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Miscellaneous. LAKE COLERIDGE ELEC. TRICITY. \\rE '» fl ' v, > a/rra-figed with the Public Works V\ Department to supply Electric Current LAKE COLERJDOE io our Exhibit, nf. tho Metropolitan Show, v/hcre a full rango of Electric Motors and Heating and Cookin:' Apparatus will ha shown in operation. Intending Consumers will have nn opportunity en joeing the mnncrous method a of labour ep.vhij," v/ilJi Electric Appliances. InBix'ction cordially invited. BROWN BROS. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS', 611, Colombo Street CARNIVAL WEEK. T3EFORE returning iiome BUY A .TAR of "SYDAL" lWilton's Hand Emollient), Is 6d. You will nover regret it, hut will beoorue a, constant user. Some Ladie9 lhavo used " SYDAL ; ' constantly for 25 years, and have thereby kept their skins in perfect order. " SYDAL" is good for all Skin Troubles of Woman, Man or Child, as well as for Horse, Cow, Dog, and all other Domestic Animals. This is not what tho maker says, but what tho many constant users say. Buy it now at BONNINGTONS, LTD., J3ARNT2TT AND CO., J. A. COOKE, W. R. COOKE AND SON, COOK AND ROSS, A. a. Mcdowell, spencer vincent, WALLACE AND CO., OR ANY OTHER CHEMIST; Is 6d FOR A 3 MONTHS' SUPPLY, WITH TUB OFFER OF A PRETTY CALENDAR FOR 1916. 4372 X
EXHIBITION Of ARTS AND CRAFTS WORK AT CHRISTCHURCH EMPORIUM, GRAND PICTURE BUILDINGS, . (,Noxt Growl Pictures). : INSPECTION INVITED. TUST opened up—New Assortments of ART NOVELTIES AND BEADWEAE, unique dosigns, from 2s 6d. These Novelties cannot bo obtained whero clao throughout the Dominiojt, as thoy aro exclusive} to oiirHelves. NOVELTY AND SILK BLOUSES, in all sizes, ready to -wear or nwda to older at shortest notice. No{« Address: NEXT GRAND PICTURES (Ground Floor). X
AKE one bottle honie and try it and -»- your wife will always buy it* _ A weak appetite, it is surely bound to tickle. The grocer sells—the price is right—the Delicious 'MILITARY PICKLE. X (1 ROCKERY for Boardinghouses and ResJ tourants. Unique opportunity for stocking 'up at cheapest rates. For & few days only. Cups and Saucers, Plate*, Glassware, all sizes. H. 'B. Low, Unlimited, corner Barbadoes end Armash Streets. 1596 iTRAHAN'S, Fish Dealer, keeps only the r*J best the eea produces. Rabbits wanted. X rTSE Delicious MILITARY PICKLE is not -»- better than the best—but it is better than the rest. Price reasonable, . Buy one bottle on Monday. X itecoras, 83 6d and as 6d, ' double-sided. All the popular artists, Robert Francis, Ltd. XI LAWRENCE'S MOTOR EXCHANGE. Rover, very cheap, suitable for delivery van, Garage, opposite Railway Station. BULL'S MUSIC STORES. OPENING- PERMANENT PREMISES on MONDAY in ARMAGH STREET (Pew doors from Colombo Street). NOTE.—Being a few yards outside tfce High Rent Area, we glial! be able to make it worth your while to walk those few yards. Open until 9 o'clock Every Evening. Anything! played over for you. 1635 IX/IT Little Wife is all I want; she's for ■*■»•«- from being fickle and always provides a Splendid Lunch with the Delicious MILITARY PICKLE. X CROWN STUDIOS, OAQ HIGH STREET, opposite Graha UU) Wilson and Smellie. 'Phone Alii* THE New, Up-to-date Studios. Artistic Cabinets from ,15s dozen. WE do Outdoor Portraiture and guarantee Clear, Bright Photographs. j tne artistic {specimens m tne vesubuli at the Crown Studios, 209, High Street. I Open Friday nights and all day Saturdays^^'Phone 4111. 16H WANTED to Buy, Sell or Exchange, Anything for Anything. Highest price Clothing every description, Boots, PorU manteaus, Brief Bagst Gladstone Basra. RANTED Borrow, £BOO at 6 per cent; ■ ■ absolutely first-class security. D.8.8., " Star " Office. 1623 » " Mortgage. Good security. Apply "Timas." IG'22 u»> set Bagpipes, . "ANTED Sell. Gent's Bicyole, 87s 6d:; ■ - Bagpipes, Miniature B.SA.. Rifle, Revolvers. Niow and Second-hand. W A x ® u Sel1 ' hsd y * Sealskin Coat, ' ' Overcoats, Gentlemen's Misfits, Leftoff Suits, 'Boots. VV J - d -' u •"*"''• Ula violins. Instruments » * every description, Field Glasses, Phonographs. 167, Gloucester Street. X GENTLEMAN requires Furnished Room for Two Weeks. Must bo central. Apply at once to W.T. 1630 LAWRENCE'S MOTOR EXCHANGE. SECOND-HAND Motar-cyoles. £5, £lO, £ls, •-; £l7 10s. £2O, up to £6O. C«r. Trnxm and High Streets; Garage opposite Railway. 6D SAVEO CUTS YOUR COAL 6d BILL IN HALF. A Cd PACKET SAVES Es. SAVEO, tlio Wonderful. Grocers get busy. LAWRENCE'S MOTOR EXCHANGE. HAVH a large quantity of Second-hand Car and Motor-cycle "Parts. Cor. High and Tuam Streets. 6D It's nice to «e>» the 6d smoke curling up the but it's better to hear tho money jingle in. your pocket.
SPECIAL NOTICE VISITORS AND SOLDIERS. VL E r?flA^FwlM T rET J ™2' ! ff .SS fa w Li r d! *°»' "j? «'° whol« of ihoir £B,OOO .todt of HIQH~M_ OLAbS JhYVLLI-.Mti. must be Bold. We have by far the largest stock in New Zealand ot FIELD GLASSES, WRIST WATCHES, E N GAGE ME NT RINGS ■BROOCHES, BAWGLES, SILVER ARTICLES, Etc. The Sale is NOW IN FULL SWING, and no REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED. A glance at the Redactions will convince roa bat this is NO ORDINARY SALE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT OUR SHOP. JEWELLERS, Wot© Address 3 128- Casfeel Street, Between Messrs. Ballantjnes' and Bates'
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 11538, 6 November 1915, Page 12
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838Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 11538, 6 November 1915, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 11538, 6 November 1915, Page 12
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Star Media Company Ltd is the copyright owner for the Star (Christchurch). You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Star Media. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.