;while France/ Germany, ■ and -Holland had each more {than- .that number. ', 4l „,,' „,•]•■ ;' ■'„-: A' singular di£|cov4ry t haß.been; Captain Condor, of the Palestine excavation fund, who as'certs.h'is discovery J of 'Cal^a'r.y' and the Holy Sepulchre.' I ' 'The tomb is one 1 differing from the' old Hebrew sort, and stands alone. . It .is • 'closa -to where Sfceplien was atoned (or. 1 , is* supposed to h;ive been), and contains, after ike nianner of the Greek tombs, a;shelf } - where two angels could have sat — -the ■ .one- 'at the hsad the" other at the feet. ' The,tdrnb is without the walls, where the crucifiction and burial are said to have .taken place. The one pointed out to travellers as the Holy Sepulchre <is within the walls,- and although honored', as the tomb of Christ, scholars and experts are not at all una'ni-. mous about it.

The West Coast "Times" of the 18th ult. says : — On Friday last there died at Woodstock an ancient Maori known by tile -name of Abraham' Korek'e, who,, according to Maori tradition, had attained the .remarkable age of 120, years. This venerable Native was the .last of the tribe who drove ,the original possessors of •the soil -from, the West Coast. Ha was accustomed to relate the story of, the first settlement : of his tribe on the banks of tno- Tlofeitika' ixncl' GWy rivers. ' Thin sofci' tiement took'place oyer 78 years agoj and' was/by; no means a. pt&ceful one, seeirigthat it- was not accomplished until after a prolonged and bloody, battle, in which the, invaders were victorious. There is no doubt that the deceased warrior, was a very'old man, for' his son j Harry Koreke, died in October last alt'the age of 60.

/ The Nelson- " Mail" recounts the following adventures of a sailor named Watson, who 'made his escape recently from>' the' barque Seatoller while that vessel lay at; the outer., anchorage. After, leaving, .the' ship on a ladder and some, other of- the, .ship's fixings it came oh very' rough, and when about half way to the Boulder J Barik Watson was capsized and' lost his craft, .but 'almost immediately caught'sight of it, aud,- swimming . for- ify ' got on iboard'again and commenced ;ma,king.. for ,thel.;bauk above, the. lighthouse.,, , The sea , at ■ this:' time was, running;- very high, .and. when. , about 150yds" the I'a.nd he waa thrown; iiom "the ladder', again '. . On recovering, himself he looked 1 about for his craft on.Ce' niofej'but owing to 'the rough water failed to catch sight of it.' 'He: says that he 1 notv fully believed that his;last moments .were, come as it seemed- to him.- that despite his terrible , fight against ,i;he,wayes he was not getting any nearer the^shore, but after a , severe battle with the elera'entshe l succeeded ) in .dragging Himself on to ! the bank, more' dead than alfve.. Haying recovered from his exhaustion,- he eVentually made ' his way to- Lyell,- ' which he 1 reached after some difficult-trav.elling,- and was then arrested :by. the :p;olice. t ... The editor, fell asleep after a time, and io ! he dreamed a dream. And.itseemad to him that, having armed hiniSQlf. with certain, papers and oooks, he turned 'his . steps once more to Heaven and knocked at the gate.'- . "Hullo ! is that you again ?• What clot you wish!?" said Peter: ."'{'Let those^persons again comofoiith," Replied the editor ; and Peter .made them all- pass through ;the gate and,', ' Stand .outside. .They came as before, "and, uttered the same' cries' 'as before. ' ',f c Why dictri't you notice the biy' egg I sent' you ? "■ yelled the first. - "'lt wasTo't'feen','' 1 Teplie'd the' editor, i ff Why. ididn't* you-Iwrite 'up my soda. ..fountain.?-"', said ]> tlie -druggist.- " You 'had your, rtieke^s printed at another office," - calmly , replied ,the .local man. ", Wihy.' writ© about old Tomlin■sori's hen& ; and never' spealc of my new ;gate J ?." I sll6uted"a'tMrd; .""Old Tomlinr son : paid for his * advertising, ' arid you didn't ; -here's the* bill/ the editor.- " Why did-you spell niy 'sname .wrong in' the programme ? ". groaned the locil .talent. /'Take a look, at .the manuscript, , and see for. yourself,? 5 , Replied, the editor, .with a 'grim 'smile." ''The s rest, of the company yelled' o'u'll 1 their com plaints in unison, and t tile' le'di'tor' calmly sorted' a .pile of f bills 'of unpaid' subscriptions/ arid \ presented' each -witliohe"; and- it was 5 so;i(hat,- when-it!iey=r^ceiyQcl ilietn, -they-all, •tiQTJejtjieiT- l™jrj .ruahejcl violently down^a. steep plage to, the, sea ; .and St. Peter, taking ;ttie', editor calmly by 'the ; hands led him'-'witl^in .the 'gate, and said': frieriil";''tliQse ' chaps .' managed' V 'slip here : i'ns\jite' of 'us/ but,' 'thanks 1 ,to the press, we-kET6w r n6w"wh'a6 "sort of fellQws I tb J ey^ar,e..j Com^ in.,and.;sjsiy ! ; wsi ■^iced a.few.such. men. as you, in here." — , '■'-Wilcs,nnia I( Times."; , j-:. { . , ■ tlJl . , - 4 Over ' 2l,ooo, pGiO; v|^ws; i« India, . ; and' all forbidden tor e-marry. Think of that !

In Russia the girls carry dynamite concealed, in their, back hair. In Georgia they carry it in their dear little eyes. In either case success, attends every effort on the part of the. girls to jnake & mash. . * Of the sum of L 130,000 f .appropriated ' for the Otiago Central Railway, . we learn that only L 14,661 15s has been expended, leaving a total credit' in hand forthe work .of L 115,338 sk. We note .that L 12,941 7s 8d- h"as< been expended 'on-tfurveys of new lines, of railways in i different parts of .the Colony— or a sum nearly: equal in value to the total amount expended during a period of several years on the Qtago Central. >' '"' '-* ' "' '' ""- ''/ - •:*i The :Tichborne claimant, writing to Mr Quartermain East: from Pdrtsea 7 Convict Prison, Under date of the 24th of July, says .that his, opponents,: have h'aid their day t -and their triumph. , He has. . suffered for.years, but believes his day is to come. His'duty to his God, to his children, and to 'his friends and supporters is to live for no other purposo than to ' clear his character and expose the villiins who have bqen concerned in the monstrous conspiracy against him. . Those who imagine that he intends to sit .down Qujetly, that those who have robbed andplundered him, may. get off scot free, will, he says, ; find th'etnselves sadly mistaken.- ' . . • 1 ! A young man named Shooter^ the constable at the Exeter' bathirfg-place,- performed a remarkably' gallant' 'rescue by swimming 200. yards down atdark tunnel with a drowning man,, and landing' him 1 safe at the other end. ■ Slhpoter, hasrescued; no fewer than 200 people from., drowning,, a\id theM ayor of Exeter h^s.!call'ed a public meeting to cdnsider/the best. means of rewarding himi A writer in \", Truth " is curious to hear what Shooter "will get.. A mart made his iortune'ih the Egyptian war, by. cutting p, trembling fellah in 'half, and if he had dissected 200 fellaheen he, would doubtless have become a millionaire. But to save life is quite another, matter. Apropos qf.'the 'lepgth the Americans fche'nl'sfel^es eonsid'ei-tlifjy,'lia<iU gbne in the' direction of protecting J eVe'rythfiig;in: their, country, the- following is 'given 'as^a jocular' w.ay of expressing the feelrngs>6f'maTiy.on the subject :._•' Y/>u t :#ere. detained rather.; late, at the ..political, meeting Jast .night,", suspiciously observed IVlrs Blimber,.as r her: husband '.seated', himself .at; jbhe^break'fast table.: '"^Ses, 'my' v de\^\we i ha ! d a very interesting JdiscnWion' dh"the :: tfinff question.'?' ■ " But is 'this theatre' bill I found, i.n.. your} pocket as'T'cainVidowri 1 stairs ?" „,• y' Eh--whaU : , Theatre > bill % V stain'mered' /Mr • Blimber,,- -betraying,- no. little.. . confusion^ ,_ v " Yes," , 'theatre; bill. Look at. ik. 'Last /engagement, of Mrs Langt'ry.'' f " f Glbrious .succes' f os the, pink Galatea:''*'- " "Ah, 'true 'eno'ugh', : : my dear,"' exclaimed . the^' i good ! ' : man, rallying promptly, "'thatibillfurnishedthe text of my remarks , ; in J f#vor of', protecting the American stage from theinroadajaf foreign' artists.". , . . . • ..-i „,, . A' gentleman entered.- a.resiurant and asked for the bilL'pf tare.- [ ' What'jinall I get for you asked the waiter. '", I'll "take a couple of poached eggs'- to "'start with." " And. so will I," .'said 'the -dog, who had perched, himself' ron 'a* chdir'" beside his ' master. The, Waiter looked] scared. A; few .moments later the guest galled out " Bring me . roast beef .with, potatoes.?' ' "And 'me to,"', added -the dbg.. Intense stupifica'tioh "on" the I&rb" of the. waiter. At' the next-table sata n Englishman,, who now- looked; ;»ip "-and •said I ', '"You, must have .taken, immense trouble to teach your dog, to talk." : .".Ye?;". -'MYbu' Wouldn't ■ lik,e to pact wiyi. it??-'. ," Nfit for any money. " '| IPjcay. don|j soil me," exclaimed the dog in' suppliant tq'nes^ "Will you ; take a tlumsand 'ppuhdj for i^T' said the Englishman ; -eageriy.' > "['A. thousand pounds'' is a 'hxr^&'suxti'," was .the^ reply. ' A&iasi tlie bargain, wasstruck j the En»--Jishman|wrote out a cheque for £1000 and • toofc.up.thedosr.;, 'S&S you have; sold 'me'," said, the latter.^s he looked aj; lv> master,- <■ ."I'll have my revenge, . au/1 wunft- speak' „ any more !" Of course it wii? >entriloquisni.-^" Journal de ! Bruxelles.."' ', " : There 1 afe\ aiWiysrsodie people jfoiiucl' - ; .foolffarßy enough ' tb u rjsk ! r tlleir.'.neclij f in' ; : some foolish ' exploit, • Ttiid' tlxe'.'f '>llpwin<*' ' paragraph !(takenifrt)mithe r l6Kil' "Herald"*) .shows i that; . one, ; >.6f ■ ; these; sp&ifciyris' of '■ ' „huraa.nit.y, i$ tq,bd fouftdjatißefciljfeonv-i-A ' journey, by .the Globe, aerial trajrryay', was - undertaken by aypun^man na,rae6'\V m . - Burley, oti Tuesday,' lOth'-u'lt;, which iii<*ht Kave'^been) attdiided -with fatal re'su\ts. :The distance from' the" "Battery is'som^l .' 'thing>:und3r<a' mile a r nd. a-half,' ahd'thd- ' process.., of ,utilising_this aneatte'4>f 'transit N by, any, spirit Bufficienjsly;veu'tureaomeis to bestride, an. ir.on bpcketcapable of holding GOlbs to ,'tiuariz, which is attached to the wire rope "by a light iron rod! The bucke.t travels pver abrupt- '.ascents and steep descents ; and in one .spot the sp : an of wire between- the two\supports'is about. 100Q! t. In this wide' gully ■ the 1 • bucket swings in mid-airi more than 300 ft ' above the surface. It.appears that Burley attempted/. the ascent about 5 p.m., .- and his progress' met" with no check until : ,- reaching the; gpot; just, described,' when • the wire ceased moving. 'The cause was due to' the tifari at the break t in the mine :ha ving work for th c ' day; a^n'd the \ poor fellow, was deft suspended through. ", the dark hours of the' night 'until nearly! ' nine o'clock the following morning.! •-^.Thef ,'narrow iron bai; of the bucket, made itiin- ,, ; possible f or f him 'it? remain, long in. one positir))?, a'ftu. ntt ihrr>\ig\i Vhe rfeaxyhoura ' he had io he dbna'tantly'.tjii'apgjnghisseafc'.- ' Fortunately "the -niglilTwaV mijd,' but had'" it- been a 'heavy 1 froat,' as 'on- ;the' following ' ' Thursday arid (Friday • nights"; if -is 'very! ' doubtful indeed whether- the man- would - have. ever reached the'mine ( &liye. -• '.- •• •' .< A correspondent of the " Daily jN^ws," ' „ ■speaking on the credit of- a telegraph line ;■ in China, says :— Little- knots "-of "'people,. : mayfrequontly'be : se'en g ; athe : red round a •', po^t listening with gaping astonishment, ■ ! • but with- the fullest "confidence, tosonie' • .wiseacre whio'is pretending to explain the - •' 'iiwikiswpp-andi JHe teils,the,m{ that there -,-' is r a .devil in- each, post, and .that. the posts^. . ' are placed , close. enough,' together the-, • devil in one' post .to make himself heard by the devil* in the ne^'t, that the, wire is placed- on tb&top of the- posts merely/ to ; -keep them-dnlah iipfioht position"; J aiiy*' ■• Lhing of 'a; slant 'would- make the i devil in- " ; - : side.jjbbe^ pqsfc, feel,; very-, ■ uncomfortable. These devils,' of course, ,speak a'/langjiage--; which is'both unintelligabieandinalidible--, j f6 .uninitiated-; "foreign ''. devils,"^ however, .understand it' well, and so to send-a niessa^e is r ' d ve^y 'siniple thing. "l A .V.iforeign'-d'fe^il '-'--speaks it" to th\e devil in '. .the 6psbposfe,'her"pflsg^iS'if.on't6 ihe hexfe, |- ,a<acl ia'p t^f reaches ate/desftiriatwnTj <-\rhfei:o -• ' another^" foreign-devil and in- 1 . • 'terpret s itjV , Other .explanations are some- ;• - time's given,. but all of them are equally, 'Mdeo^he^m'ark. '; \ . ; ";'-.\,-' „'":',.'/., ' . •> Wb 'ts&lte ve that if everyone would' use.' T . • Hop? ! BftteW I c&ely^th'ere 1 wouf d " be much ' jless sickness atfdimisgry in the- world, and people are> fasti finding 1 ithisi oiit,- whole ; f amilij^ ( ke^p lw§H> t : Jrifling; qostr by Jits'i«e. We would advise all "V, try- it--/.. Rotid.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 1083, 8 October 1884, Page 5

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GENERAL NEWS. Tuapeka Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 1083, 8 October 1884, Page 5

GENERAL NEWS. Tuapeka Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 1083, 8 October 1884, Page 5


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