EWtrir luminous Radiators THE BEST FOR ROOM WARMING. t^^^^^^P^^^P^_ Clean! Convenient! ■j^^^^^^^^B No !)„,( or xxi% to Clean! See our Window Display acd enquire as to price, etc Francis Battsom Plumber ft Electrician, ■■■■■■■ THAMES.
' ' . __£ ;, ,__ " ■ \... ~ ' ''- Ti" .... Every Household Want Supplied 1 DRIED FRUITS* ; Special lines of Dried Fruits for Cakes. All the new season's Pruits^-QtMlity and Prices right. ; GROCERIES: . '•...■ The Best limes at. the Lowest Price* tet' , W. SCOTT handle yonr next: Order: YoUliA * 7^ assured of prdmpt delivery and satisfaction. , \ . CAKES AND SMALL GOODS r . W. SCOTT is noted' for- highest quality fa? the manufacture of these. Order early and wm ,- , disappoin^aent. ■ . W. SCOTT; The Central Stores :: Pollen Street, Taaabt'
Costumes That Are The Last Word '^jP . In Style And Finish! .; X^Jy It is admitted the world over tbati a costmne >*Ajw- must be man-tailored if it is to achieve r\ vvS^W success. Somehow or other, that swing— / \ \j^l/lV that indefinable something which make?'the lA. \JJb^ coistume the smartest of all garments—eta ■•* Y$ $8&M only m Parte^ a tailor. ' . . :.- \l »J ill el us a^c your Costume! \^X I 111 We've a fine range of the newest materials, Y^S TI \ m smart and exclusive fabrics, which will give I* If a m on% we*r an^ their shapes to the end, k / II on £ experience and skill in the cutter's art ni L Iff enables us "to produce costumes which'are 1/ I Iff fully the * equal of those from, the smart' Ml I m Ladies' tailors in the big cities.. Call and. Iff | I v/ see the new materials. Allif G. W. WILDISH, / n7\ Ladies' & Gents' Tailor, I £/S>4 POLLEN STREET, THAMES.
" Gargoyle f Prepared Red Spraying Oil Has Saved Orchardists Over £1,000,000. The Best Exterminator of Woolly Aphis, Peach Aphis, Red Brown, San Jose and Muisel Scale. Needs no soft soap or other ingredients; require* only cold clean soft water. ; Now b The Time To Spray: . *HHHH|^^ While The Trees <^^9^H2 - For S^e in BmtcU. «d i-Orf. Tlm ud lilrtdi, JAMES RENSHAW, Hardware Merchurt, Ptßea St O^lnl, THAMES.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 3
Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13752, 22 July 1918, Page 3
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