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-' - This Day. ZZ'. (Before G. L. Mellish, Esq.; R.M.) ,: Drunkenness. — John Carey was fined 40s ; ..; V. Edward, Goodacre was fined 10s, and costs of cab, Is 6d... A first offender was fined ss, and .costs of cab, Is 6d; James Finn was fined 5s j John Downey, who had been remanded, was stated to have perfectly re- . covered and was discharged. .Transfer op License.— On the application ,of Mr Thomas', the license of the "Borough Hotel was temporarily transferred -from Wm. Power to John Barrett. : Cattle Trespass.— For permitting horses . : and cattle to wander at large, the following persons were each fined 5s : — James Dennot, • J. Millar (2), Geo. Drew, A. Hudson. W. A, Merriman, Geo. Vennall, R. Kingen, Jno. • :. : - TetJey, Wm. Clifford, Jno. Dolah, Jos. Pillow, .;;.• Reuben Butcher, Jno. Morrison. : Miscellaneous.-— Thomas Hazard, charged ■:Z with driving at beyond a walking pace over • a certain portion of the roadway common to ,i. Hereford and Colombo streets, was fined 10s. —Edward George, for causing an obstruction $n the footpath in High street, by allowing a .-; ■: ; jbase to remain thereon, was fined 10s, — John Gomerson was charged with not remaining in ."•:' . attendance upon his licensed vehicle, in the the Hazledean road. The case was dismissed on account of an error in the information. "Neglecting an Order. — Abel Joy was charged with disobeying an order of the Resident Magistrate's Court, whereby he was adjudged to pay 15s per week towards the support of hischildren in the industrial school. Constable Brooks eaid accused even" sold his ■'■-■- spade for drink, and accused in reply said he had plenty of work to go to, and had not a lafcy boric in his'bbdy. ' Why he had contributed nothing for 14 months was that he had jje'en ill, and had been walking abont lppkirig for work. The Bench said the -arrears amounted to £8 ss, Qrdered to pay this sum forthwith. In default a month's imprisonment with hard labour. Abuse.— Henry Dodd, a cabman,; iwas :.'.'.. charged with having. used abusive language to ' "J." J P.' Olliver, at the Railway Station, and with . having prevented him from taking a fare. :Mr Deacon appeared for the defendant. Mr Robinson, who was called by the ''. ZZ complainant, : said that to the best of his belief, the cab he hailed on March 27, was th)} one drivqn by the defendant, Wm, I O'Connor was under the impression that die- ' fendant was hailed. The Railway Constable .said that he had never had cause to complain of the defendant, while complainant had several times. The Bench considered it clear that Dodd was the man hailed, and dismissed the case, with costs, 19s. The same defen/d&n.t was then charged with having used abusive language to J. P. Olliver. A witness • who was called by complainant narrated the conversation he heard, showing that there had been considerable aggravation. The Bench said Dodd had no right to threaten, and do- ■.. ' fendant would only be fined in the nominal sum of Is and costs. Chimney on Fire. — John Green was charged by Louisa Wood with permitting the chimney of his house to be on hre. Accused *. said that the charge was the result of spite ,- *the chimneyhad not been on fire, but they weNrc trying a now range. Complainant then appealed to the constable who had served the summOyiH, creating considerable amusement by her vcblubility. The case was held over for feh.f urther Evidence, and subsequently a witness, wasV at the defendant's house, stated i^]}o3itivfcM that there was no fire whatever. Case dismissed. . * on Footpath. — Henry Dodd was oaaiged with having committed a breach of ■~'"rJhe railway regulations by driving' qn jaj the '/ footpath at the' railway station. The witness \ called was J. P. Olliver, who had been conJ - cerned in former cases. Tho defence was that acoused pulled his horse on to the footpath to avoid a collisi6n, : and that' as it waa the wheel of his cab was damaged. Case dismissed, 'Olliver having been in fault in tho first instance in answering to a wrong hail. Assault.— James Hicks was oharged with
having assaulted Louisa Hall on the night of April 1. Complainant stated that for years she had been living with accused, who had repeatedly assaulted her, and that on this occasion she was most violently beaten. The defendant said he could put up with complainant's drunkenness, but it was her abusive tongue. The Bench said he Lad no right to strike the woman, and fined him 20s and costs 6s 6d. — Wm. Atkinson, a lad, was charged with having assaulted Thomas Johnson, a younger lad, who was engaged with a milk cart. From the evidence there appeared to have been some previous quarrels between the lads. Accused was ordered to pay the costs, 6s 6d.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 3123, 8 April 1878, Page 3
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793CHRISTCHURCH. Star (Christchurch), Issue 3123, 8 April 1878, Page 3
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CHRISTCHURCH. Star (Christchurch), Issue 3123, 8 April 1878, Page 3
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