Main Road Giiants.— Out of tho voto of last Houston for maintenance) of main roads, tho Lords lioad Hoard linn bcon allotted .£201), MAYon of Kaiapoi.— Tho election of a tfciitloman to /lit this odlco, will tako place to-morrow, at tho (Joundl Chamber, at 10 a.m. : Ajitiujdiiy Voluntbkks,— An attempt U bolng mado to rovlvo.tho artillery corps at Tlmuru, It la probably the r fle corps will amalgamate with the artillery. Kajai'oi VoMJNTiJBiifI. — This company paraded last night, thirty, men being in attend' anoo. Tho meeting for tho election of -a nontenant wan postponed till tho '-Mth {not., owing to tho illness <>£ Captain Beswlok. Umcoi/ndhd Kmi'Oht. — A roport was brought to town on Sunday night, to the ofll'ol that tho Waimakiirlri had burnt through ono of tho ombunkmonttj which had juat hwn repaired, On Inquiry, wo find that tho ropoK Ift entirely without foundation. )t MvmoiPXh Counoim.— Tho first meeting ot tho Chrlstohuroh, Kaiapoi, and Lyttolton Councils, undor tho now Aot, will bo held at tholr rospectlvo placos of assembly tomorrow morning, at 10 o'olook. Each body will first cloot a Mayor, after which tho ordinary buslnosH will bo proocodod with, Looat; GovicnNMi'/NT.— Thoro was a meeting of tho Tlmaru Uoal Government League, on Thursday la«t, when ft pnpor on local government by Mr IT. Jolllo was road. Mr llorton rond a pnpor on tho samo subject, It was rosolvod to hold n public mooting to dts-cum-tho »ul)jo<;t, on Friday. Juno 12, Vlmmioiution.-— Tho ship Light Hrlgado liaii boon taken up by tho authorities at homo to, convoy about a hundred immigrants to this province, and was to nail on or about tho Ifltlii MnylaHt. Wo do not know the proportions oil hexes or occupations, a« tho full particulars havo not yet como to hand, but may bo oxnuetod by tho next Panama mail. ICnthktainmiont.— An ontortatnment was given last evening at tho School- room Kt. AlbaiiH, In oonncotlon with tho Band ot Hope which hafl boon established in that district. Tlio cntortainmoiu consisted of rcoitatlons, muslo, and mu«io lantern, which was kindly oxhlbltod by Mr Hlianloy, tho musical portion of tlio ontortalnmonl) being under tlio superIntomloiico of! Mr Sniltli. Tho whole affair was a great success, tho sohoolroom bolng ortttnmed oven to inoonvonionoo. Lnorumo.— Captain Wilson delivered a looturo in tho now Town Hall, last evening, on "Galvanism, McHinorlflm, and Clali'voyanco. in thoii' rolatlonn to hualth and difloaso. Tho hall was woll filled by an oxccodlngly attcntlvo audlonco. Tho lecturer commenced by explaining that tho Sheriff had donled him tho uho of tho old Town Hall, or oven t,ho Hldo entrance, and hi tho omorgenoy ho had endeavoured to make things as comfortlablo for tho audlciido an possibio. Kuforrlng to tho subjects of tho koturo, ho said that thoy woro nob vory woll understood by tho public \ thcro wan a vant amount of unbullof, but bollof was but a question of degroo, each requiring a certain u mount of evidence llu divided mankind into three olatnot), viz,, the woll oduoatwl and liberal-minded man who hcHltatou before ho flaya tho thing Is linp()flHll)l«, and who will accept wellaccredllcd accounts of facts as true, and fnvoHtlgato for hlniHolf i tho Rccond class aro tho ignorant and foolish, who ntlgmatlfio everything «a humbug and delusion whloli their limited intellect will not allow them to understand t tho third class, ho was worry to nay, in tho moot numtiroun ; It la that whioh oondomnti. ovory thing whloh (JlaeheH with Us own walk (v Hfo, whotlior It ho lit fleloaco, ,urt, or businoss, 110 would awlc hh audienco to glvo up nil thofr prp«»>nceivod opinions of tlio poHsiblo and i;'.ipoßslblo, and go with him to Nature's door-ntep, and from tlioro progrcn« with Homo of tho oommoii-plaoo things of the jifCHoitl day, which liavo boon in oxistunoo for agss, and of which Nntnro still lioliisi.tln; miiHILT-lcoy, tho explanation of whoso workIng is beyond tlio ken of man at tho present tlmo, but In cortain to dovelop RseU in time to come. Tho lecturor proocodGd to givu (iXjilanations on mugnotfsm, olootriclty, galvanism, mosmorism, nnd olairvoyance. and his aruumonts itppoarod to bo concurred In by hlti hoarcrs, who froquootly applau-led, Tho H(!««ud part woo dovotod to oloutro« biological Gxporlmonts. Captain Wilson in> vitod olght or ton porsons from tho body of tho hall, and as anyono who ploaacd might go u]>i>n tlio plaiform, tho ohatKO of tiolluslon cunnot bo unstained, Jt would bo Invidious to (\otk><) In dotall tho many laughnblo things wliich the Captain mudo thoso do whom ho oxporimontod upon. Thoy fully prove tho power which iio posHOOflcs, and thU w«* (inlvcrflally admitted by ttft audloneo who vrtro ttot OHly ,flW«W4 |>«* InutruotoiJ. T)io «iU«rlAlnmont— for; ltwna notliing, short of this— tormiimtod a littlo af tor oloven o'olook,
Poultry Snow,— The adjourned meeting for establishing a winter exhibition of poultry will bo hold at White's .hotel/ this evening At 7 o'clock. The report ot the sub-committee will -bo brought up, and an estlmato given of! the .probable number ot subscribers, Mr W. \V|lson will occupy; tho chair. \- "' ,',; Tasuanu.— Colonel Qoro Browne's term of olllco us Governor .has nearly .expired, and it In undor*tood that ho will be replaced ahortly. It w m reported by ii London paper, tho Observer, that Sir James D. 11. Klphin* stono, JJurt., had been appointed in Colonel Browno'n place The Owl contradicted this. tSliould .Sir Jumca receive the uppotnttttent, he will make an active Governor, In his own county— Aberdeen— ho to known principally us thu promoter of tho Great North of Scotland Hallway, between Aberdeen and Inverness, Ho has served hi the mvy, and luia been M.P, for Portsmouth. Ho lms a bluff, hearty, sailor-lika inunner, and is a iiucnt publlu spoakor. Hifi.k Association, — A special meeting of the Uiilo Association wax held at White's Hotel hist night, for the purpose of dijcussing tlio financial position of tlio aisocia* lion, jyir 11. V. M. Aynsloy occupied the chair, and tho other members present were MoHurß Barnes, Wolfe, Pupprlll, 11. E. Alport (lion, bco,), and B. R, BUbop (treasurer), Tho aeoMtary explained that since last meet* ing sundry accounts had become duo, and tho funds in hand woro insullioicnt to pay them, Id had therefore been necessary to call a special meeting In order to h«ar the result of tho can rawing for subscriptions, and, if suf> llolont money had not been collected, to dooiilo how tlio deficiency should bo made up. A report was then road, showing that for the present year tho sum of jC43 had bc<m collected, and that upward** of j?3O more could 1)0 relle-1 upon from promises received, and other sources. Several old mombers had do olinod to continuo their subscriptions, but almost an equal number of new ones hud ken onrollod, Tho meeting considered the report vvry fliUUfiwtory, A portion of tho £4S being uiiAccountcd for. to tho treasurer, a oliMjue for tho amount was hunded to him, Tho troaiurcr tlion reported that tho balance to tho credit of tho association was £39 12s B<l, and that tho Accounts owing amounted to £.')9, These latter wero subsequently ordered to bo paid, thus reducing tho present balanco in hand to 12s Bd. Tho scoretary submitted a report of tho rocont presentation of prize* at JLyttclton. Tho services rendered by Mossrfl Ayailoy and Tailored on that occasion wbro acknowledged, but tlio committoo particularly referred to their indebtedness to Mrs Pauko for conducting the ceremony. On tho motion of a member of tho committee, the secretary was requested to write to that lady, conveying tho ihanki of tho association for lior kindncsfl, Tho chairman laid he would lileo to Inform the council that many Inhabitants of Lyttelton had expressed their satisfaction at the prizes having been proitemed there, and ho boliovcd it would result in benefit to tho Association, by causing many now members to join. It proved that the association was not a local ailair, and that was tho only way to induce residents of tho outside districts to join. A lengthened conversation next ensued respect* Inn tho conditions imposed upon Mrs Weld's pup. Mr Pupprlll said Captain llarman had expressed hlft willingness to alter them, and would leave tho mutter to tho volunteers generally for decision «s to what would be fair. Mr Barnes thought it would ho groat folly to fix a cortain number of points in face of tho chances of bid weather, which would render all tho trouble and expenso incurred useless and a complete loss. In his opinion the man who mado tho highest score in two successive contests should bo declared the winner. This would induco tho name keenness of rivalry without the risk of lost time and trouble, Ho would movo that in tho opinion of tho Council the conditions for the Cup aro too stringent, and that Messrs if. P. M. Aynsloy, P.ipprlll, and tho mover bo appointed a committee to confer with Onptnin llarman, with a view to fairer terms being adopted ; tho commlttoo to report at next meeting of thu Council. Tho motion was seconded and carried unanimously, A conversation thon eimucd as to a competition for thu cup being arranged, but thu Chairman remarking that Mr and Mrs Weld wore said to bu about to rot urn to tho prorinco, and it would bo hotter to havo tho cup shot for In thuir prencnoe, tha nutter wua dofcrrcd for consideration until next meeting. Some other business of an unimportant nature was trammeled, after which tho meeting adjourned.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 23, 9 June 1868, Page 2
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1,585LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 23, 9 June 1868, Page 2
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