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"Tj~"*—l CULLEN'S .... I .jl^ ' |SfcnX\ Great Economic Offensive I 'BES^ I li^>^^^^l c are entering upon the LAST FEW DAYS of II iJfe^^^l I WEQ^^A this MONKY-SAVING "STUNT." The I I P^Vt^A CULLEN'S Army^sgl^oMs back | CULLEN'S B^H mm^ mh sjsjio Reinforcements coming up. Tflffl Seize upon them. They are Good, Strong, Durable. They include "The Haberdashery's:" "The Men's Brigade:" Strong in every Unit. " Specialists attached: t? n • amoni them mixed Companies of - Hosiery/ Following up with everything that is needed. "Neckwear," and "-Corsets,", all with unbroken Nothing is forgotten here, everything is "Smart, records spick and span." ____ "The Blanket Brigade" •mmWmWmWßamsmmmmmmm Under Generals "Kaiapbi," "Roslyn," "Petone," I iHMsjsasjsjsjsji ■■■BSHmBBn and "Onehunga." I ■■■■■HaMsnonaH [Ifc^Ar^v "The Manchesters :" I R^3TilP\ lY^^^SD A Full Company — All Strength and Hardwear I I v3naE»Q I llte^Fc^l "~lncludin Sthe "Damasks," "Towels," "Curtains," I 1 Vjh^a r^£l fl pr * V^\|l "Rugs," and AH Household Reinforcements. I II W^t \^% fl Tit CM>C Remember! This is the Last Few Days of this Great I „_ __ - ri KT> o _^LjLtl>^>| Sale at CULLEN'S, POLLEN. ST., THAMES. I GULLEN S
The Leading Store. LEADING STILL IN QUALITY & PRICES. Study this List carefully—time spent in its perusal will pay you well; and do not forget that every article sent out carries our guarantee. The foundation of our success has been " Quality and Reliability." Customers know that in buying from our Store they can always depend on receiving the " Quality Goods " they order. .. d. ■. d. Groceries Lentils— perlb. 4 perlb. 3 W - ik »> Carbonate Soda, pr lb. 4 n , id. o Curry Powder, W. & rTOdUCe —. S., per tin 8 Maize—Prime East Coast ■•■ Cocoa—Red Mill, X's U Sack Lots, per Bushel 7 9 ..'■ , |ied, Mill, % 19 Wheat — Good Fowl, ".."■ Bduxt)iVille, lbs. 311 sack lots, per bushel: 8- 0-" Dates—6a'tjerlb.,6 lbs 2 9 Oat»—Fiiest Feed, sack Prunes—Finest quality, , lot»; per bushel 6 0 - perlb. . 8i Sharps—Sack Lots ... 19 6 Peaches—Dried, per lb. 1 0 , Bran—Sack Lots 12 6 Currants- perlb. 9} Wheatmeal—loo lbs. 16 6 Sultanas— perlb. 91 Ricemeal—loo lbs. 16 0 Raisins—Seeded, per lb. 8f Potatoes—Finest Seedless, per lb. 8$ .. Southern, per c'wt. Lemon Peel— per lb. 1 4 Seed Potatoes—Arriv- : Blue Peai—• Loose for • isg this week. Prices ' ' boiling, lovely sam- " " . on application. • >. (' 'plepetlb:4|; M4bs. 4 3 • Garden Seed—Sutton's 'Split Peas -^ , perlb. * . 4 • '•■' New Season's to hand. Do not forget that we are Agent for Bennett & McDonald, Nurserymen, and now is the time to order Fruit Trees, ";■ Hedge Trees and Shrubs. • i The Season for Calf Meals is at hand so to save disappointment I would advise ordering early. Agent for "Rex" and "Ceremilk." ■ The above prices are strictly NetC Cash with order or on delivery and will be delivered to any part of the town or t suburbs free, . . JOHN GALLOWAY, MERCHANT :: 'Phone 63 :: THAMES
Under Vice-Regal Patronage :: t: ROYAL HOTEL, Owen & Williamson Streets :; THAMES - (Nearest to Railway Station and Wharf) HP HE above well-known Hotel has lately been taken over by the owner and has been renovated and refurnished throughout. Tourists and Visitors to the District will find every comfort, FIRST CLASS CUISINE. TARIFF MODERATE. Only the best brands of Wines and! Spirits stocked. SPEIGHT'S ALE. ON DRAUGHT. Mrs. OWEN HUMPHREYS, Proprietress
Our Prices Need No Advertising but we give a few Strictly Nett Gash , for the benefit of New Arrivals. No extra charge for delivery to suburbs. Quality of all goods guaranteed. Baking Powder, Manning 2/6 Ink, blue black 2d Boot Polish, B Ivory 3^d Jam, 1 lb U Candles, Wax lid Jam, 2 lbs 1/Carbonate Soda 4d Jellies, packets, 4 for 1/Cream Tartar, 99% 3/10 Potatoes, prime 9/6 Cocoa, the Mill, pure lid JRice, Dressed . 3d Currants, Mildura 9jd Soap, "Seesaw" 1/3 Corn Flour, Garland's 5d Tea, Fanning* 1/5 Flour, Champion, 50's 9/3 Tea, packet, Ceylon 1/8 Flour, Champion, 1 oo's 18/3 Tea, Nathaa's No. 5 1/10 Many Lines cannot be replaced. Let us have your Order early to-morrow. ECONOMISE I WOOD & SON, WHERB SO MANY POUS SAVB MONEY!
It is cheering to see so many thrifty wives paying spot cash for "GOLDEN RULE" Soap, "GOLDEN RULE" Candks. "KEEP SJITLING' Sandsoap, "NO P.UBBING" Laundry Help. Is 3d. —W. Wood, and Son*.—Advt For Children's Hacking Cough at night, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure: - Jk 6d, 3«6d. . '■" ''"
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Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13752, 22 July 1918, Page 3
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704Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13752, 22 July 1918, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13752, 22 July 1918, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Thames Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.