WILL BE PUBLISHED E i EARLY IN DECEMBER, i Pbice Two Shillings, THE ! SOUTHERN PROVINCES [ ALMANAO, 1 DIRECTORY AND YEAR BOOK, FOR 18 7 0, BEING THE SEVENTEENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. _%_f THE CHARGES EOR ADVERTISING HAVE BEEN REDUCED TO THE FOLLOWING SCALE — ' FTTXtX. _E»-£L.GKB2, ;©X AND ' 3S PER INCH FOR SMALLER \ ADVERTISEMENTS. , mHE ALMANAC WILL CONTAIN ! DIARY Table of tides, &c. Eclipses Principal articles of the calendar, memoranda, &c. Ephemeris Garden calendar Canterbury Waste Lands Regulations Provincial Government of Canterbury Provincial Council General Government of New Zealand Canterbury Volunteers Justices of the Peace Registration of births, deaths, and marriages Railway fares Stamp duties Customs tariff and general information Electric telegraph Resident Magistrates' Court fees Officers of the General Government in the Province Polling Places for the Provincial Council Itinerary Useful information, Tables, &c. Hackney carriage fares — (Christchurch) Town carriage fares— do. Postal charges, &c. Pilot and Port regulations Watermen's fares and regulations Licensed watermen and ballastmen — Lyttelton Religious Societies, trading companies, &o. Trade Directories : — Christchurch, Lyttelton, Governor's Bay, Pigeon Bay, Akaroa, Papanui, Kaiapoi, Woodend, Saltwater Creek, Leithfield, Rangiora, Oxford, Springston, Halswell, Leeston, Riccarton, Timuka, Geraldine, Timaru, Waimate Crown Grants . Narrative of events, 1869 Seed calculator, And a variety of general information, t - ___ The publishers will spare no trouble or expense in endeavouring to make THE ' SOUTHERN PROVINCES ALMANAC THE BEST PRODUCTION OF ITS KIND IN THE COLONY. 1 "~~ , The very large circulation in New Zealand, \ the Australian colonies, and Great Britain, of . this valuable and long-established Almanac renders it an excellent \ MEDDJM FOR ADVERTISING. I, . ■■ . } Orders for Advertisements can be left with ' any of the following Agents : — - Mr J. Carder, Lyttelton ; Mr J. D. Garwood, Akaroa ; Messrs Inwood and Bilton, j Timaru ,- Mr C. J . Rayner, Timuka ;Mr H. Feldwick, Kaiapoi ; Messrs T. Thompo son and Co., Rangiora ;Mr T. Woodfield, 8 Oxford ; and Messrs J. White and Co., g Leithfield. WARD & REEVES, Printers and Publishers, Lyttelton Times office, 8 6186 c Chrißtchureh.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 417, 15 September 1869, Page 4
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324Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Star (Christchurch), Issue 417, 15 September 1869, Page 4
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