Local and General.
Tin.ATitH HovAf., — A performance was given lust night for the betto/lt of Mr .7, 0. Joyce, late Hlage manager, There was a numerous attendance, ; Tim I.A'ri. Potn/rnv Bnow.— Tlie award of the first prize to Mr Fulton for brownbreasted game. Class 2, has boon cancolled, Consequently it falls to Mr Boswcll, and the second prize to Mr Bcrclval, Kaiai'oi.— Yoatcrday was obtiorvcd m a close holiday In Kaiapoi, In honour ef 11,11,11, tho Duke of Hdlnbnrgh's birthday, bUHiiiow. being entirely suspended. Tho town was very quiet however, a largo number of persona having gone to tho fltccplcchatjcs, , |
Lunatic Aiiy^cu.— Mr\Hcagor desire.*), through our -column.., to acknowledge the kindness of Hovcval gentlemen in making donations of printing plant to the small establishment ln connection with the Lunatic Asylum. Poi'ulau Entkhtainmunth, — • Wo have bcon requested to urge upon visitor* to theso ontorlalnmonl.) to bring small change with them In order lo prevent con fusion and delay oamueh an possiblo. At tho last'entertainment a pound nolo was presented to the money taker I Tho committee will bo greatly assisted in their work If visitor* will bring with thorn as nearly as they can the prico of adinlriHlon, Ova l'no.u Tasmania.— We regret to loam that there is llttlo prospect of obtaining a supply of trout or salmon ova from Tasmania this season, Thero can now ho no doubt whatever oa to tho successful acclimatization of salmon in Tasmania, and Now Zealand will eventually reap nil Iho benefits of tho great experiment, , Tino MAOtHTUAOV.-Tho Mayor of ChristChurch look' the 'customary oaths bctoro his Honor Mr Justlco Grosson, this morning, under the 103 rd clause of the Municipal Corporations Act, Mr Wilson Is now a Justlco of tho Peace, but his commission expires with the termination of his tenure of oillco, Tho Mayor of Lyttolton also took the oaths undor tho samo clause, •tSi.ifliiTi/r Ai,tuui;i> vrom T. Hook.— Duncan said instructions had boon given le the Collector not to call again upon persons owing rates for tho pant year, but to summon thorn atonco," Tho above paragraph mot tho eye of a »ro»iinc;i< member of the Into !.). and I), (Dirt and Darkness Club), who, meeting an active follow-mombor, thus addressed him.— Halloa J I my, 0 Sir, Hero comes Mister Tribe Looking after his taxes, My advice is, yon pay him ; Wlmtovcr lie axes, Do's instructed to sland Neither nonsense nor flummery, Ho looks dark us winter, Jliii his manner Is summary, Pun. Poidei*. — The Iflro lirlgado Committee of the Borough Council mot tho Com* mlttee of tho Iflro Police last night in Cobb and Co.'s oillco, High street, The term for which tho police were sworn In expiring on tbo 10th Inst,, It was agreed that the Council should -advertise fer fifty gentlemen for tho new force, and a like number to undertake iho dutlon of a salvage corps, Tho usefulness of both bodies being beyond doubt, It Is to bo hoped that the call will bo responded to hi flitch a manner as to enable their establishment to be completed without delay, Although some little misunderstanding, has 'occurred botweon iho Committco and the Borough Council, lt Is lo bo hoped that thoy will again como forward and otter their services, l\'j*l.t,Alt lIKADINOH, &0 , AT AUAKOA.— An enlet'lalnment of tho abovo nature in connection with, imd for tho benelit ef the Akaroa Literary InslHtito, took place at the ')',, tvi. l.ivll, AUuvcnv, '-un ''tHuindftjr availing, thu 4th lust, Tho pregramnio commenced with a short address from tho President of the liiHtltuto (Mi* B. Watklns), in which that gontloman' referred to the usefulness of cntortalnmontrt of the character which was about lo ho given as a means of amusement aiid bringing of neighbours together, and asked tho corporation of ' uli towards assisting in carrying them out, The Rev, W. Aylmor read a humorous poem, called "Nothing to Wear j" this was followed by a madrigal, " Sinco first I saw Your Pace, ' ?lvon by the Akaroa Musical Society. Mr J, L. Wiggins then read "Darby Doyle's Voyage to Quebec," which wtw followed by tho glee, " Awake MoMnn Lyre." Mr T. 11, Cbadwlck , then gavo Homo experiments in chemistry, followed by vr W. Sims reading » The Laudanum Patlontj"- tho Musical Society then sang " IJrealho Soft yo Winds." Mr J*}. 0, Latter read, 1 rem Pickwick, "The Log of Mutton Swurry afc Uathj" the Musical •Society following with tho glco "Happy .fair." An amusing recitation, by Mr Wiggins, closed tho entertainment, which wo nro glad to see was well patronised; and apparently pleasing lo tlio audience. No, <J Company CR. V.— Tho first match of! the shooting season camo oil* on Thursday, tlio Oth lust., nt the Hillsborough range, The conditions woro fi shots at each 100, aoi), and ,*)()0 yards \ position cither standing or kneeling. I'l'lzes-^'i, XI Ms, XI 10s, XI, lfis, 10s, the slakes won by tho company In tho Companies Compotltlon.at the Master Mooting of the C.H.A., and a cup presented by Lieut. Wolfe to the highest scorer of those who had never fired In the company's team. Tho scores made were as fellows i ***■
Privates Cooper. Ilowel, and Craytboriio also fired, but retired boforo tbo conclusion of the match, Tbc ilrnt six competitors gained the prizes In tho order In which thoy aro placed. Privates Schneider and Q undersoil tied for Lieut. Wolfo'fl ; cup, but It having been arranged tbat tics should bo decided according to Wimbledon rules, it falls to Prlvato Schneider, j
AnwcvrioM or hib Eiirimon of Biiazii,. —Tho Sydney Umpire contains tho following ..--Ic is asserted as positive that tho I'hnpcror of lln-stl, Dom i'edrd 11., boa deter, mined to i.bllcatc hi* throne, and hns called n conference of tho principal personages in tho country to arrango tho torms of hia abdication, ilo is tired of the fatigues o( government, nnd will probably retire to liuropo. Harry Mclggs has completed a contract with tho Chilian Government to build a railroad from Valparaiso to Arcquipa. Co-oiM.iuTivi: Rakkuv in Paws.— Two thousand live hundred Paris ouvriers have formed a society for tlio establishment of a co-operative bakery, with a capital of jE'2,OOO, to bo ralHcd, as required, to four times that num. Those who desiro to join the society have only to pay one frano on application, and a quarter of that sum afterwards, until the subscription amount* to 20 f. The society has purchased one of the mechanical broadmakers on the Lebcaudy system, exhibited at tho luto Paris Exhibition. Tho bread is to bu delivered at tlio houses of thu membera, but only in proportion to the number of persons forming tho family, tho membera of tho society forfeiting all their 'rights if tbey soil any. Should this first society succeed, there is little doubt that others will bo formed immediately. A SI'KCIMUN VICTOniAX liKFRKSRNTAIirE —Tho Argus ot June U5 says .—-Prom time to timo funny scenes havo occurred in the Legislative Assembly, and funny speecbes bave been made hy hon. membera who were not at all conscious whllo they wero speaking of the unexpected effoct thoy wero producing, and tlie reputation thoy wero establishing for themselves, Few of these occasions, however, havo been more provocative of laughter tban tliat Of last night, whon Mr T. Cope, ihu late'y-clcctcd member for Normanby, iiuuiu his maiden oration, nnd did so with such a peculiar Intonation, such auo why of Illustration, and such a copious sprinkling of *• it's " in uncalled for places, ns fairly sot tlio House in a roar of laughter, and suggested tho idea ihat if tho hon. member for Normanby and the hon. member for Dallarat Gnat (Mr l)yt«) woro yoked together, the English alphabet would at ia.t have a chance of fair play being done to it it) the matter of the poor letter " b," Mr Cope began humourously, by ob* serving that, in the courso of tbo debate on tho Darling jjrant they bad been carried back to the creation of the world, and on to tho crack of doom, and over all things between. Thoy had had tlio *• hark " oa *" Hararnt " for •• hall " tho " hani* mal.*./' <md tbey had also bad the " holivc branoh." Thoy bad had " Hollrer Cromwell" to " hlnterfere." There was he (tho hon. member said, •' Hero I ham"), however, to carry " hout" the ' purpose for which ho had been returned to tho House by bis constituents— an object, of course, ns dear to lilm as the "hair ho breathol." But the laughter these oddities of prononelatlon occasioned were grcitly increased when ho proceeded to say that ho, know thu late sir Hobert I'ecl would not have taken a certain courso had ho been a member of that Assembly, and to aUte iliac lio made that assuriloa from un li.t{t..>ite acquaintance with Sir Robert Peel, b.iaed on the fact that, ho (Mr Cope) had been born in thes une town as that great statesman, and had lived within twenty miles of him I The lion, member for Normanby assuredly' put forward good claims la t night to the distinction, once enjoyed by an hon. member for Kyneton, of being entitled to wear tho As* tu.mbly'a cap and bolls for his capacity to create mirth in the liouse. . Coon Fioht in Kbntuokt.— A coon fight If) one of tbo glories of life in Kentucky. Tbe prograiumo is this :— Some one announces to the gentlemen planters of un extended neigh* bourhbod that ho will givo a barbecue and coon light on n certain day at au<.h a ph.ee, und they ure invited to bring themselves, their friends, and their dogs, for liis coon is a veteran; and will mako a big fight. Tbis brings a largo gathering of men nud dogs to enjoy the feast nnd fight, The ooon I.*, placed in a burroli with one head out, laid fla', so that he cannot be taken on the 11 uik or rear,nnd tlio dog tbat brings out tbo coon —and it takes ono of pluck to do that**- wins tho bet. On one occasion to bo described a largo party assembled with numerous flue dogs eager for the fray. Tbc sport began, but every dog of the party was whipped out by tho sharp teeth 'and claws of tlio gallant coon. As a matter of courso thero was a noisy clamour and some tough swearing nt tbo result. There was a seedy Yankee present, looking on with a grin of delight, as each defeated dog gave up the battle, He had with him a miserable yellow cur, which went sneaking about with its tail between its legs, snapping and shying at every dog thut offered tokens of friendly introduction. In the midst of the uproar the Yankee quietly remarked— «• Wai, gentlemen, I think I liavo got a dog that will bring -edut tbat 'cro coon," " Wbcro is ho ? Where in ho ? Bring him out," shouted a score of witnesses, " There he Is," pointing to tho miserable cur. There was a general laugh, and Immediate offers of bets In any quantity. « Wid, gentlemen, I hain't got much money, but hero's my watch and three dollare. . That 'ere watch Is a lectio old, but It's an all- fired nice timekeeper." "I'll bet you ten dollars against your watch and money." •• Wai. 1 guess that's about Mr i I'll do It." After a great deal of coaxing and pulling, tho mongrel was hauled close to tbo mouth of the barrel. Tho Yankee, after patting and calling his dog pot name* for a mlmiic, suddenly seized him, und thrust lilm into tho barrel storn flrst. The next instant, with nn ngonlzcd yelp, out came the dog, nnd out came the coon, too, fastened by tooth nnd claw to tbe haunches of tho fleeing dog, The ficroams that followed mny not be described. "I guess I'll tako tbat cro money and watch.*' quietly remarked Mr Vonkeej and ho took them, The loser, with a scowl, by way of self-comfort, observed, "I reckon you, dog- in spoiled." " Wai— yoa— « guess no's a llttlo damngedj but I novcr reckoned him worth morn ten dollars." j
KAiAroi^lssTiTUTK,— The entertainment in aid of the fund* of thU Institute will take place tld_ evening. Yellow Fever tv Calt..vo.— The Sydney Empire lias tho following information :— The accouniß of mortality from yellow fever arc absolutely appalling. In Callao, 3,000 people had died in six week.*, out of a population of 30,000. Tlie mortality from this cause, in the Argentine Ueguhlie, had Knotted 28,000. Tbktotamsm.— Tho South London Press has tho following:— -A teetotal publisher of some celebrity has recently acquired an estate at Battersea, ami entrust, d the laying*out for building purposes to another local abstainer— a surveyor of some local celebrity. Between tbem they have inannged to provide for the erection of an unii-mally large proportion of public homes— by way, perhaps of proving tho earnestnes* nf their convictions. Tub Steeplechases. — We gave the result of tho lirst mcc in yesterday's issue, and now conclude our report. The Selling Steeplechase brought Euvy, Trump, Merriroae, Kismet, and Duke to tho post, iho remaining entry, Don Pedro, boing very considerately scratched. An excellent start was effestcd, and Mcrrimac, apparently jw> fresh as ever, again assumed the duties of pioneer. Kismet was lirst to act as '* his second," but the tlold kept eloso together until over the second fence. Hero Trump forced the pace, and passing the leaders in relative succession, he cut out the running at top speed. Tlie change was, however, a short one, for Spinks, calling on old ''Merry," he again led the way. At the next fence but one, Kismet, who waa some distance in rear, came to grief, hut his rider mounting quickly, he again showed In the race, Passing the stand for the bottom turn, Envy made an effort, and deposed Trump from second place, and continued to gain ground on tho leader. Tor a short timo he appeared dangerous, closing up to within two length*) of Spinks, but a quarter of a mile from homo ho succumbed to one of the fencos, oa nlso did Trump, and Spinks won as he liked, Kismet coming in second some minute* after, On returning to the weighing room, Snlnks avos greeted with a perfect ovation, and we may here remark that ho justly deserved it for his judicious nnd masterly riding. Old " Merry" jajso received his share of tho enthusiasm, il)urlng the intcrvnl to elapse before the next race, a private match was run, lmt it was sio eminently absurd, so far as racing was concerned, tliat lengthened comment is uncalled for. Ono of the horses refused at every fence, and in aome instance* actually scrambled over the sod bank* ; but coming to ono where this was impossible, a gate was made use of to escape from the dilemma. The other horse jumped fairly, but was little moro than an old scrubber. The event created considerable amusement, and this was it.*) only redeeming featuT£J The hack race of 10 soys. brought eleven entries, but colors not being proclaimed, the varying phases of the contest could not lie noted. Mr Itobinson's Tommy took the lead at starting, and with Mr Osborne's Gilderoy made the running at a good pace, the remainder tailing oil In a string, at least a quarter of the course in length; at the second fence Gilderoy took first place with a rush, and although pressed one or twice by Tommy kept it to the finish. This concluded the day's sport, the time being live o'clock* and there can be no hesitation in pronouncing tbe meeting a most successful one in every respect. The officials of the courso were most indefatigable in the discharge of their duties, nnd it is greatly to their credit to state, that not a slnglexfiinplaiut or protest of any kind was heard. (The immense throng of spectator., returned tot&wn in every sense delighted with tbc sport they had witnessed, and we did not hear of t. single instance in which anything like a disturbance was threatened, notwithstanding that many exhl* blted the elevating effects of Mr Beattie's refreshments to a considerable extent.
Competitor/), 100 200 1 300 '. .. yds. y.ld. 'yda. xota(> Corporal I'uton . 20 10 10 65 Corporal Gulliver „. 20 17 17 01 SoriiimUl h\'6W ... 20 11) 16 fri I'rlvMtoM.O.i.nn'iiffh.nm..,- 20 18 10 6-1 IMvMt»HM»w>- ... W I 8 }7 5? CVloui'-Sni-^ftiit Bmbu ;.. 10 10 10 61 I'riviUo Jaokflon ,„ '8 1C 10 48 Moulonnnl Wolfo - . 10 10 I'd 48 IVlviilo liulo .... 10 10 12 M IMvatoHoUnolclor . '.„ 20 15 10 45 ['rivulo GmuloMon . 17 12 10 'i 6 PclViiln DlaUy ' ... 20 10 12 42 Corporal A? dlnrk • . 18 1« 0 42 I'rUfoO, Ounnltigliam ... 17 10 0 Bft Pi'lvalo Hlrtflk ... 11 12 0 1)2 Hor^nnnt Grnntham ,„ 16 8 11 28 CVptivlii Ilivwk«» . 13 11 3 27
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 73, 7 August 1868, Page 2
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2,795Local and General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 73, 7 August 1868, Page 2
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