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-Business JTotces REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF H_OUR AT G.1.C., KINCAID'S GLI.C., ttlBM - „ rtTr „„ nr ,_ _ I FINEST STONE, MB OItBISTMAS'. IMNEBT BOLLEB, 251 b Baga ... 3"'3D FINEST BILK-DBESBED, 251 b OS FINEST ROLLER, 501 b Baga M QS D FIHBST ■'siL_c"DßßßSE_>i so"b KB 1Qi D FIN. ST BOLLEB, ICOlb Baga ... J2 s (J" J PINEBC "siLK-DHISiBED,' lOoib _ -j SgD FINEST ROLLER, 2001 b Bags ,„ 24,8 IfINkISt ' BIL-C-DBESSEIJ,' 2001 b 00 8 FINB3T NEW CURRANTS^ ... M w -,'"«.'.,"«, "kiDJBBLB FINEST NEW VALENCIA BAISINS «.-,........, „ 7I PKB LB GOOD OLD BAI-IHS.. .-««„.„ ... ,„ iM gD PIB LB FINEST NEW BULT-LNAB„. „ „ „, M , „, „, m g D PKB LB WNEST^ALIFOBNIA (LAYERS) MU6OATEL3 , M , w j; „ j 8 PEB LB FINEST LOOSE Ci-LIFOBKIA M^SOATELS .« « ... w | AD PBB LB FINEST FOUB CBOWN MUSCATELS, IN TBATS __, ... „ *| AS PEB TBAT. FINIST NEW FIO9 ... «.__,«««..«.„. MO PEB BOX CANDIED OBANGE AND LEMON PEEL „ „. „. „. M QD PEB LB TEAS WHEN TESTED AGAINST OTHEBS BT EXPEETS AEE PEONOUNOEj) THE BEST. Good Strong Family Taa, eon-hong 1- GA A Good Pnre Dayton menow.flavoa.aa, t}„ *. ?"*;?" ™„v _, _ ., t . ._. anpplied whon apeoially asked for *8 Bioh,- Hipe, Fnn-bodied China, Indian Oaylon, very fine thick golden liqnor 0 0 AA and Ceylon Blend, unequalled by O- . « **U any other house... -*B Finaat Pioked Ceylon, warranted Fine-t Panyon, Chhu, Dargeeling, O q AA irrovmonly on high elevaUona of O 0 C^ Indian and Ceylon Pekoe blend ... ** B *** the Islands ». „. ****** "" Paoked in lib and Ub Pack.tsj 51h, 101 b, 121 b and »3lb Tina, and 401 b Boxea. hodnotions on Tina and Boxes, i WB IMPORT AND BUT FOB NET CASH in the Cheapest Marketa, and no firm haabettet facilities forgiving rood valne. Therefore, w« are determined that no house, wholesale 01 retail, shall give better vaJne thaa —a do. REVISED PRICES: BUGAB, MILLIQUEEBT SNOWDBOP ... ... .„ QSP * E * L » BUGAB, DBT WHITE CBTSTAL „ ... „ .., ... „, of D PBB LB SUGAB, CBUBHBD LOAF , M - OID PEB LB or QlB PEB CWT SUGAR, OUT LOAF M PER LB. ICiNG «. gD Pi-it LB OATMEAL „ M „. „, ... w m 2 3 5 D PEB DAO BLOGG'S PURE BASPBERRY VINEGAR „ ' ,_, .„, jb AX> PEB BOTTLE PUBE PABBAMATTA LIMEJUICE „. „. „, „ |gD PEB BOTTLE FBENOH PRUNES, IN -lis BOTTLKB ... ... r8 gD OANDLES-S^S.TaSSl,e ,^S l^ \ SPLIT PEAS^'rMo^ ,Ml ' Flnted 7M Prioe'a London Wax Bd, Prioe'a -_ „„„„„--.-, * " "" ,^^ National&perma.d.Prioe'Bßelf.flttingl6'slO<_, PRESERVED FRUITS Prioe'a Self.fltting 12* a lid, Prioe'a Carriage Od. j . " ~~IZZ 7 onv-, _!_ __. \! Prioe'a Might LlghtaOd I i. n Heavy Syrup in 2}lb tlna— Aprioot, Peaoh, I Peara. Ao M la per tin' SOAP— M'l*odLanndrins, branded with onr } _~~*r-T- ■*--,-- v « ji t. „ ou___.jt- LMn^ urge'ta, 9^ „„ COFFEE"_. Prei ? 1 of°?;d,0 f°?; d , Sf'lT on , *?_• 10s; Prize Medal.pir la_ge bar Bd.Vewt9s, \,„ Pre ™ 1 * w **' >' *$ U t !** Bd - Prize Pale, per bar Hd, per box 6s 6d} Chni. Beauotlon Id per lb on 71b tins and Hlb tina -enge,perbarsd,perbo_.Ba: First Crown, por 1 bymwgton'a Essence, email Bd, large Is 20 bar4d.i^3wtboxosSdi Three Orowa. per bar | Perboxtle lul^jow wV -MwtJWS' \* X^ ; p^ d %'tto m ir i « , b o ' & Eleotrio Soap, per bar 5d Cub<£. Sand Soap. Jjl Hndaona Pure, lib ttaa lOd, ilb tins Bd,SapoUo,pOToakofid U7d BLACKING-^ 4^ d l-f la ?J M^ MATCHES-^l^^^^, _aoh,D..nd^Hffi« W ' "* « PATENT MEDICINES- m* V _ T7WK _ _ Holloway'a, p« box U Ud. Cookie. p«box CORNFLOUR, B «w?_°8& Jfc _ % T^T & l St \n______: 0-««» M. WotbempU^M; l^wT __\ Hosa.smaU Ud, larga Is Bdj Warner's Safe Unde< *' Cure per bottle 4s 6dj Kepler's Extraot of SAlin— 2 W P°* lb » <°b for or 561 b to Malt 8a t txtraot of Malt and Cod Liver OU o___.«y io. Sat St Jacob's OU per bottlo 2a 6dj aelgel'a m . T__r__~ . ou „, .v M v , nr ,, -. - 51fc Syrop 2a Bd, PalnkUler la Bd, Fita JTegal TAPIOCA*"?^ f£ lht Bb ,0rX '» °* 85lh Salt, small, la lOd, large 8a lOi per bottlsi *--v/___. tot 10a Eno'a Emit Salt Sa 10d par bottlo RTf-T3~~ BM * * T *P* n <H per lb, 561 b for lis 6d P^s3. BABIET ' "•«•» S!^__aS£*FINEST DAIRY-FED BACON, MB BU>H si° PEa ™ FINEST DAIRY-FED BACON, »■*•«»* 6^ rs * » FINEST DAIRY-FED HAMS - - ~ 8i D "■ » Baß_r ONLY PLAOE OF BUSINESS, 161, COLOMBO STBEET, OPPOSITE CITY HOTRU * GREAT REDUCTIONS IN GBOCEBIES TO BEDUCE STOCE BEFORE STOCK-TAKING. T. H. PAPPS, CASH GBOCER AND PROVISION DEALER, WOULD call attention to the Reductions ha is making in the Prioe ot Groceries as he wishes to I Reduce his Htock for Annual stock-taking. Best Brands Koller Flonr, 251 b, 3s 3d I Candied Orange and Lemon Feel 8d I Hest Brand Roller Flour. 501 b. 6s 4d I Cooo_, Fry's, ls 3d perlb Best Brand Roller Flonr, 1001 b, 12a Od ' Ccooa, Hudson's Homeo. lid Finest Silkdreseed, 501 b. 5s < ocoa, Cadbury'a {lb lOd. Jib la Brl Finest Pill-dressed, 1001 b, 10a Finest Sago and Tapioca 2 J p_r lb. 561 b 0s Finest Silkdreseed, 2001 b, 19s Cd Best Japan Bice 2id. 561 b lis 6d Suuar. Fine White Crystal, 2id Finost Pearl Barley 2d per lb, 561 b 9a Sngar, Finest in tbe Market, _Jd Finest Hplit Pease 2d pur lb, 541 b 9a Sugar, Good Brown Sugar, 2}d Coffee ground daily ls2d, ls _d and 1* 6d Fine flew Currants s£d Branson's -.'ssence of Coifee le per bot. Finest New Currants 5Jd Blsoklcg 4d per doz New Baisins 7d Black Lead Sid per doz Finest New Sultans 7}d Ship's Lime Juioe Is ld per bot. Finest Califomian (layers) Mnsoatelles lid per lb Parramatta Lime Jnice lOd per bot. Finest Califomian MusoateK.s in 21b boxes ls 6d Assorted Cordials, Lemon, itasp., Pineapple, Ac., each lid per bot. ■ Finest Caiifcrnian Mnscatellea in lib boxes 8d each Keros .ne 6s and 6s 6d per tin Finest Mew Figs 8d per lb Jams 5d per tin, _s 6d doz TEAS.— As our Teas are so well-known in Christchurch it iB needless for ns to say more about them than that we are giving especially good valne at present in them. PROVISIONS— Quoit's Finest Bacou s_d by the Bide I Finest Akaroa Cheese 5d Qaaifs Finest Roll 6_d ! Fioest New Plymouth 6d Quaif s Finest Hams B}d I Buppließ of Fresh Bntter and Eggs daily Quail's Lard iv 21b tins la I . All other goods sold at eqnajly low prices. Call and see and proenre a Prioe Liat. The Address is 195 and 197, HIGH STREET, Telephone No 25. X5.8 JOHNSON AND COUZINS, (LATE B. HALE & CO.),SAIL, TENT, TABPAULIN, HOKSE-COVER, FLAG AND OILSKIN CLOTHING MANUFACTUEEBS, AND BOPE AND TWINE-MAKEBS. WE beg to inform the farmers and general pnblio that, having pnrohaaed the bnsineea of Messrs B. HALE k CO., Chriotchnrch. we ahall oontinue to carry it on in the aame Btyle and manner ss heretofore, and consequently can guarantee tha same Good (Material and. Workmanship which Messrs U. Hale and Co, were always noted for. JUinjuminl! MABQUEES, A|^s&|J*A TENTS, ANB jm^_¥l^^^SS_ J&^^M^m^^ : ONSALEOBHIEE. s^^ Having determined on oonoiderably Reducing the Prioe of TARPAULINS, Wo would specially draw the attention of Bnnholdersand Farmera to their Great Value, as withont one it often means a oonaiderable loss through the Wool and Grain Getting Wet, Laree Stocks always kept ot Bopes, Lines, Twines, Nets, Pußeyblooka, Horae-covera, Flags and Oilskin Clothing, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL. PLEASE NOTE THE ADDBESS— JOHNSON AND COUZINS(Iate B. HALE AND CO.), CASHEL STEEET CHBISTCHUBCH, OPPOSITE MESSES J BALLANTYNE & CO. X441 NOW PUBLISHED. I WO OD AND LAUBIE. MAP OF CKRISTCHUBOH, LYWBLTOH, *"" --„.-.... miA~ nnderaicned have lmmen_a stocks of KAIAPOI. AND BANGIOBA, I; FIBBtTIaSS BUILDING TIMBEB SHOWING Nos. of Bnral Seotiona and Areas, At t^eir Tarda at Litile Biver and Chnatohnrob, Roads, Reserves, Boroughs, ftc, ko. Soale, &nd O g or exceptional advantages to those requir* 40 chains to the inch. ing to build. Kauri, Totara, Blaok, White and •**"• Bed Pine, all aizes. _ _ PBICE 25a Flooring Mf* "_*S* Arohitravea Skirting _. aßhe » CompOed by E, B. Lrvaasscoß' BalOoDSr. American Clear Pine and Dressed — Shelving. Prices on appUoation. Ba Honsehold Published at the "Lyttelton Times' Publish. Coals, NewaasUe and Westport. ing Co. ; also to be obtained from WOOD k uAURIF, SIMPSON * WILLIAMB, Manoheator Btreet, *— * __ Baw MflU—Te»w«_i Uttto Biver, 6 NOWBEADT. Dawxawa

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 7201, 9 February 1892, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7201, 9 February 1892, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 7201, 9 February 1892, Page 1


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