Further Details
LONDON, July 20. The Fmioh official reports says
We maintained the Plateau ■ eouitihwast of Soissons.
Our left Jadvaincetd three kiii]k>-
metres iv the oentre.i Wei stormed the! plateau north of Boua'diaaips aiiid beyond Torchy. The prisoners exceed 17,000 and oafrioions taken 3bi>.
Sir Dfouglas Haig reports: At Meteran we advanced on a 4000 yards front. Tihe emieony resisted oonsi:<iea--a,bly. ■■'.-.
On our extreme left elsewhere, our objectives were gainedl rapidly without difficulty, takingi. prisoners to the numbar of 436.
Souitlrw'aird" of Heibeterae oim- line wae advaoced on a male front, caius ing sharp figihting between the outposts.
s The Frencih officd'ai repoii, saiyis: We reaohied tihe Mama, taking) 20,000 prisoneiia and four- hundred oannpms. —High Conrmifisioiner. ' v LOiNDOtN, July 21
• Laiteet news is that tihe . Fremoh counter offensive is highly encouiraging, despite vigorous resistance. The-avea-age depth gained is fi"ve miles, the 1 dbepest poiint being seven.
Tihe Marne is in h.igh flood
The Germans counter attacked at many points, but*all Tvier© repulsed*. The prisoners to the numiber of 18,940, and 3'f>'4,g!ums, have go far Ibeen coiunted'. Th© latter are mostly field pieces,. there being one foattery of the 'heaviest:
It fcas been ascertained! that the Germans tisedl 20 division^ , on a twenty-tihree mile front. -^-A. and) N.Z. Caible.
Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13752, 22 July 1918, Page 3
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