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r High School Cadets.— The High School (Cadets were iuspected by Major Withers afc fche Drill- shed on Wednesday evening. The arms aud accoutrements of the corps were all in first-class order, and the drill that was gone through, reflected great credit on fche company. Major Withers in the course of his remarks complimented the officers, Capfc. Johnson in particular, upon fche neat; appearance, good behaviour, and the high state of efficiency in which he found the corps, and hoped that they would still go on prospering. UThe following was the muster — 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 1 sub-lieutenant, 2 sergeants, 1 corporal, and 40 rank aud file. Correction.— The caretaker of the Oddfellows' Hall, Mr C. J. Wilkin, is nofc fche person referred fco in a local yesterday as having been summoned, either as defendant or witness, to the Resident Magistrate's Court. Water Supply.— Tho Water Supply Committee of fche City Council was to have met this morning to consider the report of the various engineers, but owing to fche absence of Councillors Ayers (through ill-health) and Wilson, ifc was thought desirable nofc to open the reports, bufc to adjourn the meeting till next day. The Councillors present were Councillors Gapes and Cass. The whole of the reports have been received. Cable. — Ifc is notified at the Telegraph Office that communication is suspended on the overland line. / Harbour Defence. — By fche ship City of ' Quebec there arrived yesterday two 5-ton and [two 7-ton guns for harbour defence purI poses. * North Canterbury Races. — The date of this event has been altered to April instead of Easter Monday, to avoid clashing wifch the Autumn Meeting at Christchurch. Incendiarism. — Owing to the frequency of fires throughout the Colony, the Conference of Insurance Managers now sitting in Christchurch have offered a reward of £200 on conviction of persons wilfully setting fire fco premises in New Zealand. Hereford street Baptist Cnuncii. — There was a crowded congregation last evening in the above church on the occasion of a baptising service. The Roy Chas. Dallaston baptised seventeen persons, nine of whom were males and eight females. / Ashburton County Hospital. — The I Ashburton County Council has approved the plans submitted by Mr Stanley Bruce, a description of which appears elsewhere, and the building is to be gone on with afc once. Ifc will be erected in brick, afc an estimate of £4000. «. Avon Road Board. — Afc the public meeting held at the Avon Road Board offico last f night, the Chairman of the Board (Mr Wilson) intimated fchafc before next; year fche Board intended fco bring into operation the ward system, so that each part of this dis- . tricfc mighfc have its own representative, lie was of opinion that this would facilitate the conduct of fche business. * The Accident on Boaed the Thuniderer. — News by tho Suez mail states that II men were killed by the bursting of the 38-ton gun on board the Thunderer, and 37 wounded. An enquiry into the cause of the accident, held afc Constantinople, established fche fact that the explosion was due to the depression of fche gun iv loading, which caused fche shot to slip forward, leaving a gap of six feet between it and the cartridge. Arrival of the Piako. — Tho Piako arrived yesterday after a delayed passage from Pernambuco. The ship is in good order and all well on board. The Govornmont intend to hold an enquiry into the fire this morning, and no one was allowed fco leave the ship last night in consequence, nor were the Press representatives admitted on board, f Such scanty particulars as were obtainable will be found in our shipping columns. Tho p.s. Lyttelton will run to the ship during the day. Unclaimed Property. — A list of unclaimed property which has come into the l possession of the police during the past few years has been prepared, wifch a view to having fche articles disposed of by public auction. The list compi-ises old hats and other articles of apparol, umbrellas, watches, chains, gold and '' brass rings and brooches, ironware, pocketbooks, purses, &c. There are 14- purses in all, containing sums of money from three halfpence up to 10s. The purses, of course, will be sold minus fche coin, which, unlike ofchor articles of trade, seldom fetches more than its value.
Child Drowned.— An inquest was held at the Winslow Hotel last evening, on fche body of a child aged two years, who was accidentally drowned in a pool of water on the farm of its parent, Mr Houston, of Winslow. A verdict of "Accidental death" was returned. Kowai Rifle Club.— A general meeting of this Club was held afc the Library Hall, Leithfield, on Saturday last, Mr J. B. Hunter in the chair. The meeting was called to consider the advisability of purchasing a further supply of Snider rifles. Ifc was resolved that members wishing to furnish themselves with rifles should send in their names at once, to the Secretary, Leithfield, as the list would close on March 12. / Hospital and Charitable Aid Board — p. lengthy meeting of this Board was held last; "evening, during which fche Chairman made a /statement relative to what had transpired /between the Board and the Medical Staff ! since the special meeting was held. In fche course of the evening Dr Turnbull said the Staff would continue their duties afc the Hospital until the Board had made other A full report appears elsewhere. / Ashley Road, Rangiora. — The residents Jon this road are indebted to Mr W. A. Burfc Ifor a great improvement recently effected in /the railway crossing near Mr Burfc's shed. JThe rails have been protected by wooden j sleepers, and the pathway across has been I entirely re-shingled fco make an easy approach fco the line. In addition, the posts containing the caution to travellers have been removed, and the road is now open. Since a man has I been constantly stationed there on fche arrival lof the trains, the notice boards are no longer \ necessity. The Kaitangata Disaster. — The Mayor of Kaiapoi stated at the meeting of the Borough Council yesterday that a subscription list had been issued in that town. To-morrow evening Miss Robinson's concert, in aid of fche fund, takes place in the Oddfellows' Hall, Lichfield street, and as ifc is under very influential patronage the proceeds should form a handsome addition to fche sum already collected. The Oddfellows have given the use of the ball free of charge. Tub Late Mr E. J. Wakefield. — The funeral of Mr Edward J. Wakefield, who died on Monday, took place afc Ashburton on Tuesday afternoon, and was 4 largely attended. The deceased, who was formerly a member of the St. Augustine Lodge, was followed by a large number of Freemasons belonging to the two local lodges and members of the former lodge. Several of fche principal residents in the town also attended. The procession, on leaving the Church of St. Stephen, was headed by the Ashburton brass band, who played the " Dead March in Saul." The business places in East and Moore streets were mostly closed as fche .procession passed. In the absence of the Incumbent, the Rev W. E. Paige, Mr Joseph Ward, lay reader, conducted fche funeral service.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 3402, 6 March 1879, Page 2
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1,207LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 3402, 6 March 1879, Page 2
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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 3402, 6 March 1879, Page 2
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