Btudntii Announcement*. . Cosh advertisements nnder this head, not exoeeding fourteen words, wiU be oharged SIXPENCE. ARMSTRONG A CO., Direct Importers, Cheap Dressmakers; kUting done, ld yard. Lower High street. 5469 A PAIR of onr Stylish Cut Trousers to measure JpA. 13s 6d; two pairs, 265. Woollama and Co., City TaUors, 239, Colombo street. 1846 ATKINSON, Bootmaker and importer, 27, Victoria street. A large and weU-aeßOrted stock of all kinds af Boots and Shoes. Best valne in the oity. This is a fact ; you try it. 5806 AT P. Cairns, TaUor, you oan get Buits from . 60s ; Trousers, 14*, to mooaoro ; stylo, ont, wid workmanship unsurpassed in the Colony. High and St Asaph Btreefa. 7679 A REYNOLDS, Ladies and Gentlemen's * Hairdresser, Colombo street, next Recce, Ironmonger. Privato hairdressing rooms for Ladies. Gontlemen's hairoutting, 61. 849 ALL my gooda are weU shr-an*, weU out, styUsh, good material, and gnannteed to give satisfaction. P. Cairna/Tidler, High and St Asaph Btreets. 7379 AN immense stock of ladies' cornets, new style, underolothing, hosiery, flowers, feathers, novelties in aprons, bibs, and new goods in every department. Davies and WiUiams, 151, Colombo street. AGENCY for the Engagement of Male and Female Servants, 291, Taam street west, near Montreal street. Employers may rely npon obtaining suitable servants.* Miss Pieroy, proprietresß. 2022 AF. J. MICKLE, M.D., M.8., Master in . •• Surgery, kc, lato Resident Surgeon, Christohuroh Hospital, has removed to 171, Armagh street, E.C, near Colombo street. Haurs for oon* sultation-9 to 10 a.m„ 13 to 2, and 6to 8 p.m. 8703 ABERMAN, Tobacconist (late of Manohester • steeet), 2i)2, Colombo street, next Golden Fleece. Best of brands of tobacoo, oigars, cigar«*w?i *o. N.B.—The best hair-outting saloon in Chrißtohnrch. AU friends and general pnblio in- *"*&• 6367 BBOKKR.-J. StedaU buys i urniture. Luggage, Books, Toola and sundry goods on the shortest notioe, for cash • the hghost price given. Colombo street north. 2519 BUTTE RICK'S First-olass fashionable Paper Patterns received monthly from New York. &j£ *sd,5 d , at 216 » 8t Ass P h street west. Mrs Griffin, Sole Agent for New Zealand, Instructions given, 4977 CHEAP Cash Grocery Store, Viotoria street (next Britannia). Save money by Buying for Cash at Cooper's. 1587 C > , A l, H JJ ? OUSE *r W ' Hooker's Iron Bedstead .-V. Bedding, and Furnituro Warehouse, ManChester stroet, opposite Edwards, Bennett. Goods Of my own manufactnre mnch cheaper than prioes luraally charged in Christohuroh. Inspection invited. Bedroom furnished complote, £8 18s 6d; sitting-room, £10 17s 6d. 5830 HARLES MILLS, Watchmaker, begs to ananonnce that he has opened the premises lately occnpied by R. Black, Draper, where he intends to carry on business as above. Repairs in every branch of the trade. 7579 (COMPARE my prices with those ot my in the _,;*{ ta l^, and you wUI see the benefit o deaUng with P. Cairns, TaUor, High street, oorner St Asaph Btreet. Trousers, 14s; Suits, *2 10s to measure. , 7579 BOARD and Residenoe, with stabling, if required; five minutes from Postoffice. FuU particulars, Glaaaon, Cathedral square. 8181 BYEING and Frenoh' Cleaning done oheaper than evor. Gontlemen's summer auita beauti fully oleaned by W. Harvey, Viotoria street, next Austin (Drapor). Work eaUed for and deUvered. 802 DRAINAGE CONNECTIONB.-Wanted Known —That H. Barrett is Ucensed te oonneot drains with main sewers. Ordera leftat H. Barrett's, BuUdar, Armagh street and Oxford terraoe, wiU 1 eceivo prompt attention. 6770 I -•& MABKS k CO., TaUers, 109, Manchester .## street. 'AU kinds cleaning and repairing dona by new process. Lowest rates. Fashionable styles. Own material made up shortest notioe. Trousers and vest, 15s. 5501 DM. CHAPMAN, Wholesale and Retail > Fruiterer, Colombo street and Lower High atreot, Christchurch, Grower of Grapes, Cucumbers, and Melons. N.B.— Conntry orders punotuaUy attended to. FURNITURE.-- J. StedaU has alarge took of Fumitnre, China, Plated Wore, Fanoy Goods, kc, on show, at very low prices. Colembo street north. 2519 •O W. PAINTER, Painter, Glazier, Paper* JjL'.o hanger, and House Decorator, Colombo road, Sydenham, opposite Club Hotel. Estimates given. AU work at moderate charges, and painting warranted to stand six years. 9434 GREEN Peasl Green Peas! Green Peasi First of the Seasan. Thos. Priston, Greengrocer and Fruiterer, Bigh street, Christchurch. 6869 H STAUNTON, Boot and Shoemaker. Worke ingMan*s Friond, one trial wiU prove it, at 143, High street,, Christchuroh. 6595 ISIDRO SOLER, ot the Gnmoanonga Vineyard, Wanganui, has opened business in 148, High street, Christohuroh. AU wines diroot from onr own vineyard (pure New Zealand). Port SOs, Sherry 80s, Malaga SOs, Chelsea 255, Constantia SOs, Bnrgtmdy SOs per dozen. Betail from. Ss per bottle, or 3d and 6d per glass. 2372 | OHN MACKAY, BookseUer (late of Manohestf ter street) has removed to 232, Colombo Btreet. opposite Cook and Boss. Latest Ipekiodioals and newspapers by every mail as usual. 2371 JNUTSEY, Diaper and Outfitter) Colombo « rood, Sydenham. AU Goods sold at lowest Christohuroh prioea for cash. Agont for United Insuranoe Company. 52*3 OHNSTON k SON, TaUors and Outfitters, late of Jersey Heuso, Colombo etroet, have removed to Johnston's new buUdings, Colombo road, Sydenham. Branon EstabUshment, No. 232, Colombo street (near uolden Floeoo). Snits made to order from £3 10s. Trousers, trom Ue, Blaok Cloth Suits, from £5. 9832 KD. SYKES' Circulating Hot-air Baths, 108, • Colombo street. Separate fittings for Ladiea. Lady in attendance, 2to 6 p.m, excepting Saturdays. Testimonials from Dr Prins and several other Christchnroh residents. 6661 RS WIDGERY, Certificated Midwife, Bowen street, Sydenham, near CounoU Chambers. Highest Medical references. 5071 MBS HILTON, Teacher of Musio, receives pupUs for pianoforte. 33, Lichfield etreot east. Termß moderate. 5252 MRS SEATREE, Ladies Nurse, 82, Worcester Btreet east. Ladies accommodated during accouchement. References to ladies and medical men. 7186 MRS HIGGS has removed from BeUevaeHouse, Colombo street, to 125, St Asaph street, one door east of Manohester street. Rogistry Offioe for Female Servants. fUM BS E. SMITH. Feathor Dresser, Qioves and WM, Hats Cleanod. Hata dyod. 159, Armagh Btroet eaat. 6769 MRS ROBERTSON, 13, Chapel street, off Madras street, Registry Offioe for female servants. Letters and orderß by post promptly attended to. 7714 »fc.# ALCOLM M'CALLUM (late of Cashel « S|. street), Praotioal Watohmaker. Watcbes skillfully repaired and timed (not Bimjiy oleaned). Colombo street, opposite Bank ot "ew Zealand.7l79 MR CATLIN, Surgeon Dentist, haa romoved from 171, Armagh street, to 175, Weroester street west (noxt to Canterbury Club), near Cathodral aquare. 1628 MRS T. LIDDLE has on hand Leading Novelties of tbe Season : TCillraery Nets, bordered and fanoy, 2Jd and 3sd per yard ; Straw Hats, good quaUty, aU shapes, very cheap ; Gloves, Feathers, and Flowers, Boating and Lawn Tennis Aprons, Lace Scarves, CoUars, and Squares, ko., ko. OhUdren's Pinafores and every deacription of Dreas and Mantle Making and Millinery made to order. A Good and Choice Assortment of Toys and Fancy Goods. Standard Machine and Registry Office, 167, Armagh etreet. 6521 8 ECCLES (late cutter to Messrs Strange and » Fountaine), TaUor and Woollen Draper, 192, High Btreot, next Mr Hulbert, Christohuroh. Tweed suits made to order from £4 10s; tweed trousors do, 21s. 8298 fpHE ACID CURE. — F. Coutts' guaranteed J Acetio Aoid, the best known euro for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Spinal Complaints, Neuralgia. 2s and 3s 6d per bottle. John Maokay (late Mackay Bros), 61, Manohester street. 2371 fg^ COOPER, Grooer, Viotoria n: -Aet, iaa Cash JL • Bnyer of dairy produce. 1587 jm COOPER, Grooer, Viotoria <s (next JB_ .. Britannia), supplies aU Goods cwest prioes for oash. US" O LET, Two-roomed Cottage; well furnished; JL Colombo road north. 'M. A., " Star " office. 8034 f'B'*.HE Highest Prioe given for seoond-hand FurJL niture Clothing, Tools, and Goods of all descriptions, by R. Isaacs, General Dealor, Commission Agent, and Valuator, Tictoria street, opposite Britannia Hotel, Chrißtohnroh. Bankrapt stooks purohij^ed. 4841 TinHOMAS GAGER (late J. Anderson), TaUor, ABl kc, 95, Manchester street 8., invites inspeotion of his stook of British, Kaiapoi, and other Tweeds; good workmanship, good fit, moderate ohargea. A trial respeotfully solioited. 7246 nnHE originator of oheap shaving and hair* J3. dressing is stUl in Cathedral squaro, two doors from Colombo street. Tobacoo, pipes, Ao., as oheap as erer. J. Glasson. Shaving, 3d ; hair* outting, 6d. 1041 VIOLIN.— Art of playing taught to ladies and gentlemen by Mr T. Fleming, 45, Hereford street, Christohurch; system easy; comprehension certain. Concerts carried out, Balls attended. Terms moderato. 5156 •ftJTft-jrORKING Men, try my 60s Suita a mea yV sure, style, and lit guaranteed. P. Cna-nt, High and St Asaph streets, 76} WILLTAM WEBLEY, Pianoforte Tuner and Repairer of Musioal Instruments. Address, Milner and Thompson's old buildings, High street, Christchurch. 5194 m \\ ■ Ji. MABTIN has taken over the premises * * • and business of J. A. Redpath, Grooer an'! Draper, Belfast Store, Tuam street east. All . articles best quaUty. Goods deUvered to to and ; Buburbs. 68(1 1
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4862, 29 November 1883, Page 2
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1,439Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4862, 29 November 1883, Page 2
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