PARIS, July 19
The'first wave of Americans seized their objectives, and a second came over theiin^ and captured positions aooi'dinigi to progfrani'me. They hardly aomplelted consolidation when the fireib wave swept <m oteiaon^ the ground well beyond the fixed oibjaotives. The tanks cio-operated importantly through , i WHY THE ENEMY BROKE j DOWN. Tha enemy losses and- Ms break-j down Avere printedpadly. due to the | accurate estimate by the Fremqh ' higher oacamand, and the a<apidity ! with which, tjia\ French forces were | to meet the attack. ' The French successful counter ■ « stroke nMy profoundly alter the situation' trai tihe Qhanjpagnei front. The French, position on the ridgl^ overlooking Soissons 'enables the bombardment of an imporfcamit aiaiilway network. -" The enemy in this seotoi" is now entirely dependent, omi the road fortransport. RAPIDITY OF. ADVANCE. The advance in. soan© places was so rapid that the Fraaixxn-Amieiricians iairriediy; dined ; :at taiblegi,- whereat tihe GeimiaW had) breiaki'aiated. The attackers me* Germanis working batciheis of French, prisomea's on the roads. They.liberated th© latter, wlio 5 joined in thei figiht. , • THE ENEMY SURPRISED. . Tbfeii'e is ample; evidence that the Freaioh offensdve sua'prised th© Gerjma,ns, The attaekei-fei eniooumtea-'ed n. <iivi«lon which was being 1 relieived, and also found officers asleep in dugputs. . ' GOOD JCIB CRAFT WORK. Tha air oria|t. did spleaididly, sfpctting the eneany conceaatra.tions, which wea*e promptly bombed. They afeo bombed three troop trains. —A. and N.Z. GaWe. . / ■
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Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13752, 22 July 1918, Page 3
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Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13752, 22 July 1918, Page 3
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