Women Folk
" Stella " will be glad to receive items of interest and value to Women for publication or reference in this column.
Mrs John Doans, of Coalgate. is visiting Wellington. Miss Jocelyn Pyne is leaving «>n Mon* <i . for a visit to the North Island. Mr and Mrs G. S. Braden: of Toronto, Canada, are visiting Christchurch. Miss Colin Pvne mj on a visit to her sister, Mrs Ashley Dean, King Coun uj. Miss Patrick Caesar is leaving on Monday for a visit to Mrs Alia ter Mackenzie, “ Edged iff Timaru Air and Mrs Murray Hobbs will return next \\eek from an extended trip abroad. Miss Mabel Dyer is leaving shortly for America to continue her musical studies. Mrs J. S. Hawbes, and Airs and Miss Emily Murray are leaving next week on a trip to .England. Air and Airs T. Long, of Hokitika, are spending a few weeks in Christchurch, after returning from Aka?oa. Mrs V* . J. ells is 'returning to W aiiuate after spending Easter with her sister, Mrs G. Petrie, of Redruth Avenue, Spreydon. A dance will be held i® *h© Winter Garden next Wednesday, «W>ril 18, in order to raise funds to enjow a cot in the Children s Sanatorium, Cashmere. It is being organised by Masdames J. O. Holmes and Rose, Miss L indray, and Air P. S. Nicholls.
The engagement is annoi.unced of Miss Eirene third daughter ot Mr and Airs J. S. Hicks-Ross, of Manly, late of Timaru, New Zealand, to Air John M&rsla-nd, second son of the late Mr John Alarsland and Airs Marsland, of Neutral Bay, formerly of Brisbane, Queensland. Xhe friends of Alias Dulcie Mitchell ■will be pleased to hear that the i s expected to arrive in Christchurch on Wednesday next. Miss Mitchell, who is accompanied by her niece. Miss Lillian Mitchell, is returning from England, where she has met with continued success in her professional career during the past three years. A concert will be given in the Liberty Theatre on Sunday evening, April 16. contributing to the programme will be to raise funds for the Sanatorium Work Guild. Among th e well-known artists * rs Al’LarenjMri Kerr, Misses Mabel Dyer, Bessie Pojlard, Edna Penney, Messrs Bell, Wallace, and Renneil. Miss Eaton an«l Air Cook will accompany. The organisers are Airs J. C. and Aliss Eaton, under th«i patronage of the Mayor and Alayorese. Airs M. S. Brown and Mrs Keith Garrick were hostesses at a delightful ••book party” given at Ballantyne’s yesterday, a 5 a farewell to Mrs ano Miss Emily Murray and Mrs J. S. Hawkes, who are leaving next week for England. The guests were : Mrs ami Miss Emily Murray, Airs J. S. Hawkes, Mrs Fred Murray. Miss Dot Murray. Airs W. S. Bean. Mrs Cecil Ollivier, Airs H. T. J. Thacker. Airs H. D. Macdonald, Mrs Arthur Sandston, Mrs Way, Airs AY. Watsori. Airs Stefan© AA ebb, Mrs 'l onks, Miss Hav, Miss Dolly Hale. Miss Nellie Guthrie. Aliss Phyllis Brown, and Alias Noel Fisher. The new weekly assembly, the “ AtaJanta” will open next Wednesday at Iho Art Gallery. A mid-week assembly lias !>een a long-felt want in Christchurch, and the new departure should isa well supported. It is the intention of the committee to put on the latest fancies and dances, and to make the stances thoroughly enjoyable. Patrons are requested to attend next Wednesday evening in fancy dress, and during the evening a vote will be taken to decide the most popularly dressed lady and gentleman, to whom will be presented two gold medals to commemorate the opening of the “ Atalanta.” At the meeting of the Christchurch branch of the W.C.T.U., it was decided to accede tp a request made bv the committee of the A. and P. Association to dispense tea in the union’s booth on the occasion of the carnival to be held on Saturday. April 21, in aid of the improvement of the show grounds. It wap also agreed to assist in the sale of poppies to be worn on Ar.zac Day, the proceeds of the sale being to provide work for unemployed soldiers. Arrangements were also made for a, tea and concert at the -Jubilee Home and for representation at the Band of Hope picnic at the public gardens on Saturday, April 14.
At the Beckenham Hall an enjoyable evening was given by Air and Mrs J. Mathews, of Southampton Street, in honour of the twenty-first birthday of their daughter Dorothy. The evening wa s spent in musical items and dancing, the music being provided h> Aliss Taylor and Air Rattary. Extras were played by Miss Nelson. Mr Puette acred as AI.C. A dainty supper was served. Airs Mathews received the guests in a wine coloured gown embroidered in gold, while her daughter chose a pretty frock of vieux rose crepe de chine. The toast was proposer! by the Rev Archer, and responded to by Air J. -Mathews. A committee meeting of the Society for the Protection of Women and Children was held on Thursday afternoon, the Rev C. A. Fraer presiding. The president expressed his satisfaction at the result of the street collection The amount contributed, nearly £3OO, showed that the society had the sympathy of the uublir in the work they were doing. Airs Hunter was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for the able wav in which she had organised rhe collection. It was decided to hold the annual meeting on Thursday, Mav 3. The secretary. Aliss Cardale. was granted a bonus of £lO.
Air and Mrs R. Clapper ton. Dunedin, who are at the Grosvenor Hotel, will leave to-day for Christchurch.
Airs R. C. Ellingham and Air Hector Ellingham, Pahiatua, are the guests of Airs Gordon Wood, Timaru.
Alrg A. C. Wigley. Park Lane, and her guest, Airs Otway, will arrive in Christchurch to-day from Timaru.
Mrs Wilfred Rutherford and Aliss Betty Rutherford, Auckland, are expected in Timaru to-day. They will be the guests of Mrs. G. S. Rutherford, Opawa," Albury. An engagement of interest to New Zealanders is that- of Major G. G. Russell, D. 5.0., to Miss Alary (Molliej Michie, daughter of Mr and Mrs A. AI. Michie. 18, Kensington Gate. London, and formerly of Dunedin.
Alias Jean Bates, of Alma Street, Lower Ricearton, a pupil qj Mrs Vere Living stone, was successful ir. passing the Intermediate Examination of the Trinity College of Alusic with honours. Alias Bates secured 94 per cent of the possible marks.
A very pleasant evening wac spent on Thursday at the resiaence of Mr and Mrs Hurst, 30. Somerfield Street, Spreydon, to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of their wedding. At the close of the evening Mr and Mrs Hurst were presented with a cut glass salad set. Those present were: Misses Hurst, Breckon, Neal. Roper, Ait-ken (2. Gale. Williams. Horns, M’Guinness. Hooper, Chamber*. Milue and Chapman; Messrs Gale. Hurst, Boswell, Hill, Davi6, Chambers, Skelton aand Robinson.
On Monday evening at her residence, Selwyn Street. Airs Roberts entertained a number of friends in honour of the coming of age of her eldest daughter Lily May. The evening was spent in singing, games and musical items. Among those present were: Alesdames Roberts. May, Hart. Todd, Boys. Eldridge. Brook. Pearce. Aliases T. Hickey, Jordan. Townsend, Thompson, M. Hickey, Warren, Tulley, M. Roberts, Messrs Robins, Roberts. A. May. J. Penn. Jordan. Todd, Eldriclge, Dyer and Tree.
On Tuesday evening last a delightful kitchen evening was given by Air and Mrs Bishop, Albany Stret. in honour of Aliss Alina Simpson, who is ,to be married shortly. Dancing and music was indulged in until a late hour. Aliss Simpson was the recipient of many useiul presents. Among those present were Mesdames Simpson. Longman. Anderson and Elliott, Alisse6 Simpson 2;, Bishop. Gill, Nanoarrow and Bunks, Mesrs Alarden. Bishop, M’Dougall, Dunmill, Hartigan, Thompson. Donaldson and Anderson.
A large crowd assembled at the Le Bon’s Bay Hall on Friday night to bid farewell to Mr and Mrs Bruce, who are leaving the Le Bon s Bay school to take charge of the Lakeside school. The social took the form of a dance. Air D. O’Connell asked Mr Bruce to accept a. presentation clock from the people of the Bay and in doing no he wished him good luck, prosperity and every happiness in his new home. On behalf of the ladies of the Bay ho asked Airs Bruce to accept an eiderdown quilt. After the gathering had sung *.‘ For They are Jolly Good Fellows ” Air Bruc« thanked Mr O’Connell and all his Le Bon’s friends for the handsome gift.
The Addington Amateur Swimming Club’s fancy dress Fall for children, held in the Selwyn Street Hall, was an enjoyable function. There was * good attendance of children, from tiny tots of about three years of age to boys and girls of sixteen, and their fancy dresses—all good—made the task of th«a judges no light one. Miss Prances and AlTss Doris Cracroft Wilson acted as judges. The club had allotted three prizes each to girls ani boys, hut additional prizes were donated by Alesdames Wear and Thrower, making. four for each section. The prize-winner* were: - Girls: Alost- original dress—Joan Munrings < Pillar Box); best dressed— Enid M’Cracken (Balloon) ; cheapest dress—Lesley Cossgrove ; fourth prize —Efime Smith (Eastern Lady). Bor*: -Most original dress—Findlay Robb (Sailor and his Bride) : best dressed---Jim C ball oner (Gollywog) : cheapest dress—-George Wear; fourth prize--<l®ck Philpott (The Little Swagger) The prizes were presented by Alias (raci oft Wilson. Grand marches, dancing, games and supper kept the youngsters going until It) p_m., when the floor was cleared for their elders for dancing up to midnight.
The B.H.S. Party Club held a very pleasant evening at the residence of Air W. Rivers, of Wairarapa Terrace, on Saturday. Alost of the evening was taken up with jazzing on the lawn, which was tastetfully decorated with ( hinese lanterns and evergreens Miss A. Turner supplied the dance music ?;nd accompaniments. Vocal items were provided by Misses B. Adkins, E. Collett. E. Fisher and H. von SierakowSki; recitations by Messrs C. Reese, C. Harper. Prizes were awarded as rouov s : G uessmg competition, AT ius lv. Ayers; drawing competition. Aliss J. Grant;; candle-lighting competition. Miss D. O’Connor. Amongst those present were Mises Alice Money, Bertna Adkins, Kathleen Ayers, Dorita De-vereux. Mona M’Kenzie. Hazel von eKrakoivski. Doris O’Connor. Dorothv Campbell. Ruby Wilkinson. Edna Col“tt, Edna Fisher, Vera Mntrin, Nellio Turner Jean Brant, Melba Tullock, ““’v?. Lancaster, Edna Redding ton'. * ™lis O tom,el. Marjorie Matheson, Messrs Charles Williams. Keith Wilson. Cecil Reese. Dougla.s Emerson Jack Tomlinson, Clifford Harper. Joseph Hattie. Jack Webster. Russell Anderson Jonathan Harper. Russell Clarke. Murray Scott, Keith Muff and Ira nkfor t Gra i n ger.
FOR VARICOSE ECZEMA. Varicose Eczema, dry or weening completely banished by Varex No 2 Treatment. Outfit comprising Lotion, Ointment. hurt, and Varex Lee Bandage, post free, 80s. Never fails No resting required. For particulars and free literature, write Ernest Healey Chemist, Foxton. Local representative, Nurse Curtis, 249 Manchester Street. g JANE LTD.. 783 COLOMBO STREET The selection of your winter outfit justifies care and nomparision—Madame. Jane is displaying many models of ele. tar.ee and value in coats .suits, hats, end gowns, and you will be well-advis-ed and amply repaid for the time spent in her showrooms. There fashion’s latest. _ in infinite variety is displayed with infinite courtesy and patience. Particularly attractive are the new coats and suits styles, materials and cut suggest quality, cosiness and comfort. 8031
Mr and Mrs T. Mas ken . of TVaipa,ra, are visiting Christchurch. Mins AI. D. M’Lean-Muir is visiting Christchurch from Wellington. Air and Mrs F. C. Pye. of Sydney, are staying at the United Servica Hotel.
Alisa Iliffe Lawrence, of the Esplanade. Sunnier, is the guest of Mrs Ed ward Samuels. Jackson’s Road Aliss Aiay Mahnke and Afiss Bessie Hill, of Taranaki, ore spending a rew weeks’ holiday with Miss C-issie Mahnke, Lincoln.
Lady Jelfieoe will attend the ceremony of the laying of the foundation stone of the Bridge of Remembrance ou Ansar Day.
Mrs E. V. Palmer and ?.liss Peggy Palmer, who have been spending some months in Christchurch, will leave on Tuesday for Gisborne.
Jn the concert chamber of the Town Hall in Wellington on Wednesday night an unusual musical recital was given in the presence of a -large and enthu siastio audience. The recital was given by Misses Eudora and Frances Henry, daughters of Dr C. D. Tlenrv. They undertook a heavy and ambitious pro gramme, which included Mozart’s Concerto in D. a Grieg Sonata, and works by Al&sse net, Kreisler. Veuxtemps Chaminade, Zsolt, Brahms. Oui. Rave] Zaraycki and Hugo Anson. The Wo] lington newspapers arc very warm in their praise of the performance of the talented young people. Miss Frances (the violinist), in particular, made a profound impression upon the critics.
An at home was given to Airs E. H. Henderson yesterday afternoon by a large number of her friends at the Xaumai ’ Tea Rooms Lyttelton. The gathering expressed the wish that Mrs Henderson would have a successful term during her management of the “Naumai.” Amongst those present were: Mesdames Lester. Freeman Holmes. H. North, E. Browia. A. White-Parsons, H. A. Rhine!. WiKord Smith. W. vSpindeler, L. A. Waters. J. Bundy. F. Hobbs. T. Hendry. E. Olliver, C. Agar. W. Henderson. Murrav. E- Wilson, J. Preston. Plimmer. T. Hunter. C. Grones. E. Weastell. R. Porter, J. Flynn. G. Potts. W. Airy. E. R. Curtis. F. E. Sutton, Alisses L. Holmes. D. Holmes. Lester C. Williams, Milliner, H. Bundy. E. Bundy, and AI. Agar and F. Smith The second meeting but first demonstration night for 1J23 of the Home Economics Association was held in the. A .M.C.A. Concert Hall last evening, Miss A. Blackmore presiding over an attendance of just over 300, which was easily a record for the association. The hall was filled to its utmost capacity long before the advertised time and th*s two secretaries. Miss L. E. Bevin anil Aliss Dorothy Al’lnerney, had a very busy evening enrolling new members, some 140 being enrolled at this meeting aicne. This was first of the handcraft evenings. Aliss Hockley, assisted Miss Ross, gave an interesting demonstration of basket making. The second demonstrator was Aliss Shaw, who, with the aid of a Canadian loom, gave a xfiy useful headwork illustration. She explained clearlv and fully how to use thic loom and exhibited several specimens of work done on one These looms certainly simplify beadwork considerably, a« any pattern may he worked on them and they are most inexpensive, as they can quite easily be marb at home. The bracelet which was done on the loorn, was a very fin 3 piece of work. The evening was biought to a close bv Aliss Dorothv Al’lnerney. who gave an exhibition of raffia mat making, which is indeed useful and profitable pastime, as a very natty little hat can be made for 2s 6d. Afany of the members are anxious for classes to be started, but this has not yet been decided.
The first social of the season was held by the Sumner Bowling Club in the Alasonic Hall on Thursday evening. There wa s a good attendance of members and their lady friends. The programme included cards an il music. A most enjoyable time was spent, the ladies later in the evening serving supper. The winners of the games were Atis s T>. Dawson and Air T. F. Chambers; Atiss Pickering and Air J. Browne. Alusical items were contributed by Air and Airs Forrest. Mr F. H. Mathews. Mr F. Hobbs, and Mrs H. AY. Heslop. An exceedingly clever and mystifying exhibition of conjuring wa s given by Mr Williamson, of Redcliffs. During the supper interval Air H. AY. Heslop. at the request of the president. Air J. A. Booth, referred to the important, part the ladies had taken in the club since ir-js inception, when they helped to get- funds for the pavilion. Since then they had always contributed the afternoon tens and taken a successful part in the socials. Amongst those present wore: Air and Mrs J. A. Booth. Mr and Mrs H. AV Heslop. Air and Airs G. AY. O. Bmithson. Mr and Mrs U. Barlow. Mrs H J. Alarriner. Air and Airs J. Tilingworth. Mr and Mr s T. E. Whitfield. Air and Airs C. Newman. Miss. Pickering. Air and Afvs Alain. Air J. and A T iss B. Browne, Air and Airs Forrest. Miami Airs S. W. Dean. AD and Airs W. J. Hampton. Mr F. C. Ala!pas. Air and Mrs J. Grnham. Air and Airs A*’Donrdd, Air and Mrs H. D. Pates Alias Murlv. Miss V. Barlow, AI- F Mathews. Mr and Airs H. C. Wilson. Mr and Al Wo,ids. Air R. Emdidv Air Davis. Air T. JTamntc-n Mr F. C Cooper and Air FT. C. Jamieson. Easter specials in ladies’ high-class footwear; the latent sryles in colours, just- arrived per parcel post from England—the new style 3-strap buckle in taupe, fawn, nigger, greys, and black suedes; also in black patent and kids: also to be had in Oxfords. Special Easter price for these high-class shoes 35s per pair. Secure your Easter footwear now at E. Robinson’s. Onh address: T 29. ALmchester Street, first boot store from Clock Tower. 6132
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 17016, 14 April 1923, Page 7
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2,868Women Folk Star (Christchurch), Issue 17016, 14 April 1923, Page 7
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