The annual meeting of the Licensing Committee for the district of Christchurch South-east was held at noon to-day, in the Municipal Chambers; present—Mr E. J. S. Harmnn (Chairman), and Messrs J. V. Ross, F. J. Kimbell, C. P. Hulbart, and F. H. Bams. TRANSFERS. The following transfers were granted: — Cafe de Paris, W. Savage to i\ Arenas; City Hotel, E. E. Hadfield to John Hacnamara; White Hart, Aesignee in Bankruptcy to R. IT. Newby; Provincial, J. Lear to B. J. West Chamberlain; the Queen's, John Macnamara to John Molloy. RENEWALS. Renewals were granted to the following •-— Al Hotel, to C. Amyes; Barrett's Family Hor,el, to J. Barrett; Gro3vei>or, to J. Conway ; Coker's Family Hotel, to John Coker; Royal George, to A. Cartwright; Prince of Wales, to J. Fox; Wellington, to F. J. Fuchs; Railway, to C. Goldstone; Imperial, to T. Green; Wallace's, to J. Wallace; Scotch Stores, to H. Keane; Caveraham, to E. Ravenhill; Cafe de Paris, to F. Arenas; City, to John Macnamara; White Hart, to R. N. Newby; Empire, to T. Quill; New Zealander, to W. Schmidt; and Terminus, to F. Storey. NEW ZEALAND WINE LICENSE. Edward Boot was granted a New Zealand wine license. POSTPONED. The application of W. H. Messenger for His Lordship's Hotel was adjourned till June 18 for sanitary improvements, as were those of Annie Hall, for the Eastern; J. G. Harris, for the Occidental; B. J. West Chamberlain, for the Provincial; and John Molloy, for the Queen's Hotel. The Chairman said the Committee wished him to express their satisfaction at the uniformly favourable report upon the houses in tbe district. Mr Hulbert referred to the necessity for a good water supply for the city. He hoped the hotel-keepers would boar this in mind. Extension of time to 11p.m. wa3 granted in all cases., as well as permission to extinguish the lamps at that hour. [Per Pkbss Association.] TIMARU, June 5. At the annual licensing meeting to-day the Committee refused to renew a license to Twentyman Wilson for the Melville Hotel, on the facts disclosed by the police that he made a statement at the police station implicating a constable in a row in the house. Afterwards, at an inquiry by an Inspector, he signed a statement that the former one waa untrue, and made to injure the constable. He also swore in the Resident Magistrate's Conrt that the first statement was untrue. The Committee, accepting the admission that the statement was made to injure the constable, considered it a bad case, and gave twentyone days' adjournment to allow thelicenßee to Bell out and for a new applicant to be put forward. The Committee had previously notified the holders of two hotels that new buildings must be erected or their licenses refused. This threat was withdrawn to-day, the Committee admitting, the business would not justify such an. expenditure.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 6564, 5 June 1889, Page 3
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