Local and General.
"K.TmiATin; lloVi\ri, — Tli'o Colon rod Variety Troupe performed for tho flrnt Hum at thin theatre, on {■Saturday ovoii'iig liwfc, before but a middling atlondauea, Tlic fli'Ht part of. Uio programme eomprlHcd ovcrluroH, choruson, and a number of negro inolodloM, "Tlio Moon behind the Hill," hunk by Mr Cowolli was imwt appreciated, Mi 1 0, Marlro read a «onil<!-«k«i.(!li ; In Uio nooond part, which canned ooiiHldomblo merriment. A ullvor bolt jlg> hy'Mr lirlght, was encored, Tito wreck of tbo London wan then nung by Mr Cowoll, followed hy Yankee ImporHonatJonn by Mr Carlo j banjo itolo. by Mr Duvlh ; a ballad, by Air Simiiwj and tho invlnlblo Stakeholder, by iMohhi'm Davln, Mrigbt, Mjlrlro, and Carlo, 'I'liecutorlalnniont concluded with Uio laroo entitled " Wnpn, 'Papa, and Slims."} A now program nit! will bo nubinlttcd Huh evening. ( jckjk i-ii*. — Wo find, thin nniiounooinont In a London pupcr received by tlio mull i — Tho thirteen bliiolc aborljdnnl crlclcckra from Auikiiillu, wlio me to compote with tho crlckctcru of Ktißlnnd, In London and tho provln oh, arrived id fli'avoaciid on Wcdiumday, Uio l.'llb May, Tlio,y landml Into In tbo ovtufn^, unil ut oiu'o iirocccdod to 'J'mvn MnlliiiK, In Kent, wluto (hey aro to remain until Uio (Into of their llrnt nmtuh, filling up tbo Interim in practice, VurloiiH miitchi-H bavo bucii iirraiiH(.'d for thorn tbrougliout Die country, 'l'licir Ih'HL ii])pour:uico will boat tlio Hurrey Oval, on thu Monday and day of thu l)orliy week. A very HtroiiK team of eleven kv"l lemon of Surrey Imh been ri(!l(ii!loil for them to piny nfoilii-t, and Lbolr oivpubllltloft n« crlekoterrt will bo fully brought to tlio lubb on that ocuiislon. Tliolr hccoud mntob lino bucn nrranged to tuko placo at QrnvoHcnd on Whit Monday, Tuesday, and Wcdiiendny, aniiliiHt elovon of tho county of Kent. | and their third at Hlchmond, Hurroy, %'iilnnt Uio Kluliniond Club In llio old Deer l. J «rlt. On tho day after tho Derby they aro to competo in Kuroponn JiportH, nni glvo IlliiHtratloiifl of thu Hpoits of Austrull^ on iho Surrey Oval.
IJoHouou Oouiicii/, — Tlio mooting will be hold at C o'clock, this evening, in eoiwociuonco <).!! tho public, mooting In tho Town Hall. IJihthh and Dkaths.— Tho births of 07 children wero registered In IhoChrlsfchurch district, during tho month of July, 1808 :— Mules, 40 j females, 48, Tho deaths during Iho mime period woro S. 1 ), Sunday School Unton.— ln conaeriuenco of tho public mooting in tho Town Hall this evening, tho monthly mooting of tho commlltoo will bo postponed to Monday evening, (lio 10th lust, If Tun Wkatukr,— Yesterday was tho most wintry day that wo havo liad during tho Hciwon. From an early hour In tho morning, miow foil in largo quantities, and thoro wan also a fall of rain and hailstones at intervals. Towards evening, tho weather became more Rottlod. / lUn'ittT Ckukoh, — Tho new .Baptist Church in Hereford street was opened for tho celebration of Divlno worship yesterday, when tho Hoy J, Thornton proaolied to largo congrogatloiiH In Iho forenoon aiul evening. A description of tho building appeared hi our column:* hoiiio weeks ago. A tea meeting will bo hold to-morrow evening, after which the treasurer will read his report, and addroMHos will bo delivered by tho pastor and lay members of tho congregation, Tea will bo on tho table at 0 o'clock. tfooTHAriTi.— A match between old and present Volunteers and members of tho ChrJslehuroh Football Club wiw to have been played on Saturday last, but tho former did not put In an appearance, and a game between pick-up sides, Holected by Messrs Cotlroll and T, Mooro, was substituted, Tho weather wtw anything but inviting, and only about twenty took part In tho play, which was mado very dlllloult by a strong sou 1 west wind. A now and lighter ball was used whilst tho first; two goals wero kicked. These, by reason of tho lnlluonco of tho wind on tho ball, wcro decided mo quickly- half an hour and five minutes respectively — that tho old hall was wihstltutcd for tho third goal, which was not finished. Play commenced at three o'clock, and terminated at five, each side having one goal to their credit, and tho third remaining undecided, An Enoluhhman in Piumoij.-— Tho Park oorroxpoudi-iit of tho Telegraph writes i—l heard a story to-day which' In ho good that 1 muflt ropcat it, and, moreover, i can toll you that It in ahiiolutc'y true, An Kngllali gorluinun travelling lust week in tho Houth of Franco, encountered a fellow-country mnn, and thoy "got a talking," us Mr Naniuol Wellcrdld when ho wont to piiy Mrs Ihrdoll'ti rout, Ho found llmt lilh now ncquutiiinuco wan not »tronK in French— lndood, ho w«b very weak, but ho wild ho wuh •' <loing nil ho could to Icurn." Whon they nrrlvcd at iholr ultiniAto station thoy uuttually got out, and began to hiimiro for li!RKii|<o. My friend found his after an effort, but that of " Mr Wood " could not bo found. Ah the wood In qucHllon wuh Hrltlnli oak, and could not, explain hlnirtelf, ho nuked my fricn<i to not for him. tlo did ao, and the result was no luggage for " W," " Hut," at hint flhouted tho frunllo man, '• there ar«— two portman* loivuH, one carpet-baf:, one hat-box, 1 ' " No, my dour nlr," fluid lilh intorpretep, ''You really naiet bo wroiif; ; I huvo looked at that luggage. It holongii t> 0110 M. Hois." "Of oounjo It (looh " was tho angry roply 1 ' that In my intnu) in Franco 1 I found it in my dict'.onnry," 'ihjs is a fad, and before Unit poor translator gets bin goods ho will havo to oiKluro awful purgatory, and most likely huvo to pay the cxponsis of a "commission" Hcntovcr to 'England to cxumliie if ho really Is " the MtiKlieli Wooil travelling as thu Mom-lour Bolh In NYiinco." [lavuk In'jmjhnational ATauitimr F.xiiiiution.—Tho town of llavro Ib osKontially a purely commercial city. So little In thought of or dono for iho comfort or aimmemont of thorn) who may by chance select it m a summer WHterliift-pliuic, nnd no entirely him tlio imeroHifl, and oven tho amusements, of tlio inhabitants bound up in the ohangcH and fluctuations of cotton and other pnducc, that dcsplto Un miiuy natural nclvnningot*, It wuh unimKcnial noil onwliivh to bow, In 180(1, l lio Men of an International Maritime Exhibition, h fa bo much tho more to the crodlt of U« cut-rootle projector and of It* administration that, despite tho rmecro of inimy, tho cnrplng« of othors, and tho lukcwarinm 8s of tho lurge nvijority, it lihs slowly but Btiroly worked IU way onward, till it bus at length Hccurod tho tardy, but unqualidcd, i'(jao«nlilon and approbation of nearly ovory ono. It In only qulto lately that tho higher nuthorltlcfl, who hud merely given H up to tluvt llmo nn oMeiul palvoni^e. r<!cogufpo<l that ft nuiflt itlreudy lio consMcrcd nn n whole a buccohh, and havo come warmly to Us support. After having been compelled to muko udditlonu to iho original plan, the administration have ilnnlly been obliged to rcfiißO iipplleatioiirt for space, nnd iho number of exhibitors ninounln to about 3500. Tho building, with all its adjunct*, garden, &c, in lust approaching completion, but there h an mifomiiHto dcluy on tho \ k m[ of exhibitor*— and purl loularly ()£ ilioho from Grciu Britain —In Hcndliig forward their goodrf, and, unlcsfl they uro quick In ho doing, they will bo liable lo bo piu to Kreut inconvenienco through tlielr own in gleet. The exhibition will bo oponod on the Ist of June by tho Minister of Commerce nnd Agriculture) and, us thoro In no central Hpuco In tho building ftufllolcnily largo lo hold tho pcrnoiiH who will bo invited to attend, iho inauguration ceremony will bo held in a largo hall belonn'.ng to tho Dock Compnny ( wlik-li la capable ot hoMlng 8,000 poiHooH, It wnrf at ono time hojied iho Kmjioror would como lo iho ononing, but, altlioii^li bo tins prouii.Hcd to visit it, it will be at a later period. Tho price of admission to tho Exhibition U fixed at If, and 25f a season ticket. Families can uUo subsoribo at reduced niton, Tho origlnul Hchemo of an lOxhlhitlon (iXcliiNlvely maritlmo linn little by lll^llo oxpiuidcd, bo thut now, undor tho head uf importation nnd exportation, there will ho many tilings exhibited which, if not strictly npporlnnlng to ships nnd shipping, will, at loiut, bo tnoro attrnctlvo to that largo
portion of thu publtewho arc not particularly oi' personally Interested in purely ninnleu! imittcTM. Tlio luigo suit ivau>r Ai{unriuin will in iturif bo worth v visit, ami, in addition to attractions and iho.io oi the Exhibition in roiktiU, there will l>o races on th<> 19th and 2()th, n regatta on the aflth and '27th of July, an. l all the vuriou* outside amusements which invariably spring up on nnoh occasion. Among thrsu latter onu of tlio most interesting wilt lie the bullfights, for which tlio permission of tlio authorities lias boon obtiilnod, and a bullring i<t huln^ construotcd behind (ho Exhibition largo enough ti) hold 1 -1,000 persons. 'J'ho " Corrid.is," whtuh wilt commence about ti>o middle of Juno, will lio curried <>•> by v Spanish emupuny, with halls of a fumou* breed from Navurro, and they will bo in all ronpoutH thu Hume na 'iro hold in Spain, with the exception tlutt the HnlniMltt will bo "emboladus"— tlutt In, have balls of wood on the tip* of thi'ir horns, and will not bo killed except the public desire it. Uy ihuiu alterations iho repuMvu I'outurca <>t n hulllight will hu got ri>l of, at tho snmo tlmo that ull tlio fault of ttkill and agility for which the Spanish toreros nrc famous will be full} exhibited, l'mzi: FmiNu.—A very desirable find emuhitlvo system of prizo firing has lately been established, and the first match was fired at Illllsborougli on Friday and Saturday lust, Th« principal feature of the competition, Ist the encouragement of rifle shooting amongst civilians, by allowing them an advantngo in position and rifle over their volunteer opponents. That the plan is received with favour may bo gathered from Iho number of novices who have made their debut in this tho first competition, and the management have already enlarged their sphere of operation!). Tho second contest is to take place in about a month, and the amount shot for on Saturday— Jt'6 -will bo increased to &-W, whilst tho ranges will be extended to 200, 800, nnd JOO yards, Tho money competed for on Friday and Saturday was ail given in one prize, and the conditions wore ten shots each at 200 yards, volunteers to fire with Government rllle and Hytho position, and non-volunteers any rifle or any position. Tho weather was unfavourable on both days, but more especially on ►Saturday, when v strong sou-west wind and dull Hky prevailed throughout. Notwithstanding this, tho shooting was very good, and Lieut, I'avllt, it will bo seen, was the winner with ;M points. Thofollowingurethoseoreit:--Lieut. I'avitt, tflj lJaudmaster Northcote, 25 j Cornet Sleo, '25 j Sapper Barnes, 18 ; Sergt. Cootnbes, Hi 5 Gunner Woodford, 28 j Sergt. Woodford, 22 j Trooper Bruce, 18 5 Sergt. llulo, 29 ; Trooper Giraud, M ! Trooper Judge, 21 j Gunner Whale, 21 5 Trooper Porcival withdrew j Private Dallard withdrew 1 Trooper llalno, do 5 Sergt, Frew, DO ; Mr Murray, 19 j Mr Pox, Xi $ Mr Ilislop withdrew j Mr Wulxh, do ; Mr Foster, do ; Mr Chapman, 30 5 Mr Holwon, 17 5 Mr Jeffrey, M. At tho next competition tho amount of money offered will be divided into ten prizes, and the entrance fee bo lOa each. Lvttki.ton Voi.untiibh Aktiu.kuv.— The gun detachments mustered at the Drill Shed this afternoon, at 2 p.m., and proceeded to JJattory Point for shot and shell practice.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 69, 3 August 1868, Page 2
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1,965Local and General. Star (Christchurch), Issue 69, 3 August 1868, Page 2
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