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ijMessra Wilso 1 and and Robbins advertise an up-to-date fourroomed cottage to let, On Sunday evening next a service in connection with the Methodist Church will be*held in the Mission Hall.? 1 BfMr Wrigley Economic, advertises a great strike sale, to commence to-morrow (Saturday).
- The' Melbourne Cup, run on Tuesday last resulted : Posinatus 1, Belove 2, Ulva's Isle^, The first of this season's locally grown potatoes are advertised for sale by Mr R, Dunlop, of No 3 road, at 3d per lb in the paddock. Messrs Robt. King and ,Co. are now taking orders for Christmas cakes. See advertisement elsewhere. Word was received by Constable Stackpoole from Major Bennett, that when he entrained at Matamata for Auckland his contingent numbered sixty-one. We are informed that an excellent programme has been pre-, pared for the concert in, aid of the cottage hospital funds, to T)e held in McDowell's Hall on Wednesday evening next. The various items .will be published in our next issue.. 'Tickets will be procurable from to-morrow. On the motion of Cr. Lally, the County Council, at its last meeting resolved that a telegram be sent to the Minister for Public Works calling attention to the state of the Waiari Bridge, and stating that the Council would hold him responsible in case of accident. No consignments of goods have been received by local firms since the beginning of the strike with the exception of a lot of flour received by Messrs King and Co., yesterday, via Rotorua. This will enable the bakery to keep going a little longer than was anticipated.
The programme to be shown by the Electric Picture Company on Saturday and Monday is as follows'•—"Rose and Kate," Star drama; "The Young Millionaire, ' drama;'' Train to Spalato,' scenic ; "Sponge Industry," educational; "Suffragette Sheriff," comedy ; " His Mother's Picture," drama ; ''At Lake Jungan," scenic; "His Father's Choice," comedy ; "The Art of Ju-jitsu," educational.
The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile' Company advertise for their s,tock sale on Tuesday' next, 500 head of cattle, including 70 four year steers, 100 3yr do, 60 2 to 2£yr do, 175 mixed yearling's, 25, cows with calves, 50' store cows, 6 2yr bulls, 5 weaner.slips, 20 mixed pigs. The particulars', of entries-for the Ngongotaha sale, to be ; held on Thursday,' 13th inst.,-are also' published.
On Thursday evening next, in the Mission Hall, a commission of the Waikato Presbytery will ordain _Mr Angus M. Climie as a Missionary of the New Zealand Presbyterian Church. The service, which will ' commence at 8. o'clock, will be a most interesting on 0 , and it is hoped that there Will be a large attendance of town and country residents.
The railway construction work- ; ers (says a Gisborne correspon- ; nent) are protesting against the action of the Public Works Department in discontinuing the 1 time customarily allowed for "smoke-ohV". The Engineer 1 i in-charge had forwarded instructions to the timekeeper to the effect that no further " smokeohs" were permitted. The systam has been in vogue on railway construction works for about four .years, and the men were allowed from ten to fifteen minutes for a smoke both in the forenoon and afternoon. The new order ,of things took effect from Wednesday of last week. The men are protesting against the alteration. Mr Vigor Brown, in the course of a speech in Parliament, said that he'was, fortunately or unfortunately connected in a small way with the Trade, because a, gentleman happened te die and leave him a small share in a brewery. In speaking of'the payments for the goodwills of hotels, he said that at any time the licenses might be taken away and there would be a great deal of loss incurred. <As to "tied" houses, he said that no brewer tied a publican in the way that farmers were tied by the big [wool merchants. The hotels were already taxed in a way which no other business was taxed. When a man went into a draper's shop and bought a hat, he was also asked to buy a tie but there was nothing of that sort in a hotel. He had once tested the matter by making a. LSO wager, and had won it. He and the person with whom he made the wager, after having a drink sat in the hotel two hours, but no one asked them to
have another drink. (Laughter), Some people were always attacking brevvers, but he pointed out that the brewers, both in Wei-
lington and Auckland, had given a great deal away to charity. '
The Farmers' Auctioneering Company notifies tHat the v stock sale advertised to be held in the Te Puke yards on the- 18th inst.; has been postponed until further' notice. One pound reward is offered by Mr C. Rogers, of Maketu, for the return of two small, black mares and one bay horse/ lost in September last. ( • ■ Seldom has a wedding in Bal; clutha drawn so many onlookers as that of Lieutenant Adelaide Clarke and Sergeant-Major I(. Tsukigawa, which was celebrated fh the Oddfellows' Hall (says the Balclutha Free Press) , The bridegroom is master of the Clutha River Board steamer Clutha.. A Japanese by. birth he began as a deck hand, and rose to the position of master by sheer ability, and holds the v necessary, cates to enable him, to take charge of a sea-going boat. , The bride was formerly, stationed 'at-Bal-clutha, but for some time has been at Invercargill. She and the. bridegroom are highly esteemed. Interest was lent to the ceremony by the presence of the Dunedin City Salvation Army band. , It is understood, says the'Akaroa Mail, that the ruling price for contract cocksfooting for the coming season: at Akaroa is to be Ifd per lb through the rough riddle. Two -pence per, lb was paid last year in some cases, but others got their seed out for lid, and the contractors made good cheques. As seed has fallen to a price that will, not- permit growers paying : 2d, it has been decided to reduce the : cutting to lfd per lb, at which price cutters can make a good cheque in a very time. Even at this price, easily make £60 to £100 in five or six weeks. ; ; A letter was read at the last; meeting of the Tauranga County Council from the Auditor-General pointing out that a fixed allowance of £50 had been paid to the Chairman in lieu of the actual; expenses authorised by section; 82, of the Counties ; Act, 1908/" The letter proceeded "I shall now be glad to receive and' consider any reasons you may care to submit as to why I should not' institute proceedings under the;: Public Revenues Act,for vthe re-' covery of the said : sum •6f £50, illegally /paid away, ". The Council decided to empower the Chairman and Clerk to furnish a reply. The Chairman stated that he was keeping an account of the 'tiirie v spent and expenses incurred , by him in connection with, County business. ; ;
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Te Puke Times, Volume II, Issue II, 7 November 1913, Page 2
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1,158Untitled Te Puke Times, Volume II, Issue II, 7 November 1913, Page 2
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Untitled Te Puke Times, Volume II, Issue II, 7 November 1913, Page 2
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