■* j ''Tnis Dav. '"y-- : '■'->' ■■'* ; '(jßofpfoG. Leslie Leo 'and' R. ( 'J. S. Haftnan| -^ .;,>. -. i . -.. g# '- •■ , '. - . ■ ._■■''■ ' ' ' j li)_itri._CMNNESß. — Michael .Ryan, against whom thero : -wbre r '*abo"i-6 , - , 2b , ''prliv l io'ui( con' potions, promisod to *mfo * OhristbHu'roh 1 at onoo, and waß 'discharged with '& caution.-fr 1 Annio Wharton, bha'rftba Wth' being' drunk • and disorderly in Montroal streot. ori'tfio.previous day, was stated to hayp'bce'ridißChUrged .from gaol only'orT Monday. "Accused "said ] sho had a, situation ', to go to, and the case [against hor was dismissod.-rMai-garpt Shaniion, who had beon sent ' to the Hospital on a)io provious ovening, was not abio to attend '' at the Court. : '"■ ■'■>■ S-. •. i x - > ' ' j Transfer .of , .Licbksb.— Tho liconse of Carl's Empire Hotel was transferred from ; John Carl to Riohard Bichardson. ; ' Breach 01? Hackney, s Cabuiaob ,By-'.-jiAWB.— Mat. Goodyor was "suuimbhbu "for baying acted as the driver of a hackney,car'.•Jago without being duly licensod by tho City 'Council to do bo. Mr. Cowlishaw appeared dnVbphalf of , thb City .Counoil, and Mr Thomas for fcho dofono'o. . Mr Thomaß appliod 'for dn adjournment, (the, summons had been, 1 served only at noon on tlio provious day, itnd, 'thoroforo, time had riot been allowed to seoure „the attendance of tho ' necessary < ( wit-:-jesses." 1 Ho purposed to disputo,.' tho validity qf the by-law> and to argiio that Buch by-law ' was Ultra vires. "Tho man's license had been•taken away without any reason being assigned^" and,"in consequendoi tho man's horses, and ckbs'Woro^yiog idle. Tho Bench, after cod* sulfcatioD,Vadjoufoiod, tho' base until Feb. 9j tho, Resident^. -Magistrate wpuld-havb _|osutt\od liis .sittit-g in this Court.* ',?,'
Star (Christchurch), Issue 3674, 21 January 1880, Page 3
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