(Beforo J. Nugent Wood, Esq., (Ohairmn), H. J. Tancred, and J. L. Lee, Esqs, Commissioners. New Appmoations. — Frederick Day, hotel, Sumner. Mr Stringer appeared in support of the application, and stated that the house was very near completion. Mr Thomas opposed on behalf of Mrs Bule. Application adjourned to Sept 27.— Edward Wetherell, Hotel, Cave Book, Sumner. Mr Thomas appeared for the applicant, and asked that the application should be considered in conjunction with the preceding one. The premises were not yet completed, and the Ohairman informed Mr Thomas that he could make his application at the next sitting of tbe Court.— G. P. Esßel, hotel, Templeton. It appeared that the premises had not been erected, and the application oould not therefore be entertained at present. Edward Mitohell, hotel, Oathedral square. Mr Perceval appeared on behalf of Mr Mitchell, and asked for an expression of opinion from the Bench as to whether, if such a house as was shown on the plans produced were ereoted, it would be licensed. The Ohairman : How oan you expect an opinion from a dying body t Mr 0. M. Gray appeared to oppose the application, but the Ohairman said that the Commissioners could not entertain the application, as the premises were not erected ; and they would advise Mr Perceval not to press for an expression of opinion. Application refused. —James Thompson, wine and beer, West Melton. Mr Thomas appeared in support of the appUcation, and said that the residents of the district wished the house to be erected, as it would he a oonvenienoe to travellers. The Rev J. Smalley opposed the application. The Chairman considered it was very good of the residents to have suoh concern for travellers ; the Commissioners, however, were of opinion that a wine and beer license would not supply the accommodation referred to, bat only be a drinking shop. It further appeared that the premises had not been erected. Application refused. —William Walls, hotel, Sandridge, Sydendam. Mr Stringer appeared in support of the application, and mentioned the faot that although Sydenham had upwards of 7000 inhabitants, there were very few licensed houses in it, and he believed the police did not object. The Ohairman said it was also a fact that there was very little crime in Sydenham ; and if there were no public-houses at all, half the police would be out of their billets. Perhaps that was the reason they did not oppose. The application was refused. — B. Fenton, Heathoote Arms Hotel. On the application of Mr M'Connell, a license was granted for tho new premises recently erected as the Heathcote Arms Hotel. Confibmatiojt .p Tbansmbs.— The following temporary transfers were confirmed : —On the application of Mr Thomas, Beatty to Berti, Palace Hotel, Ohrißtchurch ; Berti to Searle, Foresterß* Arms, Oxford terrace ; Smith to Knowsley, Queen's Hotel, Chriatchurch; Savage to Keene, Scotch Stores, Ohristcnuroh; Seabright to Toovey, Zetland Arms, Chrietohureh ; Amyes to Young, Papauui Hotel ; Lewis to Dyer, Biccarton Hotel. Cited to Appbab. — Thomas Mullins, junr., of the Junction Hotel, Lincoln road, was oited to appear before the Licensing Bench at ita next sitting on Sept. 27, in reference to a charge of gambling in his licensed house, of which ho had recently been convicted. The Oourt then adjourned to Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 12 noon.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 4180, 13 September 1881, Page 3
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