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[By TKLuaiiArji.]

AUCKLAND, Oct. 22,

At the Bank of New Zealand half-yearly meeting held to-day, the report sates that the net. pr.ifi'.s on Sept. HO, alter a full appropriation for all debts bad or doubtful, and the iisml reduction on Bank premiers and furniture, aro £7(!,152 ; tho balance from tho half-year ended March 31, ISSO, was £22,185; making n total available for division of £08,337. The following appropriations were recommended — viz., 10 per ccnl. per imr.ini), £50,000 ; a bonus of 5s yvr slmtv, eqtml to 5 per cent, per annum, £25, C00; the Ihliukm* to l.c iiiiricd f,o tlio profit un 1 lj.-is ih-v---uwaiin', i'_'K{37 ; tolal, Jt'.fS^ja?.

Board op Education. — A meeting of the Board of Education for North Canterbury, -was held yesterday, some business of no great importance was transacted, and the Board went into Committee. Kaiapoi Chtxboh. — A lea meeting and bazaar in connection with this Church was held yesterday, and was fairly successful. In the evening the balance of the goods was to be sold, whea no doubt good prices were obtained. Lbeston School. — This sshool has been closed until Monday next, on account of a case of diphtheria having appeared in a house, from n hio'i children attend the echool. The school was cloied on the reoommendation of Dr Chapman. Supbbmb Lotjbt. — The Supreme Court was occupied during the whole of yesterday, ■with tLe case of Young v. Hill and others, which was not concluded when the adjournment took place at about half-past five. It trill be resumed this morning at 10 o'clock. Jubyman Fined. — Mr Henry Thomson, who did not answer when called this morning at the Supremo Court, was fined £5 unless cause is shown. His Honor remarked that though a letter of excuse on the ground of M* Thorns* n's going to Melbourne had been sent to t he sheriff, it would be necessary that eomo in .c i-hould make an affidavit as to Mr Xhom-io'.'n leaving Chriatchurch. SirproaED Accident.— On Thursday night, about « o'clock, the inhabitants of Charles street, Kaiapoi, were Btartled by hearing cries for help, apparently proceeding from the xiTer. Several persons went to the spot to see if there was anyone requiring assistance, I^_J i the i Ties had then ceased, and nothing as to bj teen. There is no one reported fl^Enissing up to the tims our despatch left last -evening. iMPoniBD Stock. — By the s.s. Eotomahana from Hobart Town yesterday, there was a shipment of 27 choice merino rams for Messrs Wilkin and Co. and Mr J. Johnston, of Xaihiku, .by the same steamer. They are from the renowned flocks of Mr John Murray and Mr Joseph Kayne, of South Australia, and were aeleoted by Mr E. D. Long. The sheep arrived in Bplendid condition. Muff Ceiokbt Cltjb. — The annual meeting of the above was held last night at the Commercial Hotel. The report and balancesheet were brought up and adopted. The Committee were appointed as follows for the eusuiug year, viz. : — Messrs Jubal Fleming, S. Manning, Hobday, Messenger, Hale, Judge, and W. R. Mitchell. The first match was fixed for Friday, Oct. 29. A vote of thanka iras accorded to Mr Smith for his services as ' Secretary during the past season. Asiibi'htgn Wheat at Home.— News, says an Ashburton paper, hai (.een received that a punei of wheat shipped by Messrs P. Cunningham and Co. for Mr Hay T Smith and some other Ashburton farmers, Las Tealißed the high price of 52s 6d per quarter. This is quite equal or superior to prices obtained for the best Adelaide wheat, and must be highly encouraging to our farmers, aa it shows the estimation in which New Zealand wheat is beginning to be held in England. Melbourne Exhibition. — Mr J. A. Bird, Hon Sec. to the Local Committee writes : — lt trill doubtless be gratifying to the numerous exhibitors from Canterbury at the Melbourne JSxhibition, to learn from Dr Hector, who has just returned to New Zealand, that all the exhibits had arrived in good order and condition, and the way they were forwarded was to be much commended. Copies of the catalogue of the New Zealand court can be had on application. Chebtsbx Watbb Sebvioe. — Mr E. G. Wright has received the following letter from the Bail way Department : — " Railway Department, Head office, Wellington, Oct. 5, 1880. Sir, — I am directed by the Hon the Minister for Public Works to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 30th ultimo relative to the Chertsey water supply, and to thank you for having brought the matter under his notice. Instructions will be given to have the windmill in question erected at an early date.— l have, &c , W. Webby, Under Secretary for Bailways. E. G. Wright, Esq., M.HJI. Windermere, Winslow, Canterbury." Accu ;-.NT3. — A man named James Beattie, •while w rking at Duncan's founary yesterday, w;s Beiuusly injured by Borne heavy machineiy falling upon him. He was at once taken to the Hospital, where it was found that he had sustained a comminuted fracture of both bones of the left leg, and a simple fracture of the small bone of the right leg, and some severe bruises on the left arm. On Monday last, one of the employees of Mr 3T. B. Pas3more, of Sherwood Estate, was driving a water cart to supply a steam plough, -when he got jammed between the cart and a fence, and the wheel pasted over his ankle. He was at once conveyed to the Ashburton Hospital, where hu is now doing well. A Lonely Life. — In reference to the man removed to the Hospital yesterday from a hut at Middle Park, Mr 0. J. Hill, of Upper RiccartoD. informs us his age is about 21, and he has bd«i nving there about a fortnight. Some week ago, on his applying for water, Mr Hill asked liim about his feet, as he appeared to walk luuk*, also whether he lacked food, and he replied no, moving away while answering the questions. It was only on Tuesday evening taut one of the men lodging at the hut reported to tho manager, Mr Oults, that a man was ill there, bince the above time everything in the way of comforts has been supplied to the patient, apart from the fact of Mr Cutts personally taking the necessary means to secure admittance into the hospital. The neighbours have also contributed. The man seems to. have roughed it exceedingly, and is very reserved. Me Pbocxob. — It is seldom that so much interest has attached to the first appearance of any public man in Christchurch as is the case with Mr E. A. Proctor. His worldwide reputation as a writer on astronomical and other scientific subjects in reviews, books, and encyclopedias ; his brilliant lecturing career iv Great Britain and the United States ; the cordial reception accorded to him during his Australasian tour by men eminent in literature, science, and art ; the fact of the House of Assembly in a neighbouring Colony having adjourned early on two evenings ia order that they might hear him ; and the crowded audiences composed of people belonging to all classes of so ciety which he everywhere attracts combine to render the distinguished astronomer one of the most popular men of the time. Next Monday he -will give his opening lecture in the Oddfellows' Hall, taking for his eubjeot "The Life and l'cath of a World." The course will comprise four lectures, for which the •sale of tickets will commenoe this morning at .Mr Fountain Barber's. Gatiiolic Chtjbqh, Ambeeley. — The ,pretty little church built on the Brackenfield estate, by Mr F. A. Weld, who also designed 'it, ia now in constant use by the Catholics of i the neighbourhood, and the Eev J. N. Binafeld holds regular monthly services there. Jn consequence, a renewed activity has sprung up among the members of that body, and they have set to with a will to complete the; work, which was commenced by Mr Weld in ,#0 substantial a manner. The church itself is built on the Gothic principle, and is capable of -seating about 80 persons in the auditory,. a vestry- being attached at the south side under tha tower. Tho woodwork is of the beat 'description, the whole being well selected 'totara, ; and the inside liniqg is nicely fitted "-..and beaded. The churoh is lighted by .-retained -windows, which Mr Weld imported S , specially i for the purpose. The window atthe least end of the eanctuary ifl a remarkably ihondßoa.a one. The statuettes, which were dlao supplied to Mr Weld's order by the beat jnakera in Munich, are superior to anything to •be seen in the Colony ; and hence the icongregation.have every facility afforded them of thoroughly .furnishing their ehuseh. The lady .members havo taken steps to improve pucb. require attention, and havo recently provided a new carpet for tho sanctuary, uo well .as a new chalieo of .gold and silver. The ohurch has beeu thoroughly renovated (throughout, the altar being decorated witAi suitable ornaments ia gilt .and colour*. lue wori is entrusted to Mr T. Ferrers, of Jffelson, and in a fortnight it is expected that all preparations will be completed. It will bo gratifying to Mr F. A Weld in hi* new licue, to know that the money ho bo liberally" expended on 'his .church, and the interest ho displayed in it, has not been forgotten, bufc that the people of tho neighbourhood are aliv.e to their sense of gratitude to him.

The master of tlio Burnbaui Industrial School whiles to acknowledge, with thanks, the jura of £5 Irom Mr O. Gould, and £2 10a from A Friend cowards tho Hnrmonium Fon'l ; fllso, a tin of aweeta {rojrn Jl r S. Stewart. Two fotlojvinsj mgmbcra of tho Harcwood road C.C. will play iv the match ngainat tho Woodend C.C. on Sati^rd^j- nq.xt, aud are requested fe> bo at the Papanui railway station iv timo to bo by tho first train, which leaves at 7.50 a.m. r^JHossrs E. Bell (captain). I!. Wk "™<, H. Morgan. W.Phtfpott.C. CM-/, it. If. Wilton. D. B«eao, J. Koogo, J. B O p r u V9 'k' l " v 'I' ] "■• ■'•" iro ' nor ' Xi M-z a n«sr,nvl

The following will play for the Addington Cricket Olub on their ground against the Excelsior C.C. on Saturday, beginning at 2 o'olock Bharp :— Messrs E. Beattie, G.Dixon, J. Fiavoll, J. Hopper. T. Hooper, B. Jaokson, Lodge, J. Nevin, Strauge, F. Simpson, C. Taylor. Emergencies —G. Hepworth and M'liean. The following will play for the C.C.C. against tho U.C.C.C. on Saturday next on the ground of tho latter :— Messrs Caygill, Fisher, J. Lusk, D. Lußk, Marshall, Mayne, Turner, Wagstaff, Washer, Wheatley, and Tatea. Another Eleven will also play against the U.C.C.C. on the C.C.C. ground. All members who can possibly do so are requested to turn up. Play to begin at 2 o'clock sharp. A public meeting to consider matters iv connection with the Sheffield and Waddington'sports, will he held at Flanagan's Sheffield Hotel this evening. Tho adjourned meeting in connection with tho North Canterbury races will be held at the Ked Lion Hotel, Eangioia, this evening. A Committee meeting to consider matters in connection with the holdiug of the Kaiapoi sports and horee races will be held this evsning, at tho Kaiapoi Borough Council Chambers. The Rev A. Blake will deliver a lecture on " Ibdia " this evening, in the Bchooltouse, Prebbleton.

Caftan W. J. Barry announces his intention of repsaticg his lecture at tha Kaikainni Hotel, Kaiapci. to-night, at 8 p.m. We have been requested to call attention to the extensive and varied tale of land, to be held at Messrs H. Matson and Co.'s land-rooms tomorrow, at 2 o'clock, by order of the executors of the late T. M. Hassal. As the list of properties to be offered comprise a great variety of oity^ and aubnrban lan Is, selected with great cara and judg. ment, wa expect to >-co some competition at the sale. It ia an unusually good opportunity for persons to invest large or small sums of money, as the time ia very favourable, and the terms ate unusually easy and liberal. The following will reprofent the Bohemian C.C. in their mutch with au eleven of the St. Albans C.C, on the ground of the latter on Saturday: - Wenlock (captsin), Hardie, Jones, Ei chic, Fisher, Woodham, liliridge, Karr, Colea. Sheord, Palmer. and Carlton. The following will represent the Bohemian C.C. in their matoti with an eleven of the Woolston C.C, on the ground of Iho latter on Saturday :— Free (captain), Bowley, Preece, Carr, Wood, Gain, Newman, Puller, Hay, Balfonr, Grossman ; emergency, Pngh. Conveyances for St. Albany and Woolston will start from Gloucester street, at latimer eqnaro, at 1.45 p m. sharp. Tho following will play for the Avonvlle againsi the Stjx C.C to-day :— T. Fletcher. J. Taylor, D. Bucket, J. Hi3lop, E. Hislop, W. Hadarell, Cavaaagh, Eadcliffe, Newman, Pearce, H. G. Ell. Emergencies — Griffin, Mant, Eaphael. Match to be played on Avonville ground, play to commence 2.30 p.m.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 3905, 22 October 1880, Page 2

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THE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. Star (Christchurch), Issue 3905, 22 October 1880, Page 2

THE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. Star (Christchurch), Issue 3905, 22 October 1880, Page 2


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