* CHRISTCHURCH. A meeting of the Christchurch Licensing Committee was held in the Courthouse to-day, Mr H. W. Bishop, S.M., presiding, and Messrs C. E. Salter, R. Speirs, T. J. M'Brido and H. Forwood also being present. ( The pohce report showed that in tho case of the Royal George, Sandridge, Imperial, and Star and Garter Hotels, certain wooden parts of tho buildings were badly out of repair, were infested by borers, and were in need of rebuilding or removal. It was decided to consider these casos at the next annual meeting. The following applications for transfer of licenses were confirmed :—Gladstone Hotel, Richard Hadfiekl to John Rea ; City Hotel. John T. Sutton to William Thomas Mitchell; Eastern Hotel, Joseph Thornton to William Henderson Young; Empire Hotel, Colin Campbell to John Patrick Murphy. Tho adjourned application for a renewal of the license of tho Empire Hotel was granted.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 10252, 7 September 1911, Page 3
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 10252, 7 September 1911, Page 3