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I LONDON, July 21. The newspapers are featuring 1 .Grief-" mainy's precipitate retreat ac/rass the Ma,nie, and the* new onslaught wherein soutihweHbwaa-d of Rhedms. and in the valley of the Ancre the British a<re noiw shaiimig; the. honour* of Focih's glorious victory. Tihere is a conceiusfas of 'Opinion that witlh the 1 rig|h,t wing, smashed iin^ tlie Grown Pr^nc©—under the latest pressure brought to bear on tihe other wing—'his recent advance* ia still in a positdoni. of increasing jeopardy. Franieo-Ameatiaan aa'talleiry barrages on Saturday hampeifed the withidirawaiH of many Germain defcacn.inients. , Tlhie Fa'ainw-Amjeirioaa^ tax>dps aa*e constamitly rounding up> fugitives. The net result of the Gai-maims' souitJiward push are enomnaus losses. Many prisotniers detsioribe, r tha Geav man divisions along the enitutrc 1 frant as bedng brokean by the Allies' artillery and rifle fire at close range fighting. A&rmemi refpoa^t oongestion of movemeaxt on, the G-eftTixaai lxmteis northwestward of Cliateau Thierry.'—lA.. Amd N.Z. Cable.
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Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13752, 22 July 1918, Page 3
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Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13752, 22 July 1918, Page 3
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