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Business Notices. TVTEW Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods ex XHI Kaikoura and Opawa— so boiea flowara at Id to la; carpet, 6d yard; black Batin and other sunshades, from 4s 6d ; best 200 yds reels, Id. T. Armatronfc and Go., Director ImpoiUia M&xket placo and Lower High street. OUBCiE-WIDTH TwiU Shoeting, 9ld yard; 20 pieces checked muslin, 6id; sarga flaatielette in cream, pink, and blue, <J5; Turkey*v.d twill, sftd ; men's merino aocka, 7Jd. ATmstrong''B. BLATE8 LATE and black silesia, 3Jd, i\d, 61; the fashionable gold and silver trimming braids in all widths, from ljd ; check linen gloss cloth, 6tl ; 20 pieces brown holland, oaeap ; 200 dozen gloves, from 6d a pair; 18doz gents' now silk ties, Is. Armstrong's. ■ ■ W"IDE pearl-edaro sish ribbons, now colours. Is; new ribbons of all descriptions, • cheapest in Christchurch ; pearl and other beads; new tead ornaments and trimming in great variety at English pric«3 • white handkerchief s, 2J4; ham. stitched do. 3.1 and 4iJ, all drrect from manufacturers; new fancy wines and feathers, all Is; tnens two-clasp buckskin gloves, 3s lid. Armstrong's. TICKING', quilts, tablo-baize, flax sheetings, &c. in great variety ; luce curtains, 2s 6d, 3s )14, 5s 6i and npwardß ; children's cashmere socks, od ; ladie<* ho?o, 6dandupwards ; oheck open-work mualinin beige or cream, 6d; cream oatmeal cloth, 71d ; toilet covers and antimacassars. Is ; 50 doz ladies' an* children's striped sailor bats, Is 6d ; 100 doz new-shape straw hats, la ; do, Gd. Armstrong's. A SPECIALITY in boys' hats, 6a". It is because others hava big rents to pay and don't import from manufacturers that they cannot compete with us iv quality and price. A special lino of new primroses, apple blossom, &0., 3d ; 20doz American wire drees improvers— the fashion —2a 6d. Armstrong's. tLCLOTH, yard wide. Is; carpet l^yds wide, 1* 3d ; la Re stock of now corsets, very cheap. Our boys'. you<hs*, an<i men's tweed suits axa acknowledged best value in New Zealand. EESSIIAKING carried on to perfection ; latest style and fit for 7s 6i ; full raiue o! fastrionablo materials. One trial will ensure a repoat order. Armstrong's. nnHEEE tons brown paper at If d per Ib ; 400 gal JL iron tauks for sale cheap ; a sample consignment cf little girls' costumes, very cheap. T. Armstrong and Co., Direct Importers from Manufacturers, fitarkct place aud Lower High streot. Trade. Cash advertisement-Bander this head, not exoooding fourteen words, will be charged SIXPENCE. A FOLIO con'aining Sis Largo Photo Viawa, 34 1 18, £3 os; a most artistic present. E, Wheeler and fcioo, Cathedral square. A BTISTS' Materialsralso Picture Framos, ot /.» ; every description at moderato prices. J. W. Gibb, Morten's Buildings, > afcuedf al square, BICYCLES.— N. Oates, 114, Colombo street, builds and repairs Bicycles and Tricyoloa o! every description, and Sella on timo payments. Lawn Mowers ground by special machinery oa sb ortest notice . 4252 "HjiVEEY Description of English and Foreign JPi Watohes, Clooka, and Musical Bojces repaired and regulated. Jewellery mode to any design; customers' own gold used, if desired. A printed warranty for twelve months given with eyery watch and clock repaired. Old gold aa4 eilver bought. W. Gardiner, 233, Colombo street opposite the Market Place. Christchurch. 7235 IJIOB Watches, Cloaks, Jewellery, &c..go toW. JD Gardiner's. W. G. having started only recently, has no old stock ; also, having bought for cash in depressed times, has splendid value in s.ll iinjs. Go and see for yoursslt. 235, Colombo "frrtot-. onnoMt» lim JUgi-knl; I-'lmqs. Chrift-.ohwroh. G1 EEA.T Sale of Hoots. Havingimportedtilaree r Btock befoio tho riße in the tariff. K. Atkinson, £7, Vicfofiu. street, being overstocked, intends making groat reductions, Cle*.r. ing Sale, Uno Month. Cheap Boots at K. Atkinson's, 27, Victoria streat. 6635 JBALTiANTYNB & CO.. Manufacturers of « JSleu'B, Hoys' arid Xoutba* Clothing-. Hats and Caps. An imtaenEa Stock. Comparison invited. J' UST Arrived, my second Shipment of Fenders, Fireirous, Coal Vasos, Lamps, &c. Choice Patterns at lowest prices. Tlioa. i;. Calvert, Ironmonger, 147, Colombo street. 3517 JUKT to Haud, Scythe- Blades and Handles, Eeip-hooics and Stones, t'rescrving Pans, and Maeon'sJam Jars with pattnt t-ps, at prices to cuit ev6ryono. 'f. E. Calvert, Ironmonger, I*7. Colombo street. 3817 ]%.jj E« E. tjMtTH, Feather Dresser. Glovus iVft and Hats Cleaned. Hats dyed. 159, '"Armagh ntreeteaat. 6703 MES EOSS, CE STIFIOATED MIDWIFE. Consul tin 3 Hour 3 —9 to 11 a.m. and 3to 9 p.m. No. 17, Peacock street, off Montreal street n or 1 b. C 332 MES HULSTON, Milliner and Dressmaker, Colombo strest, Sj denham, has Opened a Bruncli Shop ia Manchester strjet, thrai doors from Lichfieia street, and is making Dresses com. plete, from 20s, in the latest style ; good material ; a largo variety of hats, bonnets, frilling, ribbons, corsets, underclothing, &c. 6360 •HJjfES WITHEES, 13, Viotoria steeat, Christ jj.lL church, Agent tor the Boyal School ot Ar 5 Needlework, South Kensington, Importer ot Crewals, Wooia, Arrassne, Filoselles, &c., &o. A oioioo sciaetion of Work aad Jrlafcorial alway9 on hand. Conntry orders nnTiotiiiallv atiiended to.SBW ~ft}t ICH, ' Hbanb-fiavoured Tea, "Is lid per bJOu Half ■ Cheßts of 401 b for £2 33 4d. Taylor. Papp3 and Co. 4516 OHEEP-SHEARS, every brand to select from; )O also a large stock of Tn bey Stones. T. E. Calvert, Ironmonger, 147, Colombo street; 3817 nnUB'NER'S Patent E oiler Flonr.Solh bag 2s 31d, _g_ 501 b bag 4s 6d, ICOib bag 9s Id, 2001 b Dag 17s 6d. Taylor, Papps and Co. 4316 THii Latest Novelties ot tae World of Fashion in Mantles, Drsss Fabrics, and Milh'nery, now baing di -played. J, Billantjne aud Co. HE latasb Novelties of tho World o£ Fashion in Slantiss, Drees Fabrics, and MUlinary now being displayed. J. Ballautyneaud Co. TTJS SBB'S Patent E->liar Flour — 251 b hug. 2s 3ld; 501 b bag, 43 6dj ICOlb bag.Oj Id; 2C>o:b baj.', 17s 6-1. Taylor, Pa pps and Co. 481S •WrriJS'Kfy-TaEWE Haltchestß of Keally Fia* X\i Tea (i-econimended), l^ 5d per Ib, by tha half-ohest la 43. Taylor, Papps and Co. 5016 nnUENEE'SPatent Brller Flour, 251 b bag 2s 3?d, Ja. 501 b bag 4 s 6d, 1001 b bag 03 Id, 2COlb bag 173 ticl. Taylor, Papps aud Co. . . 4SI*J 3f\lC\ JUVKNUiE SUITS, Kaiacoi Tweed, \Js\> all wool, gslld up to 123 6d. Cheapest Goods clfcred. O. Ij. Baathand Co. 2751 a 3k / ANTED to Sell, chean, Ten Dozen Eent VV Wool Austrian Chairs. A. Reed, 13. High street. 1222 AUTiSu to Sell, Frenoh Polished Chests Drawers; come and saa them. H. Atkinson, Hi, High, street. WANTED, Everybody to sea Dutch and Bull's Photographs. Popular prices. 113, Victoria street. 936 W "ANTED, Buyers for Cot Perambulators, £2. H. Atkinson's Furniture Warehouse, 144, High street. 6635 AN'l'JtiU, lluyers for Now Tapestry Carpets, 12 x 12s, 40s, H. Atkinson's Furniture Warehouse, 144, High street. ANTED Known-Tliat Taylor, Paprs and Co.'s Kevised Price List is now ready. Copies sent free by post to any givan address. 4516 WANTED, Persons who ere happy through having bought one of our Cot Perambulators to show them to their friends. A.Baed, 142, High street. WANTED Known— That A. Beed is a Ca3h Purchaser of Second-hand Furniture of every description. A. Heed, 143, High street. 8233 'AKTEO, Buyer for M&w HeD ttuite, seven pieces, £7 15s. H. Atkinson's, 144, HigH etreet. 8635 W'ANTED.Ereryone to give our Two Shilling Tea a fair trial, Wardell Bros, and Company. 6029 '%»/ ABDELL BEOS, b COMPANY want VY Everyone who is fond of really Bich, Strong Teg, to try their 2s 4d. 6029 WANTED, Purchasers for Iron Bedsteads of every description. A. Beed, 142, High etreet. ■V7S7" ANTED Known— Last Days of tbe Great V V Salvage Sale at the New Zealand Clothing Factory, 169, Cashel street. 5960 WANTED Known— Since the Fire we have received a very large quantity of New ■ Goods suitable to our trade, and have marked them at the lowest cash prices. HaUensSeinJßros., New Zealand Clothing Factory. 2960 r TnfT ASHING Fabrics in Great Variety j aho, V V Millinery, Mantles, Parasols, Silks, Velvets, French Dress -Goods, &c, ex s.s. Doric G. L. : Beath and Co. 2751 WANTED Known— Last Days of tbe Grf-at * Salvage Sale at the Hew Zealand Clothing ' I'aotory, 169, Cashel street. 2960 WANTED Known— New-Suits, New Hosiery; New Underclothing, New Shirts, New Hats— Everything New, of the latest stylo, and marked at low- st cash prices. Hallenstein Bros., New Zealand Cie thing Factory, 169. Cashel street. WANTiSD, Everyone to try our Is 8d Tea against anything to be had elsewhere at 2s. Wardoli Broo. and Company. 6029 WANTED Known— Aurora Kerosene, 63 9d per tin; 150deg teat Kerosene, 7e 6dper tin: 150deg teat patent tap Water White Oil, 83 ; Boyal Oil, 8s 6d per tin. At Wardell's. 6029 W" ANTED Known— a. Heed, furnishes Cot^ tages thronghont with new or Secondhand Furniture at prices that astonish fresh arrivals, and astound old settlers. A, Bead, 142, High, street. 1223 W" ANTED Known— That S. Pnllan, corner of Colombo and Peterborough, streets, ia the ..Cheapest Shop in Town for Parties Furnishing. , Cash Parohaoer of good Saoond-hand Tools and gnrmetare. 2481 xnsrr ANTED Known— Tba Wonderful Werthoim V V Sewing Machine, with the new High Arm and all the latest improvements, may be had on the time payment system at the Now Zealand Clothing Factory, 189, Cashel streat, Chriutchurch WAI7TED the Public ot C9nt?rbnryin particular, tir.d Now Zealand ia f.enornl, to know that my Season's Stouk of Fishing Kods, TJMskle, and every requUita too numerous to .mention, are now opened up, leady for selection. iOcders l<y poet or oLhernise receiva vrompt attention. W. arwuiiam, cstomiKretjoßti 6583

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6383, 31 October 1888, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6383, 31 October 1888, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6383, 31 October 1888, Page 2


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