COMMEMORATIVE BANQUET. The festival of the Patron Saint of Ireland was commemorated in Christchurch by Irishmen of all shades of opinion and others yesterday, and the proceedings were marked by a warmth of good feeling which contrasted favourably with any previous demonstration of the kind, causing everything to pass off wifch decided eclat. Two public dinners were held, and the more important of these was afc the Foresters' Hall, where differences were laid aside, and common cause was made in doing honour to the greafc national festival of Old Erin. The second dinner was arrangod under the auspices of the Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society, and took place in. the Barbadoes street schoolroom. Here also the spirit of enthusiasm was of the warmest nature, and the Catholics mustered • in strong force. The dinner at the Foresters' Hall may, without doubt, be classed amongst tho most successful of such gatherings that have yet occurred in Christchurch, the only regret being thafc the seating accommodation was nofc ! more extensive. The committee had worked zealously, and with such j udicious effect that ! the demand for tickets was far in excess of the supply, for as tho Odd Fellows' Hall could not bo obtained for the dinner the num--1 ber issued had to bo limited to the accommodation afforded by the Foresters' Hall, and this could not be done without disappointing a great many residents both in Christchurch and the country districts. More than a week ago the Dinner Committee found it necessary , to recall all undisposed-of tickets from tho country districts, and at noon on the 16fch i they found themselves reluctantly compelled i to announce that there were no more tickets for sale. As it was, the hall was crowded almost to inconvenience, about one hundred and forty sitting down. The same care which characterised the preliminary arrangements was extended to the preparation of the hall for the dinner, and the result was exceedingly good. The walls being low render the task of decorating the hall at any time a work of difficulty, bufc this was never more successfully overcome than on the present occasion. At the south end — over the principal tible— the words " Cead Mille Failtho," which reduced to English means a " hundred thousand welcomes," were displayed in large letters made of various coloured roses, and underneath was a stag's head shrouded in evergreens, with a red ensign below, having a harp — tho national symbol of Ireland — worked upon it in greenery and flowers. Flags were draped around the side walls in tasteful vaj.riety, and above thera a heavy, rich-looking band of greenery toi toi and flowers was carried around the hall. Over the main entrance there was a flag with two lions and the motto L' union fait la force, while on each side of tho flag was a large star formed of roses in (which the colours were artistically intermixed. There were threo tables arranged longitudiInally in the hall, with the principal table at ; the South end, raised to an elevation of about ! two feet above the others. The tables were : liberally furnished, flowers and brilliant lightI ing being provided. The tout ensemble waß I very rich and imposing. The floral letters jand stars, ifc should bo said, were tho work of Mrs F. W. Thielo and. Mrs Grey, while the framework of the harp had been mado by Mr Quinlan, and decorated by the ladies previously mentioned. i Mr Ringwood, of the Provincial Larder, was the caterer on the occasion, and notwithstand- | ing the large number of guests, his exertions \ gave the most complete satisfaction, alike to I the Dinner Committee and the general com■pany. The wines, &c, were supplied by Mr J. Baylee, of the Criterion Hotel, and he acquitted himself with the greatest satisfaction. A new feature was introduced into the proceedings — a copy of the toast list being printed ' and placed in the hands of every guest. This | arrangement was found fco bo most convenient, : as every member of the company was enabled Ito see at a glance what toasts were to be pro- ! posed, what songs to be sung, and what responses to be made. The gallery was filled by ladies. The chair was occupied by Mr C. C. Bowen, R.M., who was supported on his right by his Honor Mr Justice Gre.son, Mr W. Reeves, M.H.R., the Hon. Col. Brett, Mr Ormsby, M.P.O, and on his left by his Honor the Superintendent, Mr Maude, (Secretary for Public Works'), his Worship the Mayor of Christchurch (Mr M. B. Hart), Mr J. W. White (Crown Prosecutor), Timaru. The vice-chairs wero filled by his Honor the Deputy-Superintendent (Mr R. J. S. Harman), Mr W. Montgomery (President of the Provincial Executive), and Mr T. I. Joynt (Provincial Solicitor.) Mr Harman was supported on his right by Mr George Gordon (Town Clerk), and on his left by Mr E. S. Wilcocks (Registrar of the Supremo Court.) Mr Montgomery was supported on his right by Mr J. M. Smith, and on his left by Mr C. A. Pritchard. Mr Joynt was supported on his right by Mr A. C. Cottrell, Solicitor, and on his left by Mr William Wilson. Mr C. Oakes presided at the Piano. On the removal of the cloth, the drinkng of toasts was immediately proceeded with. The Chairman proposed tho toast of the " Queen," which was drunk with the greatest enthusiasm. Piano — "God Save the Queen." Solo — i Mr J. Carder and chorus by the company. The Chairman then proposed " Tho Prince of Wales and the reßt of the Royal Familyi" The toast was most enthusiastically drunk. Piano — " God Bless the Prince of Wales." The Chairman next proposed " The Army, Navy, and Volunteers." The toasfc was drunk in fche most enthusiastic manner. Piano — " Rule Britannia." Solo —Mr Carder.
The Hon. Col. Brett (who was loudly cheered) responded in a handsome speech, in which he bore testimony to the services I rendered iby Irish regiments to the British Empire. , The Chairman next proposed " His Excel- , lency the Governor," which was drunk with . all the honours. ', Piano — "The Campbells are coming." Song—" The Bonnie Hills o' Scotland," Mr Quinlau. Mr A. Ormsby, M.P.C, proposed " The General Assembly," coupled with the name of ' Mr Reeves. The toast was drunk with great enthus iasm. Piano— "Railway Galop." Song — "The Soldier" (Lover), Mr J.-. , Cirder. Mr Reeves, M.H.R., responded. The chairman then called on Mr Wm. Wilson to propose the next toast. Mr W. Wilson said: The toasfc which I have fche honour fco propose to you is that of i his Honor the Superintendent — a toasfc i which through a long series of years has mii valuably met wifch a hearty response at the , hands of every public meeting wherever his Honor's health has been proposed, and will, I ■ am sure, be not less heartily responded to on this occasion by the warm-hearted sous of the Emerald Isle. His Honor's Government has through a period of years gradually raised the province from depression to a position of greafc prosperity, and now thafc he is likely to enter upon a renewed four years' tenure of oflice, we are justified in assuming that the same high • degree of prosperity will be continued. The province at this moment possesses compara- , tively vast resources with which to carry on | public works and open up and foster the developraent of numerous latent sources of I wealth, thereby giving a new impetus to - local industry — to trado and commerce, and consequently to the general progress of ; the prosperity of the province. lam also, I ; find by the programme, to include in my toast, " The Provincial Council." Whether that means tho past Council or tho one about to be elected, or the present Executive, I am not wholly certain j I will, however, get over tho difficulty by saying a kind word for each. Our past Council was a good one, and faithfully served the best interests of tho province; the new Council about to bo elected we hope will possess equal talent, and be equally devoted to promoting the prosperity of the country, and now with refereuce to the remarks of ono of the preceding speakers, that Sfc. Patrick, was an Irishman. I beg to be allowed humourously to differ. St. Patrick, I can easily prove, was a Scotchman. (Laughter.) Born in the town of Kirkpatrick, in Galloway.near where I came from, and where, in my younger days, I have often been, and have repeatedly seen the well of St. Patrick, and had the ruins pointed out o£ fcho houso in which he. was said to have been born. His eminent virtues as a saiut secured for him the attention of Ireland, which at this timo was overrun with venomous reptiles, which the. people of Ireland were unable to destroy. They therefore sent ovor for St. Patrick, hoping that his saintly prayers might remove tho causes of their trouble. The means he. adopted were said td have been effectual in freeing the country from one of its greatest annoyances. St. Patrick, however, found the country so pleasant— the whisky so good»— and fcho .girls.' so handsome, that he was never able afterwards to leave the country. (Laughter.). Scotland therefore was- "the country of his birth, Ireland! finding him a. grave, both nations claiming a like interest; in his nationality. And nov/, gentlemen, if you, ask why did I, as a Scotchman, undertake to propose this very important toast in tho midst of a meeting of Irishmen, I will tell you thafc I spent five of the very happiest years of my life at Pareonstown, in the King's County, in Ireland, in fche service of tbe late Earl of Rosse, as his land steward and gardener, a nobleman who enjoyed for several yeara the proud position of President of the Royal Society of England, and one whose name will ever be honourably associated wifch the advancement of astronomical and mechanical science. I will give you, gentlemen, if you please, tho toast of " His 'Honor the Superintendent and tho Provincial Council," coupled with the names of his Honor and Mr W. Montgomery. Tho toast was drunk amid loud cheers. Piano — " Come into the Garden, Maud." His Honor tho Superintendent was loudly cheered on rising to respond. His Honor, ih responding to tho toust, paid a high compliment to Mr James Edward FitzGerald for the services he had rendered to fche province in days gone by. (Loud cheers.) Mr Montgomery, with whose name the toast was likewise coupled, also returned thanks. Song — "Larry Doolan " — Mr J. Booth. His Honor the Superintendent then proposed the toast of " The Mayor and City Council." The toast was drunk with all the honours. ' Piano—" The Rakes of Mallow." Song— "Pat Murphy "—Mr R. O'Connell. His Worship the Mayor was received with cheers on rising to respond. His Worship made a most business-like speech, in the course of which he stated that it was his intention to do all ho could to improve the condition of the city. (Loud cheers.) Mr C. 0. Bowon, R.M., on rising to propose tho toast of the evening, was received " with I immense cheering. He said : I have now to propose tho toast of the evening — "Our Native Land." In a company like this, lam not going to dilate upon the ordinary sentiments which are suggested by such a theme. • It will be far better to leave undisturbed by such common places the tender recollections that arise at the mention of our early homes ; and while bearing testimony to the inspiring effect which such memories leave, we ought to brace ourselves to consider how far we may still rejoice that we havo not loßt our country, although far from the land of our birth. (Oheers.) What we have lost — what "old associations have been' : broken vp — what traditional memories hare 1 waned way (tin tb,e fierce eagerness of colonial
life we know too well. But it is good for us to consider, too, what we have gained, and how far we may enjoy the advantages of a new country without losing those which were our birthright in the old. (Loud cheers ) lam especially glad to be here to-night in an assemblage which represents every phase of opinion in the old country — (hear, hear) — because such a gathering is a proof that all of us havo learned something through the larger educat on which ehangeß of life and scene must bring. (Cheers.) How happy it would be for our countrymen at home if their minds could be for a time weaned from brooding on traditions of ancient feuds and ancient wrongs, and bent on the practical improvement of their country ! (Intense cheers.) It is wonderful how Bmall and petty some of tho causes of strife appear when they are looked at from a new point of view, and with a larger prospect spread before: our eyes. Although we are far away from our j native land, we have not lost our ancient citizenship — (cheers) — and we are, perhaps, more ready, from our experience, than we were before, to realise the privileges of belonging to a great empire. (Renewed cheers.) Patriotism — real patriotism — is a noble and soul-inspiring virtue, but it may be, and has been, narrowed into a very ignoble prejudice. Englishmen, Scotchmen, Irishmen, who have never seen anything of other lands besides their own are are too apt to consider it patriotic to despise all outside their own borders; even to despise — or pretend to despise their own fellow-countrymen who happen to live in distant parts of the great Empire. It was such narrow patriotism as this that made the glory of Greece so short-lived, notwithstanding the brilliant — the immortal genius of one of its jealous littlo stales. It was a larger and nobler patriotism that made Rome mistress of the world, and enabled her to stamp the impress of her slower but more solid genius on every country then known. To come •to our own day, ifc was a larger and nobler patriotism that led tho various states of America, differing as they do in history, in origin, and in interests, to sacrifice everything else in tho late war for tho maintenance of unity. (Cheers.) Nor is such patriotism inconsistent with the most intense love for the special native land to whicli eacb person may belong, for a wholesome pride in the native land is best shown by a generous rivalry with those born in the other parts of tho Queen's Dominions. (Hear, hear, and cheers.) Have Irishmen any reason to be ashamed of the part they have taken in tbo building up of tho British Empire ? Have they any reason to complain that they are unable to obtain a fair share in its struggles — in its victories — in its honours ? What need is there to multiply examples ? We cannot but remember that at the great crisis in the fate of Englaud and of Europe, the most eloquent voice in tho British Parliament was thai of Edmund Burke. (Cheers.) And thafc on the day big witli the fate of Europe — the day that " shook the spoiler down," a Wellesley commanded the armies of England. (Cheers.) And now when the value of the dependencies and colonies of Great Britain is beginning to be understood afc last, who are fche men representing the sovereign power ? Ifc is bufc yesterday that Great Britain and her colonies were mourning the death of that high-spirited Irish statesman, Lord Mayo, who wielded bo ably as Viceroy the sceptre of the Great Indian Empire. Who are to-day tho Governors of the greatest Colonies ? I think it may be said that the first colonies in rank are Canada, Victoria, and New South Wale 3. Well, the Governor-General of Canada is Lord Dufferin — he is an Irishman. (Cheers.) Tho Governor of Victoria is Sir George Bowen — he ia an Irishman. (Renewed cheers.) The Governor of New South Wales is Sir Hercules Robinson, and he is an Irishman, too. (Great cheering.) In a settlement liko Canterbury, whose founders were led by a Godley and a FitzGerald, it is unnecessary todwollupon the earnest part taken by Irishmen in the work of colonisation. Looking back, it may be from time to timo with a melancholy yearning for tho old associations, yet never losing heart., wo understand that; though the colonising generation must over havo two home3 — tbat of ita birth and that of its adoption — the duty of every man is first of all to the country in which hislotis cast. .(Cheers.) It would beapoor tribute to tbe land of our birth to show ourselves useless in the land of our adoption. (Hear, hear.) From century to century peoDle of different nationalities havo met in Ireland, but their descendants are now all Irishmen and Irishwomen. So, different nationalities are meeting now in New Zealand, and their descendants will all bo New Zealanders. (Cheers.) Let us take care what blood is now infused into tho growing nation, and that only the noblo races may, so far as we can help it, be tho progenitors of the future New Zealanders. (Renewed chcors.) As Irishmen, without losing their love of native land, are members of the great British Empire ; so may our children, while loving tho land of their birth, never be narrowed by insular prejudices or by the petty conceits naturally engendered in a small state. (Hear, hear, and cheers.) Let us hope that, fortunate as ourselves, our children and our children's children may be citizens of a world-wide Empire, — and that moro fortunate than us, they may be able, without leaving their father's home, to toast their native land. (Loud and prolonged cheering.) The toast was drunk amid the most intense enthusiasm. Piano — " Erin, My country," the company standing. 'Song— "Tho Tippcrary Men," Mr Grey. Eucore, "Tho Dutchman's Wee Dog." .-His Honor the Deputy-Superintendent (Mr '&.. J. S. Harman) was loudly cheered on rising to propose the toast of "The Patron Saint of Ireland." Ho said ho felt himself in a position of considerable difficulty, inasmuch as what he had intended to say had already been said by previous speakers. Ho would not therefore recur to what had been already said on tho subject of the Patron Saint. Ho thought there could be no doubt whatever
tbat Sfc Patrick was in his time a great coloniser. His influence was still pervading llie Irish people. (Loud cheers.) He thought thafc warm-heartedness was a characteristic of Irishmen and Irishwomen — (cheers) — and he was glad to see so large an assemblage present on this occasion to celebrate the national anniversary of their country. (Cheers.) He had great pleasure in proposing the toast of " The Patron Saint of Ireland." (Loud cheers.) The toast was drunk with all the appropriate honours. Piano — "Patrick's Day." Song— "The Dear Little Shamrock," Mr Gerald Wontner. His Honor Mr Justice Gresson was received wifch loud and prolonged cheer 3 on rising to propose the next toast. His Honor said — Mr Chairman and Gentlemen, — The toasfc which has been entrusted to mo is, " Irishmen at home and abroad." The subject is so fruitful, and I am ao conscious of my inability to handle it as it deserves, that I am almost tempted for th» first time in ray life to regret that lam an Irishman. I shall nofc venture upon the troubled sea of Irish politics, bufc shall content myself with showing, as I think I shall be able to do, that Ireland, notwithstanding the many disadvantages under which she has laboured, from the poverty and discomfort of the larger portion of her inhabitants, as well as from other causes, ha 3 produced her fair proportion of distinguished men — (loud cheers) — and that not only in one particular line — as generals, for inßtanee — but also of statesmen, scholars, orators, lawyers, painters, and authors. (Renewed cheers.) Even in the higher branches of science — astronomy, for example — we have Lord Ro9se, Sir Wm. Hamilton, and others who have mado themselves renowned. (Cheers.) Foremost amongst generals we of course claim the Duke of Wellington, " fche vanquisher of the vanquisher of the world " ; and with him his gallant companions in arms, Sir Fredk. Ponsonby, who did such good service afc Waterloo, and Sir Wm. Napier, the author of " The Peninsular War " ; Lord Gough, the hero of Moodkee, Ferozesha, (it is a hard word to pronounce — laughter) — Sobraon, and Googerat, who thrice received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament for his services in China and India — besides many others too numerous to mention. (Cheers.) Of statesmen and scholars, who more eminent tban Edmund Burko and Lord Wellesley. The latter, in the judgment of Dr Goodall, the well-known master of Eton, a better Greek scholar than even the famous Porson. (Cheers.) We also claim with pride the Lawrences, those distinguished brothers to whom India owes so much at the mo3t critical times of her history, one of whom, the Governor-General of India, was succeeded by another Irishman, the late lamented Lord Mayo. (Cheers.) Canada also owes to Ireland her present mo9t popular Governor, Lord Dufferin. (Renewed cheering.) We are rich in orators. Besides Edmund Burke, whose surpassing eloquence outshone even the brilliant speakers of his day, we have Grattan, Curran, Sheridan, Lord Plunketfc (the only speaker whom Lord Brougham feared), Richard Lalor Shiel, O'Connell, and many others ; and we now have the Bishop of Peterborough, Jwho justly ranks among the greatest of our living orators. (Cheers.) It would be tedious to enumerate the many distinguished lawyers whom our country has produced, from the Right Honourable William Saurin, Attorney-General for Ireland iri the early part of the present century, down to Lord Cairns, tho present; Lord High Chancellor of England. Ifc must bo confessed that our poets are few in number, and nofc flic most eminent. Although it has been often said that "Poets are born, not made," and although no amount of education will make a poet without the poetic inspiration, yet we find that our greatest; poets — Shakespeare, Milton, Byron, and Tennyson — were men of high culture, who had availed themselves of all the advantages of education which England possessed, and in which, alas ! Ireland has always been deficient. (Hear, hear.) But there aro passages of exquisite beauty in tho poetry of Moore and Goldsmith, and what can be more perfect than the well known ode of Charles Wolfe on the death of Sir John Moore ? Recurring, for a moment, to Goldsmith, although perhaps the present generation may not appreciate the merits of the " Vicar of Wakefield," its popularity, to use the words of Lord Macaulay, " has lasted, and will last, as long as our language. (Cheers.) Amongst authors we must not pass over Dean Swift, although a melancholy instance of misdirected genius and wasted powere. The success of Charles Lever and Lover, in their different lines, is undoubted. (Hear, hear.) What I have said as to the culture necessary to mako finished poets, applies in somo degree to the art of painting. But notwithstanding tho disadvantages under which Ireland has laboured, she numbers among her sons some distinguished painters — Sir Martin Archer Shee for example, the President of the Royal Academy, Mulready and Maclise. In divinity wo claim several men eminent for their learning, of whom I need only mention Archbishop Usher and Mugee, author of the well known work upon the atoneihenl. I might mention M'Clintock, M'Clure and othors who have made a name for themselves by thoir exploits at sea ; but I feel that I have already trespassed on your indulgence. I cannot, however, conclude without mentioning the names of John Robert Godley and James Edward FitzGerald, of whose well-directed enthusiasm, ability, integrity, and devotion to the public service we aro now reaping tho fruits in the prosperity of this province. (Loud cheers.) Would thafc Mr FitzGerald were here this evening to charm us by his eloquence on a theme so congenial. (Renewed cheers.) Gentlemen, it only remains for me to thank you for the patience with which you have listened to me, and to ask you to drink with all the honours the toasfc " Irishmen at home and abroad." (Loud and protracted cheers.) The toast was drunk with intense enthusiasm. Piano— "Sprig of Shillelagh."
Song — " Come back to Erin," Mr Carder. Mr George Gordon (Town Clerk) was called upon to propose the toast of " The Daughters of Erin," which he was sure would be received with the greatest acclamation. He could not propose the toast, without quoting the opinion of Mr S. C. Hall, who stated that Irishwomen were the most faithful women to be found in any country ; that they were the best children, fche besfc wives, the beat mothers that he had ever met with in his travels, and ifc was well known that Mr Hall had travelled through all parts of Ireland, and was therefore no mean authority on the subject on which he had written. The toast was drunk amid loud choer3. Piano — "The Harp that Once." j Song — " Molly Astore," Mr Quinlan. Mr R. O'Connell, in responding to the toasfc, said — Mr Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and gentlemen, I must indeed feel highly flattered at having been selected to return thanks on behalf of the daughters of Erin, but I assure you that such a duty could not have been placed in less able hands. Why I was chosen for ao important a task I am at a loss to discover, bnt if the fact of being a bachelor was the only qualification, I must then discharge ] the duty thafc has been imposed upon mo cheerfully, and to the best of my ability. Even if I wero able to do so, I am sure you ; would excuse me on this occasion from making anything in tho shape of a lengthy speech in replying to the toast ; but the truth is I have never before had the confidence to stand up in the presence of so many people, aud as I could not on this occasion hope to claim your attention, I will merely conclude by thanking you for the hearty manner in which you received the toaßfc. (Cheers.) Mr F. W. Thiel was received wifch cheers on rising to propose tho next toast. He said the toast which ho was delegated to propose was one which fchey, as Irishmen, could nofc bufc cordially endorse, as howover long they might have been away from the country of j their birth, a desire for the prosperity of their j native land must always be prominent; in their hearts. (Cheera.) In spite of a bad harvest, • a financial crisis in America, and other draw- ! backs, thi prosperity of their country was steadily, if bufc slowly, on the increase. (Hear, j hear.) During the last year the linen manufacturers of the North had had a hard battlo i to fight, but thoy had stood their ground, and were now in course of recovery from a great commercial depression. (Cheers.) A steady stream of immigration continued to carry off the surplus population to countries where a more profitable employment for its labour and energy could be obtained, and ifc was a* matter for regret that owing to the greafc distance between the two countries, New Zealand had up to the present time participated so little in the efflux, bufc it was to bo hoped that wifch free passages, good ships, and a careful attention to the comfort of passengers, we might soon obtain a fair share of the best class of Irish labour. (Hear, hear, and cheera.) The shipping trade of Belfast, Dublin, Cork, Waterford, Limerick, &c, was increasing year by year. Railways were being rapidly pushed forward, and a system of central termini adopted — in fact, things generally evinced prosperity. (Cheers.) Still there was much to be done, much misery to be alleviated before Ireland could be considered prosperous, and the greatest difficulty to overcome waa the reconciliation of religious differences. (Hear, hear, and cheers.) Thafc difficulty, let us hope, was daily becoming less ; in fact, he felt sure ifc was when he saw around him that evening men of all religious denominations met; together to do honour to the memory of their Patron Saint — men who he felt certain would all heartily join with him in drinking ihe toasfc he now proposed — — " Prosperity to Ireland." (Loud cheers.) The toast was drunk with great enthusiasm. Piano — " Let Erin Remember." Song — " Pull, pull together, Boys." Mr T. I. Joynt, Provincial Solicitor, was received with loud cheers on rising to propose the next toasfc. He said :Mv Chairman and gentlemen, I have been asked by those gentlemen who have had fcho direction of the affairs of this meeting to propose fcho toast of " Irish Authors." If I had been in a position to consult my own feelings in this matter, I should unhesitatingly have declined the task. Nofc, let mc assure you, from any want of sympathy wifch fche subject, or any failure of appreciation of the honour conferred on me, but because — and I say ifc wifch regret — I have been for a good many years past prevented by circumstances from pursuing the study of fche national literature of Ireland, and therefore I felt, and do now feel, that a toast of this character ought to havo been placed in tho hands of some one more fitted both by habit of reading and thinking, and by natural ability, to do justico to it and to the subject of it. For, sir, the toast which I am commissioned to submit for the acceptance of this meeting is without any doubt the toast — tho major toast of the programme. I assert — without any desire to abate one particle of the honour, love, and affection that we owe to and feel for our Queen, our native land, and our fellow countrywomen and fellow countrymen — that tho greafc intellects who raised up by their genius the beautiful structure of our national literature, and who exhibited to an admiring world the charms of that land and all that was attractive and lovely -in . the characteristics of its people — that these aro the true glory of that land and the true crown of that people — (cheers) — and thafc the honour and affection that wo owe to them, and feel for them, ia greater and deeper and moro enduring than any other earthly sentiment. (Loud cheers.) Sir, the heart of an Irishman — and by that expression I intend to embrace an Irishwoman, too — (laughter) — is peculiarly impressible, and as a general j thing ifc retains and treasures up in its recesses tho memory of benefits conferred, and a warm sense of grateful love for the benefactor, and Irish authors — her bards, her orators, her historians, her novelists, and her sculptors, aud painters, have conferred on Ireland a boon and a blessing thafc Irishmen I will never forget, and for which they will be
grateful so long*as the nationality of Ireland exists. (Loud cheers.) Sir, I think that on an occasion like the present it would not be desirable or acceptable to you that I should enter into a dissertation on the literary merits of Irish authors, or that; I should sketch the history of tho rise and establishment of the literature of our country. To do so effectually, ifc would be necessary to deal wifch a language in which, unhappily, I am nofc a scholar, and with institutions and a civilisation thafc have to a great extent; vanished— and of which the traces aad relics that have come to our hands aro neither numerous nor authentic ; bufc ifc is j impossible to speak or to think of our national literature without feeling impelled to sing the praises of a host of men whose names crowd upon the memory, and tho brilliancy of whose genius, . and the fervour of whose lovo for their native land have enshrined them in the breast of every true Irishman — (Prolonged cheers) — and I cannot, in the fulness of my national pride on this occasion, refrain from snatching a ray of lustre to illuminate my speech by the ■ mention of a few of the names that have made Ireland and her literature illustrious. Sir, I ! who is there amongst us who does not share wifch me in a feeling of pride at being asso- j ciated by ties of country with such a man as ; ' Edmund Burke, the mighty orator, to whoso ' ' genius such a critic as Macauley paid this j tribute, that " in amplitude of comprehension and richness of imagination he was superior fco every orator — ancient or modern ;" or with that other high-gifted orator and poet, fche friend and colleague of Burko — Richard Brinsley Sheridan — " The orator, dramatist, minstrel, who ran Through each mode of the lyre, and was master of all." or those othor famous men, with godlike apprehension and tongues of angels — such as were Henry Grattan, Curran, Shcil, Flood, Plunketfc and others ; tho fervour and rich- . ness of whose eloquence was only surpassed j by their marvellous and unchangeable love for their native land 2 (Great cheering.) Then, ! sir, when we turn to Irclaud's Bards, what a ! company we meet, and what, strains of melody delight our sense. Who is thero whoso ear has nofc been charmed, almost to rapture, by tho exquisite music of Moore? (Loud cheers.) Of him I speak first, because ho stands first, not only among the minstrels of Ireland, but among all modern lyric poets. (Hear, hear.) His heart was, to adopt a metaphor of a poet of a kindred country, " like a nest of singing birds." He was tho very soul of harmony. Sir, when I sat down last night to think over the subject upon which I was to speak this evening, I felt a strong desire to cull from the thousand beauties of Moore just ono flower of poesy, and to rehearse it to you as the highest encomium which I could pass on the poet ; but after I had spent a long timo in attempting to make a selection I grew quite bewildered, and feeling myself unable to decide upon the most beautiful, I abandoned the project. It is sufficient for me to say thafc both as a true poet and a true patriot Irishmen glory in the name of Thomas Moore. Clustering round this " bright particular star " are the lesser lights of Irish poetry — lesser, but each one brilliant and beautiful, and each ono turning toward Ireland with a look of tender affection that hallows its ray. (Cheera.) Of these, I have only time tb mention the names of a few, as I fear my timo is well nigh spent, bufc the names alone of such mon as Gerald Griffin, Clarence Mangan, John Banim, Bamuel Fergusson, Father Pront, Callanan, M'Carthy, Walsh, and Thomas Davis, aro sufficient to awaken in our bosoms feelings of affectionate regard. (Prolonged cheering.) I cannot conclude without a brief reference to our national novelists. It need be but brief, because they and their writings are in the hearts and on the lips of everyone who appreciates tender and heart-touching pathos, light and playful humour and affection for mother country. Among this class of authors we proudly name Gerald Griffin and John Banim, of whom I have already spoken ; also William Carleton, whose numerous works, as exponents of Irish Character in a large and interesting class — I mean her peasantry — stand altogether unrivalled. (Cheers.) There are also Croly, Mrs Norton, Samuel Lover, and a large number of others, and greatest of all — greatest in his brilliancy and racines3 of humour, in his marvellous power of dialogue, in his felicity of description, and in his apparently inexhaustible resources — I need hardly say that I speak of our latoly departed and widely lamented Charles Lever. (Loud cheers.) I think, Sir, that hia " Confessions of Harry Lorrequer " alone, like the" Pickwick Papers " of Dickens, would have been sufficient to immortalise him. (Renewed cheers.) Sir, I must now draw to a conclusion. I feci that I have but feebly performed my task, but I can truly say that what in me is wanting in power is more than made up in the desire to do full justico to my subject. (Immense cheering.) But thoro is a characteristic of Irish authors as a class that I feel that I must, in conclusion, point to : It i 3 this, that aimost without exception their writings, whether prose or verse, aro untainted by coarseness and licentiousness ; thoy shrink from vulgar — I might almost say fashionable profanity — and they everywhere exhibit a veneration for things sacred, which has grown into a national characteristic. (Cheers.) Sir, with feelings of pride and pleasure, I beg to propose the toast of " Irish Authors." (Immense cheers.) Tho toasfc was drunk in the most enthusiastic manner. Piano — " Meeting of the Waters." Song — " Buy my Peas," Mr Grey. Mr Montgomery, who was loudly cheered on rising, said : Mr Chairman and gentlemen, — I havo fche honour to propose " The Land of our adoption." (Cheera.) I need hardly say thafc tbis is, in other words, wishing the success and prosperity of the community of which we form a part ; for though met here to-night to commemorate the national festivity of Ireland, yet we do nofc take, or wish to take, any position apart from our fellow colonists, or have any interests as Irishman which are J 'not entirely iv union with the rest of her(
Majesty's subjects. (Cheers.) We are thoroughly loyal to our Q.ueen. (Cheers.) Anxious for the maintenance of the power and prestige of England that her beneficent influence over increasing millions may bo perpetuated, des ; rous of securing individual and political freedom, and of supporting at all times constituted authority in the maintenance of law and order, (cheers.) I do not attach any particular value to the fact of a man having been born in a particular locality. The main thing to be considered is, " what has the mau done," and if his " life is in the right" I consider him a first-rate colonist. (Cheers.) In this land of our adoption we have great privileges and responsibilities. We are the early colonists of what is now & dependency of the Mother Country, but which may one day be a nation numbering many millions, and the future of the land will be shaped, to a very considerable extent, by the people now living in it. (Cheers.) There never was a land better adapted to the developement of a raco of superior people. The soil and ■ climate are all thafc could be desired. The resources of the country are very greafc — I capable of supporting many millions — and we have all fche advantages of a closo and intimate I connection with the greatest nation the world ' has yet seen. (Cheers.) Wo may look hope- ' fully to tho great future to which these S islands are sure to attain, and in no way can we render moro efficient aid to the advancement of our adopted land than by cordially cooperating with all classes of Her Majesty's subjects, no matter what land may have given them birth. (Cheera.) The toast was drank amid cheera. Piano — " The Irish Emigrant." Mr Jamea Grey, on rising to propose the toast of " Tho Chairman," was received with loud cheers. Ho said that a vory agreeable duty devolved on him, and however inadequately he might fulfil it, still the toast was one which he could propose most heartily, and one which ho felt sure would be received with tho greatest; enthusiasm. (Cheers.) It was now littlo more than a month since a preliminary meeting waß held for the purpose of considering the best means of celebrating tho national anniversary of their country. It was surprising how few attended that meeting, considering that all Irishmen wore invited to take part in tho proceedings, but the few who were there were in no. way diacouraged at thia apparent lukowarmness. They set themselves to work, and the result of thoir patriotic labours was the present large assemblage, in which all classes of their countrymen, all shades of religious and political opinion were fully represented. (Loud cheers.) Of the present reunion, ifc could be said with truth that it partook of a truly national character — (hear, hear) — because it was inaugurated on the principles of pure nationality. Here, for the first time on so large a scale, Irishmen mot together as men hailing from one common Fatherland, without regard to tho religious or political sentiments of each other, but animated with an unanimous desire to evince to their fellow-country-men at home and in other parts of the world that neither the lapse of years, nor the intervention of sixteen thousand milea of ocean was sufficient to diminish, even by the minutest particle, their feelings of affectionate regard for their native land. (Loud cheers.) He believed that annual assemblages of this kind would be productive of a great amount of good — (hear, hear, and cheers) — and whilst on this part of the subject ho thought he could not do better than make a short quotation from a speech which ho delivered at the firat, or, if he might be so allowed to term it, the experimental dinner which was held on St Patrick's Day, 1573. On that occasion, while referring to tho advisability of making the celebration an annual event, he made use of the following words : — " There was no doubt that an annual celebration of this kind would be productive of a great amount of good. In the first place, it would bring Irishmen more in contact with each other, to their mutual advantage ; it would consolidate their friendship, and it would cause them to think moro than they did, if that were possible, of the old land from which they came. In addition to this, he trusted it would have this very beneficial effect — that of removing any feelings of religious animosity that might exist in the minds of Irishmen in this country. Disunion and religious animosity had been tho curse of Ireland, but he was glad to think that afc home prejudices of this nature wore gradually dying out. There was no reason whatever why religious animosity amongst Irishmen should be perpetuated in New Zealand. Irishmen at home and in all parts of the world should arrive at a true appreciation of tho duty they owed to their country and to each other, and discharge that duty to tho besfc of their ability. There should bo no disunion amongst them, no party strife or factious discord ; but on the contrary, all Bhould be animated by the one noble and patriotic aspiration — thafc of seeing ' Ireland, as she ought to be, great, glorious, and free, First flower of tho earth, and first gem of tho sea.' " (Loud cheers.) Thero was no doubt, from the success of thia banquet, that in future St. Patrick's Day would not bo allowed to pass by without being celebrated in a manner becoming to all truly patriotic Irishmen and good citizens in another land. (Hear and cheers ) In view of this, ifc was his intention to endeavour to establish a St. Patrick's Society, whioh would be open to all Irishmen, and he trusted that those gentlemen of influence whom they saw around them that evening would give the project their countenance and co-operation. (Hear, hear, and cheers.) It was thought hy some people, bufc happily by a few who represented neither the influence nor the intelligence of the community in which they lived, thafc rowdyism, to a more or les3 pronounced degree, was inseparable from any re-union of Irishmen ; but if rebutting evidence were necessary, the man ncr in which so large and so mixed an assemblage as this was had conduoted themselves ' that evening, tho harmony and feelings of personal good will which had characterised the
Whole proceedings, gave the calumny the most convincing refutation. — (Prolonged cheers.) He was afraid thafc too much credit had been attributed to himself in connection with the getting up of this banquet. It was true he entered into the affair con amore, but he could nofc and would not disguise the fact thafc he was most ably asßißted by a Dinner Committee, who had laboured most zealously from beginning to end, and whose enthusiasm gave him encouragement. (Hear, hear, and cheers.) He trusted he would be pardoned for having made this digression, but as this was the only opportunity he would have of addressing the company, he thought it right to offer a few words of explanation, and to make that explanation as concise as it was possible to make it. With regard to the toast which had been placed in his hands to propose, he was sure they were all highly pleased to see Mr Bowen occupying the position he did that evening. (Loud cheers.) When he waited on that gentleman to ask him if he would consent to take the chair, and to inform him that it was the unanimous wish of the Dinner Committee he should do so, Mr Bowen received him with the greatest courtesy, and, besides expressing a cheerful compliance with the request, stated that he had no objection to its being made publicly known that he had consented to preside. From that moment, the success of the affair was undoubted. (Loud cheers.) The other gentlemen of influence upon whom he waited, on behalf of the Dinner Committee, also received him most courteously, and as representing that committee, he begged to thank them all most heartily. Their approval of the proposed banquet had made it what it undoubtedly was — an unqualified and undeniable success. (Loud cheers.) In conclusion, he begged to propose the health of the chairman, and he trusted the company would drink it in flowing bumpers. The toast was drunk amid loud and prolonged cheers, and with musical honours. Song — " The Greenwood Tree," Mr Paget. The Chairman was received with loud cheers on rising to return thanks. He thanked the company very sincerely for the kind manner in which they had been pleased to drink his health. He could assure them there never was a chair which he had more pleasure in occupying. (Cheers.) He begged to thank them most heartily for the manner in which the toast was proposed and drank, and he could not help thinking that the company had borne in mind the following well-known lines : — " Be to our faults a little blind, And to our virtues very kind." —(Loud cheers.) Mr T. W. White, Crown Prosecutor, Timaru, proposed the toast of " The Preßs," In doing so, Mr White stated that all countries in which its freedom was recognised the press bestowed great advantages. The people could not exist without tho press, any more, almost, than they could without air. {Hear, hear.) Education and commerce were benefited by it, and he thought that the press of Canterbury was a credit to the province' (Cheers.) The toast waß drunk amid cheers. Mr Grey (Lyttelton Times) and Mr G. R. Hart (Press) returned thanks. Mr J. Booth proposed the health of the caterer, Mr Ringwood, for tho very excellent spread he had provided that evening. He thought, also, thafc Mr Bayleo's name deserved to be coupled with the toast, for the Tery excellent wines he had provided. (Cheers.) The toast was drunk amid cheers. Mr Baylee returned thanks on behalf of Mr Ringwood and himself. The toaßt list being finished, the National Anthem was sung (solo by Mr Carder), and the company broke up exactly at midnight, after expressing their delight at the evening's proceedings, and giving three hearty cheers for the chairman, who received quite an ovation on leaving the hall.
The dinner at the Barbadoes street schoolroom, was attended by about one hundred Eersons. The interior of the building bad een decorated with flags, greenery, and flowers, which gave it an attractive appearance. Over the chairman's seat an English Enßign wii h the harp of Ireland worked upon it was displayed, wifch the flag of the H. A. C. B. Society, on which were tho words " Cead Millo Failthe " underneath. Mr R. J. •Loughnan presided, and ho waa supported on his right by the Rev Father Chervier and Mr Taaffe, president of the Society, while on the left he was supported by the Revs Fathers Ecuyer and Francis. Tho vice-chairs were occupied by Messrs Bowerman, C. Welch, I. B. Sheath, M'Guinness, E. O'Connor. The dinner wa. provided by Mr W. Priston, of the Borough Hotel, ancl the catering was highly creditable to him. The toasts honoured during the evening were " The health and prosperity of Our Sovereign Pontiff," proposed by the chairman, responded to by the Rev Father Ecuyer; <c The Queen and Royal Family ;" "His Honor the Superintendent and the Provincial Council ;" " The immortal memory of St Patrick, Pfftron Saint of Ireland," responded to by the Rev Father Chervier ; " Our Native Land, and Irishmen all ovor the globe," responded to by Mr C. Walsh ; " Health and success to our school committees," responded to by Mr Bowerman ; "Tho Chief President and Executive Directory of tho H. A. C. B. S;" «• The officers and brothers of the H. A. C.B.S. throughout the colonies, moro particularly the Dunodin Branch;" "Success and prosperity to the Neiu Zealand Tablet ;" " The Ladies, particularly the daughters of Erin ;" and "The Chairman." The speochea were pleasantly interspersed with songs and recitations, and altogether a very pleasant evening was spent.
Accident. — As Mr Bull, butcher, of Cashel street, was driving a mob of cattle on Thursday last, from the Little River district to Chriet-hurch, and when near Mr Brooks' house, Tai Tapu, a bullock rushed him, throwing him into a ditch, and killing his horse. During the day the bullock rushed several Sersons, but in the evening it was got into Mrl Irookß* yard and ehot.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 1885, 18 March 1874, Page 2
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8,301ST. PATRICK'S DAY. Star (Christchurch), Issue 1885, 18 March 1874, Page 2
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