Mimes & Movies.
A!VSWF;IIS TO QUERIKS. ■Ansio-.-"..- l-'airbank.i v.im !y,vr; i:\ ISR",. XXX.-".1 -'i'-v* hav,.l n.. s'oric? hs.ve .-.■>;•' :-..•" h>isky'"li'm- ;:ov;." '' ' '" Ff-riitr.— P-n»i-p ns;ci nor Ka-iV-:;> v:.'« fii-->«- p' : rho other day, H>/ :yi:v;ar-'.ri ia "'i'!:,? - y.;;;i]i; ';.■•.> r : ;'' : .. 'V„'i.'i- ;.':;.'.:'." "i;;'>. Wcs'. Fi, i: iy...:v-h p.--, - .\r:/i.i-H, o.' Pen J.-'o, 'l.'r-.r ,!• irf '.r-uuii'i,-.. '"!:■!■.,■ I>,- •-1 v~ !";;:> :i iU'iv -;heTrh. vv_iu L".r,(}nn mvl imToubf.oit*. 7 3,,-,u'," ; '-. :y nuMJr r-on< I'rnivia; the >M<hvr< <:> l the wro: - . Tapley. Joc.U'd l:!i:n :i - ;• fartnor in Oma'-o. » * Miinil Allan h ; -.~ hocn npix\"ii ins: :! "'' '' r ' e \> v , V, ■"'•; I'.iiacr. v,-!'.- iv 'arr >;'loiiio (IpU-.. i. i!,'M-!::.i',! a- [\:)l I\-.:.; !;---■■€! i' l Aii ■!:■;;';:: in:' m> jotj't. V,'a.-'. iVijl, -.\ 'ii : :iv: .-ihr.'S.- 'ii (."iin-.'iii'D 'airly iii'|S."'v;iilMT. ]>•;:,■..!!•:■ I>'A>> ; ~:a!. v.!;.-) v. ill V' n--Tivnli' !'.,!>:-. \\a> on !.!.v hi'.] n! tno (" : ,!<"iii';i 'I ti- ; i •"<■. v <"•'•' Vi>r!;. '.'. li'i) i-li'"-l:.-r 1.>»"•-■ !•.•!'•.. p * \ r. '-.-711 i)!!".';-. .■:);■•-' '" J'' l^'l Ni'>'-' ,],,,,,. . i 1,,, ; !r -(M-- >:: ,1 vi "■ mm-kii'.- n,<:t m 1, Ho liiN. I,nsn..r, li'n «.nr*--w«fullv ,:.,.-:■!:.,: !: :in- J':. .-.■•■. Hi; -: l i- -:r;, = ) Hoilalay. it) Alii. I'ir.i. [■ v.-ill ;...•■ '■. cVoiui- »<-'>'•■'•-' '>■<> '•<?.">■ i!';"'i n.cniilv ; ;--i 1.1;'.r-Je IVfl.-.i:><]. who h;:Ikhmi orij-.pi<vl liy Ku 1 fl- Ion? lliii'> ]"."'.", v,-;is rs.ijio "<> vivt Iho Illaiid Hohs !i:i-;l v.-alk. q_ H, (;;".-v ; i: -.-,•;>■ r-r-r-nsiy j.!-.-<'U?, el witb m i;i" f i'' "ViiiUii'y oi f\ii:'.r: .1 - 1 ir.irk t-!iO iipvir I'i:.! idt! cii' • Ik' v,-Il Vcilum!.■■!•!-, Lo-yion. !■■•>• vA'.'f.v. ho w.'ir in i'immiiu: nl.x.i'.n !■• inn * ■» \ln,; ,;' >j r ,-.>!jirT,V ; f V Cn>si.> ot'■• Mt.viiw J>;',.V " :•"(.!. rl:(; s:ui'l (h'ii- ,,;„„■ i;il---::v-. ,\t!p;ii'i-ni]y liissif. Mill Muiuecls in p!i-'.siiiK Wvivisii vl-- vaii indfjwj. iw <hf. h.i s no N-f..'i-..ui I'or 'n:.nn ; - I^l/. T>iu-ir." di.' v,'ve!;. vlni (;<:ii.sml(v.' Op'-.-.i Coii.i.iiiiv li.id ;:■ wo«]clin«r in its mi'ls-., Si<Mv'.r (.'e.-iirmii, wh 1 Ziinipu 1" " •"•ani'tn," marr\ iiiL!" one oi ib< v nn'ni-Ivii-v ol' ill.; clion;..-. :rv i\w <. atliouc C..":;iln.-i!rai. Jiai 'jailocS ftin-ct.
Uoben, Grout •: i nd hi- wire. Beatrice 1 M-IlMv.-iiv. are'leavi::;::; very •■.-liorrly tor : America" IJi-;Ii V.iv.' h:>0 « J' lj '.y i m Yankee plays oi hue oik! should inul oonduion* iii the Ciuteu State- uu iiew '• Fail' and "WM'lVrM'." de.-OnV-d a* a " ],!;> v~f ■tompeiaiurc aii'l Leniperar-.,.;>;•'." I.v Aveiv iiopwood, who wrote • h ;l1 :h, M.me ' comedy " Nobody s. Widow." was produced in Sy.Sli.-y by J. ('. Williamson <m . i'"'. brnary '■• " 'i' l :l -tew Fmdish Comedy Company. ® » Ileum: mr Smith has finished liis first ;;i, ;l It is ;t conto<.ly «-nt.ilt< cl '' 'I he Il.'j'vcot-d'."' Tim 1: '■•'' in!.': io be ~.,;'■..-] ■..•.-ill be Fifmd ' -.;1. , 1 .. Am-raiinmC winch Smith <ii'l into n drama a. vr.i' or ™ « f -i°.1 C YVHlmmM.n. Ltd.. will he put- ■ :„., ~,', ■• The I'm'': hadv." n nmstcal oomedv s.:eae-s by Ivan ( nry'i and the ];i to C M. s. At'hellan. _ Caryl! was - the music ot " Unr Mi', g ; M>- " " 'fix- Toreador." '' Ih" : Spihif: ( hiebem" " The OrchnL ' : , --'The.''Dvu-lms-. of Di.nt'/if ana other | musical comedies <»l' the Mime typo. From '" Film run ' :-- ; Have you seen jhe Bold Hero, with i awiul eniosion. ! T'iunjto into the d:>i>ihs of the turbulent ocean. ■ The Lady, the Villain, the pnpors to £el; I Then emerge-, calmly smiling. I Triumphant, beiPiihnjx. i Not even the ia-.- m' his shocdaee.s wet." i « '1 he London Comiiv Couneil nipped | one of tiie rim.Me-liiJK re-ently. Tn spite j of unv-esis by ihe .Musicians' Association t.il;ii. tili' rhoW «';'- improper, tllO ! lie. ii-e was ;p anted, hut, Uie secretary i.f the as••oeiaiion produced photographs • of the rosmmcs. v.-hie!) wore, exceedingly ; {tbh-.vviat.ixl. Tito conned reopened the ! ca-a> and withdrew the license. « * I GeoiTrev Nye, who' is warmly remem- | here.) for'hi.- emetines-; during the time i lie boosted the " window o!' the world at the Kin'i's. is now i.teneml mamiLmr ! of the Nmv Zealand 'Picture Supplies. I ]-10. bar; be?)i in CbrNtc]mr"h for the ! pre-i few davs eve dna through a lot of ; There will, he -oine in ! the picture wor":<i in Xe-tv Zealand dur- ■ the rear.
T-lal H. Carle ion. The Av/. + rrdian r*>nresetiiaiive <A the i( >!.otioit "i'ieture News'' of New York, talks imoreslinply rboui the e-hihoor he insists that tSte '' smutty " ])ioture is a catr.-o ;o tiie industry. The tnonoy they maho at jn-esent, j- more than oqualled by the damroio thoy do to the business of the ."mure, lie is against, lonsr programmes. /ml stands for uood orchestras.
Geonro Kdwards, of Edwards and Parkes, who will open at, t-lio Opera. Ffousc )iox.i: Monday, is a. great iavourite on the Fuller circuit. Ho has secured the rights of "The Moods ot ('ringer Mick'' from, tlio Australian pof fc, C J. Dennis, and next, week will ho heard in " The Sine;in<x Soldiers. ' New turns will bo contributed by Billy Mann. nrsvro raconteur, and Do Baker's Models.
Dorothy .Harm will bo back at. the Opera. House next Monday. Thh ladj is*a nrimo favourite hero. She has ft repertory of the Safest ragtime numbers, au.'l her dresses are .said to he the. admiration of :.\\\ audience. Another favourite to make a reappearance next week is Maud Fanning. .It- is live years since the popular coon singer was m ChrisichureV She was accorded a prea.t reception on her reappearance in X>unedin last week.
Arthur Stvan, who.se perfonnances at the Criterion in Sydney with Florence Rockwell have been so much Wie subject; of favourable comment, eaine to Australia with Charles Cart-wright, He remained as a prominent member of Bland Holt's company, his work always being distinguished for its ease and timsh. Bland Holt, by the way, is still to he seen these days in Melbourne driving his dogcart. Ho prefers horses to automobiles.
'■ Intolerance," the great David W. Griffith feature, which if* said to eclipse "The Birth of a Nation" by as much as that him beat any thing before it, has been presented in Australia, and highly praised, but it is too soon yet to say whether or not it will reproduce; the great success it enjoys in the
„ ' ! U"IiP ill/ mmmf _
Fnircd Stntr-. '• Intolerance " should Hiftke ft more general appeal than the •' Birth of a Nation." winch was so definitelv American m its naoi-i. •** tViltrr C. Kelly, 'lie "Virginia .VW-'V-h-en a,»pcarinc; -u London. TV,Vi. , !,■ on about- Kellv winch i' wti.-.'ii "lo'lliu■■■■ Whf-n ho returned t'» I', rpii.il State, after liis first trip in A, I >tv-li-.. six or seven veal's ago, hcwasia.errie i ved.andc:M^r^:[•; , ';;■ oninions about New /mlnno. -\ ■■• -- ■ ]r . v ] ~,v, for a few hours m Au.-k am, Thr--ormrks were mdised bv a hu:-t- ---, , ( nov which oubbslmd \::,IX)U v'n-' of the Dominion rC,,., Mr Walter C. K-llv. a wellknown jnd'r.- Virginia. ' yyt, :!t j, described d,e •'m<»st ftor- ,-,,,, ..veniie.r- m Madaou >r,ii:t re (.arn,n'.s cr.r.--r.' b;: opened r nt.ly on .he ~•..■::-. ion of 'be Tin Abie-. ('o,t ume -am T i„, ~,,; l, P ;,,eam brough.- r,-ri.!. " I the ~,';.•,;•■ tben in Vw \ork. l--tnel V,.Vvrvtne,ro. leaden-, lie Heb; t ians, „„,'O. porbaos. t!m most eifeewve gown, al"rhoudi otiicrs iu roc <--e sp-.a ml mm... lien 'iron- the m-wsnapcrs were Ivltf.i m',v i-,iHl Hilda S»..ong. The prize to; ■i..." ].,.,[ eo-anme. a iive-seiitcr mntor-,-ir was won bv Glive (Hivcr. who a;>,v ;i n.,l j;-'. the Spirit- ef France, t » * J'b- J C. AVilliamson. Ltd.. New Ere'lgii Ccmiedy Comuauv will yrjtvn to Alolbounm -m tie! eoinnhu-nm tf the teintomime s i:: ..;nn. ami will pi-'_'-- ,;.,,. ver the tfr.-t. t. : i ;) ,- in Ausfraha Co;ta!re.' : d-rndbed as the l l v.-; t i. 1 e l 'te successor lo "So bong, Letr-." llrnd. -I. W:i;(!, wim sfeurod ■.; v. ptc-o in America from. Ohver M.oroseo, eensbleref! that in some res peers it wr.s a far better play than " Lotty,' whidi is saying a great (lord. Dorothy Brvmton, C. H. AVorkfn.nu, _ I*tola. Fi-Jter, Alfred Krit't. Cotiibe .Kdifcs ;uv> the other nv vbia nopui«; : company will appear in " Canary Cot- * « Dan Thomas v. ho wdl be retneniiiercd m No>.\ Zealand as a pantomime dame. roeo'ltlv revealed semi'- socio', s eoneoi'ning his p;e;- ; . Thomas Sen, Smitlmmpion on, .'lnly ■!. lO'll. for a si:; weeks contract hi Smith Africa. Do did not leave South Africa, un-.il Sopiembor I. D'i■'. having pbiyed l.tii! weeks. He then proceed; d to An.-vrrdia. under atMUher ■-•'- weeks eotirract. to Fuller'.. (■(UiimeiH-iug on September °s. IPI !. Me (infdies tin's year im April 'lO after playing .'l-'js 'wee-l-s under the management. lbwill leave for Africa, atul i: rle-n booke-d to reappear in Australia in i>anioreime during lufv Tf :inyi>ody happens rn feel like inviting Tlunnas. toy-tay on the I'tirm for a visit, don't tuai-e if six weeks, ft: n--e;ns to bo lu's passs-U'ord in a bum, long season. • ..*
Siirnor'n'.-' T?u.=s hould cortaisily pro-i-nie a riu!? to throw at Don Jo-e in 'die la si act. of "Carmen,"' Tbo absence of it spoil?; tho " h-jsine.-r-' ; ni iho One (hirer is no*-;<« :>i.)o» dui'ircr tbi> :-yr)--r,rt of opera the p 'incipals' thoiudi at tbrios aetiiv/ with (.■;:•.■ -a r •-ineeri'y try To pin- over obvious wleui props arc used. T!u- bands of Carmen were so obvious I }' no! tied rha: the j-cen(> was ridiculous, and the pbio! ■which Loll up Zimipa was a. very obvious, joke. Many rvoplo y.m. away with, iho i<b-a that e;ran<l opera is merely siicjierr. It e-n '- by a* lonrf* way. Good ptoductaui and pood 'acting are as necessary to opera as thev are to drama, as anyone who saw iho GJonsalo/, production of "Carmen " would rea.h'-'o. (Tu-is Bichards's '.-tay on the bu!Vr elt-<tuii- vdll !»■ •' brief one, as lie loaves simrdv to up tho postponed eon;r;e;t to a}jpoar in moving pictures wi'ih Alexitiulcr l'uetato-- in the C-S.A. The term of tin- contract is hheoii ycars--r!osfiiblv the loudest theatrical 'or picture erenuooneni yot- made. Tl>e li-Pt. pictures won?, to have been matte last month, hut tbo success of Uichards was so oronounced in Australia that lien Fuller cabled Pantaßcs to enable the comedian to re main. Richards, bv the wity, treqtieiitly appeared on rhe same profrramme.s in vaudeville with Cliiirlio Chaplin when the latter w-as with Karoo's eompany. In thoxo .lays, H-ichatds says, Charlie's brotoer Sid was tboutiht to be much the funnier comedian. Richards's character in pictures will in all probability bo that of a shabby genteel aristocrat with acrobatic habits.
Tho latest theatrical papers front \meriea make mention of the doings or tievortil artists who are well remembered bv Australian playgoers. Lmeolli P'lmncr is in the cast of "Captain htdd -Jim.," a. "farcical adventure " in Ihreo acts, v.-bieb J. €. Williamson. Ltd. bat 1 * secured for production in -\tistralia. Kred Ndhh; i« plavintr " Mtt- the trail nollidav" in Boston, with enormous success/ Hilda fiponpc is playmß an important pari, with E. I"J. Sothern m " (iettimv Married." wlucb is by Bernard Shaw. In the same oast is Lumsfion Hare. Ola Jane liumpiirey, wno is married to the nephew of the former Khedire of is to play the titio role in " The Empress," to be presented in San Francisco. The programme will call her Princess Hassan, remarks the ■• Dramatic News."
The Gonsalcz Opera Company has he., n rr.iovint,' bi;y, bustnes.s, in (..'briHtelmrch i.tkl '"-:«c-nis de- ; it:cd to keep cretvded houses to t-'ie r.rusd. Ltn. tu is t-tijl wonderful to notice ihat- encores are not only taken but, sought m all .sorts of peculiar situations. In 11 Trovatore. 1 ' whore Axueena liuu-hes her aria bv failing faintinjr, on the rock, the artist'rose and bowed low to Ihe audience's hearty applause. Then she went back and fainted on the rock again ! Every moment 1 expect to see some tenor or soprano die iu a. fur}' of top notes and. moved by the thunderous cheering from the auditorium, rise from the dead and die all over again with another exercise on tho And I have seen a few Hi<rhlanders who didn't quite convince me of their knowledge of hafi'iris and their genuine admiration for Burns. But the Italian Scots in " Lucia di Lammcrmoor." who wore kilts, either above the knee or just topping the,ankle as suited the length of log of the wearer, these were the most affecting Scotchmen of them all.
It is a remarkable tiling that no new,s of the death of Henry Bracy was cabled from Australia. Bracy during tbo last ten years has done little for the A-dstralian .stage, and during tho past year or so ho has been in poor health. Bracy. of course, is ont of the few remaining links with the brilliant past of comic opera. There remain people in Christchurch who still boast that his "Take a pair of sparkling eyes" has never been and will never be bettered. His was a fine clear tenor voice, of wide range and beautiful quality. He was an excellent actior and his career on the Australian staee was full of good work. After he retired from acting he was a producer and chorus master, etc., for J. C. Williamson. He put on many pieces and was closely associated with the old " boss" though they frequently had differences. The la&t thing of Braev's that- I remember done here was
a Radium ballet, but I forget fov the moment the name of the show in which it occurred. Braey toured the Dominion on that occasion, which was; seven years ago, and In" 1 was ''hell j showing signs of age. Mrs Bracy was j hern with'Nanco O'Xeil's company mi ]905. i *** ' Aside from winning ;m argument m ; his own office, 1). AY. Griffith i< enjoy-j inn- a hit, of a quiet joke at the *>spnw i of others. In his production oi " in- : tolerance." Griffith . succeeded :o-- the j first, time in the lustory .» morion | photographv in set tin- four natural; colours upon the screen. MV'r months S 0 |- ~r ; | on tJ,i. discover Mr GviHiim ! wanfod to announce u :n aoVe.n.-e. ; Members of his staff in New } or!-; pr- ', vailed upon him not to do ib's bid 'N> ' let it. he discovered commented , upon without suggestion <>f bias. Aii'"' , pafieiiflv waiting three weeks wn.houi. , ;,, snmio'notice being taken of Ibw new . , tf,,"' Mr Griffith says be will have : to follow his original intention and an- j nn-.tiT it himself. Throe noteworl.hv j scones in "Intolerance" where these j natural colours are naturally roprodue-. «..(! ;.:■«. i hose showing the cobbler at: work iu Judea and two views of the ; niatriaeo mart in Babylon depicting tho j auosioneer on the .stand -and the go'fs j in the slave s,r,io!t being block. The cobbler s <t:ic v.;.;' worked | over >or h'n mouths heloro the effect-| soimh, was realised. Jt occupies a re- ( lntivelv .linn space in "die big narra- j live, bur it is doubly niter-sting >0,...u-e ~..u - e nt' it-- wonderful phorotrraphm ; bomitv iu eolour. This instance shows . die effect o, realign? on dio stage and | screen hmug m» i''"* 1 ! " ' VlTi,rf ' , tjl .'' I it los.-s its effectiveness, unless it rs j labelled. . .. J The " /•ilr.nt:. Comntuimn ' '* | euoted because it, confirms as<-orta v\ .m ; opinion which was ex]»r,— ~1 m i m .... ; columns : . io« years acorn "I' ■»»■ a >< VK ., S in,, the devolnemmm of , 'motion picvu-.- projection >■'!>*"». ! y;; ' ~T.vn in il.s t-erfeoiwd and muert:,..--' ■ mo: form lb- : movies' u roogm hata, - rteen the spokmt drama and tno l- - tmu.te ; stae.c. li'imbeds or H.eh <>,' aaidsathms ' Throughout, the counm. • Vhrouah Sack of patronage, toon, themselves forced to sti-momler o, uw ■ cumiH-liimn and were 1 Homily. bac,;ul ; off th« boards' by die 'nunrv h^;Wi is n reason. If tee this: ihe d,ae. ; h„-, | lP , () ,n, so Lhoroucjdy saaurat.ed v-ith cnnimorcialism thaf- the eoumiv was oremm with cheap, claptrap, \u\bakerl prodnefious and at £oo<.l s.m pricos and palmed it off f Ax outer;ln;m,n, -just front I resnb was tj iu t w.hen the opportunity ! eano whorcbv the ]mW-. could, .or ;i - dit.io, oninv the Ik- of .lm worl 1 tal-nt in'the ton;: or the sjloiiv- dratnii , i. WelcOUied ;t. «id. Oi::--! '^. ■ P , r ,,-i f w • !,.-■;: i.-..- tin-, rajxe and tl'e one- : ni-n'i. r«,d >h-.w tlinenammcrs went to . i. jj 5.;,, the m.otion picture, siii> s iii'-ivio-'-.Mid -t.ill servin-r a- wonderfully j ~',,-d rairp;-a. has nurfornmd a gnM \ Mid>!;c' M-rviee iu ti:at. if, lia«i forced , ~ ' r ,.,,!,.■,;. ■■ ~-• of ihiiitrs dramatic.
That- is noout eomploe. ...,V.I whiio the :-econd-ra»\ caUil-pelHl, wnidiicrr has boon !,!ud b^'' f s j J; , aos , vv , (i tfl he- die iH.lonr, "i droiintrv and the stage genius and t»'* homwr.; iesridmaie theatrical business has suffered no loss, but- really lias born, benchted." * » Something about the members of the [ {.' Willi", nis-on. Knutish Comeuy Com--,-ariv which opened at the (biterum m S\di>ev in " I'Vi; and Warmer. Miss Klmii Novum bad recently made n i"? from South Africa to London and one: ..„-,.,in tl , S ou ih Africa. " Spbimtrme-imos-ed was,'' .-ho remarks, "an?, rather exciting I wit, -.11 if only woman ~r, hoard oao trip made from Sotuli Africa to London, and 1 cannot say it ,'-nW ni'v nerve ai all." Miss Hoyxon k popular in South Africa, whore pli« won a her public- with her brkdit personality a'nd lively sense oi : comedy. She played'the young wife who scobs_ to bo vcridh in '"b'nir and Wiirmcr ■" the part she will play in. Sydney. Tito loading comedienne, of the company is Miss Daisy Athcrton. who has a. bin record of comedy work ; n England. Tbo daughter of tbo famous- Willie Edouin. stio has lived her bio in flip atmosphere of the theatre. ll.or fai.h'T re-wrote, and staged "Our Flat." probably the most successful of all English farces—Mis-! Adi, rfon owns the world's rights of the piece, which she is now touring in England. All her father's manuscripts crmo to her under his will. Bolero eomiii''-- to Australia Miss Aiherton play-d ;li.< load in _ " A Pair of_ Silk Sioe]iiTOj.s," in which play she will bo seen in Australia. She hns also appeared in Xc.v York. Other newcomers for the entoraimnent of Australian plnyro-'>rs are Mr Thomas A. Braidou. a. prominent London farceur, who has supported Sir Charles AVyndham, Sir George Alexander and leading Entrlish ctace celebrities 'n London easts: Air Perev Mnvmont. u-ho stnrrcd fhroufihout England in lf The Blindness of Virtue." nnrl ha a . a fine record of success; ar.d M'iy,s May Xichtino-alc, a dniii.ty irgeuuo.
In "Come Out of the Kitchen." •which may be produced in Australia this year, there is a dinner at which chicken is the chief dish.. Last, year, however, when Thanksgiving Bay eamo round, the four men who have to eat the dinner addressed the following protest to Henry Miller, the manager fit ntied-- bo remembered that turkey is the national bird of America's table): — COHAN' THEATRE. November 38, X9lfi. Henrv Miller. Esq., isky ileadow*, Stanford, Conn. : Dear Air ilillerThanksgiving Day is r»riT at hand--An extra mat into, sir, For i;s vlio v:erk to hwi! the 1.-.i-e! Wh;!n other pcouio ijlav, s.'r. Tlio [simp? a" cloEf, c.o, t-.ie, -he Laiiiis; Aijii pvery siiisrlo oirfrkie," Ito has a cinnico to offer thanks While <dtth;g down to turkey. Of aii the cooks w* ever knew, Mirs Cijß'.tcrton is best, sir. Her soap j.i pn r.nihrofdal brew. Her cukfl ftand? any test, sir. But v.-o a. prievm.-co lmvo to .°t ate : '.Jtir nerv-s arc- prowing jerky; YvVvo finished chicken ei«rif -"-ri^Jit; Oh, p'ense let ua Lave turkey. Eiplit timPr- a wnelr. (this week it's nine) We eat a chicken dinner. It's perfect f.;cd, it's epiondid whie, And yet v/e're growing thinner. So on this coming holiday— Hcwevcr fair or murky— A c.har.»o of menu, sir. v,-o pray— Jnslsiicl of chicken—TUßKEY! Bruce Mr.RAE. WALTER, CONNOLLY. W. H. SAMS. HARRY T. MESTAYER. *To Mich indefensible license Las monotony of diet driven •up. Miller called urxm A. E. Tliomas, author of the play to rewrite speeches iu two of the three acts in order that) tho lines may fit ihe change of ineini. The property man had to buy throe turkeys—two for use at Thanksgiving performances and the third for experimental purposes at morning's re-hearsal---when Ruth Chatterton, star of the play, learnt the difference between a* chicken and the national bird.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 11927, 9 February 1917, Page 2
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3,271Mimes & Movies. Star (Christchurch), Issue 11927, 9 February 1917, Page 2
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