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Local and General.

♦ A. O. F. — At a meeting of the members last night, it was resolved that the annual theatrical entertainment on behalf of the widows' and orphans' fund should take place ou an early date. A meeting of the shareholders in the Moonlight Quartz Mining Company was held at Messrs W. Wilson and Co.'s offices yesterday, at 1.30 p.m. Mr W.Wilson presided, and there wore thirteen shareholders present. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed, and also the correspondence which had passed between the Chairmau and the legal manager. Mr Ollivier moved the following resolution, which was seconded by Mr Peacock pro /or ma, and carried unanimously: — "Ihat this meeting declines to recognise the right of the directors of the Moonlight Quartz Mining Co. (limited), registered under the Acts of the General Assembly 1865 and 1869 to increase the liability of the shareholders ; the Christchurch shareholders adhere to their resolution as transmitted to the legal manager by Mr W. Wilson as the unanimous result of a large meeting of the said shareholders, and they decline to concur, in any other course, and they further require ' that no call after the first call upon the new! issue of shares shall be made until a ful

statement of the affairs of the company shall have been submitted to and the call agreed to by a meeting of shareholders specially convened for the purpose." Theatre Rotal. — Last night the management placed " The Muleteer of Toledo " and "The Irish Post" upon the stage. The former is not without merit, and the latter could not help being a success with the cast tlie company are able to give it. Both pieces -mil be repeated this evening. Accident. — Yesterday afternoon, Us the Timaru mail was crossing the Ashburton, just after entering the stream, the leaders became detatched, and after struggling for some time, fell in the water. The driver threw off his coat and went into the watery After doing all in his power to save the horses, he found that it was impossible to -flo so, and both were drowned. The coach was delayed only about an hour, and great credit is due to the driver for his pluck and energy. Ma Rolleston at Papanui. — Mr Rolleston met tho electors at the Papanui Schoolroom last evening. There was a large attendance, the room being quite full. Mr C. Winter occupied the chair. Mr Rolleston spoke for about an hour aud a half, when questions were asked by Messrs Jebson, J. T. Peacock, A. C. Knight, and J. P. O'Callaghan. These having been answered, Mr William Norman proposed, and Mr W. H. Lane seconded, a vote of confidence in Mr Rolleston. Mr Knight proposed an amendment to the effect that Mr Rolleston's explanation was not satisfactory, and that the thanks of the meeting be given to him for his attendance. The amendment was duly seconded, and on being put to the meeting, was declared lost. The original resolution was carried with acclamation. A vote of thanks to the chairman terminated the meeting, which had been very orderly throughout. The meeting commenced at 7.30, and terminated at a little past eleven. Provincial Accounts.— ln a previous issue we drew attention to the fact that over half the land revenue of the province for the quarter ending March 31, had been retained by the General Government. The cause of this retention is, briefly, as follows : —The General Government is paying, on account of the province, interest and sinking fund on the loan of 1856, amounting to £3,073 17s. per annum, and also on portions of the Consolidated Loans, which have taken the place of the debentures of the province, interest and sinking fund amounting to £32,757 18s. per annum. The General Government is thus paying, as interest and sinking fund on purely provincial debts, the l sum of £35,831 153. per annum, or £8,957 [ 18s. 9d. per quarter. If the province were paying the interest and sinking fund on its debts, it would have kept the whole of the land revenue and would have received in addition, the sum of £3,252 17s. 2d. from the Consolidated Revenue. But it would, in tliat case, have had to pay £8,958 18s. 9d. for the quarter as interest and sinking fund. Heathcote Road Board. — The meeting of this Board was held yesterday, when all the members were present. The chairman occupied the chair, and tho minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. Letters were then read from the Spreydon Road Board, requesting permission to fix culverts at the junction of the streets leading out of that district with Colombo street, and one to connect the drain on the west side of the latter street with the railway drain. Permission was granted, provided it is without prejudice to any action that may be taken at any future time with reference to rights of drainage. A letter from the City Council, enclosing by the Mayor's desire a copy of a resolution, " That in the opinion of this Council, the Government property in any district coming under [ the operation of the Canterbury Rivers Acts should be rated in the same proportion | as private property, and that the Mayor be requested to take such steps as he shall think j fit for carrying this into effect." It was resolved that the council be informed that the Heathcote Road Board quite agree with the resolution, and have already included the Government property in the assessment prepared for the Board of Conservators, with the view of enabling that Board to claim the rate from the Provincial Government forthwith. A letter from Mrs Garland was read, requesting the Board to have some repairs done to the approaches at the Hillsborough Ferry, with a view to her assisting with her boat persons crossing the river to and from the Station. The Surveyor was directed to have the work done. It was resolved to place the office of the Board at the disposal of the Committee who were appointed by the ratepayers at the meeting held on the 21st instant, and requests its Surveyor to furnish all the information he can. The Surveyor was directed to clear out the canal reserve drain, and to inform the ratepayers ■of the district that the Board will not take any further action in the matter. The chairman was requested to lay before the Provincial Secretary the claim the Board has upon the Government for assistance in keeping the portion of Colombo street south below the railway in repair, and also endeavour to obtain a grant to purchase a gravel pit in the direction of Colombo Road. Tenders were opened for metalling Hill's Road— W. Parish, at 3s 7£d per cubic yard; J. Taylor, at 2s 4d ; J. Farland, at 3s ; Comer and Hall, at 2s (accepted). Tenders for metalling Hereford street were opened : — W. Parish, 3s s£d per cubic yard ; J. Taylor, 2s 9d (accepted) ; Comer and Hall, 3s. Tenders for metalling Armagh street were opened :— W. Parish, 3s B.}d ; J. Taylor, 2s 9d (accepted) ; Comer and Hall, 3s. The Surveyor was directed to call for tenders for forming and metalling road between Gravel-pit and Wilson's Road, forming Gloucester street east, metalling old Stanmore Road and footpath in Cashel street east, metalling Colombo Road near Latter's Bridge, metalling piece of road near Miss Skillicorn's. The Board, after passing accounts, adjourned until Monday, the 9th May.

Total Abstinence Society.— -The usual fortnightly meeting of the Total Abstinence Society was held last evening in the Temperance Hall. Mr Morris occupied the chair, and Messrs Caygill and W. H. De La Mare addressed the meeting. There was a eood attendance, and several temperance melodies were sung by the audience. No. 9 Company, C.R.V. — This company fell in opposite the old parade ground, at Woodend, on Sunday, the 24th inst., at 5.30 p m., and were marched to church. The services were conducted by the Rev. J. W. Stack. The number present was 21 rank and file, commanded by Captain H. Hinge. /This company intends to hold a church parade on the third Sunday in every month/^ Mesmerism. —Dr Carr, who had been announced for a considerable time previously, made his first appearance bef 6re a Christchurch audience last evening. 'Ihere was a numerous attendance, both parts of the house being pretty nearly filled. Dr Carr opened his seance with a lecture on the philosophy of mesmerism, and its history from earliest times to the present age. As a lecturer, almost his only fault is a great rapidity of utterance, which, coupled with the fact that the Town Hall is not the very best place for sound, contributed in a large degree to render the greater part of his discourse unintelligible, especially to those of his audience who were at a distance from the platform. At the conclusion of his lecture, Dr Carr invited those of his audience who felt so disposed to go on the platform, in in order that they might undergo a phrenological examination. Eight or ten persons responded, and the delineation of character which followed was both interesting and amusing. Turning then to mesmeric experiments, the lecturer was very successful in two or three instances, and the results were hailed with loud applause. To-night Dr Carr promises to work greater wonders as a mesmerist than have yet been accomplished before the public of this city. Wesleyan Sunday School Anniversary. — The anniversary sermons of the Wesleyan Sunday School, Durham street, Christ church, were preached in the Wesleyan Church on Sunday last ; in the morning, by the Rev. A. Reid, aud in the evening by the Rev. W. Kirk. In the afternoon the annual address to the scholars was delivered by the Rev. A. Reid. The collections amounted to £25 lis. Yesterday evening the annual tea meeting was held in the school-room, when about three hundred persons sat down to an excellent and abundant tea, provided by the ladies of the congregation. The annual meeting was held in the Church, which was attended by a very large audience, and presided over by Mr C. W. Turner, who, after devotional exercises, conducted by the Rev. John Aldred, called npon Mr Munnings, the superintendent of the school, to read the annual report, which stated that the number of scholars for the year is 270, and the number of teachers 29. The spiritual and financial sta'e of the school was declared to be encouraging, and the prospects for the year of a hopeful and cheering nature. Addresses were subsequently delivered by the Rev. W. Kirk, Mr J. Armitage, Rev. A. Reid, Mr Connall, and Mr F. J. Garrick, which were of au interesting character, and all bearing on the question of secular and religious education. A marked feature of the meetiug was the excellent Binging of the teachers and scholars (under the training and conductorship of Mr Spensley), whose performances received the thanks of the audience by acclamation. A collection of £5 14s was taken up. The interest of the meeting was sustained to the last ; and this, the most important of the Christchurch Wesleyan Sunday School Anniversaries -was brought to a close by the pronouncing of the benediction by the Rer. J. Aldred, a little before ten o'clock. S. Michael's Parish. — A meeting of the parishioners was held in the Schoolroom last evening, for the purpose of receiving the annual accounts and for the election of officers. The very rev. the Dean of Christchurch presided, and there was a large attendance of parishioners. The meeting having been opened by prayer, the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The very rev. chairman explained the business to be transacted, and congratulated the parishioners on the improved financial condition of the parish. He alluded to the great necessity of doing something towards the main-, tenance of the church at Addington, and intimated his intention at the first meeting of the new vestry, to endeavour to take steps to restore the services in that district. With reference to the schools, he believed that the time had come when some change should be initiated. Much as he valued the denominational system, he thought that it should not stand in the way of public education. He cordially agreed with his Honor the Superintendent, and with Mr Restell, the School Inspector, who he was glad to see present, that the advantages to be obtained by one or more large schools, as compared with a number of small schools as at present, were very great. The church would still keep the Sunday school. It was, however, impossible to initiate a new system in a day, but he thought that churchmen generally would heartily concur in a change. He would state, before concluding, that he proposed having on the second and fourth :-uudays in each montb, an early celebration of the Holy Communion. He would call upon the churchwardens to lay a statement of the parish accounts before the meeting. Mr Ainger produced the accounts, and explained each item. The total amount received for church purposes throughout the year was £802 3s, intludinga balance onMarch3 l,lß69, of £108 7s 7d. The expenditure for the year had been £789 16.«, leaving a balance of £12 6s sd. The total amount in haud at present towards the erection of the new church was £1171. 5s lid. The accounts were received and adopted. Mr Ainger was re-elected churchwarden, and the Very Rev. the Dean nominated . Mr Harman. The following gentlemen were elected as vestrymen — Messrs Hawkes, March, Audrews, Bell,

I Hart, Parkerson, Grigg, Condell, Johnston and Graham. Mr Andrews, secretary of the school committee, submitted the . school accounts, which were received and adopted. It was resolved that the vestry be requested to act as a school committee for the ensuing year. After an interesting discussion on the building of the new church, the meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the chairman. S. John the Baptist. — The annual meeting of parishioners was held in the Schoolroom last evening. The Rev. J. 08. Hoare, the Incumbent, presided, and amongst those present were Dr Deamer, and Messrs Day, Heaketh, Warner, Hamilton, W. Wilson, &c. The proceedings were opened with prayer. The minutes of the previous pai ish meeting Vere read and confirmed. The Chairman said the parishioners had reason to congratulate themselves upon what had been done during the past twelvemonths. Energetic measures had beeu taken to reduce the debt upon the church, and he was glad to say that the debt had been reduced from four to three figures. He was glad, too, to be able to say that during the past year the condition of the parish had been very healthy. He had only to attend five burials in the cemetery of persons who belonged to the parish. During the past year the congregation of S. John's had become of a more settled character ; he now looked for the same faces every Sunday. There were still some strangers visiting the church occasionally, but he did not think that the church any longer merited the name of Adullam, or refuge for the destitute, which had previously been applied to it. The Cemetery accounts had been laid on the table, and the accounts concerning the church had been priuted for the convenience of the parishioners. The offerv< tories, he was glad to say, compared more* than favourably with those of S. Luke ancT S. Michael. The schools were in a flourishing condition, and he thought there was every reason for congratulation with respect to all that had been done during the past year. Before concluding, he might inform the parishioners that circumstances would not permit his remaining Incumbent of the parish beyond the month of December next. He had given timely notice to the Very Rev. the Primate, and he only hoped thatthe parishioners would obtain the services of a clergyman who would do more for them, for God, and the parish than he had done. He would now call on Mr Day to read the report of the Churchwardens. Mr Day read the following report : — "S. John the Baptist, Christchurch. In submitting the annual accounts we draw attention to the fact that the total amount collected by offertory, £491 8s lid, is slightly below that collected in the same way last year; but on the other hand the debt account shows a very satisfactory diminution. The sum of £562 8s 5d has been paid off during the past year, mainly through the exertions of those members of the congregation who collected by cards iv September last. Our best thanks are due to them for their hearty co operation. We hope that if our successors in office find it necessary to make another appeal it will be as liberally responded to, for the debt bears a heavy rate of interest, which we have tried in vain to get reduced. Whilst we bear witness to the liberality ofttie regular congregation, we are constrained "to protest against the almost total neglect to contribute on the part of many occasional visitors to the church. Putting aside higher considerations, we venture to remind such that the necessary expenses of the church are heavy, and that to meet these every worshipper is bound— in common honesty — to give according to his or her ability. — H. Hesketh, Wm. Day, Churchwardens. - Vestry Room S. John the Baptist, April 13, 1870."— The accounts showed thatthe receipts during the year ending 31st March, 1870, were £1180 6s. 7d., andthe expenditure £1195 1 8. 7d. The liabilities of the parish on March 31, 1870, were as follows : — To the Bank of Australasia, £550 ; Rev. J. 08. Hoare, £150 : Hospital Chaplaincy Committee, £9 10s. 7d, ; total, £709 10s. 7d. On the motion of Mr. Noble Campbell, seconded by Mr. F. Warner, the report and accounts were received and adopted. Mr. Hesketh was nominated as churchwarden by the Incumbent, and reappointed to that office. On the motion of Mr. Joseph Palmer, Mr. Wm. Day was unanimously reelected churchwarden. The following gentlemen were unaniomusly elected as vestrymen ; Messrs. Denham, W. Wilson, Geo. Piercy, Dr. Deamer, Messrs. Fisher, N. Campbell, Warner, and J. Palmer. The following gentlemen were elected as the school committee : —Messrs. Warner, Hamilton, W. Wilson, J. Palmer, and Dr. Deamer. Mr. Fisher, as a family man, enquired if it was the intention to keep up the present rate of seat rents. The Chairman replied that this waa a matter for the newly-appointed vestrymen to determine. For his own part, he should like to see the rents reduced, but the case of S. John's wasan exceptional one, and if the rents were reduced, he did not see how the liabilities could be paid off. Mr Hamilton was of a like opinion. Tiie matter dropped after a short discussion. Mr J. Palmer said he had received the announcement of Mr Hoare's resignation with very great regret. He was sure that his loss to the parish would be very keenly felt. He had much pleasure in moving " That this meeting receive « with much regret the announcement of Mr Hoare's resignation of the Incumbency, and desires to tender its best thanks for the earnest manner in which he has fulfilled the duties of his office." (Applause.) Mr R. Walton, in a speech highly complimentary to Mr Hoare, seconded the resolution, which was carried amid applause. Mr Hoare briefly returned thanks. On the motion of Mr Hamilton, seconded by Mr J. Palmer, a vote of thanks was passed to the organist and choir for the services rendered by them during the past year. Mr R. Parker returned thanks. A vote of thanks was also passed to the outgoing officers, on the motion of Mr Warner, seconded by Mr Fisher.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 601, 26 April 1870, Page 2

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Local and General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 601, 26 April 1870, Page 2

Local and General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 601, 26 April 1870, Page 2


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