Local & General.
City Ixpsotesikhts. — A great improvement will shortly be effected at the comer of Colombo and Armagh etreota by tho erection of B lar^e block of brick buiidin g3 on the site at present occnapied by the Time morchint'a store of Mr F. A. Bishop. The designs fcrt'ne new premises havo been prepared by Mr W. H. Espenett, architect. They proxide for a ■two-storey building constructed of brick, with dressings of Oamaru stone, on a concrete foundation, and with a roof of corrugated iron. Tne length of frontage in Colombo street is about 66ft, and that in Armagh street about 135 ft, 1b.3 etyle may be described as plain domesticated Gothic. The appearance of tho building, thmigb. plain, •will be very effective. The froiib will consist of brickwork relieved by the -whits atone dressings, frith moulded striDg courses, iabsla, and cornioeo. At the terminations of the iuoels over the doorways and windowß ar^ to bo carved boa3tf?, representing fruit anfi 3; sv6s. The ground floor will contain offi'.'. ana warehouse for Mr Bishop, and also cix ccir-^iodious shops, with kitchens and other rconiS attached. The firit floor will comprise large *toreroo^i and a numbdr of sitting-r: cma andbsdroains in connection with the various t'.;op3 on tho ground floor. Attte back of tha pre/ni3?a will be sit;.a!ed stables and other outbuildings, to which nceess will be gained by means of a*: arched passage leading through, ths building from Armagh street.
Ftbe is Ltxselton. — Shortly after 9 o'clock last evening a Sre broke - out in the loft of the stabU'3 in the rear of tho Albion Hotel, London street. The alarm was given, and Mr T. "Wiahart, the lessee of the stablee, who happened to bs in the hotel at the time, at once got tha four horses that wero stabled there out, together v?itk tho harness. The fire brigade were on the spot in a very ehort time, and hr.d two streaniß of water on the fire, which t.-h3 very speedily extinguished. The damage was confined to tho loft of the stables, whtre a quantity of fodder was stored; this was of ccuwe destroyed, and the roof of the building waa partly destroyed. The fire was no doubt, caused by tho fodder taking fire, though how that occurred is nob known. The stablc3 aro tae prop^/ty of Mr J. B. Hill, and are uninsured, tiraoian Fentor, unfortunately sprained his ankle by a fall whilst at the fire.
OEAU3IEH Sqcabe. — Ihe following petition is now being circulated for signature in the city : — " To his Worship the Mayor of Christchurch and members of the City Council, — "We the undersigned residents, householders, and others interested in tlie welfare of the city of Christobureh, respectfully invite your Worship and Council to reconsider the resolution adopted by your Council to lay oub and otherwise improve Craniner square. Having in view the courao pursued by the City Council in reference to the enclosure of Latimer square, we are of opinion that it is most inexpedient to deprive the public of another valuable recreation ground. Oranmer square being in close proximity to prominent schools in the city, having no ground ior recreation, we are of opimnioa that it ia absolutely needed, and we most respectfully suggest that it may continue to be so utilised."
PAPAKri, — A meeting wa3 held last evening in the Town Hall, Pupanui, re postal an 1 ! telegraphic cODimanisatiou and delivary ; Xcv ~E. G. Briitau in the chair. Iho chairman reported ths result o£ tli.3 intorview by the deputation appoicted at a former meeting with the Chief Poitjaoate? and TelegraphLifc, Chrifltchurjii, by which, i!. ajipeareii that each of those oinciali v;»? wsiticg tba receipt of instructio? j iro:n V/e'.lir^ton l;ef rt r9 tafeiDg action. It was rr-rj^lveii— i( That in tho opinion of this mc-i>tic^ it is advisable that arrangement;; shoul-i bo made with the Tramway Company lo briujj u;> twoinitila per diem, the system uf closing tbo purt-oilice at 1.30 p.m. being very unsatisfactory." The chairman waa reqnestod to forward a copy of the resolution lo the Chi-jf Poatmaster. The meeting then adjourned.
Chbes. Tiio Canterbury Chess, D.-augnta, and Whiat Club hava been eiisjv^ed for <"ome time piat in endeavours Io arrange ii match at chess with a Sydr.sr ]''<»'. r, ba chosen S3 their representative b-. i.hc Ciitss C:ub of that city,' the contvs', to bs conducted bytelegraph. Iho T oloi t^; :•(•. D.-parlcitrif. of ITew Zejliiiia hive re 17 hbcr^liy conj.-uuu! to tho wire bcia^ uieti f roAy for ths purpose of the contemplated i::t. liictuL; filrugu'is.
Ths Caledonian j-Ic.-.o. — A good tl-ul of annoyance kua lately bf< ■» c-uwed to tlw residents of this localiry ny i-.i^o evil dispj'ed individuals, who aro in'ilic habit of paying nocturnal visits to the various premises for the purpose of piUcrir^. p £he»ft gantry are not at all partijnLr p.* ; o t.i eir booty, but ■will steal anyi'-iiifr the/ ein L,y their huncJs on. Ono person rcctr.-.iy u^d ii vaiiutbia ilalteso rD'jbit "lifted."
DMiix Prize.— We hj.t:i thai llesara Jacofa-:en Bros., arclii'.;^;^, huvo intonated their intention to offer, throu^'i the Agricultural ami r'ast-jral S,.v'.t;! . , a. silver jiriz ; cup, valn-fl iii. ilro guinea, to h-i aware wi t.; the most MiCv-cddlul c-x.iibilor of ciairv materials at tlic nest alicw.
Shobthobns. — The bull Priace Imperiul, by Princo Frederick, dam Jessamine 24th, and the sire of the splendid calves exhibited last year by Mr Menlove, of Windsor Park, Oa^'arn, Ims been resold to Mr P. C. Threlkt>ld. Princn Imperial was originally purchased Ly Mr 'Ihrelkeld at Mr <i. M. Bell's sale in Otago in 1874, and ho now again becomes the possessor of this grand animal.
Mas Wait^b Hill. — Inorderto strengthen the cast of "The Galley Slave," which is to be produced thi* evening at the Theatre Ben a!, Mrs Walter Hill has been specially engaged by the management to play Francesca Btnrini.
The Genebai. Manages or Railways. — Tho New Zealand Times is responsible for ths statement that Mr Maxwell does not retire till the expiration of a year. Supkemk Coubt. — His Honor Mr Justice Johnston sat in Chambera yesterday morning, and disposed of the applications set down, as reported ;n another column. HotWD3 at Lebston'. — The Ashburton Hound* met at Leeaton this afternoon at 1.30 p.m., when there was a large gathering of sparling gentlemen, it being the first time the hounds have run In the district this season.
Thbatke Eotai — Mr W. H. Leske again appeared last night with the Hamilton-Willis Company in "My Partner." The drama was a? success! ul as on tho previous nights. Tonight there will ba a change of programme, the Company appearing in "The Galley Slave," another novelty.
Diocesan Sxkod. — The annual session of the Diocesan Synod will be opened on Tuesday next, at the College Library, by the Eight Key the Primate. The usual services will be held at Sfc Michael's Church, Holy Communion at 11 a.m., and full choral evening service at half-past seven.
Lancaster Pack Ceicket Oltjb.— At the last meeting of the Committee of: this Club 44 members were elected, making the total number over 100. A number of other cricketers have also signified their intention of joining, so that the new Club will start with every prospect of becoming an unusually strong one. The Wheat Maeeet.— Both Australian and New Zealand wheat are reported by cable to be still advancing. Adelaide is now quoted at 53s ex warehouse, and New Zealand at 52a 6d ex ship. A sanous deficiency in the spring wheat crop is advised from America. '£hL>, coupled with the deficiency reported from Erance, ia cheering newa for our own farmers.
Dbuids 1 Obntbnaby. — The centenary of modern Druidiam will be celebrated on Thursday next by a torchlight procession of tho Order in regalia, followed by a promenade concert in the Drill Shed, and a ball. The Ohristchurch Operatic Society, tho Bail way Band, and a number of ladies and gentlemen, well known in musical circles, will also give their sorrices during the evening.
Sudden Death. — A child named Louisa Alice Kosanowaki, two and a half years old, the daughter of Leopold Bosanowski, a carpenter, residing in London utreet, Bingsland, died suddenly about midnight on Thursday. The child had been weakly since birth, and had never walked. She had been attended by Dr Prina about six months previous to death, but by no medical man since. It is probable that an inquest will be held. Coloniali Bank. — A petition is being circulated in Kaiapoi requesting the Colonial Bank authorities to establish an agency in Xaiapoi, pointing oat that owing to the rapid increase in the commerce of tho place, there never was a more favourable opportunity for tho permanent establishment of a second bank than the present. The petition b&i already been signed by a large number of the leading men in the town and district, and will be presented in a few days. Clearing Vessels at Kaiapoi.— lt has been suggested, since the matter was laid before the Borough Council, that the most suitable arrangement that could be made with respect to the clearing of vessels in the Kaiapoi trade, would be to appoint the Postmaster to that office, as he is bound to be at his offce during the whole of every day, while the hours of the Clerk to the Bench are very few. It would also be a great convenience to the officer entrusted with this work to have the telegraph at his command.
Football. — A match between representstire teams from Surke's Pass and Christ's College Clubs was played at Timaru on Thursday afternoon, and resulted in an easy victory for the latter, who Bcored three goals and a touchdown to their opponents' one touchdown. The match was not very well attended, but thoao present wero delighted with the excellent play of the College hoys, and their general smartness in the field. Their opponents, most of whom were heavy men, were buffelted about in a most amusing manner, and the lads demonstrated that weight is not always necessary in a football team.
Hew Volttnteeb Compaky. — A meeting of the enrolled members of the newly-formed Volunteer Company was held at the Commercial Hotel, last evening. There rs a largo attendance, and Mx H. Ivey occupied the chair. After some routine business had been disposed oi a Committee, consisting of Mesera Ivey, Armstrong, Piercy, Jfergusson, Tegner, aad Martin, (secretary), waa appointed to enrol the names of intending members, and make other preliminary arrangements. There appears to be every probability of the Company becoming a strong and efficient one. A considerable number of persons have already signified their intention of joiuing the corps, several of these being men who havo hud considerable experience in volunteering in England and the Colonies.
Lbbstos Ceickbt Club.— A meeting of the Committee of the Leeeton Cricket Club was held at Mr Jameson's office on Thursday last, for the purposa of winding-up the affairs of the luat season and considering tho queatioa of forming a piece of ground for mutches. There were present— Mr F. Jameßon (in the chair), Messrs Bean, A. Loe, A. D. Loe, Ford, Watson, Hammond and Scott (Secretary). The Secretary read the statement of accounts for the last season, which showed a deficit o£ £2 143 lOd. A long discussion enaued about the proposal to lease a piece of ground from the Agricultural and Pastoral Association. The general feeling of the meeting appeared to be that the Association'a terms were too stringent for the Olub, a% after spending a considerable amount of inonsy in preparing a ground, it would in all probability be considerably damaged on the Show day. The Secretary wag requested to obtain from Mr Desborough tho torms of the proposed lease, and call another meetfog to discuss the matter. It waa resolved to call the annual general meeting of members on Thursday next, at fhe Leeston Hotel. The meeting then adjourned.
A Eeuiii.es3 Seahch. — A report ttsb brought to the Police Station last night about eight o'clock, to the effect that a man hud been seen lying dead in one of the plantations round Hagley Park, near the cricket ground. A party of police proceeded to the placo indicated, and, together with somo persona who volunteered their services, searched the park with lanterna till a late hour last night, but they were unable to find any traco ot the supposed corpse. The search waa resumed this morniug by a party of police, who, after some trouble, found tho exact spot where tho supposed dead body was aeen. There cortuiuiy had been somo ono lying there, as tha impress of a bnd) w>jb plainly to be seen in tho herbage. The praeenee of an empty bottle or two, however, led the pelica to conclude that what was taken for a corpse wa3 in reality a drunken man, who must have laid down to Bleep off the effects of hia debauch.
ASUBCETON AgEICCLTUBAI, AND PASioeai. Association. — A meeting of tno Aohburlou Agricultura.l and Pastoral Association CoinmitLee was hold in the Town Hull yestonUy, to make arrangemsntß for thn annual liorss parade and cattle show. Mr John Carter, President of tho Aeauciation, presided. »nd there were alao prfsent Messrs U. Miller, D. Oliver, C. P. Cox, K. 3. Co»ter, Johu Hawdon, Geor^o J^fjicson (:ecrcUry), and Alfred HarridOM (ircasurar). After discus*ian the date of tho annual horei' parade was flxud for the first Saturday after the Chriitchurch parade ; n:d Messrs Jo3."ph Hirnt, F. Mayo, and -\K ■iliit wera appointed au Arrangements Coiuniittee. In view of tha Tiir.aru Show bein^ held on Oct. 25 and £6, and the Christchuroh Show on Nov. 8 and 9, it whs agreed to hold the Ashburton Show en Nov. 1. A subCommittee, conaiatit •;? of Messrs Cox, JamoHOi), Grig^, and Oliver, wtre appointed to ruvi'o the cat.-tlogut', :\xm to ir.ako uug^estiona r.i- to prizes, &;., iihd Iho selection of etowun.'s, judges, &c, v?as left OTir lo a special meeting to ho held phorllv. AiioUier Committ-v. co'iiprirint; lliv.-i-a C/J.r!cr, ;.o?., Oliver, am! waa iippoiiit :a to ounsider addition to the yard?, and !i> rt\roit c:i Sept. 2, to a tpeciui meeting to be U.on held.
Poet Victoria Eacing Club. — A meeting of the Stewards of this Club was held at the Wheatsheaf Hotel, Head of the Bay, on Wednesday ; present — Messrs J. Gebbie, A. Constable, W. D. Gebbio, G. B. Dance, D. Gebbie, H. Manson, and O. Bradley. A discussion took place respecting the case of Blue Gum, when Mr H. B. Manson, in reply to a question, stated that Blue Gum was his property on, and throe months previous to, March 17, 1881. On being asked to produce some proof of ownership at that dato, Mr Manson declined, stating that ho did not ccc what right the Stewards had to make such a request after he had stated verbally that he was the owner. Mr Manßon having left tho room, it was moved by Mr J. Gebbie, and seconded by Mr Constable, that the matter be referred to the Canterbury Jockey Club. The meeting then adjourned.
A meeting of ratepayers interested in tlio reolectiou of Mr Hulbort will be held in the Musio Hall on Tuesday evening at h'Of-past Beven. A lecture will bo delivered in Bt AndroVa Churoh to-morrow evening, i>y the Hey C. Fra3er, on Colonel Hob lugorEOll's question—" What must we do to be saved."
Thn following programme will bo performed by the Railway Band at the new Broadway Market, thi3 eveniug, connnenciug at 7 p.m.:— Quick March, " A Flower from Mother's Grave" {&. Nowton) ; Fantasia, "Concorilia" (Bkgor) ; Quadrille, '• Cbauts dv Soir " (Tilliard) j Slow Marob, " Vn'liant " (E. M»rie) ; Ffint.isia, " Figaro " (Mozurt) j Valao, " The Bustio Queen " (R. Smith) ; Polka, " Hnssondean " (B. bmith)' ; FautaMn, " Eosed'Amoor " (Bloger) ; Ltmoers. '• The Irish Bouquet " (B. Newtou) ; Schottische, " Fida " (B. Marie) ; Fantasia, " Lea Chevaliera " (E ; Mullot) ; Galjop," Kojal Squadron " (E. Newton) Finale, " National Anthem."
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4160, 20 August 1881, Page 3
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2,637Local & General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4160, 20 August 1881, Page 3
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