i [ i t 1 3 i > 0 8 0 !•» i o hj 0 I. I* L t If I1- [. hj It Cl s* >r i. II > I iAUCTIONEERS AND 1 HOUSE FURNISHERS CATHEDRAL SQUARE (next POST OFFICE) THH AUCTION ROOM FOR RECORD PRICES! SECOND-HAND FUKNUDRE Prices aro better than ever fbr good Secowd-Smnd Furniture. If you have any F«pn!t«re or sandHes of any description y©w wish to dispose of, now I & your to-turn them Into money« Wa have any number of buywa iooking for-gomS, clean, eewmddundfttmftur* —the more modem it in, <rf course, the Wttcr tlio price ; or should you prefer to soil for 81'RAIQHT-OUT CASH, oaa of our representatives will call on you at. onco and offer you the highest iniing market. price either for the CONTENTS OF TOUR HOME.or a SINGLE ARTICLE OF FURNITURE. SALES WEEKLY In our Central Auction Rooms every Tuesday and Friday at t-o'clock. TELEPHONE 1881, eKENZtE & WILUS AUCTIONEERS CATHEDRAL SOUARE-(next ’Post Office). Wednesday Next Commencing at 12 o’clock Great AUCTION SALE of Unredeemed Pledges AT Oliß ROOMS (next Post Office, Cathedral Square. MESSRS McKBNZIE and WILLIS, instructed by Mr. J. G. BARKER, Licensed Pawnbroker,. 04 Worcester Street, will sell by Public Auction as above a large assortment of Unredeemed Pledges as follow -.-—GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, GOLD AND GEM BANGLES, DIAMOND AND GEM RINGS, GOLD CHAINS, BROOCHES, and 100 other lots. The list is as follows: March 8, 1915, 734, g. chain; July 16, 1915, 977, gem ring; Fob., 1017, 6th, g. bangle; 6th, 1250, g. ring; 7th, 1231 sh. watch; 18th, 1265, gem ring; 17th. 1274, ring; 1382, 20th, watch; 1291, SOii, brooch; ,1301, 28th, band ring; 1808, March. 3, 1917, g. banglo; ISI7, 6th, watch; 1327, 14th, wristlet; )838, 22nd, g. bangle; 1347, 27th, gem ring; April 10th, 1917, 1373, g. ring; 1337, 18th, B.h. watch; 1398, 23m, camera; 1405, 26th, g. banglo; 1413, 30th. s.h. watch; May" Bth, ’l7, 1428, bag; 1439, 12th, 8.0.f. watch and chain; 1450, 16th, g.h. watch; 1457, 18th, wristlet watch; 1525, 15th, necklet; 1852 ISth, medal; 1565, B9th Juho, 'l7; Jnly, 1917, 3rd. 1571, watch; IBS 3, 9ta, gem ring; 1593, 16th, sil. case; 1538, 17th, bov. case: 1608, 2Cth, watch; 1610, 20th, muS chain; 1615, 25th, g. bangle; 1622, 30th, brooch; 1627, 31st, gem ting; August 2nd, 1632, s.h. watch; 1636, 4th, wristlet; 1640, 7th, o.h. watch; • 1645, Bth, g. watch; 1650, 18th, chain; 1657, 15th, g, ring; 1680, 16th, g. ring; 1663, 18th, band ring; 1672; 20th, wed. ring; 1663, 28th, s.o.f. watch; 1690, 61st, g. ryi£; September 4th, 1700, gem ring; 1706, 7th, necklet, 1714. 10th, watch; 1722, 12th, g. chain; 1728. 18th, gem ring; 1732, 17th, g. bangle; 1738, 20th. g. bangle; 17891, 20th, g. brooch: 1744, 22nd. g. ring; 1750, 25th, greenstone brooch: 1757, 26th, g. ring; 1762, 23th, band! ring; October, 1917, 2nd, 1760, brooch; 1770, 2nd, gem ring; 1776, Brd, g. chain; 1780, 6th, gem ring; 1784. sth, chain end pearl; 1795, 11th, s.h. watch; 1811, 16th, watch; 3828, 23rd. o.p. Jarj IS4C, 27th, teapot anij camera; January, 1918, 21st, 2110, bend ring; August, 1018, 18th, g. bangle; 575, P37, 17th, g. chain and medal; 600, 17th, chain and pend.; 630, 24th, 3 diamond studs; 636, 28th, brooch and locket; October, 1918, 606, 25th, diamond; December, 1918, 24th, bag; 254, 24th, g. barbie; .Ternary, 1910, 80S, 6th, 2 rings: 315, Sth, stamps; 826, 10th, bangle; S4B, 16th. g.h. watch; 860, 17th- g. ring; 3G3, 18th, e.a. watch and ril. case; 870, 21st, g, brooch: 872, 22nd, revolver; 877, 23rd. chain ana pendant; 1836, 24th, g.• bangle; 880, 37th, g. watch; 899, 39th, 4 spoons; 41.3, 31st, sil. bag; 414, 31st, g. pm; February, 1919. 420, let, s.o.f. watch: 424, 3rd, g. ring; 425, 3rd, g, ring; 434, 7th, g. banglo; 483, Bth, s.o.f. watch.; 446, Uth, 6 coins i 459, loth, g. bangle; 467, 18th, chain pend.; 468, 13th, wed. ring; 499, 37th, wed. ring; 603, 28th, bangle aba ring; March, 1919, 628, 10th, g. chain; 658, 13th, g. drain and coin; 669, 31st, g.o.f. watch; 691, 26th, watch; 596, 23th, revolver; 598. 20th, s.h. watch; 609, 29th, g. chain; April, 1919, 613, Ist, 3 g, rings; 630, 4th, camera; 658, 16th, sil. case; 663, 15th, gem ring; 663, 10th, go.f. watch and ring; 666, 16th, 2 j. rings; 675, 17th, clock and sil. bog; 677, 17th, dl*» monel ring: 687, 23rd, 3 War Bonds; 688, 23rd, gem bangle; 090, 23rd, watoh. chain and medal;. 713, 28th, band ring; 714, 38th, book; May, 1919, 736, Bth, watch and chain; 740. sth, watch and revolver; 747, 6th, knives, forks, glasses; 760, 6th, g, bangle) 755, 7th, g. chain and d.j. watch; 768, 7th, gem ring; 769. 7th, E.P. tea sot; 774, oth, w«A ring; 794. 16th, gem ring; 797, 96th, g ring; £2l. 26th, gem ring; 830, 29th, g. chain and &.L .watch; 839, 80th, gJu watch. McKenzie & willis AUCTIONEERS.
PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. § PUBLIC AUCTION AT PAPANUI. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18ih, afc 1 p.m. In ‘O' in a £ d. Od account MR.. F. DRURY, Blacksmith. Principal Items Include—2 Champion Forgo Bellows. 3 Arrrils, Drillina Machine. Grindstone, Cart Jack, lewt. Machine Horse Shoes, 1J cirfc. (Key) Horse Shoe Nails, Leg Yico (6in. mouth). Set Stocks and Dies (J to lin.L Tyro Bending Machine, 3-ton Iron for shoeing and general work. Large Quantity of Bolts and Nuts, Paint Mill, 5 owt. S.H. Tyres and Shoes, and the Usual Tools connected with the business. Also quantity Second-hand Iron in splendid order. Fuller particulars in later issue. i id H. C. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, THE CITY MARKET.
6 ne as fc, )F Sor PUBLIC NOTICES. BBA., Free'Engino, everything right, £3O. • N.Z. Motor Exohonge, Ltd., 69, Manchester Street. T.T.S. SINGER, 3-spood, drop frame, ££> ioa! N.Z, Motor Exchange, Ltd., 69, Mancheater Street. T.T.S. rrSIDMPH 3-apecd, nice order, £35. N.Z, A Motor Exchange, Ltd.. 89. Manchester Street. T.T.S. HUB, 6-eoator. model 82, newly painted, £360, N.Z. Motor Exchange, Ltd., 59, Manchester Street. T.T.S. 83.A.. Countershaft, 1916. perfect order, • £67. N.Z. Motor Exchange, Ltd., 69, Manchester Street. T.T.S. INDIAN, 6-6, like new,, 1817 moclol~£Rs. N.Z. Motor Exchange, Ltd,, 59, Manchester Street. T.T.S. JAMES, 4i h.p., Countershaft. ~cheap at £55, N.Z. Motor Exchange, Ltd., 59, Manchester Street. T.T.S. INDIAN, 7-9 h.p.. with Coach-huift~Side-enr, £35. N.Z. Motor Exchange, Ltd., 69, Manchester Street. T.T.S. HUB. 6-seater. 1918 model, S2 h.p.7~porfect order, £425. N.Z. Motor Exchange, Ltd., 59, Manchester Street. T.T.S. OVERLAND, 8-Beater, eleotrio light and starter. £l5O. N.Z. Motor Exchange LuL._ 59, Manchester Street. T.T.S. FN.. 3-eeater, Sporting Mode), £2OO7~N.Z'. • Motor Exchange, Ltd., 69. Manchester Street. T.T.S. TTAUSHALL Chassis, mechanically sound, ; £OS. N.Z. Motor Exchange, Ltd., 59, Manchester Stmt. T T S WANTED Soli, Calthorpa 3-seater, five Wire Wheels, £225. Archibald's T.T.S. TATANTED Sell, new Tyres, SO x St. 85s • • * 810 x 90, 87s 6d. Archibald's Garage. T.T.S. ty, ad it, so, ISO er. ho ce, rer xjr jarTHOEPE AND CO., 101, Lower High St., Cash Buyers Tailors’ Clippings, Rags, etc. D SEND your Bags and Tailors’ Clippings to Thorpe and Co., Lower High St. D RING 'Phone 374. Cash Buyers of Waste Products. Thorps and Co., 101, Lower High_St. p HIGHEST Price given for Rags, Tailors 7 Clippings. Thorpo and Co., 101, Lower High St. D RAGS and Tailors’ Clippings Bought by Thorpe and Co., Lower High St. D I FOLDING Pushchairs from 39s 6d. Passmore and Coy., 657, Colombo St. 'Phone 3433. W.F.S. /MATAREH. Asthma, positively, permanontly cured. Call 246, Hereford Street, City. Hours: 11 -1.30. 2.30-6.30. W.F.S. nd a TT'OLDING Pushchairs from 39s 6d. Pass4J, more and Coy., 657, Colombo St. ’Phone 8433. W.F.S. WANTED, People to got Married and buy their Furniture for Cash at H, Atkinson’s, Cash House Furnishers, 127, Manchester. Street. 1 id, •Pt aloe sd. .n----■fl/TANDOLIN Harp for Sale, 17a Gd; cost iVA £2 17s 6d. complete with music. 134, Cashel Si. ’Phone 3066. BAMOPHONE Needles, Is 6d a. box of 200. 124, Cashel St. P‘ ‘ IANOS Tunod any district. 7s 6d"; eatiiTf action guaraatesd. ('Phono 8080.) 124, Cnahal St. (2 doors from Ballantyne’s). SINGER Sewing Machine, £2 17a 6d; Wertheim, £2; Oak Drophead, £6 10s. 121, Cashel St. (next Ballantyne's). MONET. —Money to Lend on Pianos and Machines, without removal. . 124, Cashel St. (2 doors from Ballantyne’s). *4 DEWING- Machine Experts.—For Bop KJ and all Spare Parts. ’Phono 3056. I Machine Co, (next Ballantyne’M
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 19816, 6 December 1919, Page 16
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1,388Page 16 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 19816, 6 December 1919, Page 16
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