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The Star. FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1879.
/ New Railway Exoines. — Instructions have been given to discharge fche two newrailway engines out of tho Piako as quickly as possible. It is probable that an arrangement will be made with the Government fco thoroughly clean the machinery and put it in the same condition as when shipped, the vessel bearing any extra expense incurred. , V-Tna KAirAXOATA Reliei? 'Fund. — Up to /noon to-day subscriptions to fche amount of £2St2 Ws Bd. have been received by Messrs Bird and Paul, on account of fche Kaitangata Relief Fund. In addition to fchis sum, subscriptions have been promised amounting to "£SO. Mr jre Cricket Match. — In is intended to make fche Muff Cricket Match iv aid of the Kaitangata sufferers as attractive as possible. During ths day ifc was decided thafc a meeting should bo held at half-past t to-day afc the City Council Chambers fco make fche necessary arrangements. Arrest. — Catherine Wells, who had been charged with imposing on several persons by means of letters written by herself, aud who did not appear at the Court this morning to answer to her bail, was arrested during fche afternoon in Oxford Terrace. She will be brought up afc the Resident Magistrate's Court to-morrow. Safe Arrival of the Piako—Thanksgiving Service. — At 9.15 a.m. to-morrow a thanksgiving service for fche safe arrival in port of the ship Piako will be held afc fche Addington Immigration Barracks. Ifc is probable thafc the Most Rev tho Primate will officiate, assisted by the Very Rev Dean of Christchurch, and the Rev' Mr Townsend of Lyttelton. Immigrants you Timaru. — By this morning's mid-day train 75 adult immigrants per ship Piako were forwarded to Timaru. A few more for that district; have yet to bo forwarded on. Mr Coxykbs.— Mr Conyers has so far recovered thafc, accompanied by Airs f'onyer.-, be went down by this mornii i-xj.ress train to Dunedin en rou/r- for Q.neon-r.nvn, where he remains a mom li before finally resuming duty. /"Land Sale —Mr E J. T. Kurd hoi I a land 'sale to-day at VIVO. F. Barker's rooms. Six quarter-acre sections of the Hiilinorton csluto j were submitted, and realised an average of j per .-e.rt.ii in. Timaiji; Racks. — Aeceptaners an:' general entries fur the Timaru ruee nutting closo on Sa' urday night, at eitrht, o'elo.-U. Siock. — Mr Knj'n Mnkiiiir Fund was tent away to Wellington liy tho Ea-by ye.-lerdav. (J s mi:., in- it v Tk.m pkkanok Lea gck. — A: (lie meetii.g in St, Fain'? t_ . 1 m i- h to-mnrr nv eVCllillii, in addition U> the • tier speakers, the lion \V. Fox will be pio-enl, ami will deliver an addres-. r Signal tfsus on thk Ukatkcotk — Notice ha- been «i\vn to ii.i-lers of vessels trading to the If at, hoi. , l.iiat on and alter Alaich (j lhe M^tiil balls at the mouth of the driver 'voidil !):■ (limited black as before. 'iHB ItKi EKT AcCIOKXi AT Till Ilo3Pir.\i. —It .appear* inai lhi«re were only two -uen on the .--r-iitlolding which ga\e w»\ »i ibe Hospi;at on Saturday. Tlie other two wen; on lhe i»TOiiinl and so escaped. Th..- na <of those hurt wi re Flank Foster and I >,v i.i Kalvey. .Royal Aouicu.vrißM. S. cikty.— The new central Society is not. piwr s-iujj -o well as was hoped. At a meefins; of the Commit toyesterday, ifc appeared that unit 170 member.had b.i«n enrolled, anil lie.- uiei'tiiiy was anjour.ji d until the number oiiotil-.i incrca-c to 400. Immigrants r^r. !-'in' I'iako. — The Cmi'-felnueh portion ,-'■' lhe-- :iiiiri:^nui!» werij landed yesterdin. t.'de i ..o, an., foiwaro'<cl through to Ad ii . :_>r. when they will b» open for en-,.e,'. .<<■ :<■:■ HtHO a.m. I.i- marrow. The '!' ...- . ./. lio/i werlanded this morniiie. .SiNoay school .•<•;.'. ./; '■■-; - \ m.-eprm of t"i. .'. siioeiation ■'"•.-* ' ■■ '':■:>...* !•• ■>• :,eli nl St. .Mi-liarl's seb ■■-•!!. m.. :■ - •■••lick ].-.-}. liijlht, tint, us, at haii-|i;! •• <■•' ' ! ' c !.. hiding was in darkne-s ai: iUn >;■,'.; .e -i . ', :;!■■-,• who put ill all ll|J|'(-il. ..r: . :•'.,,.<;•. ... - : : ci hollies somewhat tlis-.n i- i"-- .. PHILOSOPHICAL I .'• , ! . . r ; '. i;,> mont.' ly iiicctiiig of tiii^ i' .;'■■ oi'. • ."•■ . ii.-ii tide thi.-. year was held al, .;■• i" d •:. . :.'■'■■<:, <■■ li-! lM^bt. There was a very -n" :..' '.i • oi ineiiibcis. Mr 0. W. Adaiii- v ■ , . ■■; : : j " L'pon a Universal < ode of Sijfirii . ' ! ';ii,,;. . new n.embrs were eleeleU and Ihi... .ill.-. ' njmiiiafed. Cuickkt. — The return unit oh b.-lwee', i,i i Bakers' and Si. Alhan-' (,'nekef (.'iubs wr> played to-day on the A—ooi.ilioi's 'irou.d, and rc-iilted in a vi l«ry lo- Ba!<(;r.-i l>y l:{ runs. Trie howling <>' Dor ot»i. tn - nn llojipcr fur the Baiors and of N< !-• n aii.t Broujihlon for St.. AH-inr-, «a- uon.i. Tise followini! are tho <-i- c- s : — Baki'iv, lir-i iniiiiit's. f/.S ; second, i^o. SI. Alban.-, li .-I, ■St ; see.lid. fit. llllv I'IAKO — Tn COMiee'ioii wi'h t'i.r \i,\ ii.?e, it will ne of inteivM In inelit -on '< lat l'a)it ii'M d stood in lor lllici'li. iio i.'ln (j in Juu.i I 1 !' iiiiih'i;!iaiits de-lii c■• ioe tho |< >• I . an he had "tl iheir Jtljetll'e honjhl 1 1 ; i I.i iTii.-li-lir.-s. ill ajiproaeliii::. ho'.ve., i. i ..i^->oiiUi-ea- J t wind and lhe in- iva-n .. i.i'kne--oC the weather, ma c ivo. ■• c , il iiior. prndi'i.l lo |.i'.C."il.:iii't''i. :i:i'.i |. .-I', shipiil a emir-e for Lyiteltni. / LvrrKi/roN HAuaora :'.omih i»ki-i by Cnn.i.icialile dUcU-i-i-.i. '•• d. (>iiK-e i., Ilarbi. ue Board loeetiio: >•■ '■!.:.:.• a -o t,,. quc-ti'.'ii "i oih. c- tor i i ''..o-d **..,■■.■ • | till! -neni '•••.'.■» rtrlr a.iV n,^ I I .,. j olli.'e siioiiid be a' ' ;•. '' .;• m; 1; - ' wee i oieiily de.-i-oi;.* .!.••' i »; i j sitnaled in i 'lei t.-biif-li. U.i -,v' i. ■■ . j (-.-■olve-.i, <■:- (he mo:i, i - ■••. .| ... j I.?.:!!, t ,jO il; wn- d.-siriL!,' • ••, ;.,.■.• |j. ., j bnt.ll li' lo l.ti'l'.ili a-li-t V'-ii-'Ut lie ....... . 1.;, i | with a v;e.»' to ea't-xii:^ ./.i- . ...,, !',.. .(._ . ( 't'ii'iild ire a .'-v.- i, •,....•" . :, -,-,. .. tnii'ter,. City Guards. —Tlie a->-,v.'l in- .•■■• m -n i *b" Ul>\ l.Tiiar-i- lot I pla-e . .1 | »-.. Drill SiiC.', tinder Niij ,c \\'. ..1., , :,; j>re.-ent. on n. lour if ,n-|. n. in ,ni -I. al; the Middle Island v iinij-odi--. . . ,• • mil-lfM' of 51 of Mil rank-, nn '..■■■• I ';,'.,) ... Ilil'.tkes and Lieut ci ;mi ' t'..i..-. . "u.. Wit hers expressed hi ns.-if •• cv ... ..■'■ ..)■ .,( with ihe lirirelouii Oiill .>• ■ c .'.... ,■_ J This eortiS is (ll'iitJieJ- III): :'-a ^ I I i.i'-- I' tory ill. ml. it , und mv.,> >.■■:■- -\ ,• •••»';!•• 'j '. i'ined i's rank- >■ j'-fe-. :■ .!. t [ arms, but an apj.lic.n.ii :.... o - t :..■.!• j -"ii'iily has bivn tdr«u» ■■'■■■ ' • • *..'■■ .ver»i ment. -\
. Runaway.— A horse, belonging to Mr /Rooks, that was being driven in a double[seated buggy in East street, Ashburton, yesterday, bolted at a furious rate from "the, neighbourhood of the Post-office, and con-i tinued galloping until turning the corner off Friedlander Bros.' store, in Moore streetl when the vehicle capsized, throwing the occu-l pants, Mrs M'Laren and the man who was ' driving, violently out on fche road. Fortunately the lady escaped wifch nothing more than a severe shaking, but the driver had his face severely cut and bruised. The horse and trap were nofc much worse for the capsize. The horse was startled through fche sudden ■ and almost deafening shrieks of the engines when whistling afc fche station and crossings. Too Hoxest to Beg.— Yesterday evening a young man of respectable appearance, with a bundle of bedding on his arms, entered the Police Depot, and asked if he could get a shake down. In reply fco questions he said he had been staying in town during the last few days, but his money having run out he did nofc care to return to his lodgings. He had work to go fco • in the country in the moming, and was anxious to gefc a " shake down," even in one of the cells. He seemed greatly disappointed when he was told he could nofc be accommodated, and stated thafc he preferred walking through the streets all night, to seeking accommodation without money. On leaving, ke observed thafc ib would probably be necessary to commit some crime before he could get quarters for a night in the Depot. Souti. Rakaia. — A meeting to consider the besfc means of raising subscriptions in aid of the widows and orphans of the men killed afc fche Xaitangata coal mine, was held in the Road Board office on Thursday afternoon, Mr C. N. Mackie in fche chair. Messrs C. N. Mackie, J. C. Wason, E. S. Coster, W. Allen, T. Allen, E. Chapman, J. Lambie, J. N. Sharp, Neil Maclean, G. H. Boyd, L. Mangham, W. A. Brown, C. S. Mackie, J. Mann, and the RevH. Collins were appointed a Committee to canvass for subscriptions, and Mr C. N. Mackie was appointed Treasurer. Another Committee, consisting of Messrs J. N. Sharp, Neil Maclean, T. A. Winter, J. E. Makeig, E. Clark, J. Mann, and the Rev H. Collins was elected to get up an entertainment in aid of the funds. A subscription lisfc was handed round in the room and nearly £20 collected. IScarcitt of Tittf-KS. — The scarcity of trucks in use on the Lyttelton wharves formed a prominent feature of discussion at the Harbour Board meeting yesterday afternoon. It was asserted that a large number of vessels were kept waiting a considerable time, owing to the great dearth of trucks for the conveyance of cargo. The Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday last, conjointly forwarded to the Minister for Public Works afc Wellington a telegram, pointing out the delay caused in unloading vessels through fche absence of sufficient rolling stock, and urging upon him the necessity for utilising the existing trucks to a greater extent than was at present dono. In reply to this communication tho Hon James Macandrew yesterday sent a telegram, in which he stated fchafc a number of waggons wero in transition from the North Island, and that a large quantity of railway material was on its way from Home. . The Chairman pointed out thafc a quantity of the rolling stock which was to be sent from the north had been fitted up in the Canterbury sheds, had been senb to Auckland at a cost of £10 each, and were now to be returned afc a similar outlay.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 3403, 7 March 1879, Page 2
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1,673The Star. FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1879. Star (Christchurch), Issue 3403, 7 March 1879, Page 2
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The Star. FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1879. Star (Christchurch), Issue 3403, 7 March 1879, Page 2
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