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Late Advertisements. AN Experienoed Dressmaker wishes work at Ladies' Houses. Madam, 258, Oxford terrace East. 15.9 WANTED, for Papanui, Young Girl toaaaisfc in house. Apply 177. Montreal Btreet.l37B WANTED, Thoroughly Practical House and Parlourmaid. Apply New Brighton Hotel. 1368 WANTED, Good General Servant; refer* en ess ; two in family. Second house in Bolleston street, off Armagh street. 1390 WANTED, a Kespeotable Lad, to do a ronnd. F. Hopkins asd Co. 1555 WANTED, a Strong Smart Youth, for scnllery work. His Lordship's. 1383 WANTED, Bespectable Servant Girl, about 17; references required. Apply 179, Chester street West. WANTED, To Let, Carmel House, 9 rooms, 1 acre of garden and orohard. His Lordship's Hotel. 1384 WANTED, a Smart Useful Girl, about fourteen years old. Apply 241, Cashel straet . West. 1398 WANTED, Bespectable Girl, _. General Servant. Mrs Potts, Armagh street Etst. over Stanmore road. 1376 WANTED, Tailoresses and Apprentices. Parker and Tribe, Christchurch Clothing Factory. Cashel street West. 1382 VACANCY in a Private Family, for a Gentle, man ; very comfortable ; no other boarders. Tana, "Times" Oifice. 1375 WANTED, a Midde-aged Woman, to Jook after an invalid and keep houee; laat house left hand aide Hereford . street, Linwood. Apply after twelve o'ch ok. 1394 WANTED, Hack, sonnd and without vice; state age and price. Horse, oifice of tbis paper. 1397 WANTED Known— Strayed into my field one Mare, aged, white spot on forehead and white saddlemark. Jas. Crawford, Bottle Lake.B3 WANTED, To Bent, One Boom with fireplace, by respectable aged oouple; no family. Address John, " Star " Office. 1366 WHEN was the annual day of sorrow inaugurated P— ln 1891.— First Beader, a.d. 2000. 6817 WHY was this instituted ?— Beoause of the neglect of a number of people to purchase Sections in Flemington.— *• Child's History of New Zealand," a.d. 2000. 6817 WHAT was the result of this neglect?— Tnose wbo had faith and purchased grew rich ; the scoffers remained poor. Hence the annual day of sorrow. Elementary Grammar, a.d. 2COO. 6817 WA. GEEMAN, Dentist. Avonaide, near • .Canterbury Bowing Club. Extractions One Shilling. 1392 WANTED Known— That Taylor, Papps and Co.'s 2s Tea is invigorating and refreshing, and we can safely reoommend it to the meet fastidious. 4421 WANTED Known— That we are known by the bright quality of our 2s Tea, Try it, Taylor, Papps and Co., Co-operative Cash Grooera. High street. 4421 WANTED Known— Watches Cleaned and Warranted 12 months, 4s ; Clocks Cleaned and Warranted, 2s 6d; Mainsprings, 3s -6d each; Watch Glasses, Jewellery Jobs, Watch Hands, &c, 6d; Brooch Pins, 3d. The Excelsior, 181, Lower High street. MAKE Sure of the Address, as our suocess and popularity has led to our advertisements and prices being copied. The Excelsior, five doors from Barrett's Hotel. WANTED Known— Wo Buy Old Gold and Silver, or make it into Brooches, Fins, Bings, kc. Bings made (rom your own gold from ss. The Excelsior, 181, Lower High street. WANTED Known— Spectacles to suit all sights, Is; Pebbles, 6s 6d per pair. The Excelsior. 181, Lower High Street. COMPAEE our 2s Tea with any other firm's 2a 4d, snd we anticipate the result. Taylor, Papps and Co., Co-operative Cash Grocers, High street.. ■ 4421 E HOE ACE TWINNING-Letter waiting for you at Lyttelton Post Office. 1565 MUSICAL— Wanted, Young Person as abovo, and to assist in household duties. Apply Bacnelor, " Star " Offioe. 1369 ; TVTOTICE.— The Presentation to Eev Father : _L\ Kickhim, announced for this evening, has been unavoidably Postponed until To-morrow, at 7 p.m. in the schoolroom, The Committee are requested to Meet This (Wednesday) Evening, at the schoolroom, at 7.30 p.m. W. J. HAEEINGTON, Hon Treasurer. C/ANTEBBUEY JPbODUCB StOBBS. . 92, MANCHBSTKB--S__.__Tj - BOBINSON BBOS;> GBAIN AND PBODUCE MEBCHANTS. WHEAT '"'*"■- ,s??V^#l¥6eS OATS ONIONS HAY CAEEOTS BBAN BEANS SHABPS PEAS FLOUB. STEAW.&c. All of best quality, and at lowest rates.. Chaff-Cutting, Corn Crushing-. &c, carefnlly done on Shortest.Notice. Goods Delivered Daily in Town and Suburbs. A Trial requested. Cash Buyers of Every description of FAEM PBODUCE. .5220 C O O-E E! OUB SUMMEB GOODS JOST TO HAND, Fx s.s. Aorangi, Inolnding onr Beliable Cheap Shoes ABD Best Glace Kid Goods, &c. EE. Coeeick & 00, BOOT PALACE, COLOMBO STBEET. ■T. J, MALING & CO., j CHEISTCHUECH. i ! WINES AND SPIBITS of all usual varieties* GEOBGB GOULET E.Q.D. Champagne. WHISKIES— Sandy Cook. Bob Boy, Loohiel, Old Hishland Vatted, Glasgow Cross, Falkner's Irish, 4c, io. 1 CIGABS— A Choice Assortment. CIGABETTES— LittIe Be&uties, Virginia Brights, Opera Puffs, Bichmond Gems, ko. ; BLAND'S GDNB. . ENGLISH CABTP, &o.— A few bargains. BILLIABD BALLS, CUES, kc, ko. * Address— Worcester street. 4078 "-■ THE BAYIS V. F. SEWING MACHINE, WHICH GAINED THE ONLY FIBST PBIZB AND GOLD MEDAL _ T • MELBOTiRNE INTEBNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1880-81, EAS AGAIN PBOVED ITS SUPEBIOEITY ATTHE CENTENNIAL IN lEENATIONAL • EXHIBITION, 1888^9. By Obtaining the FIHST AWABD. JUEOES' BEPOBT: « mHE DAVIS MACHINE we fonnd to be I very muoh improved, boing simpler in * construction, and every working part, wherever practicable, being furnished with a Friotion BoUer Bearing to save wear and ensure Lightness of Burming. AWARDED FIBST A WAED." N.Z. AGENTS HUDSON & CO., 1081 220, Colombo street, Christohnrch,
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6500, 20 March 1889, Page 2
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837Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6500, 20 March 1889, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6500, 20 March 1889, Page 2
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