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For Women Folk


Miss Mabel Armstrong, of Timaru. :, th«i guest of Mi't- Burhury, Christlunch.

.Mr and Mi's Itouahl Fisher, of Thu-,i-i!. are s|»oii(iinix Faster in Christ■hmvli.

'I In' engagement is announced of Mis-, Aihiilo' !;. AFColl. of "High- !:.:•.[!';." (J^rnlfJim*, to Air Arthur l.lani;;iond. of Timaru.

Mr and Mrs Ryan, of Timaru, ', i.iting Christchurch a>> the guests vl' [>r and .Mr- Ardagh.

The engagement is announced of Muriel • Graham, daughter of Air W. .!. Graham. North Canterbury, to Lieutenant, .1. F. Tonkin, of Fourth Reinforeeincuts, Trentha-m. .Miss Q/uoeiiie Peacocko. of "Wellington, i* .spending tho Easter holidays with friends in Christchureh, * ■■/<■ a * *

Airs and Aliss Hunter, Sarah Street, Timaru, arc visiting friends iu Oiirisfcchureh.

Mrs and Miss Alarrinor, of Christchurcli. are visiting Timaru, and are staying afc ;{ St Fillans."

A very pretty wedding took plaoe at Ilfracombe, Hevoiishire. England, on January '2O, when Air Victor Brookland, second «m of Air and -Alra. It. Bruoklaud, "Naimoo." Temuka, w«s married to A.liss Laura Chaniings Pea roe, third daughter of Mr find Airs Pearce, of "' Sliaftsboro " Lee. Ilfraoonibe. After the ceremony tho bride and bridegroom left for Exeter, where they spent, a few days en route to London, where they embark for New Zealand on the R.AI.S. lonic. Air and Airs Y. Brookland expect to .arrive at Temuka about tho beginning of April.

Airs E. )>. Hoben, Cashmere Hills, will leave for Wellington this evening to say good-bye to her friend, lister Williams, of Gisborne, who is leaving by tho Itotorua for the front. .* -K- -A * «

Miss I>. Dalgety is the guest of Mrß G. Shead, Brackenhokl.

Aliss Rolleston, who was the guest of Mrs li. 1). J30.11, Wollingiton, has returned to tho South Island, and is tho guest of Mrs Sinolair-Thoßison, Geraldine, who is shortly leaving for England. • * * * •

Air and Airs Page, of Caehmere Hills, are spending a few days at the Accommodatiou House. Mount Pleasant.

Mr and Mrs M'lhvraTth and their two children are spending a holiday at Mount Pleasant.

Mrs A. M. Jameson is staying with Mra Elworthy. Mr Jameson is a member of tho Samoan relief force.

Miss Ella Helmore, of Ghristchuroh, has gono on a visit to Mrs J. D. Ormond, Hawkea Bay, * * * # •

Alt;s Gerald Bowon has mturned from Wellington, and is staying with her sister, Mra. W. H. Helmoro, at Fendalton.

Tho engagement is announced of Miss Gladys Xlflntosh, third daughter of Mr and Mrs M'intosh, Queen Street, Dunedin, and Mr Alsop, of the National Bank, Ashburton. • * * « •

Mrs Percy Haggitt, of Chrfstohurch, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs TJ. S. Union Street,

Dr Roland Fulton, eldest son of Dv Robert Fulton, of Dunedin, left last week for England, en route to the front.

Tho scholars of East) Glnistebureh School deserve a special word of corai. endatiou for_ the exceedingly good swimming carnival to whicli they invited parents and visitors on Thursday last at tho Municipal Baths. The races wcro keenly contested, and some of tho diving was exceptionally neat. Tho life saving display was very skilfully carried out. Mr Billson brought a. very 'popular event to a close by a.n exhibition of scientific and fancy swimming, whicli was a revelation to most parents, and also showed the success to which he had attained with his little pupil, the youngest swimmer of the school, Jack Broward A _ aged six years (East Christohurch infants), who gave a, display of breast and back atirok© swimming, motionless floating and diving, and finished up by life saving his instructor across tho bath, an event which evoked loud applause from all spectators.' * -7; * * »

A verv pretty wedding was celebrated in tho Methodist Church, Woodend, on 'Wednesday hist. The contracting parties were Mr F- W. Rule and Mis; Ethel Ay res. Mr Roy Ayros was best man and the bride was attended by her youngest sister and Miss R. (Hbhs. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev J. R, Clark. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of tho parents of tho bride, when the usual toasts were duly honoured. The presents were numerous and valuable.

Miss- '.Emma Owlos. eldest daughter of Captain A. W. Owles, was married run Wednesday hst to Mr Herbert Sevvell, of Mayfii'ld, South. Canterbury. The ceremony took place at tho Presbyterian Chnrdi. May field, the officiating minister being ■ the Kev J. Prk'hett, (Anglican").

There have been improvements ai. -that very popular holiduy resort. Mount Pleasant. It is becoming more and mure the favourite walk in Christchurch. The tea, verandah, has been mado as largo again, and all glassed iu. and ji second storey is being added ul.-o S.o the accommodation house to more room for the ever increasing niimhcr of visitors.

Tho engagement i,- announced of Miss Clara Isabella Oedclis. third daughter of Mr .1. M. Ceddis, of "Wellington, to Mi- Charles Congrcve Butt, of ''Te Haohanyrii,'' - L'ruti. second son of Mr .1. M. fluU, formerly of •'Wellington.

Miss .May Wcsieura. of Akaroa, who has been staying with Mrs J. Jaeobs.en. Oriental oay. Wellington, has gone for a vi.-it t" Nehou before returning lion.'..

.\|i*s A;km-on. who li.'js \>v*:n matron oi I Ik. .Vnrth'Tii \V:i.iroi\. Hospital at To |\i!|)iini 'liti-iiiy; iho |>a.M, throe years, has Im'ch iinpoiiued to t.'i-kc of [lf mir-hu'; • t-aff an.u< k h;xl to rh<> Sa•t:cait ;::i : n.-.nii t'nm.'s. M i.-U ..UkilHSon •,•. ill !i-;,\r for Aniii. sIIOI'IK . •* -,'■ ' •;■; "» * Mis>. ( u;il.<\-. oi ;.iic Vk-.U;-n; i lyi;;i^!!. : . at \\"r-HiJic.rton. has iW'U,m| a i pry imo-rrsiuij; IvLU-r imm !)r \y)\ u i- with i.|| ( i Muni K'xpciiitiuiiary I'm <••:•. < "iciifi fie-;?; says:--- •■ i n:r.. t write mil a, mill', u, lot- you km.'V.- ',\ hat ;> linen tho oqiiiiHiiont the Yirini'ia [<r; , :- r , l i" supplied us with has ! h . rii . On ii,-- in; wav it is almost, iuiixj.v-i'ilr- l<> ;X''! Mlppik-, l'miil V.UiC-

"Ohryasa" will bo glad to hear from all interested in Women's Work and Life, and to receive items of interest and value to Womon for publication, or reference in this column. _____ _._ - -, ■ ..■■■■■■mmiMMlOTl——•—»~»—M—^"*»

land, ami if we had lo depend on that I am afraid wo should lia.vo bt-on stranded. A largo number ol' our Now Zeakuid bows are on the canal, and have hud several light* with. Iho Turks. Wo have defeated them, with very heavy losses. As ii. e.onseipienc«\ the ambulance has had to deal with a large ' number of Turkish _ wounded, mosily .severe eases, and iu all this your supplies ciuno in most useful. The medical comforts and ho.spita-1 clothing wore especially useful. Please thank the Victoria League for all they did for us."' Or Bcsr.g says Unit the mosquitoes and sandflies arc very trying, and that he considers that- when Moses called off the plague of flics- in Egypt ho made a, very poor attempt at it. as t-lioy are in myriads still, and of xi most persistent character. • • r * •

Mrs Algur Williams, of Wellington. "dM he a candidate for a. scat on the Wellington Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, and is nominated, hy the Plunket Nurse Society. » * a * ♦

THE GLAD EYE. A great crowd filled the Theatre- Royal to overflowing on Saturday night, and many had to bo turned away because the place was not built like a concertina.. "Tho Glad Eye," which has been a- wonderfully successful laughter and money maker, is. a Palais Royal farce in which tho faithless husba.nd.s use the railing of a- stair landing for disappearing purposes instead of dodging in and out, of doors, and tho wives are not unfaithful.—simply in the ease of one calculating and callous', turning her husband's careless and chronic infidelities to the advantage of her much swollen wardrc\?, and tho other .simply .stupid, because no woman would ever accept the story of her husband being a great aviator always making absences £ or "flights" (when he was only flighty) through two or three years without ever making one attempt to see him starting on his heroie flight*. The calculating lady simply tracks down her husband and makes him. bribe, her to complaisance with sealskins, and so on, in one m-f stanc\ amounting to sixteen thousand franc J This lady is naturally the most gor;: | r> :i JYorker " of the east. Then, as a 'side interest, there is tho father-in-law of the stupid ladv, who calls himself a scientific investigator of tho occult, bub is a doddering idiot, lavishing money on an ex-Cockney waiter on tho supposition that ho is'a- great '•medium." Finally there is Kiki. a dool and unscrupulous "'flapper" iu a fur store, whoso <: glad eye," has drawn much pe.lf from the bogus aviator, and anybody; else who happens to come within its scope, and who in the mast barefaced fashion takes over the doddering student of tho occujt, and finally sots out to marry the bogus ledium on the strength of the blackmail ho has accumulated. There is also a- French exquisite of the stage variety. . Imagine all these people mixed up, and the peccant husbands returned at- the time the airship thoy were supposed to be away in was scheduled to retrain, only to find from a chance newspaper she was blown away, and they haye to hide in their own house till sho turns rip, or ha/re the frauds of years exposed. The funniest of the scenes is where tho ex-waiter-medium reveals the hungry hiding husbands to tho old scientists " as a vision '■' in evidence of his powers ot materialisation.

Tho central figure. Kiki, played by Miss Ethel Dane here and in London* ,!s tho Happiest of the u Happens," with a brass-like front, who d<v« not cart" llwo straws what happens to the silly moths who flutter their wings in her small candle provided they ' cash up." She appears in the second act, aim then proves an absolute firecracker in the powdor magazine into which the combustible household has develop,.*!. » « ■ • * *

OFF TO CHINA. Miss MaeNeil, who is such a popular secretary, and valuable worker in tho Y.W.C.A., la leaving us for work m China. Australasia has already one foreign worker in India, among the student women there, and now they have raised enough money to send another worker to tho student women oi China. Tliero ha« been an appeal from the students there for about fifty women secretaries, :uid Australasia is sending one. Funds have been raised by means of the Twenty-four Hour Club, subscribers undertaking to pay expenses for one day. Miss Mac-Neil goes to Australia, for study for ft few months and expects to bo at the opening of tho Language School at Shanghai in September.

Much regret is felt at Miss MacNeil's departure, but it was felt that only the best should be sent, so Christchurch feels proud to think of thoir representative" being there. Miss MacNeil does deputation work iu tho North and South Islands^ during April and will speak on the Y.W.C.A. foreign work to tho public of Christchurch, on. April G at tho public farewell meeting given hor by the association .

The Mayor ban kindly consented to preside and representatives of various churches and women's societies will sneak.

" Miss Owen, who has been Miss MacNeil's associate secretary for the last rear, will follow her as general secretary.

A GIRL'S SONG. Tho Mouse and 'Manic have little waves; Tho slender poplars o'er them lean. One day they will forget the graves That give the grass its living green.

Some brave French girl the rose will wear That springs above his comely head; Will twine it in her russet hair. Nor wonder why it is so red. His blood is iu the rose's veins. His hair is in tho yellow corn. My grief is in the weeping rains And in the keening wind forlorn. Flow softly, softly. Manic and Mouse; Tread lightly, all ye browsing sheep; Fall tenderly. 0 silver dews. For here my dear Love lies asleep. The earth is on his sealed eyes. The beauty marred that was my pride. Would 1 were lying where he lies. And sleeping sweetly by his side! Tho Soring will come by Mouse, and Manic, 'Che birds be blithesome in tho tree. I. heap tho si ones to make his cairn Where many sleep as sound as lie. ■Katharine Tynan. •' Windsor. Magazine."" DUIIIXm- tlu' urc'vul srajtj. of tin; ycf.r is die? ruid 11: oi r Hair '.rcairneiit. In order.- 1.-, the Condition of th<» ccfl'p, |ivcv*'!i( t.r.c. hair f»ll-"njr nt.d iidd-lnp<rc end brk'btii"?? <•■> il, .Mr:i' has fnecin'. C)T.r?<:.< of trrntr.ici.t, OQ'' ;,'iiir.-:a, in whi'di (!)'» r'd-c y - snd tnialmrii!. ;;. laiiglit ».p.'l :-. !cs=< ;) iu liiiirclr.-ff-'.!'.; mrhidcd. IxP>ui!iiu:tr, ('nthi-rim! tvjwr". J' l -" 'i"H>n tlol.

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Bibliographic details

Star (Christchurch), Issue 11354, 5 April 1915, Page 7

Word Count

For Women Folk Star (Christchurch), Issue 11354, 5 April 1915, Page 7

For Women Folk Star (Christchurch), Issue 11354, 5 April 1915, Page 7


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