Tho quarterly meeting o£ tho Christchurch Licensing Bench was held to-day; present— Mr S. E. MCarthy, S.M. (presiding), Dr Thacker, M.P., Messrs H Holland, K. Mathieson, and T. C. Field.
Tho following transfers of licenses were approved:—Rotherficld Hotel, J. R. Blnckie to Percy Curtis; United Service Hotel, Esther Mnndel to James Charles Lamb; Wellington Hotel, D. J. Kelleher to John M'Cann.
The application for a renewal of the license of Tattersall’s Hotel was further adjourned for three months.
In regard to the application for a license for the Empire Hotel, adjourned to allow of Btructural alterations, Mr Hoban said that tho work was practically completed. H. St A. Murrey, architect, said that the work should be completed by the end of the week. The application was granted.
The adjourned application for a renewal of the license of the Cafe Do Paris to Morgan O’Brien was granted.
With -reference to tho renewal of license for the At Hotel, it was agreed to taka tho .hearing of evidence to be submitted on behalf of W. 11. Overton IMr Hubfl.n) at a special fitting of the committee on Thursday week -Best, at-middor..
Star (Christchurch), Issue 16288, 1 December 1920, Page 8