Lost and Pound. I LOST, on Mondny night, in Cranmer sauare, ; < Gold Pencil-cnao, skipo of cntiuou. Fiuder > rewarded on bringing to " J^tar " oflico. 8122 . IOSP, on Saturday la«t. Whito Hull Terrier > i Dog Pup. with blaok oyo nud blayk Bpotß on | body. Apyly 249, Ui K h dtrcot, Triangle. ' 7612 Board and Beaidence. BEST Aooommodation in toara for resrieotiibln i men ; singlo rooms. Familios travelling will j iind home comforts at Mru Vizer's, Oxford House, 17, Madras stroet south. 8358 i — j VACANCY for ladies or gentlfnien, or a married j couple. Address, No. 38, Kilmer-- street ! east. 8082 j WANTE I', Two Boarders, in pr v . e familv, I 206, South bolt. Terms, IS* per week.So36 WANTED, Board and Residenco for an Elderly Feirale in a Catholic family in i Christchurch. Apply, stating terms, to L.C., f'ox 19, Lyttolton. 8085 Trade. Cash advertisements under thishead, not exceeding fourtoen words, will bo oharged SIXFBNOE. ("HKRIBTMAS Pricea— Bs Men's Tweed Suil«, j worth 55e, to bo given away for 18s 6d. Wondrous value, N.Z, Tweed Co., 221, High atroot. 1171 CtHIME-QUARTEK, Carriage, or any oener j ' description of Clocke, Chronograhs, Bopeatera, or any description of Watohes Repaired, ■■»y Charles MiUs, 183, High street. Satisfaotion guaranteed, 7579 DYEING aud French Cleaning done cheapor than ever. Gontlomen's summer suits beautifully cleaned by W. Harvey, Victoria street, next Austin, draper. Work callod for and delivered. 8956 Tajl LLISDON'S Neuralgic Drops for tho thorough X?J cure of Neuralgia. Testimonials from Rev G. F. Clinton, Rov C. J. Merton, Mr James Wilkin and other well-known residents. Made only by F. Biggs, Chemist, High street, Christchurch. 4CB FOR CASH— White Sugar, 2Jjd j Crystals, 3d ; Sperm Candles, 4Jd; Soap, 4d; Cornflour, 4Jd ; Kerosene, 5s 9d tin j Matohes, 3d dm, ; Extract Soap, 8 a ls; Ling Fish, 5d lb; 41b tins tt-olden Syrup, ls 6d ; Salt Herrings, 15 a ls ; Fresh Herrings, 6d tin : Horrings in Tomato Bauce, s*d; Sago, 2*d; Tapioca, 2*d; Rico, 2rd: Square Blue, 8d lb; Coff*>, Jb 6d. Pitt and Maguire, 149, Colombo stroet). TM. THOMPSON has \axge assortment of • i?ewing Machine Needles and Extras. Sewing Machines repaired. 71, Salisbury street. 97 JACKS— 10 ton at £3; Jack, 5 ton at £2 10s ; Jack, 2 ton at £1 10s. Also, 30 to .40 t ondon shape Shovelß, at 2s Cd each. Apply Box 71, Christchurch. 6550 r FAITH, Grocer, Cheesemonger, and Poula torer, h»s removed from the old .Varkot Place to Colombo street, noxt Al Hotel. Goods delivered in town and suburbs. Families waitod on daiiy. All chargeß strictly moderate. H79 1" UCAB k SONS, Engineers, Kilmoro street, J Christohurch. Engines, Boilers, Gaa En. ginos. Printing Machinery, Ao repaired and fixed anywhere. 8870 LYTTELTON.— Tho Choapost Shop iu Port for Drapery and Clothing is T. Anstin'e, London street, where all goods are marked at such prices as dfefy competition. S^?o ticket n.t door. Calicoes from 3d per yard. Flannala from JOd. Dross Goods from 6d. Tweods from 9A. All-wool shirting, Is per yard— less than English cost. Fullsized White Blankets, 10s 6d— never bofore known. M^n's Tweed Troueers, 5s 6d. And evory other line equally cheap. Save your railway fare, andshop in port. T. Anstin, London stroet, Lyttelton. 9853 MBS E. SMITH, Feather Dresser. Gloves and Hats cloaned. Hats dyed, 159, Armagh stroet east. 67ti9 RS ROWAN, LTDIES* NUBSE, 21, Montreal street, Christchnrch (Certified), from Qiw.ii Charlotte's Hospital. London. 3276 V jt ISS SCHICK, Foather-dressar and Glove . 1 9. cleaner (eight yeara Manageress for Mn Smith), Armagh street, three doors from Colombo street. • 4176 R«i POPE'S Art Needle-work Depot, 252, . Colombo etreet, Chriatchurch, Importer of all materials for Fancy Work, Wools, .Silka, Braids, Arrasene, Cauvos, Satiu Cloth, Beads, &c, Book*, Stationery, aud Periodicals. Country orders attended to. MRS WITHERS, 12„ Victoria street, Christchurch, Ageut for tho Hoyal School of Art Needlework, South Kensington, Importer of Crewols, Wools, Arraseue, Filoselles, <fec, ko. A choice selection of Work and Material always on hand. Country orders punctually attended t0.8955 MR and MRS GARDINER'S Classes.— Tueaday evening. Adults ; Wednesday afternoon, Ladies only ; Friday evening, Gentlemen only ; Saturday afternoon, Childron. Terms, one guinea. Schools and Families attended. Private lessons all hours. 78, Lichfield street east. 5076 ON HlßE— Sociable, Tandem, Single Trioyolee and Bicycles of oJI sizes. All kinds of 'Cycloe bonght, sold or repairod on shortest notice. Iron wheels with rubber tyres fitted to perambulators. Lawn Mowers sharpened and repairod. All work guaranteed. Cheapest House in Town. Kent and lates, Colombo stroet south. ORTABLE Forges, Picks, ko,, for Sale. Beck, 228, Hereford street, Christchuroh. Orders taken for Common and Plato Glass, Iron. Zinc, *o. 6559 PLEASE call on J. Spiller, 179, Colombo street, for New Zealaud and South Sua Island Views. Portraits from 7s 6d dozen. Housus, kc, photographed, town or conntry. 9&57 jOAVE GAS by using J. and T. Dunks' Sao io 1 Eoonomisers, Give twice tho light ot the ordinary burner for the same amount of gaa. -T. aoid T. Dankß, Gaa Engineers, Liohflflld 'nr<*»t. 3128 SYDENHAM Pork Butchery.— Pork and Small Jk^ Goods, bost quality, always on hand— lowest ratee. Hams aud bacon cured to order. Colombo road, opposite Oddfellows' HalL Honry and Glen, proprietors 6883 BTODY8 TODY Economy— Havo your Clothes made at the N.Z. Tweed Co's. Perfect fit, host wormnanship, aud pricos which dofy competition. Woaklv payments taken, N.Z. Twoed Co., 221, High Btreet. 1171 THOB. PICKERING, Tailor. Gentlemen's own material made np at satisfactory pric.-s. All lends of repairing and cleaning done at. low charges. 140, High street, opposito Gard'norand Pickering. W MOODY, Chimney Sweep, and Carpet • Beater, 162, Salisbury street weat, (opposite Junction Hotel). All work dona with despatch. Ordere attended to without delay. 0(572 ANTED Known-J D. Slater's for Ch.;np Drapery. Soo advertisement pago 1. 6774 WANTED Known— Misa M. Lloyd. Dreaa, Mantle, and Habit Maker, has Romoved to 303, Colombo street north. 1187 WANTED Known-The bout place for furnish* ing End household requisites is nt'Jho.o. Calvert's, Ironmonger, 147, Colombe street. 8817 WANTED— Sportsmen to know bost Ammunition always in stock. Guna at c«st price. Thos. Calvert, Ironmouger, 147, Colombo street. 3817 WANTED Known— Picturo Fruinoß ot every description at reasonable prices. J. Vv. Gibb, corner Barbadoes aud Worceater otreets/913 yntT ANTED Known— That Harry Colo'o ToJfjf baoco, Cigars, and Stationery aro tho cheapest and beat in town. 111, Manchostor street south. 0816 WANTED Known— That Mrs Reeves has reestablished her Dressmakiug businoss, H4, Armagh Btreet eaat, lato of J, M. docker. Latest etyiocuarautccd. 1075 "•ITS/ ANTED Known— COALß, Wostport, New V V oaotk* and Nativo Coals and Firewood, delivered at lowest current nrioes. E. .T. Martin, Arteoian WeU Hinket, 120, Kilmoro Hlxtwt. 51 WANTED Known-W. J. Ballinger, l-l- hfiold streot east, Coal and Firewood Merchant, continues to supply the boat articles at lowest rate?. Full woight given. OrOersbypost attended to. 2819 WAREHOUSEMAN'S Stock of Gouta' Merino Bockg, Fashionable Scarfo, and Regatta Shirts, latest stylos, at half-price. Sue windows. N.Z. Tweed Co., 221, High street. 117J." WANTED Known— That J. Pullan, cornor of Colombo and Peterborough atreotn, is tho Cheapest Bhop in Town for Parties Furnishing. Cosh Purchaser of good Becond-hand Tools and Furniture. 2JBI WANTED Known— 2. G. Forgie, Grocer and Tea Blondsr, Olombo Btroot north. Good Family Tea, Ib 6d per lb j Blonds, 2s, 2a 4d, 2s Cd, ia. Other groceries Bt iowest ourront r>itns. Gbodi delivered. JHU79 WANTED Known— Mrs H. Smith, Socondhand Clothes Dealor, has removod o 183, Armagh Btreot, opposite tho old promises. No one is authorised to transact auy business on her account^ 4867 WANTED Known— H. Scrimshaw. Under, taker, furnishes funorals complete— Children from £" : Adulto, from 63 10a. Address, 41, oorner at Durham and St As&pb Btreats, Ohriel» ohuroh Orders by telegraxa punctually afctondfld to 29*28 WANTED Known— Tliat I have a large num. ber of Pack noddies for Salo, suitable to tako to tho Kimberley (iolduelda ; prico, £1 17s Od complete. As there ih a large number ordered, application should be made at once. J. P. Queroe, Saddler, Lyttelton. 8086 W 'ANTED, Knowu -Tho Indian Tea Depot, Triangle, High street, next City Hotel, Chrißtehnrch, and 47. Princes streot, Dunedin, gives best values in Pure Blended Teas. All teas blended by a professional toa taster since 1860. Pure Assam and Dnrjwltug Toas. Tho Indian blonds aro unequalled for fctroiigth and quality. Bold in lib packets, C, 10, 12, and 221b tins, i-chests, and chests. Stores, hotels, runholders, and largo bu-,ers liberally deii.lt with. Eobert Walker. WANTED Known -Sui Una Raisins, Cd per lb good plain Congou, ls 2d ; Yollow Cryßtal Sugar, 2ld ;'. rosb Dnnedin Oatmeal, 3a 3d por bag ; Assam Souchong, 2i ; 1/nf Sugar, 4d per lb ; the best tea that money c tri huy, 2s lOd ; Dandelion Coffee, 3d per tin; Hop Bitters, 3s Cd; Siegel's Symp. 2a 9d; Sperm Caudles, 4Jdj Wax, 10d; Soap, SJd per bar: Cn4fi< h, 2Jd per lb ; pint bottles Pauce, 9d; email Cheese, 54 d per lb: Enuli__.li Pickles, "d ; Auglo-Swisj .Milk, Sd ; Gold Medal Coffee, ls 8-.1 ; Van HouU'ii'fl Cocoa, 33 lOd ; Fowls' Wheat, 3a por bushel ; Prim Model Soap (scented), 3lb bar, lOd; Urooewci. l, IV-lj Maize Meal, 3d; i Fiji Arrowroot, 7d; Nailrod Tobacco, 5s 6d. Thos, I Taylor, Colombo stre-it, near Montgomery's I Triangle, lato Davor.pcrt; and High street near 84 Aaaph atreet,
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5647, 17 June 1886, Page 2
Word Count
1,543Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5647, 17 June 1886, Page 2
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