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• TUo annual moefcingof Oqmm^sionerß^ndor; the •Lio#»»ing'Aot: was, held at tKo 'Resident' Magistrate's dourly at npon today j .present, (^. It; idC^lU^bt-JBIMU. B.M. (Chairman), 0. L. lioo a trod, ,H.., J. .ftan.otyd,,, fiww. "(Opmrni^, sionere),,, ;,'•;. ,■-.-, ■■; •:nv. '■)'-. U <■> .;. ,V, .■•,■•; ".■; J j ..OhrißtiariffJiitfo^.WJitto .■«"s., |beer lioenso, loorner pi . frp.urth Bsreq|i ajt^d;. tfo Walfcham road. Mr- oep. t Harpe;r, . appear^, support of the application. Applioant, j^n; reply, to the Bench, said Jj,o\ had eight boplrd^a, Jn-thq house «nd opuld get a groat . n?any wore. Inspeotor 1 Buokioy,'ih reply to theßenob, srd applioant had only just taken the house, and there had beqn«no oomplaints against it, but there Wore formerly complaints against a boarding house' kepi by Mr Ditf brt ioiah' timi ago. The Ohairman said the house was too near the Wftlthara Hotel, and it would only booomo a sort of harbour, > tbo^pnmber, of whioh lit was undesirable to'ihoroaso 1 . Considoring^all the circumstances the Bonoh thought a licensed house here was not required, and the application would bo refused. — Miohaol Gtooghan, oornor of St Aaaph street and tho Bast Tqwji \Belt. Mr Q-eo. Harper appeared in support of tho application. He said tho house was very large and good, and was now bolng ( used a,s'ft bo^ain#4ious&. ' It was thirty'throtj' chains fromi 'the 'Oaversnam Hotel, and seven toon chains' ttotii ,tho ' 'Eastern' ' 'Hotol. Benbh; oofapid^ed 1 ihis '.rathier oloso. Mr Harper eaid whdn a' lic'onse was . granted, ' to .Brinkman fast year, his houßO was hoxt ; door to a^ h^tel. In.' spootor Buokley eaid applioant bbre'-a'rev speotablo character and thoro twore nooomplaints against the houso, whioh had boon rooontly oroctod, Applioant, in roply to the Benoh, said : ttiore were seven .roomß'in the houao, whioh wf intended oi a boarding house. The application was granted. — Elijah Gfodd, Hillahorbugh. Applioant said there wasa small village within two miles of his bouso,, and jshero, w,as a great deal of work goirigbn in the vlolnty of the house. Tho Benoh did not consider a lioohsod house nooossary at HflUborough, and rofußod the appHoation.-— John Hill/ JEtarpor stroet, Nowtown. Mr Wynn Williams, who appeared to oppose tho application, pointed out that after a careful hearing of ovidenoo, a li^pse ho i been, previously refused for this house, and submittod that thoro was no greater neoossity now than at that time for a lioonsed house. Bfi had witnesses to call, if , tho Bonoh thought iM& show that in their opinion a lioonsod houso would bo a nuisanoe here. Tho Ohairman said the Benoh saw no reason to alter tho dooision thoy had previously ar/ivod at, and the application would therefore be refused. —JohnJohnßton,Oolombostreot,Ohrißtohuroh. Mr Geo. Harper appeared to support the ftppHoation. ;Ho said' tho building, whioh was quite now, and at present used as a storo, but the applicant would bo propared to close the sfcoro v a lioenso was granted. Inspector Buokloy, in reply to tho Bonoh, said there was no objection against tho house, oxoopt that it had not tho roquisito numb'or of rooms for* an hotel lioonso, and was only oanvassod and papered inside, not plastered. Applioant said ho would havo tho houso plastored throughout, if required, and would also provide what; over additional rooms were required. Inapootor Buokloy,. in reply to tho Benoh, stotod, tho house was just outside tho railway gates. Tho Ohairman said the Bonoh had set thoir face against granting lioonses to housos lined with canvas and papor instoad of boing plastered. Applicant repeated that ho would have the rooms all plastered if necessary. The Ohairman said the Benoh would not grant a lioonso to tho houso in its ; present state, but if tho house was put int ) S roper order, and tho rooms, iooreaaod, tho lonoh would bo preparod horoafter to oonsidor an application favourably.-^-Mark Soott,; South Malvern. Mr Thomas appeared ia support of tho application. He submitted plans of a hpuso now in prooosß of erection, and aaiditwjfissifcuatodafc apoint on Jho railway, where the Bonoh would romombor that travellers, from want of other aooommodation, had* botftt oonitfMed to Bleep in railway oarriagoB v
Sergt. Burtenshaw, in reply to the Bench, said the framework of the house was already up. The Bench granted. the lioense, subject to the house boing in a propor state for publio accommodation before the lioense was issued. — John Thomson, Colombo street, Christohuroh. Mr Garriok appeared in support of tho application. He said the house now oontained twelve rooms, and submitted a plan of additions whioh applicant was about to have carried out. The Chairman said tho Benoh had already engaged to ooneidor an application by John Johnston on the other side of the railway gates, provided he carried out certain improvements before the next qmarterly meeting. Mr Garriok asked if the Bench would allow the question between the two applicants to be deoidod by whoever provided the best accommodation. The Chairman : And tbus ruin the two men, Mr Garriok. Mr Garriok : Not ineccssar'ly your Worship. Inspector. Buokloy, in roply to tho JkJenoh, said if a lioonso was granted to Mr Joßns&nLi) license^ house ab Mr Thomson's plaoe-%ould not b» | neoeseary, the more so as it was not— far jErom the Prinoe of Wales or the. Grown, Hotels. The Benoh tofok ithe> .Iflkme' view of the application and .-refused, it. John Mumford, confectioner, corner of Madras street and South Town Belt. Mr Wynn Williams appeared in support of the application, and said the house would be a 'groat convenience to people passing to and from the railway. He also stated, that Jrispeotor Buokley, who , had examined the , applicant's' promises, could speak as to jts. •adaptability to the purposes of a wine and !beor Jiconse. <Ehe > shop was even now much fnquentod by persons for refreshments, and the want of a,Hoense to supply wine and beer with tho oonfeotionery applicant now sold had been greatly felt. The Benoh said it appoared that applicant carried on the business of a general store. Mr Williams said this would be discontinued, and the rooms (used for refreshment purposes.. , The Chairtoan said the'ro was no plaoe at the station for obtaining refreshments of this kind, and » wino'and blor lioense in the Vicinity was perhap? desirable, but tho Benoh,' before granting one, would require to see r proper iaccommodation provided for females, and the application would bo , adjourned for a fort* night to enable applicant to, show by plans •what ho woyld bo prepared to do in the way of improvements. . ' , . CONFIBMATXOK OF TBAN6FEBB, — Joseph Hale, Oaversham Hotel, to Edward Ravenhill ; confirmed. ' William Harris, Riooarton Hotel, K'coarton, td Peter Pryde ; ooaflrmed. John Komjjington, Rising Sun; Caledonian road) to Ffanois Irines; confirmed. 0. F. Monop, Viotorian Hotel, Market place, Christchurch, to Joseph Morlipg/ confirmed. Mf';oolm M'OeUum, New Brigh>n Hotel, New (Brighton, ;to Louisa Oratu; confirmed. Thomas. Pyett, Suffolk Restaurant, , to J. Brood bolt j confirmed. Henry Sawtell, Attornoy fop Charles T/uokle, tho Albion, Qolorabo etroot, Edward Maples; confirmed. — T. B. Thompkine, trustee of the lato W. Priston, Borough Hotel, High street, to Alioia Prieton ; confirmed. John A. Sorwell, Selwyn Hotol, to James Woods, Junr ; confirmed. ."'■X\V \.vf-! Q.Y'.*. .. : Renewals. — William Adams, Wind whistle Houso, Rakdia ; granted' with a caution to Improvo his stable aocoramodatjon.— Heni/ (Allan, Gol^6n Age, > Opiomßo v street. No objeotion; granted.-^J. 'W. Anderson;Preb■bloton Hotel, No objeotion ; granted.— John JBlako, A.I. Hotel, Colombo eireet. ' No fobjeotioja- j granted.?— John Bwlov. Papapuv <Hotel, No objection ; granted.— John Barrett, {Devonshire. Arms, Darham and, Peterborough 'streets. MrThoma9appeared for applicant. In* jspector Buckley said the framework of 'a very (large building, to replace the old hotel, was up j 'that a largo cellar had been constructed, and tho bar had been removed to another portion' of tho section, where business would be oarrieot < on until, the Jiew premises, were completed, i The' license was granted. 1 ' John ' BayleeJ Criterion, Glauceßter i street, No, objeotion i, j granted.— G-iorgo Beatty, Q.C.E., Gloucester • street. Inspeotor Buckley caid a better : l^uildipg , ..w,o»: , wanted, .here as .the bouse. :waß not up to the present age. Mr I Beatty had, however, informed him that he [was. about to ereeb a new building, , Mr, ! Thomas confirmed this. The Benoh granted the application; at the same time recommendi ing Mr Thoraa 1 to inform Mr Beatty that a hatter house was required for the Hoent?. — J. Hi Bailey, Duriiandel Hotfll, Dunsandel. No objeotion ; granted. — Thomas Broadbelt, Suffolk ReatauramV Armagh street. No objeotion ; granted.— Edward Brinkman, Keodal House, Peterborough street. No objeotion {granted. —Frederick Benham, Kowai Pass. No objectidn; granted.T-JameSi Boot, confeotionerV High street. No objeotion ; granted. — W. T. Baugh, Collins Hotel, Hereford street. No objeotion ; granted.— -Joseph Coles, Wharf Hotel, Woolston. No objeotion 5 granted. — John Collier, White Swan, Twam stroot. No iqßjjfeHbni granted.— Joseph Oatohpolo, Butnbam. ' The house having boon destroyed by fire, and the applicant arrestiod 1 for arson, the application fell through. — John Carpenter, Waltham Arms, Waltham. Granted with a caution to applU cant to hare certain painting done upstairs.— John Cooko, Hororata Hotel, Hororata. No objection; granted. John Carl, Empire Hotel, High street. No object 'on; granted. —Joseph' Dann, Oxford lie 61, Colombo street. No objootion ; — Robert ( Dee Jy, Oou.ienay Hotel, Ha'kett. No objection ; granted. — Elizabeth Fuohs, Wellington Hotel, Tuam street. No objeotion; granted.— John Fox, Prinoe of Wales Hotel, Colombo street. No objeotion; granted.— James Feather, Britannia Hotel, Lincoln road. No objootion; g.-ntod. An application to alter tho nnmo of the house to Feather's Hotol, was cUp granted.— Bobert Fenton, Hoathobte Arms, ferry Boad. Mr Thomas appeared in support of the application. Tire Bench said the improvements which applicant previously undertook to carry out had not been done. Mr Thomas said this was owing to the fact that applicant was unable forj a long time to obtain' a title to the ground on which the house wai erocted. x'his difficulty had, however, been recently overcome, and measures were now m I progress for carrying out tho improvements at onoo. Tho application «ai yljourned for a fortnight, with a view to seeing what progress applicant made with the improvements in the meantime.— George Glansford, Castle Hill, West Coast road. No objeotion; granted.— Alfred Gee, confectioner, Colombo street. No objeotion ; granted.— John Garland, Railway Hotel, Mtinbhester street. No objection* granted.— Henry Garland, White Horse Hotel, Tuam street. No objeotion; granted.— Bobert Geddes, Rotherfleld Hotel, Oashel street. No objeotion ; granted.— Jesse Hall, Ecstern Hotel, East Town Belt. No objeotion; granted.— James Hurst, George Hotel, Bakaia. No objeotion ; gMnted;--G«orge |Hutohin«, Porter s Pass Hotel, West Coast road. No objeotion) granted.— E, V. Biowtt. Cenbtal
I Hotel, Colombo street. Noobji-tron; g.a"?t — Joseph Hadfield,theSbr -Us, tterefoiistro* No objection ; granted. — Henry ilaaurell, Market Hotel, Market Plae«. No objection ; gfjoted.— Bjwland F. ' I Hub Co* note), Oxford teriioe. No objction; g-.nt : I. An application to have tne name of the home altered to the British Hotel was also granted. — Francis Innes, Rising Sun Hotel, Caledonian road. No objection j granted.— F. King, junction Hotel, Whately road. No objeotion { granted.. — Christian F ingenstein, Marine Hotel, Sumner. Inspector Buckley said a quantity of tho woodwork in the interior required varnishing. Mr Thomas, who appeared * for the applicant, a'aid if the Bench considered it absolutely necessary for the work to be done, applicant would certainly attend to it. The Bench granted the license with a recommendation that the woodwork preferred Ato> should be varnished.— William Kirkwood, Boyal Hotel, Oxford terrace. No I (TbJ&cfioti^ granted —Wo. Let ford, Addingfieri. INb objection; granted. — Bobert Little, -33Ueemere Arms, Tai Tapu. The Chairman Said, there had been a disturbance in the house liuri»g\whioh a man, whs was used by appli- >< mr & most unjustifiable manner, had several of his ribs broken, end to *.y the ler it a strong caution should be administered to applicant. Mr Thomas said applicant had already paid severely for the affair. The Chairman said that was quite true, but it became a question whether a man who* acted as the appliomt had done should hold a license. After some consideration the Bench granted the license, with a caution to applicant not to act again as he had done in: the matter under notice. — J. W. Morton, Morton's Hotel, High street. No objection; granted. —Philip Martin, Black 1 Horse Hotel, Lincoln, zoad. No objection ; granted. — Edward Maples, Aibion Hotel, Colombo . street. . , , No , objection ; granted.— William ' Mantes, Garrick Hotel, Colombo street. No objeotion; granted.— Joseph Moiling, Victorian Hotel, Colombo street. No objection °; granted. — D, M'Guinness, Foresters' Hotel, Oxford Hotel/ Oxford! Terrace east. No objection j granted. — Edward Ravenhill, Caversbam Hotel, Madras street. No objection ; grant 1. —Louisa dram, New Brighton Hotel, New Brighton, 2fo objection ; granted.— Thomas Pyett, Golden Fleece Hotel, Colombo street. No objeotion; g. int. I.— George Plummer, Carlton Hotel, Papwaui ro; 1. No objection ; granted., — WiUiam Power, Bealey Hotel, West Coast ro: 1; No objection ; granted.— ' Peter Pryde, Biccarton Hotel, Biccarton. No objection ; granted. — John Paynton, New Brighton. No objection ; granted.— Alioia Kate Priston, Borough /Hotel, High '■, street. ,No objection ; granted. — Alfred j Ring wood, Pro vinoia 1 . Larder, Cashel street. No objeotion; granted. — Mary Ann Rule, Cave Book Hous,e',Sumner. No objection; granted.— Charles Bedfern, Junction Hotel, Kowai Pass. Mr, Thomas" said ha had been requested by residents in the neighbourhood to call ..the attention of the Bench to the fact that a retail s*- >re was carried o j on the hotel premises. Applicant said he had been winding ,up the affairs of the store for some time, and Would shut it up at jhce If tho Bench desired it. : The Hoense was granted, subject to the store being discontinued. — George Bogert, George and Dragon Hotel, Temple* m No objection ; granted.— Thos. H. Banger, Bolleston Hotel, Bolleston. No objection ; granted. — James Stevenson, Wheat Sheaf Hotel, Shands Traok. Mr Thomas appeared for the applicant. Inspeotor Buckley said it would be. .advisable, for, applicant to b« cautioned, to ascertain more carefully the condition of persona before, supplying them with., liquor. There had been a complaint of a man being robbed of £5 in the house, and the> premises generally were in need of repair. Applicant ! was severely cautioned on these po ; its, after 1 whiob the license war granted. — Dona'd Su> therland, Jnnction Hotel, Biccarton roc 1. No objection, granted. — W. B. Smith, Crown r Hotel, South town belt. No objeotion, granted. — B. Searle, Cass river. West Coast road. No objeotion jgranUJd.-^J. H. BluW, 1 Perthshire , Arms, Lincoln. No objeotion j granted.— J. O. Sheppard, White, Ha; Hotel, H-b street. *Nb obje6t!6n| granted. — W. Simmons, Warwick Hotel, Casnel street. No objection ; granted.— T. B. Scirt, B.l'.miJ* Hotel, Whateley road. No objection; g.*antxl.— J. W. Smith, Valley Hotel, He ithcote Vr"ey. Inspector Buckley repoiied that the premises generally were in a bad state of repa ; r. The Chairman said the license would be g. -nted on condition that the house was put into better re- • pajr.— Mary Scbluter, Sumner Hotel, Sumner. Noobjeotiou; granted.-- W. Bohmidt,B«rrett'« Hoiel,' Madras street. No objeotion ; ffrr •»♦ A. — W. Seabrighfc, Zetlnd Arms, Qashel street. No objeotion ; granted.— Henry Smith, Courtenay Arms, North road. -No objection ; granted.— Wm. Savage, Scotch Stores, High street, No objeotion; granted. — T. B. Thompkins, Provincial Hotel, Cr:hel street. No; objeotion ; granted.— Samuel Treleaven, Bridge Inn, North/ ro»d./ No objection,* granted.— ]?.W.Thsele#s for! .J. W. Oratn, City Hotel, High street; no objection ; Santed.-r-Ir. J. Williams, ,Wbiteelff'B Hotel* alvern; no objeotion; V anted. — George Willis, Bv'way **o* 1, Me vem ; no objeotion i granted. —J. Woods, jun., Selwyn Bridge Hotel, Selwyn ; no objeotioa ; granted. —Jacob 8. Wagner, Clarendon Hotel, Christ' ohuroh ;. no objection; granted.— John Wild, Bawyer'§ AnnsHotel, Paptmul j no obje&Jon; granted.— W. F. Warner, Warner's Ho 4 )l, Cathedral Square j no objection} granted.— W. 0. Webb, Bush Inn, BicearUm ; no objeotion ; granted. . • > ", . ■ " ' , ■
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 2559, 6 June 1876, Page 2
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2,600LICENSING COURT. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2559, 6 June 1876, Page 2
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LICENSING COURT. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2559, 6 June 1876, Page 2
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