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" " 8 •- Biisineaa Notioea. r W. STRANGE AND CO.'S GREAT EXTENSION SALE IS NOW ON. EXTRAORDINARY APPRECIATION. THE WAEEHOUSE AND SHOWEOOMS CEOWDED WITH CUSTOMEES DAILT. THIS in itß.lf is gratifying proof that the Bargains we aro now Offering in all Departments are being apjreciated by the Public. In the DRESS, MANTLE AND MILLINERY DEPARTMENTS the Bargains are so great that La.iaß will be disappointed if they delay till the Goods are Bold oat. SPECIAL BARGAIN LOTS FOR THIS DAY. IN THE MANTLE DEPAETMENT. 73 LADIE V FOE PELERINES, MOFF3 and CAPES; former prioe 9a 6d to 39a 6_, eale prioe 3a lld to 12a 6d _„_., _,_-,_.■.. •1 LADIES' SKALETI'B MANTLE 3 , new shape., trimmed, feather and Chenule fringe: former prioe 553 93, sale Drice 2ss 9d . —B , . 33 LADIKS' sEa.LKT('fci MANTLES, handsomely trimmed; former pnoe 57a 6d and 6956 d, sale prico 295 61 nnd 39a 6. „;_,. • „_ .. ,o_. 10 LADIES' SEALfeiTTE MaNI'LES, richly embroidered; former price 95a to 1265, sale prioe 45s 9d and 49b 6d __ __ 57 LADIKb' LONG HACKLE FEATHEE BOAS; former price 19s 6d, sale pnoe .3 LADIKs.' HACKLE FEATHEE NECKLETB; former prioo 3s lld, sale price Ib 3d 37 LADIES' ULSTEBS. in heavy tweeds, dark mixture ; former prioe, 293 6dto39s6d, Bale price 7s lld and 9b lld __ ._._...„. 7 LADiEs' J.UE.LINED THEEE-QUAETEE CLOAKS; former price 69a 6d and B.S. sale prioe U9s 6d and 39. Od ... 11 LADIE..' THBEE-QUABTEE CAPES, large braid effeots; former price 293 6d, sale 23 LADIHB' CHECKED MACKINTOSH CLOAKB ; former price 19s fidand 263 6d, sale prioe 9s lld and lis 9d . _3 LADIES' FUE aETS. collar and enffs to correspond; former prioo 8s lld to 35a 6<l, sale price 2b lld to 3s lld All TEIMMED and UNTBIMMED MILLINEBT ; alao FLOWRBS and FEATHEES, are now being Cleared at under HALF-PRICE. IN THE DEESS DEPAETMENT. 600 FANCY DEB-SSES of 12 and 7 yards respectively; former prico 16s 6d,2G3 6d, 293 Rd ; sale prioe 63 lld, 7s lld aud ßb lld 206 Yards of PONGEE ttluK, in shades of rose, terra ootta and resoda ; former price -1. lld, eale prioe ls6_d 487 Yards ot COLOURED MOIEE SILK, in shadeß of heliotrope, bronze, navy, cream, rose, sky, pink and white; former piioe 6s, pale price la Hid 1303 Yards of ALL-WOOL COLONIAL DBt-aS TWiiED if ull dress) ; former price 30s, salo price 16s 6d POST OEDEES. AU ordors by lettor will reoeive our most careful attention, and will b* daspatcbed by first train or paroel po_t. Goods aent in execution of orders if not approved cau ba returnod. W- STRANGE & CO. BEDUCTIONS. ESD OF SEASON'S BAKGAIBS. AB we are now approaching the end of the Winter Season, we have deoided to mako Speoial Bednotions in the price of all MILLINEEY, MANTLES, DEESSES, GENEEAL HOUSEHOLD DEAPEEY, CLOTHING AND BOOTS, In order to coneideraWy lessen our stock in view of stock-taking at an early date. Althongh Drapery Sale- are at tho present time the fashion, we olaim that our usual priceß are I.OWEE than cbaTged by any other firm, because purohasine, as we do, direct from the manufacturers for Cash, and sellintr for Cash, we do sell at from 20 to 30 per cent CHEAPEB than other bouses. Not a day pasßea but we hoar oustomers expressing their astonishment at the Wonderful Valne offered by us. and THE SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. lon Ladies' Lama For CoUarettee, usual price 7b 11a to 12s 6d ; end of season prioe 5a lld no Ladies' Long Fur Pelerines, usnal prices 123 6d to 193 6d; end of season price 7- lld QC Ladies' Cardinal and Maroon Twilled Flannel Dressing Gowns 15s 9d, usual prioe 27s 6d lOQ Girls' Winter Jackets, usual prioe 6s lld to 10s 6d ; end of season prioe 4s lld A O Ladies' Elegant New-style Black Jackets, braided ; nsnal prioe 15b 6d to 21s ; end of Eoas n price yiU 10a 6d 2_ Ladieß' Handsome Sealette Mantles ; Beantiful Goods ; usual prioe 15s 6d to 30s ; end of season *' prioe 10a 6d OA Ladieß' Trimmed Felt Hata, usual price 7a lld to 21s ; end of season prioe 3s 6d to 10s fid 1K A Ladies' Colonred and Blaok Straw Hats, usnal price ls Ud to Ss 6d ; end of season price 3Jd to •l**" lslld „,,_, en Ladies' Fawn Corsetß, usual price 3s 6d ; end of Beason price ls lld _07 Dozen ChUdren's and Ladies' Wool Mits and Cuffs. Wonderful Prioe. Two Pairs for 3_d, 4Jd i* 6 / and6Jd eg Silk Umbrellas, usual price 83 6d; end of season price 53 lld K K Ladies' Satin-lined Work-baskets, new shape., Is 6d, la 11, 2s 3d ; worth 2s lld to 4r 6d 00 Large-size White Bl.nketa, usual price 19s 6d ; end of season price 12s lld Oft Dozen Ladies' Blick Cashmero Gloves, usual price 10_d and Is; end of season prica G.d and BJi AU-wool Dress Material, double width, usual price 17s 6d ; end of season price 5s lld tho f tdl New Astraohan Striped Dress Material, double width, ÜBual price 21s; end of season price 7s lld the full dress . „,„,,, Fauoy Drees Materials, usual price 7s 6d ; end of season pnoe 3s lld the full dress Fashionable Check Dreßß Tweed, super quality, doublo width, nsual prioe 22a 6d ; end of season price 9s lld the full dreaß GENUINE EEDUCTIONS IN ALL COLONIAL AND ENGLISH BOOTS AND SHOES AT LONARGAN & COMPANY'S, CASHEL STEEET. (TITAN gOAP. "JSHAH " BEAND " To.ra-ra-BOOM-de.ay ! m*g*i 4 o This is my washing d.y, XJoimOj But, thanks to TITAN SOAP, I'm gay j For all is done and pu t away, PEEFECTION. Ta-ra-rn-BOOM-de-ay I " _ _ X62. Makes Washing Day a Holiday. COLLIE BEOU.. Grain and Produoe Stores, — st Asaph etreot. Washes with NO work. "jTTAVE extensive and moat efficient Machinery — __L_L for Cleaning or Drying Wheat, Grinding, Whitens Linen Without Sunshine or Chemicals. Crushing or Cleaning Grain of every desoription ; — — Baling Hay or Chaff, ko. The * rown Brand (_«._. miT/.ri.iiin. Anvurrc Wheatmeal, M aizemeaJ, Pearl Barley, Split Pease, SOJ-K WHOLKSALE AOKNTS : have creftted for themselvea an extensive demand T_n_C__7' DTT fl lp¥li' ftr C_~fcTS" ln t>oOx Island., owing to exoalleuce. OnxnewAusd UtS-Ei IT JO. l/_.aiJJl*do.j.U!.l- tralian Chuff Cutter, with a full complement of ex-CHEI-TOHUECH. X659 perienced workmen, is now travelling the country (districts, and, beinir. acoompanied with one of Fowler's Traction Engineß, saves onr clients much in- _____,_,__, . conveni-nce and expense shitting the Chaff Cutter Steam Laundry, I when not so attended. Farmers are kindly reLyttelton. quested to make early application, co that we may I have given the " Titan Soap." imported by n o' lose time in having to cover the same ground Mossrs J. Clarke and Son, a fair trial, and I have I twice. COLLIE Bao*.. Telephone UL no hesitation in saying that it will do all that is 5 claimed for it. Those who use the " Titan Soap " { ]M (iNEi V will experience an immeneo saving of time and J iLivi.Jiai labour.— Yours reßpootf ully, j "~"" Jun0 26, 1892. W. HOLMES. JSdtK.f%fi T0 • t,END - in SUMS from ~~ — — — — — — — — — —^— — — obyOUU £100 and upwards, on approved j^ON'T mako any mistake! The "MUTUAL" wenrity, at lowest oarrent if^w incorporated in the GAEEIC X, COWLISHAW k FISHEB, 460 Solicitors. Glouoeater street. UNIVEBSAL BOOT AND SHOE COMPANY -— LIMITED, JL • JL ATE S, BOOT AND BHOEMAKEB, and is located next to Freeman, Confectioner, Opposite Shaw, Eobinson and Co/s, High street, Christchurch, __399 HIGH STEEET. Is propared to Bupply a Genuine Artiole in Bootß . and Bhoes at the Lowest Possible Prioes. No Damaged Gooda offered, bnt something that DBNTAL NOTICE. Looks WeU and Wears Well. 6507 B*_T> £3 "Hewho invents a new Bauce is a publio a _D» o BTMOUI benefaotor."— Soukbaisb. DENTIST, — • 215, Colombo street, Christohuroh, SOTiAR, SAUCE. OJ^ea-SUlinga, 6a.* E-rtraotion, 2a 6d_ OU_ua.l-^Oii. CJ \jmj. N.-rons Oxide Gaa Idlkinl-tered for painleaa fTIM B novel and exquisite Sauce, cow intro. mmiJ,7si*Z «f £-__«> Pan tar /-iminißtratlon. 6a. JL duoed to the PnbUo of Chriatchuroh for the ertraotion of teeth. Feotor a-Urunißtrauon, os. ffit^ t time , be f ona d to be a most delioioua and ArHflniai fawth by arrangement. The __■_____-] poonliar relish. It ia a combination of tbe finest taKnnnuKv &^e^o^a»weU_mownin Frnits and aromatic Bpioes, blended with great totSt&W dKuty. nanny skUl. and specially enited as a Sauae for Mntton. rtTtsnpTfied by h^lieing muse or moro than The selUng pnoe places it within the. reach of wven^lyears! MU everyone: and its valuable proportiea in assimii.7_B_«u you-. .- lating and promoting digestion shonld cause the — " ' name of SOLAE SAUCE to become a honsehold word. Knowing the great nnmber of worthless .. A II 11." sauces now on the market (tbe principal compo. /%___!_.____.____> nente of whioh are vinegar and oayenno pepper;, BEAND the proprietors of the SOLAS SAUCE conceived rn-n a the idea of produoing a gennino Fruit Sauce out of XJSa. frnits grown in the Colony; and they havo now perfeoted an artiole which they can confidently recommend, and whioh theyare certain wiil soon TET IT. -v-fiM appear on every well-ap minted table. X6 *** Prepared for the proprietors at the St George Preserving Works, Dnnedin. To be had from the " Trade generally, or from JBI *> SA «ttr B B«m IRVINE & STE VENbON. SWE iS-aUtieerat work for us. New business. AU meet with wonderfnl Buooees. Anyone cando the jBICEi-Half-pint Bottle. 6d ; Pint Bottle. 9d. work. Tou dont need capital. 01 kbout the same , _ as none. We wiU start yon. No spaoe to explain r_T T_ IPftW huwTbnt yoa can make a snug little fortnn. XJLIU IJfcCUJN, hnonn»B__lv and easUy, The employmen**,i s par. Hot toly adapted toi the region in whioh this pnt- WBOUGHT AND CAST IEON, LEAD. ZINC, SSn O-tS-E Boyslmd girls earn near& as OOPPEE, BEABB, OLD DEUMS. HOBSHHAia' __Sch !« «Sr Pell parUonlarl and i_urt_i_-t{-na JEtAGS, BONES. BOTTLES, fte,, mailed free: How is %'2_\*s' %T_T AHTBD.In law or smaU quanttttas, by J

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7341, 22 July 1892, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7341, 22 July 1892, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7341, 22 July 1892, Page 2


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