Licensing Committee.
The quarterly meeting of the Licensing Committee for Christchurch S.E., wad held at the City Council at noon to-day ; present — MeßßraE. J. S. Harman (Chairman), C. P. Hulbert, P.- J. Kimbell, J. V. Boss, and F. H. Barns. The only business transacted was the confirmation of the transfer of the license of the White Hart Hotel from Cecil Louisson to Thomas Quill. The police report on the licensed houses in the district was satisfactory except with regard to the Terminus Hotel, which, it waa stated, was conducted in a very rough manner, and .waa frequented by thieves and prostitutes, and the Eailway Hotel, the licensee of which was stated to be giving way to habits of intemperance, and to have been in delirium, tremens during the past quarter. Mr Harman said that, unless the Terminus Hotel were nonducted better, the Committee would consider the advisability of closing it at 10 p.m. instead of 11. In reply to the Chairman, Inspector Peuder said that the licensee of the Railway Hotel had recovered from the attack of delirium tremens, and was not a habitual drunkard. After the Committee had considered the case, it was decided to ask the lioensees of both hotels to attend an adjourned meeting of the Committee at noon to-morrow. The Committee then adjourned.
Licensing Committee.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 5718, 8 September 1886, Page 3
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