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The Star. TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1881.

A Dangbbous Place.— lt would bo well if c c fonco woro erected along fcbo south bank of t the rivor, between Dr Ned will's houso and , the Hospital bridgo. Tho rivor ut fchis part is j quito dcop enough to drown anyono who un- j fortunately fell into it, and tlie bunk is steep. | Although tho stream lies somo littlo distanoo 1 from tho roud, yot a person unacquainted with tho locality would bo vory likoly to get, f ] into it on a dark night. A fence would also j I prevent children from playing closo to tho water's edge, a practice eomewhat common 'j ' juefc now. \

THBDBWDs.-Tho half-yearly summoned* neebtg of the Pione.r Lodge for the election, )f officers was held at their Lodge-room, WelUngton Hotel, last evoning. Thero was a large ittendanco of members. Bros Kose, PA. J. Harris, P.A., and Swinnerton, P.D.P. were 3lected a Committee from the Lodge to the meeting to be held in reference to the centenary. Bro Hauptfieisch read the auditors* report and balance-sheet, whicn wore adopted, rhe following officers were then elected, and iuly metalled by D.P. Bro Samuel" :-A.D., Bro Stewart ,- V.A., Bro Mortlock ; Secretary, Bro B. S. Tucker; Treasurer, Bro Oppenheim ; 1.G., Bro Heywood ; f '.G.,8r0 Davie; a.D.B.'b, Bros P. B. Eooke and Bishop; V. a. B.'s, Bros Jenkins and Mummery ; Lodge Surgeon, Dr Jlooro ; Minute Secretary, Bro Hiuplfleisch. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the retiring officers. D.P. Bro Samuels, in a few appropriate remarks, on behalf of thr- Lodge, presented P.A. Bro Harris with a handsomely framed P.A. diploma, which was duly acknowledged. Th© Loi'ge was then closed in duo form. Anukos Stbbbt Wbbt.— The footpath in Armagh streefc west, in front of the Provincial Govornment Buildings, which was reoently lowered, is now being covered with a ooat of asphalte. Thk Tababua Fund.— Up to the present time about £17C0 have been received on behalf of the families of fche lato Revs J. B. Biohardson and 3. Armitage. Several of the subscription lists, however, are nofc yet in. The greater portion of the above amount wa» raieed in Canterbury. BBBIDBNT MaGISTBATB's COUBT.-— At the Besident Magistrate's Court, this morning, before B. Weßtenra and J. E. Parker, Esqrs., a first offender, for being drunk and disorderly at the Bailway Station, was fined 2g and Is cab hire. Cbbtifioated Tbaohkbs. — A list of certificated teacherß in the Colony is published in the Gazette. Of the total of 1005 none appear in the first rank, and only ten in the Eecond. The third rank contains' 45, the fourth 74; fifth, 176; sixth, 275; seventh, 307 ; eighth, 114, and the ninth 4. There are also 71 licenses to teach, and 10 district licenses. Of the ten who figure in the second rank, three belong fco North Canterbury, two to Otago, two to Wanganui, one to Marlborough, and two are nofc allocated toany district. "Thb Ohiscbs of Nokm axby " — Thw opera, whioh has proved to be so eminently Buited to the publio taste of Chrij'-lmrch, is i to be repeated at the Theatro Roy. 1 v Saturday and^ Monday evenings, and to v vo additional eclat to the laat performance* come more ladies have been added to tho Com-, pany. The choruses, prominent as they werej inthe first instance, should, therefore, be etiU] more successful, and we have no doubt two crowded houses will reward Mr Towle for the trouble and expense to which he haß gono to satisfy the music-loving people of Christchurch. Wbbibyak Mutual Impbovembnt Association. — Durham street schoolroom wae weL filled lasfc evening, when this Association met as usual. The Bey W. Baumber presided. The subject for the ovening was — " An Evening with Dickenß," introduced by Mr A. Bell with an essay on the life and worka of that eminent author. This was criticised, and then Miss J. 0. Allan read from "Oliver Twist," Mr Cass from "Pickwick," and Mr H. J. Boss from " Sketches by Boz." The readings were spoken to by Messrs Andrews, Hodinott, and othera, and the meeting closed in tho usual mannor, a thoroughly pleasant evening having been spent. Stjpbbmb Coitbt —The criminal sittings of ' the Supreme Court for this quarter opened • yesterday. His Honor, Mr Justice Johnston, in his charge to the Grand Jury, referred to fche desirability of regulations being established ior tbe separation of hardened criminals from thoso «nly recently guilty of offence, and for fche treatment of juvenile , offenders. During the day the following j sentences were passed :— John Murphy, judgment after appeal to the Court of "Error, 3H years and 3 months' penal servitude ; John] Scott, forgery, 2 years' imprisonment with] hard labour ; George Wood, forgery, 3 yew™ penal servitude ; Thomas Miller, forgery, 18i months' imprisonment with hard labour J George Saddler, forgery, 9 months' imprison* menfc with hard labour; Vtilliam Bakera horse stealing, 3 years' ponal servitude ; Mark! Keavell, robbery with violence and larceny, 5 years' penal servitude; George Thomas- 1 Lovett, stealing from the person, 12 months* \ imprisonment with hard labour. A.O.F. — The quarterly meeting of the] Court Stor of Canterbury was held last even- j ing at the Foresters' Hall. After the ordi-"] nary routine business was disposed of, the election, by ballot, of officers for the ensuing term took place. It was unanimously resolved that portraits of the lato Drs Campbell and Iliff be obtained and hung in tbe hall. The quarterly balance-sheet was read ancL received. A resolution was pasted tliat M Committee be formed for the purposo oil making arrangements for a concert in aid oil the widow and children of the lalo Brol Saxton. During the last quartor £111 ies** 8d is reported to have been paid away for J sick and distressed members. The election] resulted aB follows :— Chief Banger, Bro HJ W. Newman ; Sub-chief Banger, Bro T.J Stapleton, Junr. ; Senior Woodward, Bro J.| Baron ; Junior Woodward, Bro H. F. Had*! drell ; Senior Beadle, Bro W. H. Payne J Junior Beadle, Bro W. Steer ; District Dekn gates, Bros E. Watts and J. S. William's^ Managing Committee, Bj-os Buckley, H« Crooks, J. S. Williamß, C. Samuels, E. Watt<fl and W. Weakley. The receipts of the even* ing amounted to £207 17s. I Cantebbubt Coubsing Club.— A meet-B ing of the Committee of the Canterbury Coursing Club was held at The bhados yester-1 day afternoon ; present Messrs Hill (in the chair), Piper, Adkin, Deacon, Porter, E. B. Hill and Walker (Hon Sec). The Seoretary reported that Mr Porter and himself had' been very favourably received by the landowners of Kirwee, who would havo placed] their land at the disposal of the Club, bufc for the scarcity of hares. A letter was read from! Messrs Minchin and Mathias, of Racecourse Hill, offering to allow the Club one day's coursing over thoir property, and suggesting tbat they should apply to other land-holdera in the district. It was reported tbat JUjl M'Millan had stated his willingness to allow the Olub to hold a day's coursing on hfl property. It was agreed fco accept the offer* mentioned. A lettor was read from Mj Campbell, owner of Bessie Bel!, claiming a division of the stakes in the course between Bobbio Bell and Desdemona. It wus agreed to reply that Mr Campbell bad better bring the matter before the Stewards at the next coursing meeting of the Club on July 13 Mr E. B. Deacon reported with regard to the Dog Show, tbat the Agricultural and Pastoral Association had promised to allow thn uto < ' a portion of their ground on the occasion . their next annual exhibition. Tho show must, be held in a tent with a framework, tho same, as that used by the Horticultural Socioty ; tbo use of guy ropes was prohibited. The question of an art union in connect ion witl the show would be considered by the Committee. Tho proceedings thon terminated. V Lectures. — A lecture was delivered lastfl evoning in the Bible Christian Church by thai Bey J. Wilson, on " The Jews, their Piibmß Present, and Future." Their was a faufl at tendance, and Mr Boid occupied the chuijH Tho lecturer, after giving sketches of tho liflH of Abraham, Isaac und Jacob, tract! Ihe hiS| tory of tbe rise of the Jewish n.-iilo/i fro^H their bondago in Egypt to thoir eel licnifnt i-H Palestine, wliich they entered as a commorH wealth under fche Divine guidance. Ho reH ferred to the period during which they werH ruled by the judgeß, and the rise of tho kingJß dom under Saul, its continuunco unriorfl David, and crowning greatness tindery Solomon. Tho division of the Kinydomfl undor Rehoboam and Jeroboam was reforrecM to, and a briof history given of tl.o two King- M doms till the norioii of tho captivities- "rsty of tho t.n tribes, and afterwards of iho ro- J matning two. Tho roturn from cplivil.y, th J Rtrugglo for independenci' under Un> Muco I beet?, und the tubjug.'itio'i by thoß'jii.ans we: I touched upon, and tho lecturer described th^j final destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, un^H iho dispersion of tho run. urning tribiv. T____\_\\ bardships and persecutions suffered by 'BH Jews during tho dark agos woro hria^H loticod, and afler referring to thoir prcso-^H sxistenco as a scattered people, prescrvineH heir nationality and customs in n romarknM^H nanner, the rev gcnUcimn adverted to th^fl lope of their ultimate restoration to thH jiiiid of Promise. Discussion followed thrflfl crminalion of tho lecture, and a voto < fl| hunks to the roy gentleman for his addrosßß ironght the' mcoting to a close. On Satur;H uy evening a heturo was given in th(H 'rimitivo Methodist Church, WuddirigH on, by Mr J. Gills, on "Joh; Howard. H 'here wus a fuir uudienco present, and MrH V. Trcsti..L-r presided. Tho leet uror skotoho«'H

«»— — — — ■^— — tiie life and labours of the greafc philan tiiropist, and humorously pointed out hi chief characteristics. Hd was attentivel; listened to throughout, and at its close heart Totes of thanks were accorded the lecture: snd Chairman. Cantkbbuhy Sunday School Union.— The monthly meeting of the committee wa held in the Congregational schoolroom, Man Chester street, on Monday evening, the 4tl instant. Mr J. Woodham occupied the chair The following schools were represented bj their delegates : -Primitive Methodist, Chrisb chore)* ; Wesleyan, Durham atreet ; St. Paul's Pres j terian ; North Belt Presbyterian ; Pern road Presbyterian ; United Methodiai Tree C!ti:rch, Bingsland ; Congregational Trinity and Bingsland ; Baptist, Oxford ter race and Sydenham. The roporfc of the subcommittee re amalgamation of Teachers' Institute with Sunday Scbool Union was ther -read and adopted. The report recommended that the Sunday School Union take up the work forthwith which the Teachers* Institute had hitherto carried out, and that a ■üb-committee be appointed by the Union to arrange the matter of model lessons, instruction classes, Sus. Mr Boss reported that thp- hist quarterly prayer meeting, conducted br the Bey C Dallaston, in connection with ihe Union, hai been a very successful one. The following resolutions were then passed: — " That, as the Bey Thos. Spur.-co;: was expected in Christchurch in a few day* on his way to the North, the president be requested to see and make •arrangements with him about conducting evangelical meetings on his return from Auckland, when he will make a longer stay in this city." " Thafc Sfc Barnabas Episcopal jchoci, Fendaltown, be received into the Union" ''That the Ashborne Presbyterian school, Ferry road, be received into the "Union." " Thafc the treasurer of the Union draw ths attention of the various Sunday Schools whoae subscriptions are now overdue to the fact." Some accounts were passed for payment, and the meeting then closed with prayer. Theatbical — Mr Charleß Weightman, the p : oneer of Mr Gary's " Pirates of Penzance," arrived in Ohrißtchurch fchis afternoon by the Botomahana. Thb Bbcent Febh.— The building burned down on Sunday morning was insured for £200 in the Union Insurance Company, and for £200 ia the Standard office. Spaheo w PzJiaoNiNa. — The farmers on tho Kaiapoi Island appear to be as successful as -ever in poisoning these birds. Mr Herrin states that ho has made havoc with some poi? >Ned wheat sown by him on Saturday. Thb Ret Thomas Spttbgbon.— The City Council has given permission to use the Theatre Koyal on Sunday, July 10, for religious services. These services are to be conducted by tha Hey Thomas Spurgeon, son of fche Sev C. H. Spurgeon. LBB3TON Wbsibyan Oibotjit. — The Tacancy in this Circuit, caused by the death of the Eev J. Armitage, has been filled by the appointment of the Bey Mr Brook, who arrived laat week from Auckland, and who lias already entered upon his duties. JTibb Pbbvkntiox. — The Oity Council has authorised the Fire Prevention Committee to take action in bringing about the system of electric fire alarms established some time jince, and to provido a chemical fire engine of the kind in use in American cities. 1.0 O.?.— At the half-yearly meeting of the Loyal Star of Waltham Lodge, the following officer.? were elected. Brothers V.G. J. Frencn, N.G. ; P.G. C. Morse, G.M. ; T. Rench, V.G. ; W. Gladdon, E.S. ; P.G. J. Crowley, L.M. ; P.G., B. Patton and P.G., L. Pegler, Auditors. The Mabkbt Squabs. — Councillor Cuff lias given notice of motion, for the next meeting of lh- City Council, to the effect that steps should be at once taken t-> secure the erection of permanent buildings for market purples on the Council's Beserve in Market Square. Eabthquakh. — Another -slight shock of earthquake was felt at Bangiora yesterday afternoon at about six mioutcs past three. The Bhock was preceded by a rumbling sound like dis ant thunder. Ifc was distinctly felt at Saiapoi at the came time, aad the direction appears to have been between east and west. Shbep Bbtttbks. — Ifc is understood that the object of the Government in requiring a return of " sheep aoid, purchased, or having died" between April 3, the day on which the Census was taken, and May 31, when returns of sheepownera are sent in, is with the view of comparing the returns under the Sheep Act and those given on the census papers. Eootbaxi. — Saturday's match between the College and Havens Football Clubs resulted, -after a hird and very enjoyable game, in a win for tlu Bavens, by fcwo tries to nil. For lie College, Ehodes, Briggs, Hall, and Mathias, and for the Bavcns, Shacklefcon, "Kinvig, -ud the brothers Fe.rr played very welL Ths match was played on the College ground. Tun Madbab Stbbet Footbbidgb. — A meeting was called at the Waltham Hotel last mrening to consider the question of fcHe proposed footbri'ig' over t!i-j railway at Madras street, and report the steps already taken in the matter. Only three persons, however, put in an appearance at the appointed hour, and after waiting some time the meeting was postponed indefinitely. A Mbtkob. — About 9 o'clock on Saturday -evening a vory brilliant meteor traversed the sky, apparently starting from v black cloud in the north, and bursting behind Mount Torlease in the west. The effect of the meteor in its courae, wa* momentarily obscured from Tiew by intervening clouds and the tops of the mountains. As viewed from Sheffield the sight was a very fine one. Musical Society.— lt. will interest all lovers of music to know that to-night the lately-organised Chrietchuroh Musical Society invites its membera to attend at the first rehearsal at the New Oddfellows' Hall. Tho Society is establish ed op. a broad and Becure basis ; it has received largo promises of support, and bids fair to ur.ile, aa no society has yet united, the rov.siciana of Christohurch Hthe production of first class music. Missing*-. — Our Amberley correspondent states that enquiries are being made as to the whereabouts of one William Auchinachie, who last season travelled a horae in the district. The horse was left in charge of a resident, and Auchinachie expressed his intention of visiting Duuedin. As his departure -was jusfc aboufc the timo that the Tararua left, fears aro expressed that as he has not since turned up he must have been a passenger by the ill-fated ve-isM. Houbs ov Wobk on thb Baiiway. — At the meeting of the Sydenham Borough Counoil last evening, it was resolvr-d to request Mr 8. P. Andrews, M.H.R., to ask the Hon Minister for Public Works whether the railway servants iv Canterbury are compelled to work at stock taking on Sabbath days, and whether the railway porters of Canterbury are required to wcrk 11 or 12 hours out of the twenty-four, and receive pay as if they only worked oight houra a day. Legal. — Yesterday, Mr Bloxam, who has for some tiir.c filled the offices of DeputyBegistrar of ths Supreme Court, assumed the position of Registrar ard Sheriff, rendered -vacant by the retirement of Mr F. de C. Malet, who ha.* held the oflices for some years. Mr Mulct, who h>is gono into business with a firm of fc-licitors in town, received -a high complinu'iit from the Bench for the manner in which he has discharged his onerous duties during lm term of office. His Honor Mr Justico Johnston expressed, to Mr Malet on hisretirerriea'.hij-in-er* i>nd cordial appreciation of the very valuable services he has rendered the Court Hnd Judge during his occupancy of the offices of Hcgistrar and Sheriff. Bbgistbation ok Elrctobb. —At the meeting of lhe Sydenham Borough Council last evening, a letter wa9 reid from Mr G. L. Lee, Begistrsr of Electors for the Christohurch district, ota-ting, in reply to an enquiry from the (Jc;*, that hu had enrolled the names of 41 ole-lors from the Borough since September last. He also stated that he had the names of about 150 persons, taken from the Jury list und other sources, which he was unable to pW-o on tfn electoral roll on account of tho christian nomes not being in full, and of their being otherwise insufficiently described. Tha Council decided to thank Mr Lee for his information, and strengthened the Committee, appointed afc the previous meeting to secure the registration of electors, by adding the names of Councillors White, Forrester arid Langdown. It was arranged that Councillors Joyce and Hall should attond one night a week at the .Borough offico to tak» t.^.c names of persons wishing to register ; while Councillor? White and Forrester wero to attend for a similar purpose at Addington, and Councillors and Lausdown »♦ w-'»' —

Honoub to thb Bbavb f — " The Canteen. s Mistur Punoh, Sur,— l wright to you as I y knows as ow you wont let the British Army j go for to be slighted ! Not you ! Look ere r Sur! There wos a cbap as oalled imself a 1 speshchul,' as came over to the Afghan Wor. _ Is name ifc wos Archibald Forbes. And wot a did edo ? Wy e saved a kupple of chapß lyves by bynding up thare woundss under [i fyre! Wot o that? B was a Sivilyun? . # Well now I was never under fyre in my I ole life and yet I sports fche Afghan Wor ' Meddle ke vite proper ! But Jam a Sodger and i c arnt ! That makes all the duffrance ! And .' yet this chap — Archibald Forbes — wornts I the meddle two ! I never card such cheke ! And after being mentinned in Dispatches two '. — as if that wornt enuff to sofcusfi fche likes of . c ! But in corse the Sukkatary of Stait for » In jy as refused iml Kevite proper ! Stoopid ! cove, if he wornted tho meddle wy didnt he I ware a red cote ? If c ad ed aad the Wor , Meddle given im lik a burd ! Wots more for saving the livea of them coves c would aye ad t a Wictoria Kross two ! But for a Sivilyun to , arsk for a meddle ! Well I never— its downright stoopid ! — I remain Mr Punch Sur, i yore affeshnuth frende (Signed) Ihomas Atkins }*! his mark. P.S.— I arnt responcibul for the horthoggruffy of the cove who rut this — cos why ! I cant wright or spel miself !" — Punch.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4120, 5 July 1881, Page 2

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The Star. TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1881. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4120, 5 July 1881, Page 2

The Star. TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1881. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4120, 5 July 1881, Page 2


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