Miscellaneous. .-fiHE&P BOOTS— Mau'e Blaohera6fl6d, La4l«» Vy Walkins; Shoes 6a 6d. K. Atkinson viotoria street. ITlOit «ALK— Faints mixvU roxay /or'ttso, UktU,' J Oila, Colours, Brashes, White Lead, Putty, -and aU other trade requisites. Glass cut; to order, iiowestprioeg for oaah. a. OoUins, 87, Viotoria atreet - Zii Sale of ijoocs. Having unportadaTa^a -g^J^^damaVing great raduoSoß*rqie«: Attanaon'B. 27. Victoria streat. 6635 rftTBAH . Boitow covared with t^'iSK ■WWrAJiTED Kuo TO _60 C MM Bibboni. . . 27JJ «*TA«TKD Known-Waidoil Bros." an'd'cA. 1 BQ^Bd*Billcßtone' t SoaV. »17 VV i abont to Funriah a 4mU" %/a/AXTi-iSI) Known-WardeU Broa. and Co «*TA«'T*iD Known— Thos. Taylor jtot'- toeir nd Jri^^^?^^?. Bo8 * I^' * or New I^nita washed TWhinwTimp- gnag vnirorcal aatisfaetfon. bara Bgythahrgatt repairipftrada. CZanaattTm 0 , dopr« from Barrett* a HoteL -ctaaeda^wrantad-tawlva moitoSMaoS^l Jewaiterrjobß and Jiroooh pins Sd^aahTtSilS Shier 3ar»ti > »JBsaL^ ' ikM7 AJtUtU gnownj»iPrnati»di T^f't^" thfly gajeablfl in abosa Una; nnut ba^aaat ad i^croteaWa. Wanted pvrohaural«r all ldnd«of Jo^tongß, Xmware. Crookary. Sro^Man. W'AHTteP Known—- Th« totM of - £h« Mißbiaty the tbjßTMwk-tuoptroaa win bo oon«ideraU^Tadn«d! «nedns*spl«mdid opportunity totladSeatocMms ■.JBaaPy. atylirfi and pretty festor bonaei. Kow «aode,-fOT Xmae and tha Bew TEeS ftiwS JtfraWl.bfflj^libaraUy .di«trihnt*d..i»«^!^! Hedioai, STOP THE EXHIBITIOSf fiaSO-UAST OTWK HBD3EClHEßft>r+tta EW»,a«tno.fro£ th«a«aao. Wng^aa bgt-diagtriMdJrerpgatiaa* SLBSI»€HBB'B BHBtntAXIC BAXSAJCtotas only Geonina and Soiantifio Preparation foe tka Cnre-of Gout, Bbanmatina, Satattoa^te. aj. testified to thTtWelKSdi^eE; SKESTNCTEE^ HOBSB; CA.TTJJB, aad DOGF «XDZCU^» «re approved of bT all Owaaa of Eoraas, CatOe^aad J>6gß aU thxoash. New Zealand Eraty p«r»OH "who pgad thaw w«a t>loaia4.4K4 sot a aiagifroampirtit nudeihoaoforty yaaou SOI3>BT J. fi^COOJCB, Cnasdit, Caaholmtwet; C..B* HOWBI.Ii, Saddler. CashelateMt KIKCAI3>,<J.LC, Colombortreat; W. : JTTgtTB. Farrwr, Cftihelalreat; W. A.JTBAVIS» ««^<<Vrr. St-ajaphstwai WaELSjCE ACO., Chemists, HighatMat: AlTof.dmstehirroli. S^SLESIHGEB VBTBTttNAKV HUBgKOW. PqWßOnr EEMALE PILES. ITBTIiB_ FAIL. MBS BR STUART 3 a SoM Evarjw&seo; 2s 6d par box; ?oeM«*L WholesaiaA«entvM^.J)rns'Compa«y. ■rTUftj^M^ta^^cMte^Pawttoeja UaUaaraal' *<v lftn,4aittctljdit. taWJUWOUa^STOCTTOHfIt nr tsjb jNssaaob o» tot^thh .>/ QyTfoft^HPT* TiltlUff ■■■■■■ (S)B«attißSon»ibyiel*er DalhK'flamirfmA^n*^. Coloniatl JO* Xl* Xla R«TMr |itTt| nfcg wxbovsA (Qtcibattir ;<*»« Tayi" MmttfifiiJ 'B*v»Ti^lKattit«i^(Cbßtaiasc«ooailat ' D&x L.^aTJa; I*J» E«|l^o«ot.l^'Sxoaltexay*U^Qtfrfein» Cortwqpß^nwM»i»»««4J;yjg>fara^^ t«ttii»«uwMtrt^.dnßia^JVa»d^^ *9^nHß^^^^^^^B^a^B}^OEa9.Slc /; 49r sa* t9Ba* oufty i ■HRtaiMa«aAa«^Mu%XuSwSjSAX ( SLJ^ 4 i, OntKpanik Ji^Wifl afetboftv>«flbßV QaHtoOral '" Fta)araw»t rf iP /^" *"1* ■'•f*^—'*- nhrig *i^"nr t ',
Page 4 Advertisements Column 4
Star (Christchurch), Issue 6762, 28 January 1890, Page 4
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