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DETAILS OF SECOND DAY’S RACING. The public picked the Derby very accurately at Riccarton to-day, the first three horses finishing in the order of favouritism, but it was the closest finish imaginable. The crowd was large and fashionable, but warm nor’-west weather gave place to an overcast southerly. RESULTS AT A GLANCE. MIDDLETON HURDLES —Frisco Mail 1, Sir Wai 2, Red Kriss 3. CRITERION HANDICAP— Red Wink 1, Last Crust 2, Avoia 3. IRWELL HANDICAP—Lady Cavendish 1, Joyeuse 2, Arpent 3, N.Z. DERBY—Count Cavour 1, Inferno 2, Tanadees 3. lIAGEEV HANDICAP—FootfaII 1, Kalakaua 2, Kilceit 3. METROPOLITAN HANDICAP. -Limelight 1, Mantua 2, Ruapapa 3.

The attendance, as is always the case, was not equal *to that of the first day, the main contributing cause being that there was not a general holiday in the city. In addition, the gods of chance had not been very kind on Saturday to the people who placed too great a confidence in their ability to pick winners. and these consequently lacked the spur which a good day provides to get back again to carry on while the luck holds. Early in the day dust clouds at the south-western corner of the course threatened to obscure the horses somewhat at that particular point, but the dust was not so pronounced later on, rnd the visibility was. on the whole, good Following are the results: MIDDLETON HURDLE HANDICAP. Of 300 bovs; second horse 60 sovs and thirl horse 30 sova from the stake. Once round and a distance. 2 FRISCO MAIL, .Mr TV Delargey's I* S- by San Francisco —Lady Victoria, 6yr«, lOst. 131 b <G. Shaw) 1 1 — FID WAT, Mr D. Knox's B by Sir Knox—Kakawia, aged, lOst ( L. G. Morris) 2 3 RED KRISS, Mr R. M. Greenslide’s br a. by Bon i for in—Margaret te. syrs, Tib (A. c Campbell) 3 S—KERRY STAR, Mr J. Leonard's I) g. aged. & 8 t 61b < H. M'Sweenev> 0 C—GRIM JOKE, Mr G. Fulton’s b g, aged, fist 61b (T. Tilson ) 0 4 OTA UR l', Mr J A. Taylor’s eh g, liyru. !)st (P. M’Brlerty) 0 7 HI FRo, Mr J. C. Stewart’s b g. aged, fist (.1, R. Kaan) d With the exception that sir Wai and Grim Joke wen- about two lengths behind. the Held finished the first hurdle almost in line. Going *>ut ot the straight, Otauru and Red Kriss took charge, followed by Fri« o Mall and Kerry Star. Hlero made n bad jump at Cutts's and was not Seen again. .No change wps made till reached the second last luirdle, where Otauru fell. Rod Kriss led into ibe straight, but Frisco Mail headed him t the last hurdle and won easily by a length from Fir Wai. who. tiulsnine: fast, beat Red Kriss by a length. Grim Joke was four lengths away. Time—2min 58 l-ssec. CRITERION HANDICAP. Of Sod lovsj second horse 160 sovs and thirl horse 80 govn from the stake. Seven furlongs. 4—RED WINK. Messrs < 'larkson and Pearson’s eh g. by Winkle— Ada Merling. syrs, Bsi lib (C. Emerson) 1 11 LAST CRUST. Mr t Hardy s hr g. by Bezonian—Elev-nia, 4yr«, fist 121 b (J Dombroski > 2 O—AVOLA. Mr W. Pine’s rh in. by Bisogne—Avena, 4yrs, 7st 11b (U. A. Pine) 3 2 TUKIA, Mr W. M'A. Duncan’s b m. 4yrs, 9st lib (J. Barry) 0 6 -PFiNEUS, Mr C. F. Vellance’B br g. syrs. Silt 111 b (R. Wiggins) o ft MIREPSONTA, Mr B A. M’K* nzie’s ch g. 6vrs. Sst 41b < R. M Kie) U 3 MARTIAN MTSS. Mr W. R. Kemball’s b m. aged, c «t 41b (C. Heed) 0 I—Master Sandstone. Mr W. Stone's b g. .*yrs. Ba* 311) < R. Reed) 0 10—H A I,( JIN A. Mr G F. Moore’s br g. 6vrs, 7 st 11 lb (!>. Cotton) 0 12—THE HARP. Mr P Dela'rgey's b g. syrs. fist 121 b (W. Paterson) 0 8— WILD MIND. Si: G. Clifford's h m. 4yrs. fist 12Jb (H. Burns) 0 7—lmperial Spark, Mr C. P Nashs br g, 6yrs, fist 101 b (T. Stokes) o Peneus was first to break the line, but Mireusonta noon ran in front and opened up a gap of two lengths from Last Crust and Red Wink, after whom came Peneus and Tukin. At the halfmile post lied Wink took second place three lengths behind Mi-eusonta, Tukia Hnd A vo la comin, »-xt There was little change when tlie straight was reached, but Red W ink wfi•> in the lead with Mireusonta at tin- <list>nce. In '*■ good finish Red Mink was half a length in Trout of Last Crust, who beat Avoia bv a neck. Mireusonta was another neck away. Time—lmin 26 3-ssec. irwell handicap, Of 300 sova; second hor-e 60 sovs and third home 30 sova from the stake. For two-year-olds Five furlongs. 1 -LADV CAVENDISH. Mr C.. f Moores ch f. by Absurd— Bonny Portland, 4 JO V FUSE. Mr C. G Dalgety’B b f, i i. v t.av Pad—Nanteville, <st Mb ~y y (H. Burns) 2 3—A I!PENT. Mr G. Barton* br e, by Acre Rene, Bst 61b < I". Voiglit) u | a—VICTOR V HON’D. Mr <•. Gerards blk f. fist lib (C- Ltnerson) 0 5 H YMESI RASON. Mr W. K. Kemball‘B b g 7et filb <b. A. Pine) t> O—PAN MEB, by W Parsons s ch g. Tst. 3lb (C. Eastwood) 0 | 6—WATERLOW, Mr J S. Barrett s br f. Tat 3lh <»1. NViSftfina) 0 8— WINDSHIELD. Mr H. A. Knights b t'. 7st 3lb <A. Rowland) 0 j 7 PRECIOUS, Mr G. D. Greenwood’s b I f 7at 31b U>. fie ford > 0 10— BEAMING. R. M. Greenslades b g. 7st 3lb (VV._ Paterson) 0 I.ady Cavendish. Arpent, Victory Bond. Windshield and Beaming were in company over the first two furlongs, when the lastnamed retired. There was not much between the other three at the distance, where Joyeuse also put in her claim. Laxly I Cavendish and Joyeuse drew clear for the last 100yds, Lady Cavendish winning by a neck Arpent was two lengths away, a head in front iif Victory Bond. Time— NEW ZEALAND DERBY STAKES, | Of 2000 sovs; second horse 400 sovs and third horse 200 sovs from the stake. One mile and a half. | 1 -COUNT CAVOUR. Mr J. 8. Barrett’s I ch g. by Solferino—Bon Bord. Bst 10ib *F- C. Porter) 1 2 —INFERNO. Mr W. Hume's b c. by Absurd —Ayah, Bst 10lb (J. Barry) 2 ! 3—TASADEEB, Mr W. J. Jorgensen's b g. by Roseworthy—Burletta. Bst 101 b <H. Gray) 3 S—AGITATO. Mr C. E. Elgar’s ch c. fist 101 b (R. Reed) C 4 -TRESHAM, Mr Murray Hobb.Vs br g. fist 10lb (C. Reedi 0 i 6—r.nUEX Mr F. 8. Easton s br g. S3t 101 b (R. M’Kie) O I 7—THE DANKER. Mr H. E. Card's h g. fist 10lb (D. Cotton) 0 Tnnndeea, wa.s first to break the line butj inferno »on joined him. Ro-uex got, a • bump, which «ent him to I a at place. Going < ut >f tiie st.aie.hl. Inferuo was just in

was no change until they reached the mile post., where Inferno was a length clear of Fount Cavour. who was just showing out in front of Tanadees, who had been joined by The Banker. At the seven furlongs post Inferno. Count Cavour, Tanadees ancl The Banker were running in close order. A little further on. The Banker dropped out, Rouex taking fourth place. Count Cavour i ran past Inferno at the five furlong post, and led round the turn from Inferno and * Tanadees. On reaching the straight, the last-named pair closed on Count Cavour, the two being in line well below the distance. Tfien followed an exciting finish which ended in Count Cavour beating Tnferno by half a head. Tanadees, who weakened in the last few strides, was a length away, while four lengths behind came Treshain. just in front of Rouex. Time—lmin 1 3-seec. HAGLEY HANDICAP. Of 300 sovs; second horse 100 bovs and third horse 50 sovs from the stake. Nine furlongs -J—FOOTFALL. Mr C. G. Dalgety’s b e. by Autumnus—Warstcp, 3yrs 9.« t P’.b (F. E. Jones) 1 6 KALAKAUA. Mrs M. E. Easton’s b g, hv Demosthenes—Tino Pango, 4vrs. "fist lull) (11. Gray) 2 2 KILCEIT. Mr \V. R. KembaU’tt I) in, by Kilhoy—Conceit, lyrs, 6st lllb <C. Reed) 3 S—CLATMNDA. Mr R. A. M’Koir/ie's hr f. 3 .vrs. Bst 81b (J. Barry) 0 9_ VINDICTIVE. Mr K. I>. Duncans b g. aged, Bst 31b 1 R. Reed 33—VI EVVI’OIN'T. Messrs Jefferies and Phannalian'a ch g, 4yrs, 7st 13ll> (J. Benlr) 0 1 KN ROUTE, Sir Charles C; midx-il s blk r aged. 7st l.'ilb (C. Emerson) 0 8-—FULL SWING. Mr G. A. Kain-'s br m, 4yi‘S, 7st. 13lh (F. V night) U 14—TK ANAU LAD. Mr E. < Govanh ch c. Tyj-’R. 7st 121 b iK. Ludlow) 0 10— BO NOG 17 K. Mr Jf. L. Vine’s ch ir. 3y rs. ’ 7 st- 9lh (L. A. Pine) 0 11 —STIAN I>K E. Mr 11. Brosnah;«n > h g. 4yrs. Tst 71b (L. O'Connor) O 13— LE FORTF. Mr It S,u lurland's h e. aged. Tst 71b 'l>. Cotton) 7 FRESCO, Mr l>. H. Roberts - !? b c. 4 vrs Tst ‘lib (If. Burns) i> 16--WARSEER. Mr G. Gerard's 1> ir. ■1 vrs, 6bt 131 b <F. I lovd i u I‘2—RICH PRIZE, Sir G. Clifford’s br g. 4yrs, f>»t 121 b (J. Dombroskie) 0 3 JimLANTE, Mr G. Gould a b f. 3yrs, fist 101 b (A. E. Messervey) 0 K’lreit was the first to show out, but- a, the end of a furlong Em Route and Viewpoint were showing the way to Warseer, Shandre and Rich Prize. A lit tic further on Te Ana u Lad moved up ami joined Pin Route in the lead This, pail* were followed round the turn by Viewpoint, "Warseer Kalakaua and Footfall, with a hunch ju t behind. En Route was beaten at the entrance to the straight, when Footfall ami Kalakaua moved up to Te Anau Lad. T> Annn Lad fell away at the distance. Footfall and Kalakaua- fought out a great finish. loot fall winning by naif a head. ; Kilceit. who came through at the entrance ♦o the straight, was a length away, with Te Amu lad two lengths further ba<k Rich Prize was next. Time— lmin 54 4-ssec! M FTTH) PO LIT A X II AN RICA P. Of 1200 sovs; second horse 240 govs and third horse 120 sovs from the stake. One mile and a half. 3—LIMELIGHT. Air C. G. Dnlgety'.s br in, by STolfurin.*—■•Stn.rdn ;n i-r. S—MANTUA, .dr A. G. Hill's h m bv Solferino—Rose Salterne, aged. Tst 31b If. MfL-ali ) 2 2—Rl: A PAPA, Air AV. Sobol lutr.’s eli h. by Polydaiiion—Queen Elizabeth, syrs, Tst x-. ii» xli. J. eed ) 3 ) ENTHUSIASM, Air V. A. Duncan’s b m. syrs, Set lllb (i—BO NETTED, Mr \V. R. Keiuball’a ch m, aged. Sst Sib (C. lh-ud) 0 •I—DEUCALION. Mr R. iiraliam's b g. aged. Sst i .1. B«:<tlv> 0 j—RONNIE WINK lE. Mr N. H. Fisher's ch g. 6yi\s, ist .lb (IT. Wiggins) 0 7 LUC I NETT E, _M rG. ( .craivl’s hr Deucalion and Ruapapa- led out of the stiaiglit. with Mantua and Enthusiasm handy. Passing Lutts’s, Deucnlhn and ' Huapapa ere still showing the way. Inn I Lucinet'o had run into third place just :n j front of Enthnsiaeui. the uine-t urlcng | post, l.ucinette had joined Deucalion in ' the lead just clear of Ruapapa after whom came Lnthu.-iuoui and Linitli.iii.. There, wag no further change till the held reached the eix-furlon*' post-, where Limelight moved into third place Limelight followed Deucalion and Lucinette round the home turn, with Enthusiasm and Ifua papa next. Limelight pilot l.» the front •<t the (Mitranc- to the straight, and went on to win hy a length and i half. .There was a. ledperate finish r« r second pl.i -c. Mautua finished strongly on the outsid. , and heat Run imp?, by half a head with Deucalion half a head away Time—2min 36 1 5 sec. (LATER RESULTS IN STOP PRESS.)

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Bibliographic details

Star (Christchurch), Issue 17382, 10 November 1924, Page 1

Word Count

COUNT CAVOUR’S DERBY. Star (Christchurch), Issue 17382, 10 November 1924, Page 1

COUNT CAVOUR’S DERBY. Star (Christchurch), Issue 17382, 10 November 1924, Page 1


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