With refea-ence to the announcement i«' our columns on Satiudiiy night, it appears that earthquake shocks in, Bengal, N.E. India, havti 1 destroyed the N.Z. Baptist' Missdomiary Society's station buildings ait Braznonbada. The Re,r. J. Takle. scfiiioi- lnisaori'aay, has cabled tha.t £1000 is urgently needed to repair the damage. At an ettriea gency meeting of tho mewLbeins ol thel loc.?l church and congregjationi held after the service yesteirdlaiy nvoraingl the following! resolution was unantiiriouslv adopted: "That this church and coiJgregiaition, having heiaird witlh deepest l'egiret of thei disaster at Bramanbaria 1, places o*l record its heartfelt thankfulnessi tha-t God in Ilia (infinite goodness has preserved His sea-vaats in. safety, and pledges itself to do its utmost in response to the appeal for funds to repair the damage. Meesng W. Wood and C. T. Brown weine t appointed to receive donations; Four amounts of £5 were immediately , promised.
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Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13752, 22 July 1918, Page 1
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Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13752, 22 July 1918, Page 1
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